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My Experience with Mouse & Keyboard on Apex Legends for PS4 Pro.

I understand that this is a very controversial topic and will most likely get some shade from fellow console players but after spending more than two years on M&K on a PS4 Pro conmected via high-end gaming monitors I feel that I can give a couple of pointers for anyone looking to try....
Tip#1: Choose the correct input device....
Believe it or not, the Sony PlayStation does on fact offer Mouse and Keyboard support native for a very select portion of games. Most of the time when you attempt to connect M&K to any available USB slot you'll simple get very minor controls to the console. Particularly arrow key movement within the menu options only. Other than that, you will need to invest in a 3rd party device.
I won't go into great detail on the various available devices since I have only had experience with one in particular, the Xim4. Currently you may find local sellers in your area by using apps like OfferUp or eBay. I find OfferUp tends to work the best and it is very common to find these devices used for between $50-$120 U.S. I've known about the more updated version of Xim4 called Xim Apex for $125 on Amazon. (ironically) which uses a wireless adapter and a faster MS response time than the Xim4, but I've had absolutely no issues with my XIM4 and have no intention to upgrade unless I purchase a PS5 and my XIM4 does not support it (different topic of discussion)
Tip#2: Playing M&K on console requires you to first not set your expectations that all inputs (and overall feel) will be that like it's PC counterpart. Most of the time if you have already gotten a good feel for a particular game on your PC and think it will be as easy as connecting your 3rd party device in and simply just reassig the keys to exactly match your PC configuration, you're in for a rude awakening.
For many, many reasons, as mentioned in the title. I have been using M&K on my PS4 pro for the past two years and have mainly focused on FPS games with the occasional platform from time to time. With this my best comparison would be to consider it more of hybrid experience (which has been extremely enjoyable) I have both a high end gaming PC and PS4 setup due to the fact that like many, you may have friends who don't own a PC (or they have one that sucks!) and a console is the logical way to go. I have developed lots of friends overs the years who went from PC to console (and vise-versa) simply due to the fact that they could not afford to keep up with PC part building and going to console made more financial sense. For anyone trying to build a new gaming rig in 2021, you know exactly what I'm talking about....
Tip#3: be ready for the pushback on the forums and some online.
As mentioned before, I understand how this may trigger some people about how M&K is cheating and you should go DIAF but honestly, the skill comes from the players who hold the controller or M&K.. it is not like you'll simply set everything up and be a insta God with aim bot precision. I know plenty of people who I've tried to help go from controller to M&K and they simply did not take to it, and within days/weeks simply went back to their trusted controllers. With that being said I will simply acknowledge that M&K should make your aim much more precise and overall is a more accurate way to play (if you are willing to put in the time to learn) I have plenty of friends whom I played with on competitive titles like Apex Legends, Black ops 4, and various COD titles who simply slay on controller and in some cases can outpace even myself. With that being said, if you suck, you simply suck.. git gud and go cry on another thread. They have plenty of those already.
Tip#4: This setup is ideal for people like myself who primarily game on PC and are looking for an easier transition to console. Not the other way around!
Please note that I do use a controller on most all titles outside of FPS with my PS4 and this is where your M&K setup on console will shine. If you have played on controller you're entire life and maybe saw someone on YouTube or Twitch simply crashing it on PC just remember, they are play on PC! The adjustment from going from Analog Thumbsticks to WASD key movement can be a shock for some that may feel it to be too unbearable... So just be warned!
Tip#4: treat your setup similar to one of a PC.. Don't think you can simple just lay back on the sofa and grab the ol trusted M&K while eating chips and drinking soda... This is a computer-like setup! Treat it as such and have a nice desk, chair, and peripherals that you feel comfortable using. There are too many to list, just know that I use a Tartarus V2 Pro single handed keyboard and Glorious Model D mouse for mine... I love Razer and could care less what anyone says about my preferences. :)
Tip#5: Let everyone know that you're using M&K while you game and troll the hell out of them! Most of the time they could care less. Like I said before... Most of the crying comes from these forums. So have at it!
If anyone has any questions or would like to ask me any questions regarding converting, please feel free to drop a DM.
submitted by Its-Curtis-Baby- to apexlegends [link] [comments]

[PC] [Clan] [Community] VDB CLAN & DISCORD SERVER RECRUITING NOW! [Raids] [Trials] [Casual]


Hello everyone! My name is Andrea, also known as Drea, also known as Sol Et Luna on Destiny on both PC and PS4! I am here today to tell you all about the incredible community that I'm apart of, also known as VDB (Void Boy). After reading up on our community, if you have any questions or are interested in joining, feel free to send me a message on Discord at solisetluna#8962.
Our group is a diverse and inclusive community filled with versatile Destiny players including PvE-focused players, PvP players, and casual players on PC. When crossplay is released next year, we will be expanding to all platforms. Read up more on what we do below!
Casual Play




As someone that has been apart of the Destiny community since Destiny Beta, I can confidently say that I have never found a community quite like this one. There is so much love and support from everyone that I have met, even if we have only interacted a few times. When I'm having a bad day, I can always count on them to lift my spirits. We've created an environment where everyone is pushing each other to grow personally, which is something truly special.
These people are much more than just gamers or internet friends to me; they're family, and I couldn't be more proud to be apart of the pack. We hope to see you all in the server and clan soon, and I look forward to hearing from you on Discord! (Message me at solisetluna#8962)
submitted by SolisEtLuna to Fireteams [link] [comments]

I Watched The Latest Dev Stream So You Don't Have To (2) - A Comprehensive Summary

I Watched The Latest Dev Stream So You Don't Have To (2) - A Comprehensive Summary
Those who know me from the forums will know that I'm in the habit of writing up highly comprehensive summaries of each dev stream, and for the second time now I've decided to share one here as well. I am aware that a short summary of the stream has already been posted by u/mudmallow, but I would have made this to post on the forum regardless and I figured more in-depth information is always useful, so why not share it with the community here as well in the hopes that someone will find it helpful.
Please bear in mind that this is official information, unofficially worded. While I of course did my best to be as true to what was said on stream as possible, these are my words, not the developers', so don't read too far into the way anything is worded, unless it is in quotation marks " " in which case it is a direct quote from the stream. Anything in square brackets [ ] was not explicitly stated on stream, but is my own note or conjecture.

If you would like to watch the stream for yourself, you can find it on Twitch at the below link:

The following members of the development team were featured on this stream:
not_Queen - Lead Community Manager
Louis McLean - Gameplay Programmer
Joris - Product Manager (working on the graphical update as well as cross-play and cross-progression) and Owner of Cute Dog

The stream opened with a screening of the Descend Beyond Spotlight Trailer, followed by some announcements.


  • The Descend Beyond chapter released this week on all platforms.
  • The server tick rate was increased to 60Hz last week as part of the team's work to improve game quality. An increased tick rate should make the game smoother and reduce the ping. So far it appears to be working well, although they will continue to monitor it going forward. They are also looking into implementing further optimisation improvements in the future.
  • There was a new “promo code” feature introduced recently, which allowed the developers to give out in-game cosmetic rewards through a live mid-stream raffle for the first time. This practice might be continued on future developer livestreams.
  • If you would like to opt-out of Cross-Play but find the option greyed out, try accessing the settings via the main menu instead.

Current Known Issues

The following are issues in the current patch which the developers are aware of and are working on fixing:
  • Killers are sometimes unable to hook survivors. If you encounter this problem, dropping and re-hooking the survivor is a possible workaround, although this doesn’t always work.
  • Some totems on the Badham Preschool maps are not able to be cleansed.
  • Decisive Strike sometimes does not stun killers.
  • There are a lot of stuttering and FPS issues in the game currently. The developers have identified a particular performance issue, mainly affecting players using 2K or 4K monitors. This should be resolved in the next bug fix, which is planned to roll out next Tuesday. They will still be seeking player feedback, possibly through an official survey, after the fix is deployed to ensure that it is working as intended.
  • Sometimes killers don’t have audible heartbeats. Initially, this was thought to be a Blight-specific issue, but it has been revealed that other killers are also having this problem, so it is currently under investigation.
  • There is a black screen bug currently on the Switch, which is fixable by restarting the console.
  • It is also possible for graphics on Switch to appear blurry or washed-out while in dock mode. Un-docking and re-docking the console should fix this issue.
  • The developers are currently compiling a list of friend list-related issues to be fixed. If you are having trouble inviting friends to a party, try restarting the game.

Recently Resolved Issues

  • The bug where players could get stuck on the hill tile was fixed in the most recent patch.
  • DXGI.DLL errors were being experienced by players on Windows 7, locking them out of the game. This was resolved in a recent hotfix.

Changes to The Blight between PTB and Live

  • The biggest change was to do with The Blight’s collision. A lot of the feedback from the PTB was around the fact that it was too easy to bump into objects, making The Blight very difficult to control. They have fixed this in two ways: firstly, by shrinking the collision box in front of the killer, and secondly, by adding a “second collider”, so there are collision sensors not only in the direction the player is moving but also on the camera. In other words, any close object that you look at while playing The Blight, you will bounce off.
  • The turn rate has also been slightly increased, and some issues were fixed which were causing a “double cooldown” after hitting survivors.
  • The Blight’s initial speed after he bounces off an object has been very slightly reduced due to technical issues it was causing. They have also increased his initial speed when attacking during a Lethal Rush. Many players were having difficulty landing these hits because Lethal Rush is much faster than normal attack speed, making it feel as though the killer was slowing down very suddenly when he initiated an attack. The speed increase is just to smooth this out so it feels less jarring.
  • If you attack while dashing, you will continue to move forward – this was implemented to prevent players from using attacks as a way to easily cancel the dash.
  • The Blight’s height and difficulty descriptors have also been updated.
  • All of The Blights add-ons were revisited, and 16 of the 20 received major changes.


The selected questions were taken from among the most popular asked on both Twitter and the official forums. Questions that the developers are not able to answer (such as ‘when will X get added to the game’) were excluded.
Was there any console optimisation in the update? (from @Pulsar)
The biggest part of the graphical update is overhauling all the assets on the different maps. The team working on this are also taking the time as they go to ensure that these new assets are well-optimised, meaning that some may even be better optimised than the old assets were. For example, there was a particular box that used to have a lot of polygons which they decided was not actually crucial enough to immersion to justify that level of detail, and so the polygon count was reduced in the update. According to player reports on Reddit, console players in particular are already experiencing improvements in performance on the updated maps. Optimisation is an ongoing process, so it’s not perfect yet, but it is definitely being consistently worked on.
Will characters receive graphic improvements as well? (from RubyRose588)
Yes. Character outfits are planned to undergo improvements as part of the graphical overhaul, along with updates to animations and skin textures. There will be more information about this in future updates.
Have you guys ever considered dedicating a chapter just for game health? (from @CreatorTH)
This is something that has been discussed internally. The team has grown a lot recently – over the last two years, its size has in fact doubled – meaning that they are able to more easily work on both new chapters and game health related features, such as matchmaking, hit validation and performance, at the same time. [In other words, what they seem to be saying is that because they now have enough people to work on game health and new content simultaneously, they have deemed it unnecessary to compromise one for the sake of the other.]
Any chance bots and training mode will come to PC and consoles? (from @JMTG)
This is not a planned feature for the moment, but it’s definitely a possibility in the future. Bear in mind that mobile is a separate game with a separate team. This doesn’t mean that certain features can’t be introduced on both platforms separately, but this particular feature is not something that is currently in the works for the main game on PC and consoles.
Will killers receive new animations too? (from @A_Can_Of_Air)
Killer animations will indeed be updated, though it is likely that older killers will receive more attention in this regard than newer ones. They are unable to identify anything specific, but changes to killer animations are being worked on. Some, such as new wall breaking animations, have already been implemented into the game.
Are you saying we are getting full new moris? (from the live chat)
When they talk about killer animations, they are speaking mostly in terms of gameplay animations such as movement and attacks. The priority for now is to make the gameplay feel smooth and up to their more recent standards, so no new mori animations are currently planned.
Will there be another HUGE killer rework this year? (from @AlphaKing0077)
That depends what you mean by “HUGE”. There is nothing on the scale of Freddy’s or Doctor’s reworks planned, but there are some smaller changes in the works. They can’t go into details, but they can confirm that there are further changes planned for Clown in particular.
Will legendary outfits get unique voices? (from @EmotionalDaisy)
This is something they would like to do, but they haven’t had the opportunity to yet.
Can we know which maps are next up for a graphics update? (from @Boss)
“Almost all maps” will receive a rework as part of the graphical update. They cannot confirm yet which map will be next, but apparently we will hear about it “super soon”. They are prioritising the realms which they think will benefit the most from a graphical update, especially older ones.
Is there any more info on new prestige rewards? (from @hagling)
They don’t have any new information to share right now, but it will still be coming eventually. More information will be coming closer to the feature's release.
Why aren’t more resources devoted to perk adjustments? (from @AGM)
There are actually a “bunch” of perk updates planned for the next mid-chapter patch, and it’s likely that perk change “bundles” like this will become more frequent in the future. Typically, most perk changes, balance and quality-of-life updates will come in mid-chapter patches. They have made many and fairly frequent balance changes in past patches, but they also understand that questions like this are an indication that players are interested in seeing more of that sort of thing, so we can expect to see more changes to perks coming in the future.
Will you ever add a new item? (from @FFabeq)
“This is a big, fat maybe”. It’s definitely something they have thought about, but bear in mind that there are many things to consider where items are concerned, such as new add-ons and how they would fit into survivor bloodwebs. They are keen to hear any cool ideas that players might have for new items. (not_Queen suggests having party starters as a permanent, non-event item in the game.)
Do you plan on revisiting Pyramid Head’s power? (from @SkipRec)
They have been working internally to improve their live balancing process – that is, how they go about adjusting killers who have already been released. Until now, they have just been watching killer progress and making tweaks where they can, but they have recently introduced a more formal, structured process which Pyramid Head “has been the first to benefit from”, and we will see the results of this implemented into the game “soonTM”. The new process follows a timeline structure, which dictates what types of changes get made to killers post-release and when. It is important to remember that new killers in particular often need to be observed for weeks or even months after their release to see how their usage changes and how players adapt to them before making any dramatic adjustments to the gameplay.
Is MMR ever going to come back? (from @herrik666)
Yes. Adjustments are currently being made to the system based on information gained from the previous activation of MMR. It is still running in the background and collecting data, and we should expect to see more live testing happening in the future.
Why are Bloodpoints capped? (from @GoodBoyKaru)
The myth behind the bloodpoint cap is that it was introduced to combat hackers, and while this was a useful side effect, it was not its primary purpose. The bloodpoint cap is intended to encourage players to spend bloodpoints frequently as they play the game rather than stockpiling them over time. It also encourages people to actually play new characters when they are released, instead of maxing them out immediately and then never using them. Although they are aware that this can be annoying at times, they believe it is a net good for player experience as a whole.
Why do Bloody Party Streamers seem so rare? (from @DieselWeasel)
The way bloodwebs are programmed, a certain number of nodes of each rarity will spawn on every bloodweb. Because each character only has a selection of possible items, add-ons, offerings etc. of each rarity available, this can create situations where a particular Rare item or offering may appear less often than a particular Ultra Rare, simply because there are more possibilities available in the ‘Rare’ category, even though Rare items in general are more common than Ultra Rares.
What was the reason for hatch placement offerings? (from @GeordieKiller)
With the introduction of Felix, an architect, they wanted to introduce some architecture-related offerings to the game. They had been wanting to create new offerings for a while, and the blueprint offerings both directly relate to one of the characters and also make sense with the maps’ procedural generation. They chose not to make the offerings secret to give players an opportunity to have their effects in mind and play around them during the match.
How frequently can we expect graphics updates? (from @LinkNecross)
They are planning to release a graphical update with each major patch (chapter and mid-chapter) if all goes according to plan, but this could change depending on how much they are able to achieve in that time.
Should we expect future map updates to be coupled with chapters? (from @DyllonKG)
The PTB release of the overhauled Yamaoka and Springwood maps went very well and generated a lot of good feedback, which allowed the maps to be improved between the PTB and live releases. If everything goes well, they plan to continue to push map updates with major patches like this one, as well as on the corresponding PTBs.
Can we get XP offerings on PC and console? (from @PaulieEsther)
The progression system on mobile is very different to that on the main game, so the developers don’t feel that having offerings to boost XP gain would fit well with the design of the rest of the main game.
Are there plans to give Huntress a second ultra rare add-on? (from @Malman25)
They have mentioned in the past that they want to revisit the add-ons of older killers who were released before add-on sets were standardised (4 common, 5 uncommon, 5 rare, 4 very rare, 2 ultra rare), and this is something they have been working on (Hillbilly’s and Cannibal’s revised add-ons being a prominent recent example of this). The Huntress is one of two remaining killers who still require this treatment, and they can confirm that she will therefore have her add-ons reviewed at some point, though when this will happen or what exactly will be involved remains a mystery.
Have you considered bringing the PTB to consoles? (from @HDwasHere)
This is a request that they receive a lot, and something they have discussed internally. It is something they would like to be able to do, in order to receive more widespread feedback from a larger portion of the playerbase, but it is very difficult to achieve and would slow down the process significantly [mainly due to console certification processes] which would get in the way of the PTB’s primary function, live testing, as well as the processes they use to gather data in the background during the PTB that players don’t see. Steam allows the PTB to be easily set up to suit their purposes in a way that other platforms do not. For now, it is not something they are able to do, but they will continue to look into it as a future possibility.
Does the Never Stop Slashing Legion outfit change expressions? (from @Edgiestfall)
Although this was a feature the developers wanted very much to include, unfortunately it was found to be impossible due to current technical limitations. This was made known to the original artist, who was apparently very understanding of the issue.
Are Memento Mori offerings being changed? (from @HypixelStone)
This has been addressed before, but yes, there will be changes coming to both moris and keys in the future. However, they can’t confirm whether or not these changes will be implemented at the same time, nor what form they will take (nerf, buff, etc.). Simply weakening a mechanic is one option, but it’s far from the only possibility, and often the approach taken to problematic mechanics is more along the lines of, “how can we find a better way to do something cool with this?” as opposed to just weakening or strengthening it.
Are there any plans to remove Bloodlust? (from TheYoonz)
This has been discussed in recent Q&A streams. Discussion around Bloodlust is ongoing, but there are no current plans to remove it. Because it has been in the game for so long, it is ingrained quite deeply into the gameplay and mechanics, and has many different implications for players of different skill levels that all need to be considered when thinking about changing or removing it.
Why do you guys do cosmetic sets? (from isuckatnaming)
It gives the art team more freedom to create outfits that would not otherwise be possible, such as The Oni’s Minotaur outfit, or Nea’s hooded outfit which would create clipping issues if it were mixed with her other cosmetics. In spite of player concerns, they are not planning to make all outfits linked from now on. The only outfits that will be linked are those which need to be for technical and/or visual reasons. Regarding the possibility of certain pieces like weapons being unlinked from the rest of the set, not_Queen was unable to give an answer but is planning to try to get more information and possibly deliver an update on the issue in a later Q&A stream.
When do you think the graphical updates will be finished? (from @LynxRecruit)
The entire process is projected to take at least a year to complete. As much as the team are looking forward to the finished product, they also want to take the time to make sure each map, character, etc. is done well and up to the target standard. It will therefore be delivered in sections over time, rather than all at once in a single update.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any update on hit validation?
They have fixed some of the major issues with hit validation, in particular one involving the Huntress’ hatchets, and are hoping to re-enable it “very soon”. When this happens, it will be announced on their social media. For the record, hit validation will likely not completely remove instances of being hit from far away, as it is an ongoing process which they are still working on improving over time. Neither will it improve connection issues for those with high latency, but it should help significantly with “close calls”. More information can be found in this blog post:
Why can’t we switch killers in queue if MMR is off?
They are planning to bring MMR back in the future, so in the long run, being unable to switch killers while in queue is a planned permanent feature. Because of this, and for the sake of consistency, they prefer to avoid switching it on and off as MMR matchmaking is enabled and disabled during the testing process. Additionally, MMR is something they can easily switch on and off in the backend, while updating features like the ability to switch killers in queue requires a client update (that is, a patch the players are required to download) every time it is changed. As mentioned earlier, the MMR system is still gathering data on players in the background, so leaving features like this one in place also helps with that process in preparation for the reintroduction of MMR-based matchmaking.
Will you add end-game chat to console?
This is something they are looking into, but not currently working on or planning to implement. While PC players can easily use their keyboard to send messages, most console players would need to use the on-screen keyboard, which is more complex and less player-friendly. There are also policies of third-party organisations like Microsoft and Sony to take into account, which adds additional complexity to the implementation of such a feature.
Will consoles get mouse and keyboard support?
Similarly to the question above, the developers are not opposed to the idea, but it’s not something they are planning for the game at the moment. Again, third-party policies would need to be taken into consideration when assessing how complicated such a task would be. Final answer is “not a strong no”.
How will cross-progression work?
Players will need to create an account in order to share progress between platforms. If they have progress in the game on multiple platforms already, these will be merged by combining “the best of both worlds” and also “merging some values”. If you have, say, Myers fully levelled on one platform and Claudette on the other, with cross progression you will be able to have both characters full levelled on both platforms. If you have more progress on a particular character on one platform than the other, the one on which you have the most progression by character level will be preserved.
Have you considered allowing cross-play between only consoles?
The idea behind cross-play is to bring everyone together, so this is not something they are wanting or planning to do. Since cross-play went live, they have been and continue to monitor player activity to ensure that there is no imbalance between console and PC players. So far, everything appears to be going well in that regard. If they find that they need to make changes in the future, they will do so, but for now limiting cross-play only to certain platforms is not a direction they are intending to move in.
Will we ever be able to see which platform people are on?
This is not something the developers are able to directly control. The currently used globe icon is the best way to satisfy console requirements – for example, there are complications around displaying an Xbox logo on a PS4, which is not something Sony will approve. Some games have been able to gain specific approval to do things like that, so it is a possibility they will look into, but we should expect the globe to stay for the foreseeable future.

End-Of-Stream Bonus Pet Pictures

Louis' cat:
Joris' dog:
submitted by Fibijean to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

[PC] [Clan] [Community] VDB CLAN & DISCORD SERVER RECRUITING NOW! [Raids] [Trials] [Casual]


Hello everyone! My name is Andrea, also known as Drea, also known as Sol Et Luna on Destiny on both PC and PS4! I am here today to tell you all about the incredible community that I'm apart of, also known as VDB (Void Boy). After reading up on our community, if you have any questions or are interested in joining, feel free to send me a message on Discord at solisetluna#8962.
Our group is a diverse and inclusive community filled with versatile Destiny players including PvE-focused players, PvP players, and casual players on PC. When crossplay is released next year, we will be expanding to all platforms. Read up more on what we do below!
Casual Play




As someone that has been apart of the Destiny community since Destiny Beta, I can confidently say that I have never found a community quite like this one. There is so much love and support from everyone that I have met, even if we have only interacted a few times. When I'm having a bad day, I can always count on them to lift my spirits. We've created an environment where everyone is pushing each other to grow personally, which is something truly special.
These people are much more than just gamers or internet friends to me; they're family, and I couldn't be more proud to be apart of the pack. We hope to see you all in the server and clan soon, and I look forward to hearing from you on Discord! (Message me at solisetluna#8962)
submitted by SolisEtLuna to Fireteams [link] [comments]


• • • • • • • • • Join MSARP Interview Server Today. _More Info Below⬇️ _
 ***Looking for a PS4 GTA 5 Role-play server? Modern San Andreas Role Play is looking for you. MSARP is an English speaking PS4/Discord Role-Play Community that is fairly new. Along with the server being new we also bring a new style and new outlook to console roleplay that I've not yet seen. If you want to record RP and bring it to your channel and its viewers MSARP is a great place for you. We have Youtuber, Twitch Streamer roles available and Advertiser roles which can be earned based on your quality of uploads. As an advertiser you'll be able to join any department below other than staff as long as you become trained. We have plenty of staff positions open and ready to be filled by anyone who joins and shows proper integrity, respect and professionalism. Staff is earned, you are held to a higher standard and it is a privilege.*** 
||High Ranking Staff||OwnerHead of PS4 MainHead Board Of Director
||Board Of Directors||** • Head of Training ServerHead of Interview ServerHead of PoliceHead of CiviliansHead of Fire/EMSHead of AdvertisementHead AdministratorHead Moderator __**||All BOD's are Human Resources||__
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||What We Offer||
||Civilian Department|| (Ranks 1-5) Starting Civ Rank(Rank 3)
||Legal Employment||** • Business OwnerManagerAssistant ManagerEmployeeCar DealerDealership EmployeeGun Dealer(Ammunation)Ammunation EmployeePagasis DealerTruck DriverReal Estate AgentTaxi/Uber DriverTow Truck Driver • • • • • • • • *||Illegal Employment||** • Illegal Weapons DealerDrug DealerDrug Manufacturer • *Gang Affiliation
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||Judicial||** • Judge - District Judge, Magistrate Judge or Appeal JusticeLawyer - Start your own firm and compete against rival firms to be the best law firm around!!Jury Duty - whenever there is a court case we have a bot randomly generate civilians for court, it will select 5 at random and if you don't show we'll see you there soon anyway! • **Bail Bonds
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||San Andreas Fire Department Emergency Medical Services(SAFD EMS)||** • EMS ChiefEMS Assistant ChiefEMS SupervisorCaptainLieutenantParamedicDriveOperator • **EMT
submitted by MoiMoi1776 to GTAVRP [link] [comments]

Removed comments/submissions for /u/Charlzy99

Hi Charlzy99, you're not shadowbanned, but 36 of your most recent 200 comments/submissions were removed (either automatically or by human moderators).


gfcvqsm posted in Atypical on 11DEC20:
Nope, nobody sees what you mean, cheating on someone is nowhere near inevitable unless you’re autistic and lack empathy towards others
gdx4k0j posted in BlackPeopleTwitter on 28NOV20:
gdunwwh posted in Coronavirus on 28NOV20:
So did Kobe Bryant


kuxige posted in CODLoadouts on 11JAN21:
[Warzone] best FFAR class?
kuxhzy posted in CODLoadouts on 11JAN21:
Best FFAR Class?
k8b7ur posted in CODWarzone on 07DEC20:
The cheaters are getting out of hand
izv2bf posted in heat on 25SEP20:
Is there any news on Bam’s wrist for today’s game?
h95kxd posted in australia on 15JUN20:
ELI5: What has Adem Somyurek done that was bad?
d1m2r3 posted in AskReddit on 09SEP19:
As a male, is it okay to hit a woman if she hits you unprovoked?
ctpemi posted in NBA2k on 22AUG19:
Still unable to connect to MyPlayer Builder
ctp9e2 posted in NBA2k on 21AUG19:
Still can't connect to the MyPlayer builder on PS4
biob3y posted in GlobalOffensive on 29APR19:
s0m and a couple other pros came into my streams chat and said some weird stuff
b1pzdq posted in Twitch on 16MAR19:
How do you get someone banned for viewbotting?
9t4f5t posted in FortNiteBR on 01NOV18:
The most underwhelming halloween shop of all time...
9nerxn posted in adultery on 11OCT18:
You people make me sick
9n8jtw posted in FortNiteBR on 11OCT18:
Bye Fortnite lmfao
9m1w3q posted in apple on 07OCT18:
Just got a free screen replacement omegalul
9i652q posted in NBA2k on 23SEP18:
I’m really annoyed about this
9gsyg1 posted in NBA2k on 18SEP18:
Just went to pick up my gato check and got no VC?
9f6lsj posted in Blackops4 on 12SEP18:
Are psn store pre orders eligible for friend codes
9f69ge posted in Blackops4 on 12SEP18:
Are PSN store preorders eligible for friend beta codes?
9f676v posted in Blackops4 on 12SEP18:
How do you receive friend codes if you preordered?
97rbyw posted in FortNiteBR on 16AUG18:
Teaming in Sniper Shootout is a huge problem right now
904tlu posted in FortNiteBR on 19JUL18:
Servers are back up
7060um posted in NBA2k on 14SEP17:
How do you change into the clothes you buy at Swag's?
702iep posted in NBA2k on 14SEP17:
I'm not even surprised
6ysgbo posted in NBA2k on 08SEP17:
playstation store error
6kxitw posted in nba on 03JUL17:
Nick Young on Draymond Green's snap story
6dfgpw posted in NBA2k on 26MAY17:
Can you earn any badges in the playoffs?
624yhl posted in NBA2k on 29MAR17:
6'10" 199lb Max wingspan point forward upgrade order
5x1le2 posted in nba on 02MAR17:
Where can I buy some knock-off NBA jerseys?
5uiwwf posted in GlobalOffensive on 17FEB17:
I'm from australia but i'm getting put into singapore servers?
5trfsw posted in NBA2k on 13FEB17:
pro am is broken
5rslcb posted in jailbreak on 03FEB17:
[Question] Phone stuck in Boot Loop, how to fix?
5ldzxt posted in NBA2k on 01JAN17:
Amethyst Rick Barry - Sell or keep?
5h4vks posted in GlobalOffensive on 08DEC16:
fps drop since last update
I'm a bot. My home is at /CommentRemovalChecker - check if your posts have been removed! (How to use)
Help us expose and stand up to social media bias and censorship!
submitted by MarkdownShadowBot to CommentRemovalChecker [link] [comments]

Review, mild low sodium content rant

So I am 40ish hours in. I have beelined the main quest enough that I reached the "point of no return" message at Embers. Backed up and went to do some other quests before heading in. Not sure if I am going to exhaust side quests/gigs before going through the final act as I am definitely going to have another play through or two. But I think I finally have been through enough to chuck out some observations. Some gel with a lot of what I see here, some perhaps more towards the "other" subreddit but as promised, low sodium only.
1st 8 hours of play:
Whoa... wait... that was the opening? I thought the opening was the montage. That was.... AWESOME... That would have been end game climatic in damn near anything else. I need to go see what others are saying. Go find the main sub and the salt fest complaints about how limiting the montage and opening heist are. Here I was expecting to find praise for a way to skip RPG rat killer 9000 syndrome and drop you into an engaging story right off the hop that had almost zero explicit "tutorial" content and the bit that did was optional. The opening of Skyrim drove me crazy the first time through it and absolutely BS every time I have been forced through it trying a new version or on a new system. The recent Fallouts have similar issues. To me this approach is so damn good. I think it will likely become a norm once the dust settles. I was not mad at the montage. I saw it as just backstory setting and placing you in the world. What you did with it from there was up to you. There is no way to have total free form backstory creation for players AND have well built out dialog for all possible options. This sketched in enough to place you in the world but still left most of your story yet to be written.
Seriously 10 of 10 in my book for how they solved getting the player established in the world and then setting them free. I know so many that got to that point in Oblivion, or Skyrim, or Fallout, or GTA and just went.... WTF? I don't know what to do. CP2077 solves that problem neatly and still leaves room for folks like me that like to fill in their own blanks. Complete blank canvas no? But this isn't a story on rails by any stretch.
Criticisms: Keeping all the loot you get running through the prologue heist segment other than like the implants didn't make a lot of sense to me. Anything you had a chance to put in your stash would have made sense. But that tons of loot you hang onto as you escape Arasoka tower was a bit immersion hampering considering what happens. Not really complaining as it gets you started off nicely. Small nit.
Looking at other playthroughs/montages I can see how CDPR funneled things to keep the story trees manageable. Broader would have been nice... but the combinatorics of what has to be developed/tested etc... gets nuts really quick. What they did is still somewhat breathtaking if you appreciate what has to be going on behind the scenes to make it work.

Up to level 10:
Had no freakin clue what I was doing other than shooting my way out of a LOT of messes. Couldn't hide for shit and I am a good enough FPS player and enough cheesing options available to generally survive situations I likely shouldn't have made me wonder if I was missing something. An god damnit Delamain and Regina stop calling me every two seconds. Didn't understand hacking. Didn't really understand the weapons options beyond obvious basics and Crafting was.... ???
Good - RPG with quality (if not stellar) FPS mechanics? WUT? Is it actually an FPS and not RPG? No.... Open world check, deep progression trees with limited options ( ie can't max everything)? Check. So.... I am not hindered by crappy gun play because "skill tree"... but still have "skill tree" to improve? Have open world to explore and go all Matrix bullet time gun fight on at times but there are other viable options? Interesting. VATS was horrible but necessary in fallout because the gunplay without it sucked. GTA without auto target would be damn near unplayable. But this.... this married the fun of FPS play with in depth open world story and skill progression. That right there is Fucking promised land territory nobody has really reached before as far as I am concerned.
Bad - FPS elements are solid, RPG element is... witcheresque (to be expected), open world is... solid...ish. Individually these would be mediocre or perhaps just half baked game territory. But all being married together... even at what is obviously still early in the life of this game.... pretty damn impressive.
Open world solid...ish. A lot of sodium flung is lamenting the mile wide but very shallow nature of Night City. To be fair, this has a lot of GTA liberty city and even vice city vibes in terms of buildings often only having the relevant spaces. 100 story building elevator takes you to where you need to go and nowhere else etc... Most buildings have no entrance at all. In terms of playing realistically within the role you are given it is not really that bad as the world mostly gets suitably deeper where you have a reason to be and is a mirage pretty much everywhere else. I look at this as a which would you prefer choice? Would you prefer sufficient depth selectively provided where needed to support multiple approaches where the story is... or a lot of random seed generated generic floor after unpopulated floor content most will never explore or have any reason to explore?
Is the pretty loading screen while traveling from mission to mission take valid? To some extent. I think Rockstar has gotten a bit better at pulling this slight of hand off but I think a lot of that has to do with their choice of scale. Even GTA 5 waves its hands at a LOT of content and the heart of the city is not at this scale. RDR2 just hides its shallow nature in plain sight. Its the wild west... having vast prarie, scrub land and canyons IS doing things "in depth". Fallout does it with unreachable ruins etc... But here you are in a thriving beautiful futuristic megopollis at Bladerunner scale that begs you to explore and you find.... lots of can't go there problems. But it also leaves a LOT of room to add future stories in the world that make more and more bits deeper and with content.
In the end I have a hard time classifying what they pulled off for the world as bad. While I think it is fair to say they maybe overplayed their hand on the marketing and didn't do much to manage insane expectations... what they did accomplish is still damned impressive.
Level 10-25:
Had fun in equal parts enjoying pushing the story forward and exploring side content and "looking behind the curtain more". I find way more depth in the hacking/crafting/cyberware stuff than any of the reviews gave credit for. I embrace Delamain and Regina and find they are just making sure I have things to do that will keep me in early game eddies. Misty I think had a much nicer more hands off approach with the Tarot graffitti hunt. Anyway... in general I find more and more showing me that for Games like this, embargoed early release day one reviews are problematic. Players have preferences and deadlines that rarely allow really getting to grips with the full scope of a game like this on that kind of forced march schedule.
I started figuring out how to actually do stealth approaches. Started learning that a locked door blocked by a skill level was rarely... possibly never... the only path. That will help with play throughs. Made a couple of poor assumptions before figuring this out that led me to dumping points in places I didn't particularly want to. Next time I will know better. Gun play ramps up in difficulty if not necessarily in complexity. I think end game complexity is mostly in whether or not you get the secondary jump options that mostly opens options to take on more at once. Enemies in general are pretty brain dead... but that is fairly par for the course for AI shooting bots. Even so... the gun play loop is tight and fun... but it would be underwhelming in say COD. But also not horrible. In an RPG that is just uncharted territory for me and I love it. Before CP2077 my assumption was a shooting RPG (worth being called an RPG) would always be hampered by god awful gunplay mechanics. The general bias in the industry to swords and sorcery is largely driven by this line of thinking. I mean other games have tried... mostly they either tilt to much RPG or to much gunplay. This is easily the best balance I have seen... at least for me personally. And THEN you get into the hacking and cyberware stuff. I suppose some RPG purists will complain that there is just to much room for player twitch skill to tilt things. To me... that is no different than say friends that have the gift of table top RPG imaginations and those that don't. There is no way to kill inherent talent. And there are a Lot of ways to drive people batshit with silly limitations because "character can't do that". This seeming inability to give up that limitation has long hampered gun based RPG attempts in my opinion.
Bad: I think it will ultimately be added... but launching without character customization content is creating a lot of self inflicted wounds for this game. I doubt CDPR will ever make the same mistake again. I think the lack of this... and a lot of things can be laid at the feet of trying to make this game work on last gen consoles. More on that in the conclusion.
Where to go from here:
When you get down to it I only have one real strong criticism of the game. They do such a good job placing you in the story and setting up the relic as a real problem that needs to be solved that the side jobs and gigs just do not make sense. For someone that really wants to act "in character" in the tradition of an RPG.... that is a serious problem. I basically found myself starting my play sessions by first having to decide... am I playing based on the story? Or am I playing for fun? Because those pushed me very different directions. In one direction things like relic malfunctions are annoying and distracting. In the other they add a sense of urgency to my choices and actions.
Sure... you can force you way through the main quest without really doing optional content which is what I think made some reviewers go down the path they did in their reviews. Obviously a lot of the depth of the story is locked up in the side quest content but by not having to do it, it is clearly not core. I think a good half, perhaps 3/4 of the side quest content could easily have been required in the main quest to ensure you hit all that content. But... doing so would have nerf barred your choices a lot. Bit of a damned if they did, damned if they didn't problem for the developers. Force the player through to much and you cut off their choices. Leave it to open and "its not deep enough".....
The rest of my problems mostly lie in obvious limitations of trying to keep this thing in the footprint of a PS4 or Xbone. But they are not critical issues and can all be pretty easily addressed with time. The core of this game, even in its current state is solid. I think time will prove that out.

Other than for the opening bit I didn't talk much about the story. I think enough has been said but really... don't let the warts keep you from at least making your way through the main story and the obviously related side gig content. The Witcher 3 was good... this one is great. Very much looking forward to going through the conclusion.
That said. There are some definite problems. Most of them trace back to what I see as a fundamental (if understandable) mistake setting last gen consoles as their lowest common denominator hardware target given the scale of the world they wanted to create. That clearly left CPU budgets for stuff like world AI lacking. Seems obvious they decided to have a populated but dumb world rather than a smarter but less populated world. Spending any effort in the direction of trying to have both would have kept that content limited to only PC and or maybe next gen consoles. For some idiotic reason they claimed they would have a common experience across a VERY wide range of hardware. Right... pull the other one. It is clear to me that they did seriously try to make good on this impossible promise. This core decision had to force some very difficult geometry budgets that inevitably led to the lacking depth in non mission areas and even in mission due to only having mission specific floors etc... Running crappy or not... where it is running the content is on par regardless of what you are playing it on. As best I can tell the difference with a killer gaming rig is in eye candy and stability... not content. If you had said a PS 4 could even poorly play a game at this scale at its launch you would have been laughed at. Sure that doesn't make it any more enjoyable for those that bought into the marketing... but it is still impressive what they did accomplish. The problem though is the classic one of "if you try and make everyone happy..."
My hope is that as they move forward this world expands into stressing next gen consoles and current uber PC rigs just as fully as they have stretched last gen consoles but just within the bounds of what is stable and fun to play. I am in awe every time I consider what it would mean for them to do that and have little doubt they or someone eventually will. Whether it is achieved in late life CP2077, or the inevitable follow on, I look forward to it.
If you made it this far, thanks. And general thanks to this community. I just cannot believe the negative spiral going on in the other one.
submitted by tmortn to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

Best bot for console streaming?

Hello everyone, I have recently started streaming from my ps4 to Twitch and i would like some help on which bot best suits me for this type of streaming.
submitted by MexicanMichael to streaming [link] [comments]

Updated Subreddit Rules As We Move Into Year 5

Hello there!
Year 5 of Siege and our 1 million member milestone are quickly approaching! Hopefully, you're just as excited as we are!
Our current rules have been put in place shortly after we reached the 300k subscriber milestone back in February 2018. Since then our size has more than tripled and growth is still accelerating.
While we're super happy that Siege and our subreddit are doing so well, it also presents us mods with new challenges to overcome. Over the past few weeks, we've been internally reviewing our rules and we're taking time now to update them to make sure they're still in line with our vision for the subreddit.
This post will go over the changes that are being implemented right now and some of the updates you can look forward to in the future.
Please leave your questions and comments down below!

Rule Updates

These changes are all about streamlining. We want to make sure that our subreddit is welcoming to everyone, and one part of the equation is having easy to understand rules.
Previously our rules could be intimidating, confusing, and hard to remember just due to the size of some sections. This made it harder to follow them and led to more removals than there perhaps needed to be -- a frustrating situation for all parties involved.
With these new simplifications, we cut the word count by nearly a third while still retaining the spirit behind the rules. Our goal with this is to maximize the chances of new users reviewing our rules, leading to an overall healthier subreddit.
I will now dive deeper into each rule and the changes we made or didn't make to them.

Content Must Be Directly Related to Rainbow Six
Nothing much has changed here beyond simplified wording. The rule now reads:
Please do not post content unrelated to Rainbow Six.
- If you submit an image or video, it needs to directly relate to Rainbow Six or its community.
- Look-alike posts or similar are not allowed.

Do not Harass, Insult, Discriminate, or Troll
Do not launch personal attacks or insults targeting an individual or group of people. Our community is not a place to harass other users.
- Age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion, and economic status are all irrelevant here.
- Racism, sexism, homophobia, other forms of hate speech, bigotry, insults, or harassment are not acceptable.
- Rainbow6 is not a place for political discussions.
- Do not engage with trolls.
A clarification was added that you shouldn't engage with trolls, please use the reporting functionality instead.
The rule was also moved up to rule #2. This is part of a general reordering as all rules are now loosely ordered by relevance.

Posting Guidelines
This is by far the biggest change in the new rules. First, the old monstrosity of a rule:
Disallowed styles of posting:
- Bug-related posts of any kind (submit to R6Fix instead)
- Aimless ranting or common non-transformative complaint posts
- Reposting from shorter than 6 months ago
- Subreddit-meta posts that are only "Stop posting X posts" posts. They're only adding to the spam.
- Alpha Pack results and complaints about Alpha Pack results ("I keep only getting commons!")
- Feedback or suggestion posts that directly link to non-Siege content (i.e. Title: "They should add this skin to Siege" and linking to a photo of an SDU.)
- Any referenced content or materials must be linked inside a text post
- Non-descriptive titles
- Incorrect use of flairs/tags or failing to flaitag a post
- Art whose purpose is to be bad
Screenshots of the following are NOT allowed:
- Scoreboards, ranks, levels, experience, Renown, R6 Credits, trophies or any other stats
- Ping
- Comedic/humorous account names (including BattlEye ban messages and other social media platforms)
- Conversations/messages on any platform (Xbox messenger, Discord, in-game text, SAM)
- Reddit submissions or comment sections from any subreddit
- YouTube comments, YouTube video names, Twitch chat
- Twitter, with exception given to R6 News and Esports information/discussion
- Patch notes
- Matchmaking times
- Operator loadout, Operator selection, Operator ban, Operator showcase, and MVP screens
- Loading screens
- Killcams
- Dead characters, ragdolls
- Wall drawings (Maverick, bullet holes, punch holes)
- Minor facial bugs
- Alpha Pack progress (percentage or count)
Screenshots of the following ARE allowed:
- New in-game bundles/cosmetics
- Easter eggs
- Screenshots with the intent of providing useful information (such as a good angle or strategy)
Needless to say, this was a lot. It was necessary to keep the subreddit from being filled with (basically) the same posts over and over again. Today, this rule is still responsible for a big part of all removals.
The list may have worked well at 300k but it just doesn't scale well. Now, we shortened it significantly:
Do not post any of the following:
- Any in-game screenshot, except newsworthy content or screenshots that intend to provide useful information.
- Bug-related content of any kind (submit to R6Fix instead).
- Comments from Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, or similar platforms.
- Conversations or messages on any platform (Xbox messenger, Discord, SAM, etc).
- Screenshot of personal stats of any kind.
- Alpha Pack openings.
- Aimless rants or common non-transformative complaint posts.
- Previously posted content.
- Art whose purpose is to be bad.
- Incorrectly flaired posts or spoilers that aren't marked as such.
From now on, all in-game screenshots apart from newsworthy content (such as new bundles) or screenshots that intend to provide useful information (such as good angles, easter eggs) are banned because, let's be honest here, the old list covered 95% of all posted screenshots anyway. We hope this change will make following the rule much easier as it is faster to read through and easier to remember while still keeping the subreddit clean of those extremely common and non-transformative posts.
That being said, we have a suspicion that straight-up banning all screenshots may be too strict. If you have suggestions for other exceptions, please leave a comment down below to discuss.
Reposting was previously allowed if it wasn't already posted in the past 6 months but your responses to reposts made it clear that we should lift the restriction. Now, reposting content is outright not allowed, whether from two days or two years ago.
Please note that detecting reposts can be difficult for us mods. We're only a few users and no single person sees every post. While we employ some light automation to detect reposts, manual reports through the normal reporting functionality or through mod mail are greatly appreciated.
Previously the rule also disallowed non-descriptive titles. This was selectively enforced when many users were posting about the same topic (eg. game news just dropped) and it allowed us to keep the post with the best title. We dropped this point from the rules because it wasn't enforced across the board.
Suggestion posts that are simply an image of unrelated content are already covered by our first rule, the redundancy here was removed. If you want to post a suggestion and use unrelated content to illustrate your idea, please do so through a text post.

No Image Macros
A clarification about template-style posts was added, it now reads:
Image macros, also commonly referred to as memes, and Siege assets simply overlaid on other media are not allowed.
Image macros include template-style posts, simple image edits like superimposing text or other imagery, as well as applying filters.
- This also includes video macros.
- Custom-made artwork or more extensive video edits are generally allowed.

Rainbow6 is Platform Neutral
Nothing changed here:
Anti-platform behavior or platform elitism is wholly unwelcome here. Examples of unwanted comments include:
- "Console aim"
- "PS4 sucks"
- "Only on consoles"
- "Console peasants"
- Console wars in any form

No Accusations of Cheating, Hacking or Exploiting
The updated rule now clearly states that the usage of mouse and keyboard on consoles is considered cheating:
Do not post any accusations of cheating, hacking, exploiting, or toxic behavior identifying suspected players. This includes videos, text, and images of any suspect players unless censored. You will only provide publicity to the individuals for breaking the terms of service, which is not beneficial to the end goal, instead please provide any reports to Ubisoft support.
- Usage of mouse and keyboard on consoles is considered cheating.
- Do not link to, ask for, or otherwise promote cheat providers or exploit tutorials.
- Do not attempt to "name and shame" anyone.
- Esports content is allowed within reason.
This is not much of a change from a moderation standpoint but the rule now accurately reflects our enforcement.
The promotion and usage of MnK will result in significant bans and accusations of MnK usage will be removed. The same goes for other types of hacking, cheating, or exploiting. Please report any players violating Siege's Code of Conduct to Ubisoft support.
We are aware that Ubisoft, Microsoft, and Sony do not ban for MnK usage but to be frank, we don't care about the policies of these companies. Whether or not you agree that the usage is actually cheating, you can most likely agree that any promotion of this is detrimental to the overall community. This is why we have and will enforce the rule as stated above.
A clarification about exposing players for toxic behavior was added as well. Again, report them to Ubisoft support.

Content Should Be Safe-For-Work
Do not post Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content, this includes:
- Sexualizing Operators.
- Pornographic or disturbing imagery.
- Linking to NSFW subreddits.
- Sexual innuendos or puns.
If you are unsure if it is safe for work, it probably is not.
A clarification that explicitly disallows the sexualization of Operators was added.

No Selling, Buying, Trading, or Begging
Nothing changed apart from miscellaneous wording updates:
Do not post about or solicit for the selling, buying, trading of codes, accounts, event tickets, in-game items, game shares, artwork, or similar under any context. Do not ask for direct donations of any kind.
- Giveaways and surveys need moderator approval before posting.

Follow Reddit's Self-Promotion Guidelines
Again, nothing changed:
Reddit is not a place for free self-promotion and those who wish to post their own work should also be strong members of the Rainbow6 community. Because of this, the 9:1 rule is enforced: no more than 10% of your posting should link to your own content. Only submissions will count towards your 90% quota, comments will not.
Posting content that could result in direct financial benefit is frowned upon which is why hosting services that provide users with potential financial incentives are restricted. Common examples of restricted sites are YouTube, Twitch, and Mixer.
- Giving yourself credit when posting your own content through watermarks or similar is allowed.
- If you wish to share your own gameplay clips with the community but do not meet the 9:1 guidelines, please use hosting services that cannot be potentially monetized. Imgur and Gyfcat are great options for sharing GIFs while uploading directly to Reddit or Streamable can be great options for videos.
- For more details, please refer to Reddit's guidelines for self-promotion.

Removed Rule: Follow Reddiquette and Side-Wide Rules
We previously listed the following rule:
Following Reddiquette makes Reddit better for everyone. Site-wide rules are mandatory for moderators to enforce.
No behavior contrary to Reddiquette or Reddit's site-wide rules, including but not limited to:
- Brigading
- Witch-hunting (including call-to-action style posts)
- Vote manipulation (asking for votes/vote if you agree/posting a Reddit link elsewhere and asking for votes)
- Doxxing
- Flamebaiting
- Clickbaiting
- Spoilers in post's title
Mentioning Reddit's Content Policy was redundant anyway. Everyone that uses Reddit agrees to abide by these rules and moderators are required to enforce them. They prohibit spam, behavior that encourages violence, revealing personal information, vote manipulation, and harassment among other things. Any violations will be reported to Reddit admins and will be met with significant bans.
The Reddiquette is a set of guidelines that every Redditor should follow. If you never read through them, we recommend doing so. Anyway, we enforced Reddiquette whenever possible and to be honest, that didn't amount to much. For that reason, we will be dropping the Reddiquette from our rules as well.

Note: as always, these rule changes will not be applied retroactively.

Upcoming Changes

Mandatory Usage of Post Flairs
Soon, all posts will be required to have a flair before they are submitted. In fact, if you don't select a flair for your post you won't be able to submit at all.
This will be enforced through Reddit's Posting Requirements. This feature is already live on old and new Reddit, with iOS and Android to follow shortly.
If you're unsure which flair to select, please refer to our subreddit meta guide for a short explanation.

Mandatory Credit when Posting Creative Works
After we are able to enforce flair on all posts, we will start working on a system that will require you to give credit to the original artist when posting anything flaired as Creative.
We are well aware that reposted art is annoying, even more so if the original artist isn't credited. Sadly, we're currently not in a position where we could manually check all creative posts for credit. If you're an artist, we recommend that you sign your work with your username or similar for the time being.
The system we have in mind will be fully automated and therefore it will require bot work on our part. The developers on our team tend to be busy with life outside of Reddit so we cannot give any ETA on this but it will be coming up at some point.
More details on this when we're ready to launch.

Better Onboarding for New Users
Reddit will (hopefully) soon launch a new feature that lets us mods welcome new users to the subreddit.
If you're a frequent visitor of the subreddit you may have noticed some repetitive questions about user flairs or similar. While we really can't do much about those posts at the moment, the new onboarding feature should help out a lot.
We also hope this will help new members getting situated more quickly in general.

Rainbow Six Quarantine
A new Rainbow Six game, Quarantine, has been announced at E3 last year. While the release date hasn't been revealed yet, we're already planning ahead.
How we want to handle a new game is currently undecided. Whether or not we want to move Quarantine content to a different subreddit is up for internal discussion at this moment.
We will share our decision closer to the Quarantine launch.

Automatic Repost Detection
We hope to implement some kind of automatic repost detection, possibly similar to what u/RepostSleuthBot does, at some point in the future. Again, no ETA on this functionality but it is on our roadmap.

Moderator Applications

Lastly, I want to remind you that applications to join our moderation team are open and will remain open indefinitely. If you're interested in applying, you can do so here:
Should you be interested but are unable to apply right now, you'll be able to find the same link on our sidebar.

TL;DR: Updated rules, please take a few minutes and read through them here.

Any questions or comments on the rule changes, future updates, or mod applications? Feel free to leave them below.
submitted by jeypiti to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

So you want to improve...

"git gud", "play more", etc aren't enough for you. You legitimately want to improve at the game and desperately need advice. You want a detailed explanation of what you need to do to improve. Or you just got here for mobile and you've no idea what's going on. You're silver or gold or maybe even plat and have hit a wall. I feel you, and I'm here for you with ten pieces of actionable advice. If you didn't want an essay, that's cool, I'm just bored on a car trip. There are plenty of people who'll tell you "just stop getting hit".
TL;DR - Main a legend, learn all the combos in the game, training room is your greatest resource, learn how to dodge, read, space, pressure, and punish, ignore your ELO it doesn't matter at all, go watch some pros, keep your mental game strong.
-Who are you and why should I listen to you?- Skip if you don't care. I'm nobody and you shouldn't. Don't listen to anyone, learn from everyone. I'm Lord_Quadel on PS4 (so you can look up my stats if you care). I've been playing for about 3 years. My peak ELO is 1820 something. It's 1600's something right this moment. I've been plat for 3 or 4 seasons now, and hover around gold 5/plat 1 in general. I'm a spear main, Hattori/Kaya most frequently, but play every legend. I play brawlhalla daily, for at least 2 hours a day and treat it like a sport. It's not a game for me, it's a competition I use to push and improve myself. I take it very seriously and have sought out any information I could find and continue to do so. Does that mean I know what I'm talking about? Absolutely not, I'm just some dude, take my advice for what it is. Advice. *Forgive me grammar nerds, I know I abuse commas as if they were pauses.
1) Pick a main. I know, you want to play a lot of different legends, me too. So do so in experimental or FFA or Kung Foot. In ranked, I am Hattori or Kaya. If I don't feel like I've trained a legend to expert level I don't play them in ranked. Neither should you. You need to know your character completely. How fast they move, the recovery time on their attacks, their combos, their strings. It's not just about knowing how to wield a spear, it's also about knowing how to defend against a sword with a spear in your hand and Hattori's specific move set and stats. Or whoever you're using. Picking at least a main weapon is imperative in this game. But don't be afraid to change mains if you feel like you like another legend better later, what's important is that you're focusing on one character in ranked at any given time. Pick one each season if you must. Every single legend in this game is a viable main, there are no terrible legends that will hinder you because they're just garbage.
2) Learn the combos. All of them. A combo is a series of moves, generally 2, rarely more, that can not be dodged or jumped out of when input properly. Spear dlight sair, if you time it correctly, will always hit. If you are missing your combos, see point 3. But don't only learn yours, you have to know mine to be able to avoid them as well. If you know that a spear dlight can always follow up into a sair, don't be in that space and you've avoided two hits and forced me to use a different option. You want to avoid my dlights? Stay on the ground. But now I'm going to switch to sword and dlight sair you with that instead. So you have to adapt to the situation and you can only do this if you know what options your opponent has. And of course you need to know your own. If you're only ever getting one hit at a time I already won, because I'm getting 2 as often as not. But if you also know my combos you can deny them to me by not being in that space.
3) Get yourself in the training room. Every session. You don't show up to the big game having skipped all the practices. Don't jump into ranked without warming up, and the best place to warm up is the training room. I can't overstate how valuable a resource it is. First thing, control the bot, put them in the center of the stage. Take control of yourself again and turn on reset damage, reset position, show damage, and show stun. Now hit the bot with a combo. If it says "x dodge frames" you were too slow or that's not a combo. Practice it over and over until you don't drop it and it's always true (no dodge frames). Many combos only work at certain damages (hammer dlight, slight is only true at low damage for example). You can change the bots damage to get a feel for when you should use which combo. While you're here, practice dash jumping around and fast falling (hold down at the peak of your jump). Movement is a huge part of this game and jumping around on platforms in training is a great way to practice it. Your movement should be specific and deliberate. "I'm going to dash jump from here to there" not "I'm going to dash jump around like a crazy person". Finish by putting the bot on hard and just beating the crap out of it. Use your combos, try some strings, jump around and practice movement. You should be in this room for 10-15 minutes every single session. That is in fact how you "git gud".
4) Dodge appropriately. If you are in the air, and you dodge near me, I'm going to spend the next several seconds trying to get you into an extended string I have prepared specifically for this moment. More experienced players are just waiting for you to make a poor dodge, and they'll make you pay for it. On the ground it's not nearly as bad, you'll get your dodge back soon, but if I hit you into the air and you spot Dodge we're going for a ride. Your dodge is for getting out of strings, and avoiding attacks. If you just dodged, get to the ground and get away. If I just hit you with a combo, dodge out of the string you expect to be coming. If you don't know what I'll do after my combo you haven't played against enough hattoris. You'll learn these things with time. But what you can do is stop spot dodging immediately after getting hit. Don't jump immediately on hit either. And especially don't dodge through your opponent. We're ready for those options because so many less experienced players instinctively do them. Mix up your dodges constantly, but in general you want to go up, up/away, and away. If I'm hitting you, get out of there unless you're confident your attack will out prioritize mine (hit first). Do not dodge the same way every time someone hits you with a slight, or they'll notice it and punish you. I'm just waiting for you to spot dodge my slight. Which leads us to...
5) Read your opponent. If you just hit me with a spear slight, and I dodged up, and then you hit me with a slight and I dodged up again, you should already be punishing it. Pause for a moment to let the dodge through and use your anti aerial (dlight sair in this case). Every time your opponent uses their dodge note it. Find the patterns, we all have patterns that can be exploited. You can also just plain guess. What do people normally do when you hit them with any given attack? Punish it in advance, they might well do it. And then think about what they'll do to not get hit hit by that again and predict it, or at least threaten the space. Always be looking for opportunities to abuse your opponents habits. If they're always trying to get away and over space you, don't let them, stay on them, make them uncomfortable.
6) Spacing and Pressure. Do not give your opponent free reign of the stage. Don't stay so far away that the fight stops, and don't stay right inside their range. Keep yourself at a distance that you can react to avoid their attacks, and also attack yourself. You ever feel like you just couldn't get away from someone? Do that to them. Don't let them move about as they please, keep the pressure on them, while also spacing out their attacks. How you do this depends on your legend, faster legends can move more freely and thus control more space, but even Nai (she's very slow) can apply heavy pressure, as you've probably experienced. But that doesn't mean always stay away, you can put a lot of pressure on an opponent by staying directly on top of them, if they can't hit you there. It makes them uncomfortable, which makes them do something stupid. Seize the opportunities as they present themselves and try to set them up to make mistakes.
7) Punish! If you're getting hit by an Orion spamming Ssig, it's because you are failing to punish him for it. This isn't a reaction problem (unless it was point blank), it's a prediction and patience problem. You know what he's about after the second early Ssig, so be ready for it. Throw things at him, trick him into commiting to it, just don't be on the ground. If you properly punish a player you can put them in a position where they're afraid to attack. Don't let them get away with wildly swinging, find their blind spot (it's up diagonal for Lance, but not his spear) and punish the crap out of them for spamming. If you keep getting hit with ground pounds off stage ask yourself why you didn't expect that ground pound, dodge it or just kick off the wall, and punish it. Throw your weapon at their head and take the free path back onto the stage. Now you're edge guarding, and they're at the disadvantage, and they'll think twice about doing that again (or they won't). Every move in this game can be punished, learn how to do so. You can go back to the training room and tell the bot to do a specific attack and practice punishing it.
8) Ignore your ELO. Seriously, it's not a representation of skill, it's more a measure of your win rate. There's no way to measure player skill in a complex game, that's why we use ELO. It's not important. As you improve so too will your ELO, it's that simple. You don't have to stress over it. I'm plat and I beat diamonds and lose to silvers all the time. That sig spamming Orion destroys me sometimes too. You'll get to the next rank eventually, and then immediately fall back out of it. That doesn't mean you don't belong there, if you made it you deserve it and are now that rank. I'm sitting at gold 5 right now, that doesn't make me gold, I'm platinum and will get back up there when I have the time this season. Don't be mad at the ELO system, everyone knows it's not ideal. There's just nothing better.
9) Watch the pros. Don't care who. I'm not gonna name names because I don't want to leave anyone out, but there are a lot of professional brawlhalla players on YouTube and Twitch. Watch their stuff and learn from them. Watch their opponents as well, notice the mistakes they're making, and don't do those things. But don't get caught up in the meta, none of that applies to you or I. Every legend is viable, every weapon is good. If a pro says dex is bad, it probably is. If they say canon is the best weapon in the game, that relies on being a canon master to take advantage of.
10) Keep your mental game strong. You could be forgiven for thinking this game is about reflexes but it's every bit as much about mental fortitude. I'm almost 40 years old, have nerve damage in my hand, and very slow reflexes. If I can make diamond, and I absolutely will in time, then anyone can. How many times have you gotten frustrated at a scythe string and just given up? Stop that, make them work for the kill. How many times has someone taunted at you and tilted you so bad you ended up throwing the match? Why do you think they taunted? Don't give your opponent what they want, don't give up mid match, don't disconnect. Fight until you're dead, and you'll find that sometimes you'll squeeze out a win in what seemed a hopeless situation. And how pissed will they be that you snatched their victory away from them. And if you gave it your all and still lost, they were just better than you in some way, and that's okay. Can't win em all. Sure, maybe they're a spammer, or using a hard hitting legend, or running like a coward, or they're a Teros main, but it worked for them. Take a few minutes after the fight to watch your replay and consider how you could have countered them, or what you need to do differently. Don't blame them, or the game, or yourself. Accept the loss, learn from it, and get back on the horse. And when you get so angry you want to fling your controllekeyboard/phone through the window... Take a break, relax for awhile and come back later when your head's clear. The games frustrating, no question, but it's also very rewarding. Like any sport it's not about winning, it's about improving.
Always remember that hard work doesn't equal success. Rather success requires hard work and dedication.
submitted by Lcpl_Baggins to Brawlhalla [link] [comments]

Streamlab OBS VS OBS VS Elgato Game Capture HD

Hey everyone :) I’m new to streaming and my specs are:
Ps4, iMac 27 (2017) 60gb Ram i7. When I was using OBS recording snd streaming to twitch the records were bot smooth.
Then i switched to Elgatos Game Capture HD. The stream looks perfect as well as the recordings. Problem here is you don’t have that many features and options to setup your stream /recording right.
So my question is what streaming app should I use and what are the best settings?
Thanks for all the tips. :)
submitted by sejks to Twitch [link] [comments]


Hello all! I have the pleasure of telling you some awesome news, ya boi is finally BACK! After what I can only call a extended break, I feel like my mental health is well enough for me to return to "Full time" content creation (Full time meaning when I ain't in college) So I'll be finalising the new schedule tonight, some things will be missing sadly (At least for the first week or so) example things like my overlays, alerts, new Emotes (For when the new channel hits affiliate) new sub badges and that. But my general persona on stream will be new and ready and my outlook on life, as well as my schedule will all be final and hopefully in their best state they have ever been in. So, I can say now that I won't JUST be streaming Siege and whatever is popular. I will be doing streams on Mental Health, something that has challenged me so severely specially recently. And I wish to help out others in coping with things, having a outlet within the community and have us as a community be there for each other, and help each other through any mental struggles we may be facing. I will also be doing the odd stream/YT Series on a older game, for example recently whilst I haven't had a PC...I've been playing a lot of the old CoD's on my 360, and I've found some good source of content I hope will be enjoyable for all. Plus, I will be trying to be more active within Discord and social media as a whole, having u/WifeyNation help out with that (I really love you baby, thank you 📷 ) I also gotta thank u/JohnnyNation for being my Discord Manager and keeping the server nice and happy, bringing in bots he think may help and keeping any faults at bay, I also have a project I plan to talk to you about bro so keep a eye on that inbox of yours 📷 And last but not least, I gotta thank my head mod u/B Cretin. When the time is right the role with be shared with u/HeroNation but due to his personal life Benny will be alone for now, we're small so it should be okay, I'm still looking for someone to help me with the subreddit. So if you or someone you know could help with that. Send them my way 📷 The COVID Royal server will be live soon, as will the website and hopefully the PS4/5 and Steam listing of the game. It's not definite but I may be putting the game up for like £1/2, just to help initially with getting the game out and getting it finished. But I'll be making sure all of the people in the discord get a chance of a free code, and those who have helped me build the game get a free copy, with some extra goodies packed in for good measure. But thank you ALL for sticking with me whilst my mental health took a turn for the worst and I look very forward to doing my best to entertain you guys, and make a twat of myself in the process. From the bottom of my heart, as much as we're a small community, there isn't much more I could ask for. IF you guys haven't got round to it yet, please follow my new twitch @ I'm gonna be super pushing for affiliate as quickly as possible so if you could share around and get people in that would mean so much to me, I'm gonna be doing a few special treats for those who get people to join the server or follow on Twitch. I also plan to do some giveaways to help boost views early on and try to get people into the community.
I'll be posting an update with giveaways and friend referral treats and that later on this evening. Thank you guys, seriously.
I love you all.

submitted by OnlyDekkiHD to OnlyDekki [link] [comments]

Console Update 7.2 – Patch Notes

Console Update 7.2 – Patch Notes
Update May 29:
  • Added new bug fixes
Update May 19:
  • While currently available on the PTS, the changes made to Jerry Cans have been postponed and will not be available when the Update 7.2 comes to live servers due to an issue found with its new features. We will provide further details in the future.
Welcome Back, Survivors!
Update 7.2 is now available on Test Servers and brings with it weapon balance changes, improvements to armor, and the long-awaited Ranked Mode. With Ranked Mode, PUBG players can finally test their skills against the best players in the world, rising (and falling) through the ranks for great rewards and of course bragging rights. (bots will NOT be in Ranked Mode games.)
Take a look at all of Update 7.2's changes below!
PTS Schedule:
PDT: May 19 00:00 ~ Live server maintenance end
CEST: May 19 09:00 ~ Live server maintenance end
Only Ranked match will be available for PTS.
Live Maintenance Schedule:
PDT: May 25 20:00 ~ May 26 0:00
CEST: May 26 05:00 ~ 09:00
Live maintenance schedule may change. We will update you if there are any changes made.
What is the PTS (Public Test Server)?
The PTS (Public Test Server) is a separate PUBG server that is free for anyone who already owns a copy of PUBG. The purpose of the test server is not just to provide a preview of upcoming features, but to find the issues and bugs we need to solve as soon as possible. To take part in the test, all you have to do is own a copy of PUBG.
All player data, statistics, etc from the test server will not carry over to your live server account.
For Xbox:
You can search and download the “PUBG - Public Test Server” on the Microsoft Store or the 'My Games and Apps' menu.
For PS4:
You can find the "PUBG - Public Test Server" in the 'Purchased' section of your Library.

Ranked Mode
Ranked Mode is here, which means it's time to put your skills to the ultimate test!
For Ranked Mode, the dev team took some inspiration from the highest level of competitive PUBG play, PUBG Esports. This includes settings, loot, and 64-player squad oriented play.
Season 1 is officially a GO, and we hope to see many of you up in the ranks! We're excited to see you and your squads jump in and see how you stack up against the competition.
Be sure to let us know your feedback throughout the season, so that we can make Ranked the best it can be.
Dev Note: Ranked Mode is not available for Stadia keyboard + mouse users
Transition from Survival title to Ranked
  • Survival Title has been discontinued. The new Ranked system will now replace it.
    • Unlike with Survival Title, only matches played in the new and separate Ranked mode will count towards your rank.
    • A player’s Rank will increase or decrease after each match based on their performance.
    • Legacy Survival Title season data will still be available to view in the Season navigation tab.
  • A new ‘Ranked’ sub navigation option has been added to the ‘Play’ section of the primary navigation menu.
  • Options for Ranked play include TPP or FPP Squad modes.
    • 1/2/3 man squad options are also available.
  • Matches will feature a maximum of 64 players.
    • Ranked matches will not have Bots/AI.
  • There are additional requirements for starting a match in the Ranked queue. All squad members must meet these requirements in order to begin matchmaking.
    • A squad cannot enter the queue if two players (who have completed placements) are too far apart in rank from each other (10 divisions maximum).
    • Players need to reach a minimal Survival Mastery level of 20 before they qualify for ranked.
    • Players who have received ranked matchmaking penalties, for actions such as repeatedly ‘dodging’ games after loading onto the island, will need to wait out a matchmaking penalty timer before they can play ranked again.
  • Players may cancel Ranked matchmaking at any time with no penalty.
    • Players who find a match and load into the pregame lobby will face Ranked penalties if they then choose to abandon the match.
Ranked Mode Ruleset
  • Ranked mode games will be randomly played on Erangel, Miramar, or Sanhok.
  • Ranked mode will operate under its own game settings.
  • Unique Season 7 Ranked settings include:
    • Overall increase in item loot spawns
    • No Crossbow spawns
    • Red zone has been removed
    • Motor glider has been removed
    • The timing and speed of the Blue Zone has been adjusted to increase the pace of play
  • Exact settings are subject to adjustment throughout the season and especially at the start of new seasons.
    • Changes in the ranked mode rule set will be posted via announcements
Tiers and Divisions
  • There are a total of 6 tiers in the Ranked system (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master) with 5 Divisions (V - I) within each tier.
  • A player’s current rank is determined by their Rating Points (RP) in a given queue.
  • At the start of a Ranked season, players will be considered ‘Unranked’ in all queues.
  • The first 5 games they play in each ranked queue will count as placement matches.
  • At the end of the fifth placement match, players will be given an initial rank for the season.
How Climbing Works
  • After a player dies, they will receive an adjustment to their RP based on their performance. The metrics that determine performance are
    • Kills
    • Assists
    • Personal placement
  • When a player exits a Ranked match, they will be presented with a new pop-up modal celebration that shows the player their performance metrics as well as the change to their RP.
  • Players who are at Diamond rank or above will begin to face RP ‘decay’ if they do not play any Ranked games for a week or more in a row
Ranked Rewards
  • At the end of the season, players will receive Ranked rewards based on their Highest Ranked tier that season
    • Ranked rewards are unique and only obtainable by playing Ranked during the season they are awarded
  • All players will receive a nameplate and emblem recognizing their Tier
  • Players who ended the season at Gold or higher will receive a set of Ranked reward skins
  • The Leaderboards have returned and have been updated to work with with Ranked mode
    • Leaderboards now list the Top 500 players per server, sorted by RP
    • The Leaderboard you see is for the region you've played the most Ranked matches in.
    • Once a player enters the leaderboard, their region will be fixed for the rest of the season.
    • Players who end the season on the Top 500 Leaderboards for any queue will receive a small additional reward to recognize the achievement


Weapon & Armor Balance
With the introduction of Ranked Mode, we wanted to get in some balance adjustments we've been planning. The goal of this balance adjustment is to strengthen the characteristics of each weapon type, so that tactics change depending on the firearms you choose and to help make sure one particular weapon isn't seen as overpowered.
The M416 has long been the most powerful AR and one of the top guns in the game as a whole, so we've adjusted it and buffed some of the other ARs to give players alternative options.
We've also adjusted shotguns, which were seen as almost useless unless at extreme close range.
  • Increased reload times for M416, M16A4 and SCAR-L
    • We've adjusted the reload time of some of these mid-range weapons to make them less of a go-to for their effectiveness in all situations. This change should especially affect close quarters engagements, as you'll have a longer window to rush opponents reloading an AR.
  • M416
    • While fully equipped, the M416 was lethal even in far distances with its superior stability.
Kill distribution rate over Distance/Phase
The power of rapid and accurate sprays were even capable of replacing DMR positions in ranges over 30m. We don't believe one gun should always be the optimal choice in all circumstances, but rather give players choices depending on their needs in the current situation. Of course, we will be watching the data constantly for future adjustments.
  • Decreased base damage by 1 (41 → 40)
  • Decreased muzzle velocity from 880 m/s to 780 m/s.
  • Changed damage curve distances from 60m - 450m to 50m - 350m.
Weapon damage per round per pick up
  • M16A4, MK47 Mutant
    • These two weapons do not support full-auto firing mode, which already led to them being picked up less. Add to that stability issues or lower firing rates and it's easy to see why they weren't being picked up as often. We've made some adjustments to give them more life on the Battlegrounds.
    • Decreased recoil when firing in quick succession in semi-auto and bursts mode.
    • Added tracers (shooter only).
  • Beryl M762
    • Based on the analysis result on the weapon damage per round per pick up, it seemed Beryl M762 had somewhat less performance than expected compared to other assult rifles.
    • Increased muzzle velocity from 680 m/s to 740 m/s.
    • Decreased recoil.
  • Shotguns:
    • As the gun metas in the game have stabilized, shotguns were quickly left in the dust as they had little use in most late game situations. With this update, we have adjusted the shotgun group so that they can be used more reliably throughout a match.
    • Body damage multiplier changes
    • Increased limb multiplier from 0.9 to 1.05.
    • Increased head multiplier from 1.25 to 1.5.
    • Increased hip-fire accuracy.
    • Decreased accuracy penalty during movement.
    • Decreased damage drop over distance for all shotguns.
    • Saiga S12K
      • Extended and Ext. Quickdraw magazines now hold 10 rounds.
      • Suppressor adds slight pellet spread reduction (2/3 of choke bonus).
    • S1897
      • Increased the pump-action speed
    • Sawed-off
      • Increased reload speed.
  • Vests not only provided armor but also provided additional inventory space. However, it felt pretty bad to immediately lose that space when your vest was destroyed in combat. Your survivability also drastically decreased once your vest was destroyed. leaving you extremely vulnerable until you found a new one. With this change, 'destroyed' vests will no longer disappear, and neither will your inventory space.
  • In addition, vests will continue to provide 20% protection and slight aim punch reduction once destroyed. The base protection level of the destroyed vest is the same no matter the type of vest you're wearing. This should mean more competitive engagements, even if the situation doesn't allow for the looting of a new vest.


Main menu navigation bar update
With the addition of the new ranked mode, the main menu navigation bar has been updated.
  • Changes
    • New 'Ranked' option has been added under the 'Play' menu
    • 'Public Match' has been renamed to 'Normal'
    • 'Mastery' and 'Replay' menus have been moved to the 'Career' tab
Tire UI Improvements
  • Improved the icon/ color of a vehicle's tire UI to provide more intuitive information on tire status
    • 100% - Grey
    • When tire is damaged - White
    • When tire has less than 50% durability - Blinking Orange
    • When tire reaches 0% durability (destroyed) - RED
Seat UI improvement
  • Improved the color of the vehicle's seat UI to provide more intuitive information
    • General vehicle''s seat UI color changes
      • Players character: White → Yellow
      • Teammates: Green → White
      • Enemy players: Yellow → Red
      • Empty seats: Grey (Same as before)
    • Starting plane's seat UI color changes
      • Onboard players: Yellow → White
      • Empty seats: Grey (Same as before)
Preview Scene Improvements
  • Character's full body, instead of only torso, will be displayed when entering wardrobe, weapon, and equipment sections.
  • In item previews, items no longer return to their previous state when players click-off the mouse button
Kill feed icon and system message for train kills
  • New killfeed icon and system message for train kills has been added.
Item description improvement
  • Additional description has been added to item skins which had some unclear target item (Crowbar, Machette)


Tweak of Window Breaking Sound's Spread Curve
  • Currently, stereo panning of window breaking sound is too sensitive. We've tweaked its sensitivity for more natural stereo panning
Bluezone Humming Sound
  • Bluezone humming sound will be played only when the wall is moving

Survivor Pass: Cold Front

The 2nd track of Survivor Pass season missions has been unlocked,Please note that new missions will be unlocked after the Live server update!


Erangel: Hall of Fame Update
  • All-time winners team and players names are engraved in Hall of fame
  • New name plates have been added to the trophy and uniform cases
Vikendi: New small house sets added
  • In order to enhance loot in spots outside of major landmarks, some small house sets have been added with improved item spawns.
  • Supplemented item spawn spots in certain buildings in Dinoland that had below average loot.

Skin & Items
NAVAL OFFICER ATTIRE SET (8 items) (6/3 ~ 7/1)
  • Shades (Black)
  • Naval Officer Formal Jacket
  • Naval Officer Peaked Cap
  • Naval Officer Skirt
  • Naval Officer Pants
  • Naval Officer Formal Gloves
  • Naval Officer Lace-up Boots
  • Naval Officer Loafers
PUBG X Twitch Broadcaster Royale (14 items) (6/3 ~ 6/24)
  • BreaK's Gloves
  • BreaK's Hoodie
  • BreaK's SLR
  • Lumi's Hoodie
  • Lumi's Kar98k
  • Lumi's Shirt
  • Lumi's Shoes
  • ZeratoR's Long Sleeve Shirt
  • ZeratoR's Pleated Skirt
  • ZeratoR's Shirt
  • Ashek's AKM
  • Ashek's Crossbow
  • Ashek's Gloves
  • Ashek's Shirt

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where a character could slide abnormally when going through specific steps
  • Fixed the issue with Gas Cans sometimes not exploding even after reaching 0 HP
  • Fixed the issue with Glass in small square windows does not break when punched with fists
  • Fixed minor graphical issues with the appearance of sights when attached to the Tommy Gun
  • Fixed the issue with crosshair location isn’t synced when the character being spectated aims while leaning left
  • Fixed an issue of when a player with 3,500 RP or lower leaves during a match, does not see reduction but an increase in their RP.
  • Fixed an issue where players are not able to join the Ranked Match when Normal Match is turned off.
  • Fixed an issue where both teams are displayed as the “Winner” in TDM when a team wins in the first round and then the second round is a tie match.
  • Fixed the animation issue when player displays the inventory during their reload of DBS, S1897 or WIN94, the gun reloads while the animation is stopped.
  • Fixed a visual issue where the boats are not displayed.
  • Fixed missing texture in Castle, Vikendi
  • Fixed some floating objects in Goroka, Vikendi
  • Fixed the issue with movement blocked at building entrance in Yasnaya Polyana, Erangel
  • Fixed the issue with being able to see through a specific aircraft object in Sosnovka Military Base, Erangel
  • Fixed the issue with multiple doors stacked on top of each other in certain buildings on Vikendi
  • Fixed the issue where character can enter 2F of specific building on Erangel
  • Fixed the issue with inside of specific building is visible in Volnova, Vikendi
  • Fixed an issue where the insides of building are completely seethrough in Miramar.
  • Fixed an issue where the player is able to seethrough the second floor when vaulting in a certain location on the ground floor of the Y-shaped building in Bootcamp, Sanhok.
  • Fixed an incorrect kill message on Karakin ‘killed by BZ signal grenade’
  • Fixed an issuing causing the health bar to display incorrectly when using healing items
  • Fixed the issue with spectating players status UI in the minimap not instantly changing
  • Squad members PUBG ID's are missing from Last Match summary
  • Fixed an issue where the item acquire notice pop-up doesn’t disappear when you go to the pass store through the “Upgrade to premium” from the pass page.
  • Fixed the issue of when a player starts matchmaking without opening the Ranked Mode map selection UI, the count stays at 00:00 and does not proceed.
  • Fixed the issue of “Player data not available” being displayed under the Stats in the Survival page.
  • Missing text when the bots go down but not out was added.
  • Fixed the issue where the Summary page is not properly displayed after the ranked mode is over.
  • Fixed an issue of squad members’ nicknames not being displayed from the last match’s summary.
  • Fixed the volume adjustment of teammates not working correctly
  • Fixed an issue with AWM bullets not making sound when impacting ice
  • Fixed the issue with sound of grenade not working correctly when it bounces continuously in mud material
  • Fixed a sound issue of where opponents’ footsteps are heard even when they are out of sight.
Skin & Item
  • Fixed the clipping issue with Jockey Boots
  • Fixed the issue when wearing a coat and holding a Panzerfaust the character's waist area shakes excessively
  • Fixed the abnormal flashing effect of Level 1 helmets on the ground
  • Fixed the issue with a specific AKM skin not being exchangeable for BP
  • Fixed a visual issue of the Jockey Boots when it is combined with the Golf Pants.
  • Fixed a visual issue around player characters’ buttocks when wearing the Sosnovka Military Pants.
  • Fixed a visual issue of the PGC 2019 Sneakers when combined with Dinoland Suits.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dinoland Suits’ tail points to the sky when pulling the lever of the Win94 in prone mode.
Stadia Only
  • Fixed an issue of players not being able to enter the add-on tab after selecting the “Add cash” button from the pop-up of the items which are sold for G-Coins in keyboard & mouse use conditions.
  • Fixed an issue of certain settings being reset when reloading Stadia app.
  • Fixed long matching times when entering the Training Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the TOS is not displayed when entering the TOS page with a newly created account with keyboard and mouse use.
submitted by PUBG_Andymh5 to PUBGConsole [link] [comments]

Which weapon is the best for y'all? (+ cross progression update blog?)

Hey y'all, hope you had a great day!
I'm new to this sub and also to this game, so please be kind with me as i'm currently in a "learning phase" :)
So, my first impression of the game is very good and I think it's easy to learn some helpful mechanics and skills, as it's base idea is very simple, which I very appreciate.
In the beginning I practiced all champions against bots and I seem to like the spear and the lance the most(sorry if wrong translated, I dont play this game in english). What do you all like the most? And which weapon makes you angry (i read something about sig spamming - dont know what that means, but maybe thats a factor, too)?
And I also read about 10 reddit posts asking if there will be cross progression any time soon, and nearly always no one has an answer. Is there any "dev blog" or an official discord/website/blogpost where we can ask questions or even just can see what is planned in the near future? If cross progression gets released, where would we get the information first?
I installed this game on my PS4, but I'm planning to get a PC in the near future, that's why I asked.
EDIT: Just read something about twitch rewards, is that still a thing?
Thanks for reading and best wished from germany! :)
submitted by MisterLeon03 to Brawlhalla [link] [comments]

Can Console and Mobile Play Fortnite

Can Console and Mobile Play Fortnite
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submitted by blind3Aug to u/blind3Aug [link] [comments]

A Comprehensive Server Guide

Quick note (4/24/19, 11:11 AM EST): I'm going through the comments in chronological order, so if you haven't seen your comment updated to the guide yet, please be patient! I have limited time to work on this thread.
(4/24/19, 9:57 PM EST): I believe at the moment I caught up with the initial flood of comments (there was a lot to go through!), so I'm sorry that it took so long. Please let me know if you have anything else to add, I'll do my best to keep it updated.
I have heard various comments in passing about different servers having different kinds of communities, but there can be questions as to whether or not these assertions are correct. With the upcoming reshuffling of the datacenters, world visit system, and free world transfers, I thought it would be nice to assemble information and have a list of servers, their communities, and what they're known best for!

Please let me know how you feel about the community on your server (Are they casual or serious? In-character or out-of-character?), what the community's focus tends to be (raiding, roleplaying, crafting?), what the economy is like (are the MBs well-populated and cheap, or sparse and expensive?) or any other details or quirks.

Thanks in advance! Information about Japanese and European servers would also be appreciated and can also be cataloged here (language focused servers would be nice information to have)!

Population statistics have been omitted here (as they are likely to change dramatically in the coming weeks), but can be checked out on

[NA Data Centers]

[EU Data Centers]

[JP Data Centers]

submitted by k-nao to ffxiv [link] [comments]

best twitch bots for ps4 video

Setting up your PS4 for Twitch streaming doesn’t need to be that hard. Earlier we have covered the PS4 Remote Play way here only but that way has always had some kind of a lag. Nowadays there is a really cool way to even get rid of that! In this guide collection: We are going to cover the barebone streaming straight from your PS4 to Twitch StreamElements Chat bot for Twitch and YouTube Live streaming increases engagement and moderates your chat. Run commands, timers and keep your chat clean with spam filters. This article will focus on the best Twitch extensions for new streamers, which can help them to attract more viewers and engage them on the channel. What are Twitch Extensions The term ‘extensions’ was introduced by Twitch in 2017 when the platform decided to provide viewers with a new world of fun in addition to streams. Nightbot is less a "streaming app" and more just a bot in chat. This is the weakness to PS4/XB1 streaming. You're trading customization options and the ability to have custom things like overlays and alerts, in return for the simplicity. Look: here is the list of the best Twitch bots with all their features, pros, and cons. It will help you to select the most suitable software and enjoy its benefits fully. 1. Nightbot. When it comes to the most widely-used chatbots on Twitch, it is undoubtedly a Nightbot. It is software with comprehensive usability which can boast a wide array Best Twitch Bots With the exception of moderators, Twitch bots are the life-blood of a well-organized chat experience. They also help to minimize the disruptions that can happen throughout a broadcast. In this guide you’ll learn all about Read more… The Best Top#1 Twitch Viewer Bot in The Market. Register Today To Get Limited Free Credit! Special Offer Ending Soon! Start Boosting Your Stream Now. Our Bot Is Designed to Look Real and Interact with Your Stream in a Real Way. While many compare the bots, such as Streamlabs vs Streamelements, ultimately the choice is up to you in which product will better help you entertain your viewers. Best Twitch Bots For Streaming [Free & Paid] Here’s a look at the most popular free and paid bots for 2020 and how they compare in terms of functions and usability: In this article, we will discuss 10 different programs and compare the pros and cons of each so that you can pick the right one to use as you stream to Twitch, Facebook Gaming, or YouTube Gaming. Best Twitch Streaming Software of 2021. The following are our picks for the top ten streaming software in 2021: And while there’s plenty of advice out there on the internet targeted at new streamers, I just wanted to put together one consolidated guide for PS4 console gamers who are new to Twitch. Now, that being said, a lot of the basic tips and pieces of advice that are listed here will apply to all new streamers – so no matter what your setup is

best twitch bots for ps4 top

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best twitch bots for ps4

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