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No, you can't have a naked picture of my kid

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The big casino compromise was that MIL and SFIL came to visit yesterday instead, because no fucking way am I seeing them after they go to a giant casino on Christmas to lick COVID off a slot machine.
I had read Toxic In-Laws (link in the resources page for this sub) this week. And made myself a list of statements that start with "I'm not willing..." and "I am willing..." as is advised in the book. So I felt better prepared for her visit and better prepared to discuss the babysitting thing if it came up. So of course, it did not.
She found out that I had unfriended her on FB, finally, and sent my husband a series of text messages saying I clearly hated her and she was done trying (girl what have you even tried?). My husband said what he always says, which is, "Mom, you're inventing this. You are making this up in your head. No one is slighting you, no one is mad at you, you are welcome in our home, I'm not discussing it further." She sulked for a few days and then asked to come visit this weekend as if the convo had never happened.
My husband said, "Well apparently she's realized that will get her nowhere, so can we just let it go?"
Thanks to Toxic In-Laws, I know my MIL is a fan of injustice collecting and also criticism by proxy. But I also know that the best time to address things is when they happen. MIL is out of FB drama to send to DH, since she can't invent slights from my FB posts anymore, so we will see if that ends the text screeds. If it does not, I have a plan.
All that to say I agreed to let it go. She has only EVER called/texted him with made up drama if she'd been looking at my FB (seeing other grandparents, SMIL getting a good grandma name, I appear more appreciative of other people than her, where is HER good grandma FB points, etc etc etc), so I set a boundary by unfriending her, I am satisfied with that.
We had an incredibly pleasant visit. Two boundaries in a week (well, she found OUT about two in one week) seems to have shaken her up a little, she was on her best behavior. Plus, there were presents to disperse and that is the great joy of her life. She didn't try to overstep or keep LO from me, she even took my gentle advice and sat a bit away from him and talked to him for a while before trying to hold him (he does NOT like people in his face).
A thing you should know about MIL is she has an entire baby album seemingly dedicated to DH's exposed junk, which he finds very trying. It's a lot. It's too much. Baby butts are adorable but why do you have 9 pictures of him from the back while he's crawling, with his junk hanging down totally visible? I used to work in child protection and I have strong opinions about people who share naked pictures of their babies on social media. Even if the pedophile who sees it likes older children, your naked baby could become trading material on the corners of the internet where things like that can be traded. I don't trust MIL with anything that I won't put on social media because, you know, everything goes on social media.
LO has a heart shaped birthmark high up on his left butt cheek. It's precious. If he were a realistic baby doll, it would be the little manufacturer logo, it looks placed there so intentionally. It's the cutest goddamn thing. DH mentioned it and she said, "Well next time you have him disrobed, take a picture for me!" I said, "No. We don't take pictures of LO with his clothes off."
She said, "I didn't mean for Facebook, I mean just for me to see it!" I said, in a neutral tone, "I am not willing to take pictures of my son with his clothes off. DH, why don't you show MIL the birthmark now, in person?"
So he pulled LO's diaper to the side so she could see the birthmark, she agreed it's the cutest thing she's ever seen in her life, and we all continued with our visit. No one got mad, no one argued with me. "I am not willing" has a different intention than "I won't" or "I can't," and it is already working for me!
Sorry for the rambling update, but I was so happy to tell her something and not have her handwave me, interrupt me, ignore me, or tell me, "It's fine, I'll just..." when I said a firm no.
submitted by thirtyflirtyandpetty to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

Ranking games to do + how long it took to do. 170$ in 2 weeks

Best one to do: War Thunder
Time it took: 2 hours
Reward: 700
Download & install and play 1 game... was fun too.
2nd best one to do: 21 Blitz
Reward: 1200
Time it took: 2 hours
Just win 25 games... doesn't require any money. Somewhat fun to do.
Best Casino game: PopSlots
Time it took: 2 days
Reward: 2500
Was the easiest one to do. Just sit on Fire & Lightning and collect every single one you can here:
If you're lucky you'll get it done in a few hours. If unlucky, a few days.
Second best casino game: Club Vegas Slots
Time it took me: 2 days
Reward: 3500
Machines don't matter as it's random, go to there facebook for free coins.
Third/Fourth best casino game: Huuuuge + Billionaires(they're the same thing)
Reward: 4500 each(currently 5500 each I got screwed)
Billionaires took - 6 days
Huuuuge took - 1 day(got lucky)
On Billionaires I did it through only slots which is why it took so long. DO NOT DO THAT. GO THROUGH ROULETTE AS SOON AS YOU CAN.
Billionaires I managed to snag a 2b jackpot then just did roulette the whole way then still had 1b+ so I just did 140-150 through slots(ran out of money reaaaall quick)
Reward: 4000(I had it for 3000 but luckily it went up as I was doing it)
Time it took: 7 days with ONE lucky break of winning 1b and machine going even for a few bil. It was 6 days of torture to even hit level 60.
These slots are super rigged. Same company as Huuuuge + Billionaires but worse slot machines and nowhere near as many players. You also don't get nearly as many free stuff from your clubs, etc.
Overall, it took me 2 weeks(not really I paused a few days in between on some) of leaving my phone spinning on these things to get a new graphics card... whatever, worth.
submitted by AStrugglingPoet to SwagBucks [link] [comments]

Do you really like your beer, or are you just a victim of Capitalist Propaganda? How you can learn how the free market works while you guzzle some suds, and how beer can help you to understand the vast conspiracy that is slowly degrading America.

TL;DR - I use the craft beer industry as a way to understand Capitalist Propaganda, how Capitalism and Socialism are inextricably linked to each other, and how through the use of propaganda, companies use the "illusion of choice" to coerce you into believing that you prefer the products that are most favorable to them. In order to change this into the consumer's favor, you need to be an informed consumer in the free market, and raise class consciousness to overthrow the tyranny of Capitalist Propaganda, that is called "Marketing".
You can't understand Capitalist Propaganda unless you have a solid understanding of what Capitalism is beyond the literal definition of the word, which is just an abstract ideal. Propaganda plays off of the discrepancies between the ideals of Capitalism, like the free market, which is another abstract ideal, and the reality of Capitalism in practice in America, which can be characterized as Trickle Down Economics. Capitalism sought to be a pragmatic alternative to its economic predecessors, a fact which drives Capitalist Propaganda. However, through layers of abstraction throughout the years, it has become more of a religion, as critics refer to the increasingly ideological concept as "Supply Side Jesus", meaning you give all the money to the rich, it'll trickle down to the poor, and they can "vote" on the actions of the capitalists through monetary interactions in the free market.
Capitalist Propaganda is engrained in America, because at the time of our founding, Adam Smith wrote "Wealth of Nations", which is considered the Bible of the Free Market. This groundbreaking work utilized Newton's Laws of Physics, which were en vogue at the time, to describe how interactions in the marketplace would balance each other out, just as the laws of Newtonian Physics do.
The very noble purpose of Wealth of Nations was not create the oligarchy we have today, but to do the opposite. He wanted to describe a system that would protect individual freedoms and be truly democratic. Just as Lenin and Stalin bastardized the works of Marx, so too have capitalists in America bastardized the intentions of Adam Smith.
Capitalism and Socialism are best learned side by side, in my opinion, to avoid falling into the trappings of either ideology that our brains like to do. Which one is better? It depends on the market, but the answer is almost always somewhere in between.
Through learning how Socialist concepts can be applied to problems in Capitalism, you can cut through the propaganda and will see for yourself that these problems can be solved if we just drop the labels and do what's best for society and the individual. The problem is always finding the proper balance.
Yep. You can never live in a pure economic system. Purity is always an illusion. If you want something to be pure, you have to put a lot of energy into making it that way. Nature likes to mix stuff up. This is why ideologies around racial purity and fascism always fail. There are people who want a "pure" economic system, but they are usually the people at the top and would only get richer from more purity while the rest of society loses freedom and slowly starves.
In a nutshell, Capitalism promotes laws that benefit those with money, while Socialism promotes a safety net that benefits everyone. Every single human is born into Socialism. As a baby, you need food, someone else works for it and gives it to you, but then at some point, you are expected to exchange labor for capital, and buy your own food. See? The two are forever bound as the yin and yang. You can also grow your own food, but for that you need land, which is capital.
These interactions are very tricky. I only want to tell you enough so that you can start to see Capitalist Propaganda, because right now, you're like a fish in water that can't see water. I often use this line to describe a person who can't see their own homegrown propaganda. The best way I found to study Capitalism is by relating it Socialism, the "air" above the "water" of Capitalism, if that makes sense.
I always find it best to look at a microcosm to understand these concepts. And today, that microcosm is beer.
Before I poison your mind with my own propaganda, picture you're on vacation and you walk into a bar and want to order a beer. If you really want to understand the power of propaganda in your own life, really think of this before we break this all down. Really think, what makes you decide which beer to order? Do you like to look at the labels on the tap or bottle? That's obvious propaganda. It has absolutely nothing to do with the taste or quality of the beer itself, but sways your opinion toward logos you've seen before, which is why you see so many beer advertisements, which means that money that could've gone into quality is instead going into propaganda, and you're already biased towards an inferior product. Interesting. You really can't help being swayed by marketing, but at least you can be conscious of that fact, and that's important in order to be an informed consumer.
Do you ask the bartender for a recommendation? Why would you do that? You don't know the bartender any better than the beers in front of you. How do you know they aren't paid more to offer you a beer that sucks and is 12 years old and the owner wants to get rid of it? Do you ask for a certain style of beer? Do you ask for a local beer? And once you finally narrow it down to a few choices, do you ask for samples so you can make up your own mind? You should always do this. Then we get into "flavor propaganda", which we'll discuss later. Jeez. Did you every realize there was so much complexity behind being an informed consumer and just ordering a simple beer? Maybe you'll give in and just tell the bartender to pour whatever. Choice is difficult sometimes.
If you really visualize this and take a minute to let this sink in, you'll start to understand how external forces hijack the processor in your mind to manufacture desire through the illusion of choice. However, your health and enjoyment of the beer is not the goal for these external forces, they only want you to purchase. The perfect example is fast food. They know their product sucks, but they know you'll keep buying it, but that doesn't keep them from lying about how delicious it is in their ads. There is far more at play behind the curtain. There is a science behind addicting you to things, this is reinforced by a corporate tax and subsidy system that contorts the free market pushing centralization of production through homogenization and use of chemicals to hide the homogenization, and simply because there is more than one option, they make you feel like you have choice. This, in a nutshell, is how the illusion of choice works in the free market. It's not about what YOU want. The producer manipulates you to think you want what they have. Through this, they deceive Americans into buying products with a list of ingredients that a person would never freely choose to consume. So if you want to order a beer with no shit in it, then you're shit out of luck in America. You could in Germany, but we'll discuss that later.
While you're standing at that bar, you aren't conscious of the fact that your interests are in direct opposition to those of the bar owner's. Capitalists hide this fact with their perfect smiles, but Marx described this in detail. You want the best beer for the cheapest price, and the bar owner wants to sell you the cheapest beer at the highest price you'll pay. It doesn't stop there. The bar owner flips roles in the same situation with the beer distributor, who does the same with maybe another level of distribution, and continues to the brewer, then goes to the brewer versus supplier, supplier to farmer, and even though you'd think it stops there, the farmer has to deal with suppliers of equipment and seeds, and on and on.
Add to this list their auxiliary staff of HR, drivers, managers, brewers, bottle/keg makers, and of course owners, none of them care whether you actually like the beer you're drinking as long as you keep buying more. That's the big driver here.
Did you ever realize that every time you buy a beer, your own capital is partially responsible for creating and sustaining all of these jobs involved? You, my dear beer drinker, are the true job creator. Budweiser can brew all they want, it means nothing without buyers, who are the true engines of capitalism. Instead, you're treated as a rube by suits in a boardroom somewhere.
Capitalist Propaganda tells us the billionaires are job creators, but this is a lie. Jeff Bezos can't drink enough beer to sustain all these jobs. So why do we let him hoard all the money? Wouldn't the economy do better if we spread out Jeff's money so more people could buy more beers and more jobs would be created? According to Socialist Economics, yes. That's actually, quite simply, a Socialist Free Market. Did you even know that existed? The power hungry greedy people who are too lazy for manual labor go to such great lengths to make sure you don't learn it. They want you to think that only Capitalism allows you choice in the market. I'm sure you can guess why they say that.
Capitalism maintains itself by exulting the wealthy who use their economic power to punch down. The only way this system won't fall into fascism and fail is if the consumers start to punch back. Where Marx envisioned the Dictatorship of the Proletariat as they usurped power from the Bourgeoisie, a modern alternative is just teaching people to understand the system we live in, so that we can just start making changes in the way we live and to whom we give our money.
See that? Capitalism and Socialism can get along nicely, so long as the consumers are informed.
What I described within the previous section is what Marx called "Alienation of Labor". Each step in the process of making your beer is isolated from the others, so no one feels ownership over the end product or a true connection to the consumer, or job creator. Even the bartender selling it is alienated from the profit of their labor in serving the beer, so they only focus on the service aspect of giving you the beer, because that is where they earn their tip. They can't really fix anything about a shitty beer other than to offer you a different brand. The capitalist owner is usually not there. Their only interaction is setting the rules for everyone in the bar to follow, and pay themselves more than everyone who has to follow those rules. This is part of the conflict between the classes. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just pointing it out. The bar owner themself has to spend money on propaganda to attract customers that could be spent in other places, so has to find ways to cut costs. Unfortunately, they buy cheaper beer...and this is why you end up with IPAs. No one is connected to the products, so they only look at prices and find the cheapest, passable product. This is the race to the bottom of Capitalism.
Compare this to when brewpubs were a new thing. The brewer would come out and talk to you about the beer, you would give feedback that could effect future batches and it connected everyone to each other through commerce. It makes business "social" and I think nearly everyone enjoys that, but it is losing out in competition with chain breweries that enforce isolation and make cookie cutter propaganda and cookie cutter business models so they can turn owners into managers and suck all the profit back their corporate headquarters and offshore accounts. They kill the experience and make everything transactional. And all the kitsch they hang around their cookie cutter chain bar is just to hide the fact that no one in that place cares about anything other than not getting fired. Everyone is effectually alienated from everyone else. It's worth a read to check out this page on Marx's Theory of Alienation.
This alienation is the root of a lot of misery in society. Humans are communal animals forced to live in a society of individuality and alienation. As they mope around, they seek an escape. And that is why advertising is so nefarious. It seeks to manipulate you in that state. Imagine driving home from your alienating job to you empty home, but looking up and see a billboard with bunch of actors laughing and drinking beer. They take pictures that make these actors look like friends. It's just for show. They aren't selling beer to those laughing people in the picture. They're tempting lonely people to drown their sorrows. Capitalist Propaganda is used so your brain doesn't understand what it wants. It wants friends, then sees the words Bud Light. So when the bartenders asks...Make it a Bud Light. Look at how much money they spend to manipulate and capitalize on people's suffering.
Propaganda in Communist countries is controlled by the government, so it's clear who the enemy of your freedom is. Capitalist Propaganda hides behind the layers of complexity of the same economy you rely on to survive, so you never know what's propaganda or where it's coming from. Marketers find every way imaginable to get their disinformation in front of your eyes, even enlisting your friends on Facebook in annoying MLM schemes. Propaganda invaded everything that can be legally monetized. It's in the media, and not just commercials anymore. There's product placement, stories injected into the news, and even movies and social media created an entire industry of "lifestyle propaganda", telling you how to live your life and indulge in overconsumption. It's REALLY hard to get away from Capitalist Propaganda. There is so much money and research behind it and so much depth, even this long post is only barely scratching the surface. I just want to open your eyes to it.
I can't make you see all this. No one can. I can only describe it as best as I can. What you will experience when you understand this is what I call "Economic Enlightenment", similar to what Marx called "Class Consciousness". Once it happened to me, the world looked amazing, and the shitty propagandists selling us false hope all look like clowns in a very odd circus of vanity, despair and mediocrity.
Once I understood this, I saw clearly how we are increasingly trapped in a form of Corporate Slavery, led by seriously ridiculous oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg, who thinks he's the reincarnation of Augustus Caesar or something. That's why he has that haircut! This is a guy who stole a company and hired "screen psychologists" from Las Vegas to get you hooked on Facebook the same as casinos do with slot machines. He wants to be the funnel for propaganda throughout the world. He wants to be the kingmaker, decide what people buy, who they like, what views they hold. He can only do this because so many companies spend so much money to put their propaganda on that platform. They can only have this much money because the free market is not actually free. It's bought and paid for on platforms like Facebook and Amazon. The money that was supposed to "trickle down" is instead being spent on Capitalist Propaganda on these platforms, to get the proletariate to trickle their money up through endless, nonsensical online purchasing and local businesses who send the town's money to people who can't do anything with it but buy up properties that increase your rent and cost of living.
When people get drunk on the power of propaganda, they forget the lessons of the past. Propagandists always fall prey to their own delusions over time. In reality, your life is better without Facebook. There isn't anything on there that is healthy. Even if you just want to talk to a few friends, you are going to fall for the propaganda there. You can't help it. And if your bar advertises on Facebook, just think, that money could've gone into purchasing higher quality beer then sold at the same price, instead of going to Mark Zuckerberg so he can drop $30 million to buy the houses around him so no one can spy on him while he spies on you. You really gotta watch out for a guy who combines spying and propaganda all into a single app and thinks he's going to bring 200 years of peace to America. History is littered with knuckleheads like that. It's best to get off Facebook and encourage everyone else to do the same. Zuck only wants to lead himself to the Promised Land, and he's using your ignorance to fuel his own delusions by deluding you into thinking you want what he has to offer.
Let's get back to beer.
I like beer. When I worked in Germany, it was easy to walk into a bar and, like Farva, just order a liter o' beer. Often, there would only be two choices, light color or dark. As a matter of fact, even at the most famous beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest, people mostly drink the same standard type of beer, and no one complains about the lack of choice. It's quite easy. You can order with one finger. No need to see a menu or ask what's in it. It's simply beer. This worked for centuries. Consumers are fine with it. Prost! Have you ever shared a story like this and people say, "Oh, that would never work in America. Americans want choice." Yeah. Because we are flooded with Capitalist Propaganda.
So if consumer choice isn't pushing for a selection, why would a free market call for it? Imagine there are two bars and one of those bars says "30 beers on tap" and the other doesn't. You're more likely to choose it, and the other bar will have to compete in some way, often by copying. This forms trends, and people mistake this for something customers wanted. Trends are always marketing. Don't believe me? What happened to fidget spinners? So now you have a bunch of beers that no one asked for, yet will now demand. Competition creates more Capitalist Propaganda to create demand for something you never even wanted, but makes you think you do. And that's the best propaganda. You think you are thinking for yourself. This is the fallacy of consumer choice.
If you want to understand just how important that last paragraph is, consider this, "consumer choice" is the same propaganda they used to get you to carry around a device that spies on you 24/7 and sends that data to people you don't know, and you can't stop it, can you? You chose that. You wanted it. Not only that, but you paid $1,000 for the device to opt into their spying program, for the privilege of being mind controlled by the propaganda their AI selects for you. Did you read the Terms of Service? As bad as you may have thought Communist Propaganda was, Capitalist Propaganda is far better, and far stealthier. You believe you have freedom of choice. But your only choice is usually take it, or leave it. Oh, you need it for work? Maybe find a different job. Or just succumb to mass surveillance, and next year, you can drop another grand on a device with a marginally better camera.
There is a way to free yourself. You just have to understand the nature of propaganda. It took me a while, but I eventually broke free. Under Socialism, there would be laws against the exploitation of consumers. Capitalist Propaganda tells you that this takes away your freedom. This is a lie. Regulations give you the freedom to not have to worry whether the beer you're drinking has poison in it.
Germany has a lot of regulations on beer. It has the Reinheitsgebot (purity order), a law passed in 1516 that states that beer can only consist of water, hops and barley. Note, this is a different use of the word "purity" from earlier, as beer is itself a mixture of things. Historically there have also been regulations where beer could only be sold regionally, so no matter what part of Germany you were in, you only got a certain brand of beer at the bar, but it didn't matter because they all had the same ingredients. They could make wheat beers or unfiltered, but they were generally variations of pilsners and lagers. One meaning of the word "Lager" in German is "storage", meaning the beer was brewed in a way that it could be stored, allowing them to brew in bigger batches and store it.
Lagers use a more complex brewing process, so only larger breweries would make them, but this worked because of protected territories. America has a similar system, because each state has its own regulations on alcohol, but this is changing as corporate lawyers fight to homogenize the rules favorable to them, but the consumer loses control. Big brands tend to be lagers as they have general appeal to a wide audience. Did you notice this is the second time I pointed out that corporations create homogeneity? Without regulations, corporations create Fascism. That is why I tell people that we already live in the NWO but corporations rule the world instead of governments. Why do you think so few conspiracy theorists make this connection? Propagandists are paid a lot of money to keep even our small community confused about the reality of what's happening. Now, check out conspiracy and you'll see what I mean. They are spreading propaganda for the NWO over there and don't even know it. I tried to point that out and they finally banned me. Oh well. They'll figure it out in their own time.
In America, in 1978 it became legal to brew beer at home. This is what led to the explosion of new beers in the US decades later. Americans don't have purity laws, so could test new recipes. But people didn't generally like IPAs before, so how did they become so popular that they control 30% of the market? Marketing, of course. Create the market and tell people what they want.
IPA stands for India Pale Ale. It was invented by the British as an easy way to make a beer that they could drink in India. People only drank it out of necessity, as the other beers couldn't make the trip. IPAs are very easy to make and very forgiving, because if you mess it up, it already tasted bad anyway. As people started trying to get into microbrews, they often didn't have the capital to make lagers at small scale, and also wanted a simpler process so they didn't have to hire or train expert brewers, IPAs are cheap and easy to make at smaller scale.
In order to make it drinkable, brewers experimented with many different flavorings. This created a cult following of craft IPAs, where people would drive hours to stand in line for hours to try the newest concoction. The trendy nature of the craft beer world kept people training their palate to adapt to the taste of an IPA, making people start to actually like them. The flavorings made people think they were different, so even if they didn't like it, marketing tactics kept people coming back to try the latest blend. Your palate can adapt A LOT. Swedish people love Surströmming, but watch this video of Americans trying it for the first time. They tried to get me to eat it several times, but I would rather sit in a sauna until Tuesday to avoid smelling it while watching them eat it. It really smells that bad.
IPAs enticed people with popular, aromatic ingredients like bananas and pineapple. This is what I call "flavor propaganda". It's not bad in and of itself, but it can be easily misused to cover issues with quality or hide the taste of preservatives. Since we don'e have laws like Germany, you're left to rely on the knowledge and honesty of the bartender to find out. They don't make this info readily available, which is another form of Disinformation.
So if you think you actually like IPAs, just remember, you are just like a Swede eating rotten fish. A lot of propaganda went in to making IPAs popular, but it's the cheapest, easiest product to make that can be sold at the highest price, so they become popular. This is what business students call a business plan. To overcome the bad taste, IPAs were marketed as "classy" to shame you if you choose the more expensive to produce and more appealing pilsners and lagers, which were given a bad name due to being associated with major brands like Bud Light. This makes it harder to market microbrew lagers, which can only fetch a certain price due to association. And this is what is referred to as the "race to the bottom" in Capitalism.
Instead of trying to innovate ways to produce the beers you want, they just figure out how to get you to pay more for an inferior product, just like they do with BBQ. They make you think you want it. From this you can understand why "food" is full of junk that you wouldn't feed your dog. Whatever legal poison helps cheapen the product is considered "smart business", another propaganda term designed to hide the reality of doing immoral and harmful things to other humans for profit. If you make money on it, it's good. As if there aren't better choices we could come up with if there truly were a free market with an informed consumer.
We don't need a Communist Revolution to make positive changes, so take off your ski masks and put your Antifa flags down. I like microbrew culture and still enjoy IPAs, but understanding the marketplace is how I do my part as an informed consumer and job creator to help create the world that I want to live in. I encourage you to do the same. Vote with your dollars. Don't let the Zuck-type sociopathic, corporate people in a distant land decide what you consume by looking at ads on his platform. Visit local breweries and talk to the brewmaster. Don't reinforce alienation from labor. Connect with the people who make the things you buy. Support independent entrepreneurship. These are the paths to a brighter future where we share in the abundance of wealth.
Discover Economic Enlightenment for yourself and realize that We The People are ultimately in control. Wealth inequality is greater than it was in France before the French Revolution. Don't let this train take us into the depths where another Lenin will arise and spend the night shooting people.
How you choose to spend your money today is what decides what will become the society of tomorrow. And remember, you always have the choice to buy nothing at all. I never saw a billboard that said that.
I hope this gave you a glimpse behind the curtain of Capitalist Propaganda. Propaganda isn't just political, it has invaded everything and it's at full blast right now. I hope you can piece together how Capitalist Propaganda is actually designed to make you subservient by controlling what you want so they can maximize their own profit and teach you to accept whatever they offer, the homogenization of choice. However, your life is your own and you should remain in control of all aspects of it, including your desires.
Richard Wolff is an economist who studied at three elite universities in America and discusses how he was not able to even learn about Socialist Economics in the ivory tower, even though Capitalist Propaganda calls universities leftist. He found no department in America that is even willing to teach it or study it. Capitalist Propaganda censors these ideas, especially at the university. People in power don't want the serfs to learn about themselves. Check him out on YouTube. You'll realize that unchecked Capitalism leads to Fascism and Slavery, which is why they want to get rid of the minimum wage, so that we can return to sharecropping which is already increasingly happening in America under different names, like "student debt", "mortgages" and "insurance". Don't you think it's odd that a person has to go into debt so they can generate profits for corporations who really ought to be paying for this education themselves? If you have to go into debt before they'll hire you, it's much easier to negotiate against you.
If you want to see other examples of propaganda, check out this random tweet from one of America's Top Capitalist Propagandists. These are very odd pictures, and the only thing I can see in them is that they must be promoting those outfits, likely the blue dress, maybe those men's outfits as well. One thing you know is that she didn't become a billionaire by letting any single opportunity to enrich herself at the expense of others pass her by. I didn't look it up, but I am certain they sell that blue dress, or whoever does paid her to post this.
That's the main reason celebrities use social media. It's marketing. Their whole schtick is to sell garments made in a sweatshop in a foreign country by people who can't even afford a beer to Americans who are facing bankruptcy and homelessness themselves.
Read the replies of the tweet. These people have influence that vastly outsizes their understanding of their impact on the world. There are guillotines in the comments. There usually are. I'm seeing them a lot lately.
This type of propaganda is everywhere. And it's destroying America. Just like propaganda led to the demise of Nazi Germany, we could be looking at the same thing, but worse. It could start off as famine.
If you're having trouble deciding between the beers you are being offered, it's probably because you don't want anything at all, in which case the proper choice is: nothing. Or, try tap water. Maybe you're just thirsty. Now ask yourself, when you envisioned yourself at a bar, did you ever think to order water instead? Did you entertain the idea that you didn't even want a beer. That's the power of suggestion.
What if the rest of the world just cut America off from the means of production outsourced to areas with cheap labor? We would have our own famine and likely war. And if we have a revolution here, with the masses in the country being so disinformed about everything and not having any sort of class consciousness at the moment and instead stuck in alienation, the leader that rises here will likely lead to something horrifying. And we censor ourselves from pointing out the simple fact, that the only way America will survive is to tax the deluded royalty like Kim and Mark back to reality, so they can't indulge their reckless, childish delusions by selling off the very fabric of our nation to the highest bidder.
That doesn't make me a Socialist, that just makes me honest.
Enjoy your beer!
Thanks for reading and I hope I helped you understand how you can empower yourself. I'm excited about the one I wrote for Election Day tomorrow to keep our NOPOL spirits up while all the politics clouds the airwaves. Cheers!
submitted by SchwarzerKaffee to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

Fruits4Real Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

Fruits4Real Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

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Play 60 free spins without deposit at Fruits4Real Casino! This only a begining of good news that awaiting you here! Next, get a 125% bonus and loads of free spins on fruit machines!
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Fruits4Real Casino Review

If you like to squeeze as much as you can out of any new casino experience, our expert reviewers think you’ll love Fruits4Real casino, which embraces its designer’s passion for classic slot machines.
You’ll also appreciate the mantra at the very basis of the Fruits4Real operation. It states that the best online gaming sites include at least one weekly free spins or bonus offer, loads of the best games, a 100% responsible and fair experience, and fast and safe deposits and withdrawals. Fruits4Real has it all.
You’ll be able to claim a generous bonus and some free spins when you make your first deposit, and this is just part of an appealing welcome package. You can also take advantage of regular weekly and monthly promotions and offers.
Bonuses are mainly designed with slots lovers in mind, and you’ll be able to use them to spin hundreds of online slots from top software providers like Pragmatic Play, Endorphina, and Amatic. There’s also a table games section where you can enjoy European and American roulette, as well as many cards games such as blackjack, poker, and three-card rummy.
You’ll have the choice of playing slots and games on your desktop, tablet, or mobile. You can also use live chat and email support on all platforms. You’ll even be able to access helpful tips on responsible gambling.
Any withdrawal requests you make will be paid after a 24-hour pending period. You’ll also feel safe at Fruit4Real online casino, as our reviewers found that all financial transactions are processed using the same level of security as recognized banking institutions. These measures have earned this Dialinvest International N.V.-owned and operated casino a Curacao e-gaming license.
Keep reading our Fruits4Real casino review for in-depth information about bonuses, top slots, how to play on mobile, support, and banking.
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Get Fruity With Your Welcome Bonus

When you sign up at Fruits4Real casino, you can claim an impressive welcome package comprising multiple welcome bonuses and free spins offers, provided you’re aged 18+.
You’ll find these bonuses are ideal for spinning a range of super slots, and you may also use bonus funds to play some table games. Naturally, before withdrawing any winnings from bonuses, you will need to complete the standard playthrough requirements.
Looking to enjoy all the latest welcome offers at Fruits4Real casino? Our review team suggests you stay updated by checking out the promotions page, where you can find information on new promos and their terms and conditions.

Keep Your Eye on the Calendar

If you're planning to stick around after using your welcome bonus, you'll be pleased to know that our review of Fruits4Real online casino revealed that you can claim a fun free spins bonus on the first day of each new month.
You should also check out the news section on a regular basis, as this is where you’ll find out about all the weekly bonuses and free spins offers. You’ll even be able to read reviews of great new games that Fruits4Real casino has recently added to its slots section.
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Spin a Few Fruit-Themed Slots

Our review team discovered a dedicated fruit slots section at Fruits4Real casino, offering you the chance to play over 90 games that use a variety of the world’s most popular fruit prize symbols. You can also spin over 300 video slots and participate in 30+ progressive jackpots. You’ll find a good choice of software providers too, including the exciting slots maker Stakelogic.
You could try to win a progressive jackpot in the Scrooge slot by Leander Games, which is based on the classic tale A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Watch Candle wilds randomly light up completely wild columns in the base game and on every free spin you trigger.
You can then tuck into the Festive Feast feature, in which you can win up to 45x your total bet by picking Christmas-themed prizes out of turkeys. You could even be celebrating in style if you bag the Celebration Jackpot.
If you love three-reel slots, spin the Fruit Mania Deluxe classic slot into action. This game features melons, plums, oranges, and diamonds among its fruity icons. The diamond and lotto symbols on these reels will offer you even juicier prizes.
Three diamond symbols trigger up to nine bonus games, while three lotto symbols launch a pick-me feature in which you can choose one of the three lotto tickets to reveal a cash prize. There’s a 50/50 gamble feature included, where you can side with one of two Las Vegas showgirls and double your money if you choose correctly.
If you believe Bigfoot exists, you’ll definitely want to try a few spins of the Yak, Yeti and Roll slot by Betsoft. Every win activates the Yak, Yeti and Roll Bonus Trail, and this where your snowmobile will set you off on a journey to collect rewards such as free spins, multipliers, and cash prizes.
This slot also features Yeti wilds and high-paying Eskimo scatter symbols. If a win isn’t big as big as you’d like it to be, there’s a gamble feature in which you can stake either all or half of any win to try and double your money.
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Play at Fruits4Real on Mobile

Our review experts reckon the Fruits4Real mobile casino is the ideal way to enjoy gaming on the go. You'll find the site is optimized for all the latest Android smartphones and iPhones, as well as tablets and iPads. That means you won’t have to download an app or any additional software to play here.
You can sign up to Fruits4Real casino on your mobile. If you’ve already created an account on your desktop or laptop, you’ll be able log in using the same username and password. The casino’s mobile platform will give you access to lots of thrilling games, including the chance to spin sensational mobile slots from Betsoft Gaming into action.
You’ll find you can access all the welcome bonuses, free spins, and regular promotions from your mobile phone too. You also have the facility to make deposits and withdrawals, as well as use the live chat and email support features offered at Fruits4Real.

Access Quick and Easy Support

If you find anything that’s stopping you getting the maximum enjoyment out of Fruits4Real casino, don’t hesitate to get in touch with their customer support team. There’s the live chat or email option via your desktop, tablet, or mobile. You can also look them up and contact them on Facebook and Twitter.
Help is available seven days a week from 07.00 to 03.00 (CET), and our review team found the Fruits4Real casino support agents to be friendly and knowledgeable. All our questions were dealt with quickly and professionally, and we were pleased with the answers they provided.
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How to Fund Your Fruits4Real Account

You’ll find that you can deposit funds at Fruits4Real casino using a variety of payments methods, some of which are only available in certain countries. You can make your deposits and withdrawals using the e-wallet Skrill, popular credit cards, prepaid cards, and Bitcoin.
The maximum amount you can deposit is €1,000, while the maximum withdrawal limit is set at €5,000 per 24 hours and €25,000 per month. Our reviewers are pleased to report that Fruits4Real casino will not charge any transaction fees if you live in one of the SEPA countries.
When you request a withdrawal, your winnings will remain pending for 24 hours. During this period, you will have the right to reverse your payment and continue playing with your funds. After the pending period has lapsed, payments to EU accounts will be completed in 1-2 days, with non-EU accounts being credited within 3-5 days.
Once you have requested a withdrawal, Fruits4Real will immediately ask you to complete its mandatory identity verification checks. You can prove your identity by sending photocopies of a valid form of photo ID, a recent utility bill, and evidence of ownership of your chosen payment method.

Time to Get Real

The team behind this review were impressed by Fruits4Real casino and are confident that you’ll relish the chance to experience everything it has to offer.
You can claim a welcome package as well as weekly promotions and offers, and you can use these bonuses and free spins to play lots of great slots. Secure and fast banking and advice about responsible gambling also means you can have a good time knowing you’re in a safe and fair online environment.
So, if you want to enjoy an excellent all-round online casino experience, it’s time to sign up to Fruits4Real and squeeze as much as you can out of your welcome bonuses and free spins.
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Omni Slots Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Omni Slots Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

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Register at Omni Slots Casino and receive 100 free spins and a €500 welcome bonus! On your first deposit, you get 80 free spins and 100% up to €300! No bonus code required!
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Omni Slots Casino Review

Omni Slots casino rewards its members with a stunning choice of welcome offers and existing player promotions, which is why it’s so popular in Canada and in many other countries.
There are over 2,000 slots and games from several top software providers and loyal players get the chance to become an Omni Slots VIP. Many support options are also available, including live chat and email. Check out everything we think you’ll love about Omni Slots below, including how to claim your welcome package.

Omni Slots Casino Bonuses and Promotions

One of the biggest reasons to join Omni Slots is the chance to take advantage of a generous welcome package. You can claim bonuses when making your first two deposits and use your bonus funds to play many types of slots and table games.
Free spins are also part of this new player offer and these can be played on popular specified slots. Our Omni Slots casino review experts can’t see this great offer lasting forever, so they recommend you claim it now before it’s gone.
Once you’ve enjoyed your welcome package, check out the monthly promotions calendar at Omni Slots casino which is full of existing player offers such as free spins and bonuses. This is also the place to find special events and instructions on how to take part in slot tournaments.
If you’re the kind of player who is looking to be a VIP, email the Omni Slots customer service team to find out how you could start earning loyalty rewards such as higher bonuses, special VIP promotions, and some cool extras. Our Omni Slots reviewers think these existing player offers and VIP promotions are awesome reasons to play here regularly.
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Omni Slots Casino Software and Other Games

Our review of Omni Slots casino revealed over 1,000 slots and games from a good selection of popular software providers. You can spin new slots from Wazdan and Relax Gaming or play the latest and greatest 5-reel slots from NetEnt and Microgaming.
We recommend you also check out the jackpot section, where you can win the Red Hot Firepot Jackpot or the Golden Knights Bonus by playing slots from Gamomat. There are also many chances to squeeze out a big win in the fruit slots section, where top titles include Beauty Fruity and Back to the Fruits: Respins of Amunore.
Live roulette and blackjack are available at the Pragmatic Play-powered live Omni Slots casino. Other popular casino games such as red dog, craps, and video poker can be played in the table games section. Our Omni Slots casino review team believes this excellent choice of slots and games will keep players entertained and satisfied.

Omni Slots Casino Banking and Cashouts

Deposits of between $10 and $1,000 can be made instantly at Omni Slots casino using credit cards, instant banking, and pre-paid cards. You can also fund your casino account using Neteller or Skrill, and these e-wallets can be used to make withdrawals. Payment options may vary in different countries, so our Omni Slots online reviewers advise you to always check with the cashier for your best payment options.
Cashout limits start at just $20 and you can withdraw up to $25,000 a month. All financial transactions and personal data are protected by SSL encryption, which complies with the casino industry’s regulations regarding safety and security.
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Omni Slots Casino Support

There are lots of ways to get support at Omni Slots casino, starting with a helpful FAQ section where you’ll find all sorts of answers to popular questions. Omni Slots also aims to reply to any emails within 24 hours. If you’re a social media lover, there’s also the chance to connect via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
We found the quickest method to be a live chat, which is available 06.00 – 03.00 (CET) seven days a week on Android, iPhone, iPad, and desktop. Our Omni Slots review team used this service to find out several important pieces of information and were delighted with the quickness of the response times and the professionalism of the live agents.

Our Verdict

An awesome welcome package and amazing existing member promotions are why players are rushing to join Omni Slots casino. Bonuses and free spins can be used to play hundreds of the best slots and games, so you’ll always have a great time on site.
Other plus points include a choice of eight languages, the opportunity to play games on any device you’d like, and a variety of excellent support options. That’s why our Omni Slots casino review experts recommend you take advantage of everything this top gaming site has to offer.
Sign up to Omni Slots now to claim your welcome package and discover a world of thrills and excitement.
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submitted by casinogy to u/casinogy [link] [comments]

What Are The Key Features Of The Ethroll Casino?

The website of the Ethroll casino the business and the operation of online casinos in many parts of the world. This company is also called the "Conscious Connections" because it believes in the fact that human beings are not able to relate with each other on purely physical levels, but through spiritual means. It therefore tries to help individuals connect to each other by enabling them to gamble online. This company has managed to expand into numerous branches across various countries, making it one of the largest online gambling operators today.
You may have noticed advertisements about this casino in the newspaper or on the radio. However, you may not know much about it. What you need to do is get more information about the Ethopian Online Casino. What you should be aware of are its features and the strategies used for ensuring that it provides the best online gambling experience.
There are various features of this casino that will entice people to take part in its games and activities. One such feature is the free downloads available to players. These include a number of games that are both fun and exciting, as well as some educational games. There are also several discounts available on offer.
There are also some unique features of the Ethopian online casino. For example, it allows its players to bet using real money rather than using their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Some of the promotional codes offered by the website can even be used to earn free spins. There are a number of loyalty programmes that can be redeemed every time you play. Other promotional offers include getting entered in a draw or drawing for prizes.
Other features of this casino include the ability to purchase additional coins that can be used to play on the roulette table. There are also different coloured coins that can be used at the slots and video poker games. Each player will also be able to choose from a number of special slots that will feature both classic slots and modern games. There is even a mini roulette table for those players who wish to play without gambling real money.
The Ethroll Casino has been designed in a way that makes playing more enjoyable for both sides of the player population. It offers an online casino experience that is innovative, fun and entertaining. In addition, it provides a number of features and benefits that make playing more exciting. All in all, these are some of the most important features that one should consider when looking for a new online casino.
submitted by nesemvgrt to WorldofEthrollCasino [link] [comments]


the cosmopolitan six thousand five hundred dollar bank the bonus live play tonight last night you guys wanted some mighty cash i found you a mighty cash double up look at those numbers that we're working with same format last night we do 500 tickets however some of my tickets are a thousand bucks they're just easier that way so i'll have to do some uh thinking and uh math but i get kerry here to help me out and i got all my lovely and fans so ticket starts at a thousand dollars so we're not gonna go below 500 guys so this one should be pretty easy max volume bank the bonus live play 13.50 a spin [Music] mighty cash double up let's see this haywire five or more for the bonus [Music] mr classic tv says punky power thank you mr classic tv oh yeah mr classic tv i think you won one of those blenders or um mixers but i need to get your address so send me an email or message me on facebook so i know jimmy d won the other mixer but i'm pretty sure you are the other winner so i want to get that sent out to you yes haywire we got something big oh 45 bucks good ones big one oh i couldn't drop like the maxi because it doubles up [Music] wait there we go [Music] and carrie we trust so we're gonna have him hit the button all right gary [Music] wow that's huge let's keep getting these red ones yes this is not bad red [Music] that wasn't a good spin but if your first two are pretty solid so i forgive you [Music] yolanda rory love you bry mighty cash is the best i love you too yolanda hopefully it will come to new york here soon yeah this is a decent oh yolanda which one do i pick yolanda's picking guys left right middle if yolanda's in here we'll give her a first chance to pick one two or three your left middle right yolanda i'm gonna wait for her i am i'm in plenty of time [Music] i'm a no hurry this is a nice little bonus yolanda gets to pick [Music] leland assistant too all right here it is shoot that's fine all right let's do it anything filled up down there okay extra 13.50 [Music] yes too bad we couldn't fill that up this is not a bad little hit i'll do some ticket math later on because uh i had a thousand dollar ticket but a good start yesterday we started off great and then it went south and if smaller bets work we'll do smaller bets but i am getting some revenge on that 25 cash code it's a jackpot to start the night what do you know [Music] yolanda has no reason to be sorry how's the picture quality everybody we have one person keep saying bad picture but everybody else says [Music] [Music] nothing [Music] all right let me see if i can uh [Music] all right [Music] all right is that good now how does that look perfect all right couple backup spins come on please please please [Music] backup spins galore i saw it go by too all right two thousand dollars will be the ending point [Music] all right first game get a win nice start all right so this ticket guys oh cougar girls 9.99 super justice happy new year all right i reset it i don't know what else to do so i did reset the wi-fi i mean the picture i am at mercy of the casino and romeo evan welcome to the bod rubber ducky club all right guys since um the same ticket so five hundred dollars again i've got these thousand dollar tickets i have to use them twice so the floor is going to be 1500 all right all right 17 16 a spin [Music] that's huge 300 that's good [Music] [Applause] yep i i work with what i have so [Music] maybe it'll get better but i did reset it twice after that i can't do much i apologize but i'm working with what they have but thank you to 800 people watching one more [Music] open this pot 24. [Music] 40 bucks [Music] yes scott i just re-logged into wi-fi for the third time i did reset it and i reset it again so [Applause] [Music] all right before the bonus i'll see if i can fix the wi-fi whoops 73. if you're winning with that well i find it just keep it that way give me one second guys this is my best four games [Music] which one do you guys look all right which one should i pick i've never done this thank you raja what do you guys want [Music] miss mary brian thank you for the live play i really activity oh thank you miss mary [Music] coins [Music] all right coins all coins come on yes oh we're going to do something on the left [Music] chris had patches behind me for me hey one more time i logged out i forgot the network and i logged back in [Music] guys not much i can do guys so the i'm doing the best i can but tell me it's blurry and tell me it's unwatchable and you're gonna unsubscribe above and beyond because i don't control the wi-fi you're gonna unsubscribe from my channel uh i'm not trying to be negative here but don't say crap like that that's just not cool all right guys i'm doing the best i can to give you guys some bonus live play and kyle sell data does not work at all in vegas anyways we got a bonus 776 dollars all right there's some backup spans the floor we'll get 2800 2750 2800 we'll see how it goes and we'll do the top up if we hit it [Music] all right so 27.50 is gonna be the floor so the first thousand in we're gonna have at least 27.50 so that's a great start tonight the pot is a little over 6500 but that's what the tickets i had available was they're gonna make that work but thank you all for tuning in thank you for you know the watching the earlier live play and we got a super chat herbert d brian you're doing fine ignore the complaint all right one more spin and we're gonna cash out so far it's a good little start [Music] all right let's move what do you guys want to see next is my lucky players card [Music] so [Music] those are not multi-dino [Music] yep how you doing yeah i hope so i reset it again it's still really bad i i re-logged in crushing it you hit reconnect i hit reconnect yeah it's still brilliant now all right we're back live all right thank you all right guys garager just help me out it's great usually for a little bit and then it kind of sputters out all right guys how about some konami konami time [Music] [Music] it can go to a hotel you go to hotel next all right and play konami games radiant witch 15 to spin so the floor on this game is gonna be 500. because it's a thousand dollar ticket let's do it guys but thank you all for tuning in hey brian i got a super chat for you one dollar lucky super chat from jose all right usually the usually for a super chat has to be at least 1.99 or higher to say anything doesn't want it we'll try one this is going in the community pot there we go so now you're in action you have a point one tenth of a percentage all right taxi 10 000. yeah we need to go to the other one all right we're gonna try the hotel one all right we're gonna try one more wi-fi guys i apologize all right all right last try guys after this we're just gonna wing it but waffs 73 in bod we trust thank you wasps genomes just keep crushing it all right guys if i missed a super chat then i did do my best doing my best all right here we go it's an iphone 12 pro mac so it should the phone's not the issue here oh i think it was one away from that symbol nice you love silver lucky 25 super super chat flip phone it's a motorola gopro i have no idea come on three or more bonus symbols may trigger the money galaxy feature oh you're not like that okay [Music] we switched the wi-fi network so hopefully guys hopefully this helps it's holding up so we'll take it at this point jose ah i tried [Music] guys it has nothing to do with the camera on the phone it's the wifi [Music] chris pat you're doing great brian of data oh that's my new name brian of data 9150 so i heard you made a killing in the stock market today had a good day you guys haven't checked out raja makes money the mods have been actually posting the link so thank you mod for doing that come on kanami give me some heck yeah [Music] gosh you guys i might have to cancel live play early tonight if i have to keep modding for myself [Music] come on it's due [Music] uh now i get that radiant witch symbol when i don't need it yep once again [Music] well i would go play it and that's that's it that's the 500 mark so [Music] all right let's keep moving on guys [Music] now um somebody specifically told me i should go play high stakes [Music] you know what maybe he'll do some video poker since carrie's here tonight how would you guys want to see some ultimate at the video poker i think that could be fun 1250 spin max that volume out yay or nay on video poker oops stephen hall he requested this game tonight so he got it apple alert for guys tonight 5 30 ah so close 5 30 pacific time you know what i did really good on last night was uh one more that uh i hit those two nice jackpots on uh also environment really i haven't if we went at one more and open up the taco that is like another four i never have like an ultimate fire like played it again last night but the last couple ever since i started playing that another one ultra hot megalink i didn't go to those now they've done these whole shows okay i never liked it because i never got the bonus but now we've got all these great bonuses they're gonna take 5 30 guys the big jackpot will be live on the main facebook page with youtube live play to follow at six o'clock pacific time [Music] yes we got a bonus see what happens when i push the button all right big one here we go carrie go ahead and hit the button carrie terry first lucky raja high rollers i had to mix it up it didn't work for me yesterday all right raja your turn your turn nah all right jose hit the button [Music] okay there we go that's 125 for jose tracy says i feel bbb coming for b.o.d well we believe in b.o.d everybody hit the thumbs up jose you're on the roll ready another 125. you're fired i'm fired i'll come in and save the day all right come on all right you're in all right here we go there you go that's all you guys are worth 25. oh this is 50 cents it's 12 minutes all right carrie you're back in it come on 62.50 jose tagging you back in you're hired again come on that's this is a brd spin oh okay there it is all right same as the raja come on nature just drop it oh really i carry you're back in [Music] all right jose we'll worry about the price of the grand if we come to that all right it comes down to body [Applause] that's something 362. [Music] it is but yours is a lot tighter mine's maybe the spring's gone or something [Applause] [Music] all right backup spins we'll play it down to what 500. how does that sound that sounds great thank you one more sorry he's live right now [Music] ma'am it's 45 dollars i'm sorry that's my gunnery jose my agent told me that all right big congratulations to the quick father he's not going to be with us tonight and right when we got done playing about one o'clock last night went to the room get a good night's sleep at three o'clock he sent me a message he had to get an uber for a five-hour drive back to california he missed his baby being born that's why we picked this date early in the month because baby was due on the 18th so we're like okay two weeks plenty of time you know get home and yeah out of nowhere last night all right guys what do you think we should play next all right autumn moon let's do it ah guys i do not really charge 45 dollars a photo you guys can believe whatever you want this one's due i'm into this game for at least a thousand bucks i get this one two oh the better match yeah no no but this one yesterday all right here we go twenty dollars to spend fifty four hundred dollar major hundred and three thousand dollar grand this is slower than like that first [Music] so the floor is 500 on this game unless we decide to play a second round on it so thousand dollar ticket in the floor come on what whoa no oh i thought you had it oh wow how did you screw that up very easily oh i thought i had it thousands left what happened to that 20 orb what happened to that 20 dollar orb tracy if jose twerks upside down like naomi there will be mega booms wow you've been requesting the twerk upside down [Music] diane mccall says whatever rajo says about you after i fell for the malaria hoax [Laughter] so diane mccall says she doesn't believe anything you say about me after she fell for the malaria hoax when you told everybody i had malaria b.o.d uh brandon true b.o.d ah what what grand did you hit the other day when the raja was live it's probably the same as me having malaria whatever that's worth [Music] it's no minor finally [Music] the good news is i don't have malaria currently but the question is are you going to fall asleep 2 000. i knew this game was due ah yeah come on keeping it alive [Music] now i pumped well over a thousand bucks in this game last night [Music] plus in the group paul we didn't do too well either [Music] [Applause] thousand right [Music] oh here it comes 103 000 live let me at least see it i did not see it i got my glasses on and i don't see it again the drama it's left-handed does it work nope i need to mix it up is that what you do in the bedroom people got jokes today come on [Music] hopefully we keep playing well i can pay off my markers it'll be nice [Music] that's something is that tick-tock tick-tock well i only have one phone unlike some people wow you guys both have one phone wait we got so many girls and tracy d if you don't mind sending me a photos later on of all the jackpots thank you all right so the floor is gonna be three thousand bucks one more moon there's still good line hit john johnson boom boom boom in bod's room that's right [Music] yeah this machine was definitely due after i mean carrie watched me struggle on this game last night i mean struggle one more i knew this game had to do a comeback hi there how you doing today good how are you i'm doing well you can't do recording what did this gentleman tell you i'm spitting fake news again i'm gonna have to call security on you that wouldn't be the first time yeah they called him last time when he had those prostitutes you grabbed his hands on his feet caesar's palace was not a good day remember caesar's palace and that lady i was tracy says i'm waiting jose you got this bee all right cash it out so this yeah so yeah this was a new this was a fresh ticket jimmy beauty on ajita keep it up i got your hoodie in my room during his live play i'll get it for you all right cash cove 25 a spin so the floor is just under 2 500. purple and gold saw it's nice wind keep it up i'm going to purple gold and i got jimmy d there you go all right all right so the floor is like 2 400 and change what doesn't want my ticket i did this yesterday too gaming machine unable to redeem at this time that was weird and it took it cash go 25 to spend cash cove just under 2 400 sorry just under 2 500. come on make up make up for you so 24 in change [Music] 100 dollars get it oh but thank you to all the mods help out thank you to kerry all aboard or luxury line tiffany j beauty great live stream can you play some cats all right we'll do cats after this [Music] no thank you nope i'm doing well not drinking anything so i'm gonna hold off as long as we keep winning i will not have a sip of water the entire livestream i am very superstitious [Music] what did he get nice jose is on ajita as tracy d would say this ticket will be put in the bank after this machine is over that's a great observation [Music] [Music] doesn't want me to quit this game i guess no okay there you go all right couple more spins not gonna go below 2400 come on come on all right final spin on this game cash an hour all right all right so that i think it's done all right we're gonna put another thousand dollar ticket in so once again the floor is gonna be um 500 bucks i didn't have to didn't have time to break down the tickets cats here it is somebody wanted cats to send a super chat and i haven't done cats in a while so [Music] 15 to spin [Music] yes that's it i thought it looked it looked a lot better in my mind sometimes the lower bets work better that's a pay line on 15. oh fine don't have to convince me it looks like if i'm a game manufacturer i'm making 15 lines that's not one of mine [Music] yeah of all the games being different heights different angles it's not always the easiest sometimes to uh that's it fifteen all right 30 that's fine 30 bucks on cats ah 200 nice [Music] come on bank the bonus that's good huh 400. nice [Music] that's right johnny milwaukee loves all the games that have cats in it kitty glitter miss kitty [Music] bonus [Music] [Music] what do you think should i play 45 a spin on catch or keep it here at 30. 500 is the floor we're going for that bonus oh yeah 250. i'll tell you what we'll do actually choose the max you can only play 30 bucks so by default oh bonus nope no nope gina anyway can you play black widow uh maybe you'll do some black widow i'll tell you what since we're doing well in the game we'll i don't want to lose any money on this game so we'll set the floor in a thousand bucks so we guarantee we don't lose any money playing cats [Music] i hate to do well in the machine and go broke trying to hit the bonus so [Music] come on okay 200 just for that [Music] and if we break the two 2000 mark maybe he'll set a floor above that come on full screen say meow i likey [Music] so if the raja ever tells you something about me 95 of the time it's not true he said you were an awesome individual b.o.d yep see told you now he knows better than joke about my dogs so oh yeah that's like the one thing he knows so if he says something about my dogs that may be true but besides that i never had malaria [Music] what's not a pay line but this jagged thing is that's bs hey ben hello [Music] don't get called on me kitty cats [Music] all right um is black widow on here all right this game's getting cold i'm going to use this extra 186 dollars for black widow so the forum black widow's still going to be 500. i so whatever that's worth executive vod decision [Music] forty dollars to spend on black widow [Music] the floor is at 500 on the game he's taking some of that extra money [Music] all right a black widow floor is five hundred dollars oh there's yep i that's a lot of people say i look like the purple guy in black widow they're the pink guy does that look like b.o.d what do you guys think i think it is they modeled it after me maybe that's right the raja this is his favorite game because he gets to see me all the time [Music] wow cheryl clark blackwidow be nice to b.o.d thank you we don't think we had a single playback of anything on black widow yet [Music] not a single does black widow hate b.o.d looks like ben affleck oh there we go on the last spin it pays 160 says don't quit on me [Music] ah mark wahlberg all right final spin and we're putting this ticket in the bank for cats and black widow so cats and black widow is done now i did play some um dancing drums earlier today and i got killed 2 000 down on dancing drums so based on that it's dancing drums revenge [Music] time [Music] yeah i saw my afternoon live play we did play some dancing drums so what do i got left 500 500 500 000 so 6500 in tickets i have 2500 left let's just make it easy to put a 500 ticket here so once again guys i had to get some thousand dollar tickets i couldn't get the 500 so that's why we used some tickets twice 1760 a bet and we're going for three if we get it we're going for three the last three games we haven't done anything so we're due for another bonus here jimbo come on drums let's see a bonus i agree timbo so the mini's at 178 miners 626 that seems awfully high you son of a yeah majors at 9 000 yeah we're going for three because that's what i said all right here we go all right big money there we go that's it [Music] yes oh one more dragon that helped 120 yeah 360. [Music] all right 660 dollar bonus [Music] all right we're gonna play some more uh like 750 floor on this game we need some backup spins let's get another bonus [Music] you know screw it we'll do the mystery if we get it again that sounds fine with me mystery if we get another bonus i just hit five drums [Music] all right final spin unless we hit something um [Music] all right whoops says uh [Music] top dollar let's do it [Music] a lot of people like the double top dollar [Music] yeah 210 dollars to spend sorry 10 dollars a credit 20 [Music] we've been doing better on the lower d knobs right now so [Music] she says always double she's an expert so yeah 10's on there i'm putting a thousand dollar ticket in so the floor will be 500. [Music] so it's 20 dollars yes we did some higher spins earlier going backwards still good slide play [Music] carla howard says good luck tonight hashtag bonus time hope you're staying warm up there [Music] carla [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is my card working all right let's see this top dollar logo [Music] so close there we go [Music] almost 2 000 people watching thank you guys for tuning in tonight make the bonus live play from the cosmopolitan las vegas hit that subscribe button keep notifications on because sometimes i do surprise live play like this morning last spin [Music] and i did some like hundred dollar huffing puff this morning all right let's move on to some pinball [Music] two credit pinball we'll do 20 to spin on this too yes we'll do the video poker [Music] let's set pinball yeah uh these old school pinballs you can't see them anymore you don't find them much all the casinos that have them do not get rid of them looks like the new pinball they have it's a little different format 20 to spin so with a three credit pinball you get five shots with two credit pinball you get four [Music] that was 250 okay give this some more ammo to hit this pinball come on come on [Music] ah so close we have 1500 left after this the big jackpot will be live at 5 30 pacific time so [Music] and maybe i'll do some surprise late night live play tonight you never know that's why you have to subscribe and click those notifications on if i do like it yeah yeah it's something i was waiting for like yeah eight grand i'm like my like time just kind of stopped okay for me i'm like is it gonna happen [Music] it is what time what time is it carrie right now i think about five o'clock or so so it's 4 45 yes there we go uh i think i'm gonna keep the ten dollar genome it's working i hate to blow through everything on the twenty five dollar d numb we ain't broke i rather win a little bit of money on a smaller bet than lose more money on a larger bet [Music] yeah maybe some we'll see late no promises i did a surprise live play this afternoon [Music] and it's not a surprise if i tell you happy new year b.o.d and good luck well thank you sonny happy new year to you come on pinball get a couple decent line hips golden nugget that's a casino we're at the cosmopolitan is there a game called golden nugget oh yeah [Music] what was your biggest hit um nice on 15 bets yeah can't beat that [Music] i know where a wild wild nugget is but um some guy last night kept saying wild wild nugget the whole time and it really gave me bad juju and we lost so no wild wild nugget tonight i'm not a fan of that game anyways but we got a come on bonus 80. okay 250 it's a good start come on 80 80 no 500 bucks come on 80 80. [Music] [Applause] all right we're at 8 40. like 7 60 something like that get it five back upstairs legit whoops taught me so my final spin okay cash now [Music] 1500 left [Music] carrie and i gonna play some video poker for five thirty dollars to spin ultimate x video poker scary carry and body now beauty is gonna make the best choices oh thank you for that i'll do the best i can i got carrie here so we'll [Music] oh i didn't sorry i was um live when you texted me oh you're fine [Music] thank you thank you do you want a cosmopolitan no no no hold nothing or yeah all right oh so i was playing this earlier i got dealt four to the royal correct carry yeah i got dealt four to the royal i had a four-time multiplier up top or something and of course i did not hit it we'll be back to slots after this open ender all right seven queens [Music] maybe i should have held the aces michael alphonse in the house check out live stream casino shenanigans on facebook featuring michael halphon nothing all right the no holds barred anything goes facebook gambling drinking debauchery group sanders lodge shared the length thank you okay in order here we go oh come on give us something here come on [Music] all right here we go four to the flush let's hit this yeah look at the next all right come on four of a kind wherever oh come on oh come on top here okay guys all right come on could be eight thousand dollars it could be all right here we go a little dramatic pause come on twenty thousand dollars here it comes [Music] oh man yep yeah i got del four to the royal with the multiplier i had a couple good deals today [Music] here we go [Music] all right here we go come on four of a kind four of a kind king queen [Music] hey quads there we go oh cheers that's why i got somebody else here [Music] maybe if i do a late night it'd be all video poker live stream it's a possibility if anybody wants to do a video poker with me tonight maybe i'm going for it oh you just look at it [Music] okay so it's open ender too yeah so you need a two or seven eclipse [Music] there we go [Applause] 2500 [Music] all right [Music] nice all right so we're at 28 10. i'll probably play down 2 500 or so yeah um come on here it comes guys let's play for a miracle carry i'm good right yeah ah tyler smith the b.o.d for president carrie lee for vp i like it okay let's do it again come on four of a kind [Music] [Music] [Music] yes sir oh come on four aces come on [Music] [Music] okay that's right it's lacey from the slot ladies the one and only will she go live tonight i don't know if you guys want to send her money on only fans i think she may go live again tonight but hopefully is that how you send people money oh yeah so if you check out lacey's instagram and tracyd or whoever has it share it in the chat and on instagram they have your cash app in there so if somebody wants to send lacey 100 bucks or she gets up to 500 tonight i think she may go live again [Music] oh somebody sent you 100 you just need 400 more all right that sounds fair and whoever sends the most money can pick the game [Music] it'd probably be after the big jackpot tonight probably directly after before the group poll [Music] it actually was good she told me my left arm was sore because my right arm was tight [Music] yeah i had the hundred minute in the end well worth it eight times there we go anything i have a mask on my braces oh there we go can we get the flush can we get a flush ah yeah that's a good way to end it positive money and tracy d thank you mod tracy just shared lacey's instagram so just to confirm her cash app is linked in the buy over instagram right yeah all right so if she gets 500 tonight 400 more she will be going live [Music] am i down only 500 left yeah i guess i'm only at 500 left tonight wow i thought it had more oh yeah we had the thousand between those two machines right so what do we want to do for the last so let me think about schmidt i put 500 in there 500 here okay we all know what's going to happen last guys 25 spins huff and puff [Music] that's right guys huff and puff to end the night and wild wild nugget is being played i was going to end it tonight in a wild wild nugget but some gentleman is playing it so i can't do that yep 25 spins we're doing well we're gonna do 25 spins we did it yesterday for a thousand bucks we couldn't hit so maybe it's due that that logic worked on the uh what game did the logic were gone oh autumn moon we lost yesterday all right here we go 25 spins huff and puff let's do it um yeah maybe some late night live play i'll talk to some people and figure out a game plan there's no promises [Music] well i got some money to throw in the pot it could be video poker who knows two more yeah yeah there we go by the way we're gonna end it we got backup spins all right i'm excited yesterday was terrible today is much much better one more oops man i didn't mean to do that [Music] oh come on don't be like that it is going to be like that we got backup spin so there's one point we just want a coin [Music] ouch and the actual three games only played seven dollars and fifty cents it was bad [Music] 500 bucks will be the floor [Music] thank you that was not a good bonus nope nope nope [Music] come on the volume is maxed out that is not the issue what are you gonna do one more spin to end the night on bank the bonus live play i don't i would like to play it through but i don't know if that's fair because everybody has to agree on it so based on that um i'm okay thank you though so but guys thank you so much on behalf of b.o.d scary carrie and lacey we will see you soon remember check her out on instagram camera's on you just let you know oh hi taking my these are not i can't walk in them so i'm switching all right so check her out on instagram if she gets 500 today she's going live and you pick the game if you're the highest donor and also check her out on only fans so all right guys thanks to glot and i will see you guys later on maybe late night tonight bye
submitted by discoskyline to discoskyline [link] [comments]

I do not give permission for this post to be shared anywhere. At all. It belongs on this subreddit only.

I do not give permission for this post to be shared anywhere. At all. It belongs on this subreddit only.
The big casino compromise was that MIL and SFIL came to visit yesterday instead, because no fucking way am I seeing them after they go to a giant casino on Christmas to lick COVID off a slot machine.
I had read Toxic In-Laws (link in the resources page for this sub) this week. And made myself a list of statements that start with "I'm not willing..." and "I am willing..." as is advised in the book. So I felt better prepared for her visit and better prepared to discuss the babysitting thing if it came up. So of course, it did not.
She found out that I had unfriended her on FB, finally, and sent my husband a series of text messages saying I clearly hated her and she was done trying (girl what have you even tried?). My husband said what he always says, which is, "Mom, you're inventing this. You are making this up in your head. No one is slighting you, no one is mad at you, you are welcome in our home, I'm not discussing it further." She sulked for a few days and then asked to come visit this weekend as if the convo had never happened.
My husband said, "Well apparently she's realized that will get her nowhere, so can we just let it go?"
Thanks to Toxic In-Laws, I know my MIL is a fan of injustice collecting and also criticism by proxy. But I also know that the best time to address things is when they happen. MIL is out of FB drama to send to DH, since she can't invent slights from my FB posts anymore, so we will see if that ends the text screeds. If it does not, I have a plan.
All that to say I agreed to let it go. She has only EVER called/texted him with made up drama if she'd been looking at my FB (seeing other grandparents, SMIL getting a good grandma name, I appear more appreciative of other people than her, where is HER good grandma FB points, etc etc etc), so I set a boundary by unfriending her, I am satisfied with that.
We had an incredibly pleasant visit. Two boundaries in a week (well, she found OUT about two in one week) seems to have shaken her up a little, she was on her best behavior. Plus, there were presents to disperse and that is the great joy of her life. She didn't try to overstep or keep LO from me, she even took my gentle advice and sat a bit away from him and talked to him for a while before trying to hold him (he does NOT like people in his face).
A thing you should know about MIL is she has an entire baby album seemingly dedicated to DH's exposed junk, which he finds very trying. It's a lot. It's too much. Baby butts are adorable but why do you have 9 pictures of him from the back while he's crawling, with his junk hanging down totally visible? I used to work in child protection and I have strong opinions about people who share naked pictures of their babies on social media. Even if the pedophile who sees it likes older children, your naked baby could become trading material on the corners of the internet where things like that can be traded. I don't trust MIL with anything that I won't put on social media because, you know, everything goes on social media.
LO has a heart shaped birthmark high up on his left butt cheek. It's precious. If he were a realistic baby doll, it would be the little manufacturer logo, it looks placed there so intentionally. It's the cutest goddamn thing. DH mentioned it and she said, "Well next time you have him disrobed, take a picture for me!" I said, "No. We don't take pictures of LO with his clothes off."
She said, "I didn't mean for Facebook, I mean just for me to see it!" I said, in a neutral tone, "I am not willing to take pictures of my son with his clothes off. DH, why don't you show MIL the birthmark now, in person?"
So he pulled LO's diaper to the side so she could see the birthmark, she agreed it's the cutest thing she's ever seen in her life, and we all continued with our visit. No one got mad, no one argued with me. "I am not willing" has a different intention than "I won't" or "I can't," and it is already working for me!
Sorry for the rambling update, but I was so happy to tell her something and not have her handwave me, interrupt me, ignore me, or tell me, "It's fine, I'll just..." when I said a firm no.
submitted by crawlywhat to copypasta [link] [comments]

Dear, Those Who Are Weary of Dating (Online)

Dear, Those Weary of OLD
This time of the year can especially difficult for some that are alone - for whatever the circumstances. We can all agree that love is a fundamental human need (as well as other animals - all you fur parents out there). We are told from a young age that in order to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life you must have that four letter word - LOVE. What if I told you that even though that is completely true, the HOW you get love is actually more important and why it may not be working. I am not a psychologist nor a relationship therapists, I am not a counselor nor a dating expert (although after 20 years of dating, I have some pretty good ideas). This letter are merely thoughts and observations that I have to share for those of you that are feeling alone, forgotten or unloved. No doubt this dumpster fire of a year has surely created isolation and mental health issues for everyone. But, being single and alone presents a much different picture, especially for those desperately looking for a meaningful relationship (more on that in a bit...).
To provide a little context, I have been single for just shy of two years out of relationship that in retrospect I could only describe as a significant life experience that has forged me into being stronger and more resilient man than every before. It was an abusive and toxic relationship that I allowed to continue for way too long - this was my fault. I would like to take the time now to thank God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddah and every other universal spirit that helped guide me back on my path after that relationship. In all honesty, I have a few friends that were beyond helpful through that process - you know who you are ;)
After my break-up, I sat in grief trying to figure out how I got there and where I was going to go. Naturally, I turned to good old online dating. And did so significantly prematurely without realizing all of the self-work that I needed to do to heal myself. I was looking for that next date, the next girl, the next relationship to fill my void. To help cure my lonesomeness, my aching desire for love, to be loved. I have always dated and met women in-person or not through online methods. I had friends who were ranting and raving about how "easy" it was to meet women and how much "fun" you can have. on sites like Tinder, Hinge, or Bumble. I was skeptical because I enjoy the process of connection when meeting someone live and in-person and doing it "old school". Nonetheless, I was so desperate for something different and an easy fix for my newly love lost. That was my first hit of the drug that I call - OLD or Online Dating. And in the words of Rick James, it is one hell of a drug.
For almost two years, I swiped or clicked through thousands of profiles, got tons of numbers, went on dozens of dates, had a few pseudo-relationships that lasted usually no longer that 40-60 days. However, after investing emotional capital, time, financial resources, I still did not find what I was looking for - a true relationship. Ultimately, the whole online dating game became exhausting, time consuming and left me feeling worst about myself than I ever had in my life - sound familiar?... I kept repeating this process over and over reaping the same results. If I could make a standard operating procedure, it goes something like this;

Definition of Insanity: Doing something over and over again the same way and expecting a different outcome.
I literally had dating fatigue (what is this fucking WWII - battle fatigue?) Yes, that is now an actual term. I felt like I was running human intelligence collection for the CIA or something. So how is something that is supposed to be enjoyable and fun been morphed into something onerous for mental health and our self-esteem?
We are attempting to create authentic relationships through inauthentic mediums. We are seeking instant gratification for something that takes time, patience and a little luck to build. We are looking for someone to share that endless "honeymoon" feeling that doesn't exist.
Here is what I am talking about. It has been clearly researched and documented on the cognitive manipulation social media has on its users (i.e. Social Dilemma or Agents of Chaos for a more geopolitical perspective). We are clearly seeing how younger generations suffer from higher levels of depression and lower self-esteem and effects of online bullying. We are seeing the addictive properties of social media and technology and how these platforms are designed to keep the user engaged for a long-extended period of time and for as frequently as possible. We have seen how these social media platforms that were designed to bring us together has actually made us farther apart. We have to remember that OLD is social media.
I used to joke about seeing a group of high schools interacting in a modern group setting, all of them had their phones out and nobody engaging or being present. In my own hypocrisy, I was making fun of those students for something that I was doing myself. While I was swiping away while I wait for my coffee in-line, I wasn't engaging either. How many potential conversations could I have started with potential partners in real life that I missed? I will never know. However, see how starting a real in-person conversation right there in the moment is an instant connection (or not) and in my online dating procedure we don't even get to the in-person communication until Step. 6?... Think about how much time and work that is to text message individuals, many who are only seeking personal affirmation and attention. Attention is interesting because just like with getting a like on Instagram or Facebook, getting likes on a dating website also sends you a hit of dopamine. Literally, just like pulling a slot in the casino.
This leads me to my next observation: people only portray the character that they want to present. As with all social media, people lie. I know, shocking and riveting news. However, I didn't realize the extent that people went to create their "character" online. This little nugget was dropped on me while on a cruising on boat on Lake Washington last summer. I watched as these guys with yachts had attractive woman hanging off the deck, posing as if it was a Sports Illustrated photo shoot. And it was. There were guys out there taking full photo shoots of these girls, sometimes with multiple cameras or phones - all to get that perfect picture to look the best. That day I learned about the Boyfriends of Instagram. Dismal times.
This is the extent some people will go to create the image of themselves on their Instagram page, this obviously bleeds over into online dating. What will someone do to create their character? How far will they go? So, while you are at be at home feeling like a poor and fat loser, living the dull existence, everything you are seeing online is a MicroHollywood - it is all bullshit. Same goes for the finding love online, you will commonly never see the real person (at least not for a while), because initially everything is the facade. From the pictures on the profile to the answers provided, most of it is not authentic. You have to upsell your brand to be competitive.
Then when you meet the real person.... And find out they are not what you thought they were because their portrayal was not authentic. Next move, we just leave. Why, vanish? Because there are millions of other options online. We commonly think that it acceptable to just stop talking to someone and never provide a reason. Imagine if we just walked away in the beginning or middle of every meeting or social interaction, we would have no social networks of any value. But, yet we do it in OLD. Manners in dating are out the window. I have heard the horror stories from many ladies on the infamous "dick pic" which still to this day baffles me that some men think this a legitimate strategy to get laid... We wonder why our intimate online connections are not flourishing?...
There is really great saying and core value amongst the Army Green Berets that I think can shift our perspectives on dating in the modern world - "Quality is Better than Quantity". It rests on the critical value human emotional intelligence plays into how relationships are built and work efficiently. In OLD, what we are actually seeking is that instant gratification through unlimited options for partners instead of seeking authentic and quality in a very shortlist of highly-qualified suitors. It is tiresome to keep putting effort in individuals who do not want to put in a good faith effort.
So, with all this rambling, what the fuck is my point about being sad and lonely during the holidays?... This whole year has been an exercise in self-reflection (or at least isolation). Have you maximized all this time alone? Have you done any self-work to improve yourself for your next potential suitor? I realized that after all of my dating failures that the one common denominator was me - I was selling myself short. I was attempting to achieve something authentic through an inauthentic medium. I have been clean from OLD and social media for a few months and I have to tell you, I have acquired close to 3-4 hours of my day back and my mind feels amazing clear and I feel more at peace.
So those of you frustrated and lonely this holiday season with online dating. Put down the apps, it is a drug that is designed to capture your time and attention, not your heart. Spend this time in isolation to really do the hard work of understanding who you are and what you are trying to achieve in life - nobody knows this greatness, but you. If you have problems with who you are, then those problems will not be cured by anybody else or any relationship - you have got to love yourself for someone else to love you.
Stop looking at what other people have and comparing to what you don't have, remember most of it is bullshit and not real. Most of those people aren't on Learjets, they have studios that look like the interior of an private jet, insane. Having gratitude and helping others was a way that I got out of my dating funk - trust me you may be single, but what are all your other blessings?
Be good to yourself, you deserve all of the positive things in the universe and they will come if you do the self-care. You also have let the universe do its work as well. You will always have love, if you love yourself and who you are. And why shouldn't you?!! You are actually pretty fucking awesome!! And finally, turn off the fucking holiday romantic comedies, they are toxic and unrealistic and will make anybody other than Matthew McConaughey feel like shit.
Keep your head up! Merry Christmas!!
submitted by RocLaw to dating [link] [comments]

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There are no sports betting options available whatsoever at True Flip, which we found disappointing. If you’re the kind of casino gamer that also needs a quality sportsbook, you are advised to look elsewhere.

True Flip Bonuses and Promotions

True Flip offers a generous and multi-tiered welcome bonus scheme to all new players. They offer a matched deposit bonus on your first, second, and third deposit up to the value of €1000, or 1 bitcoin (BTC). They will also throw in 50 free spins for all players who redeem this bonus. Put simply, there are very few casinos out there right now that offer anything even close to this level of generosity for new players, and it definitely caught our attention.
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True Flip Casino Security

True Flip holds a license from the Curacao Gaming Control Board. which stipulates strict measures for security and customer privacy, as well as stipulating that casino operators have effective complaint and resolution mechanisms in place for all customers. End-to-end encryption is utilised throughout the casino website, meaning that your data should be safe throughout the gaming experience.

True Flip Customer Service

True Flip offers a 24/7 live chat service that is easily accessible throughout the site. Here you will find comprehensive customer support in multiple languages. Customers can also access support via a number of other channels:
  • Live chat
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
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True Flip is, quite simply, a casino gamer’s paradise. Their selection of games is unrivaled and their welcome bonus scheme is unlike any we have seen before. Their site is user-friendly and ideal for anyone wishing to play with cryptocurrency, especially given the huge range of supported currencies. However, it is a genuine shame that True Flip does not offer any sports betting, and the number of restricted countries is definitely on the larger side. Overall, True Flip is a well-designed and trustworthy gaming platform with a welcome bonus that should be more than enough to convince you to give it a try.
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

Billionaire Casino 4000SB offer

Billionaire Casino 4000Sb tips and tricks
Hey, I completed this offer in 2 days. I am quarantined to my house and spent a total of 9 hours and $10 to complete the offer. Not bad for being bored in the house with nothing to do. Mostly luck but there are some key things to do as highlighted below.
  1. Join a club as soon as you can.
By joining a club you’re eligible for a portion of everybody’s winnings. This didn’t really help me until the end when I realized how lucrative it can be. Just make sure to join one that has lots of people and they all have billions of chips
  1. Watch for promotions and events
There are always events going on. I was able to get 15 hours of double XP boosts (a huge lifesaver) from the events and almost a billion chips. Really worth it to check them out. Also, If you have Facebook there are tons of free coins there. Don’t forget to collect daily shop bonus and billionaire coins!
As with all casino apps as soon as you make a purchase the deal suck. The longer you wait the better the deals get so try to wait as long as you can. Purchases really help and there is no way to complete this without a purchase unless you are super lucky but just remember, the house always wins.
  1. My personal favourite slots is huge quick jackpots, by far the best one for me. Followed by huge diamond wins, samba spins and Buffalo spins. DONT GET GREEDY. As soon as you win big leave that slot game. Find another as the payouts suck after winning
  2. ROULETTE- EASIEST WAY TO LEVEL UP- 10m bet opens at Level 65-And the most important is make sure to save about 50 million coins at all times so you can do roulette. Roulette is the main way I leveled up. Place it all on black and red and you gain XP without losing it all so quickly. Takes a while but is guaranteed the fastest and safest way to level up. Be prepared as it can land on green and you lose everything but that rarely happens.
Maybe I was lucky, but I had found other tips online and will update this if I forgot anything.
Comment below and I’ll try my best to answer them
submitted by Used_Throat_7719 to Swagbuckstutorials [link] [comments]

PowerPlay Casino $7.77 FREE bonus no deposit required!

PowerPlay Casino $7.77 FREE bonus no deposit required!

PowerPlay Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Welcome to PowerPlay Casino and Sportsbook! Register now and get a $7.77 FREE no deposit bonus. Plus, you will receive 100 free spins and a 100% bonus on your first deposit. This is an exclusive promotion for new players only. Play now, win big, and cash out fast!
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PowerPlay Casino Review
If you’re looking for an online gaming site that gives you the power to enjoy yourself, it’s time you read our PowerPlay casino review.
A new player bonus gives you double the bank balance at PowerPlay casino, and existing player offers provide more fun, including weekly free spins, VIP bonuses, and social media rewards. You’ll have a chance to play many exciting slots from Microgaming and thrilling live casino games from Evolution Gaming. There’s also a variety of other games that can be played on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Other features include five support options, whilst payment methods are geared towards players from a variety of countries. Security and responsible gambling policies are also of the highest order at this Deck Entertainment N.V. Casino, which has earned it a license in Curacao.
Keep reading our review of PowerPlay casino to discover how to claim your welcome bonus, slots recommended by our experts, and other important information like banking.
Claim Your Welcome Bonus at Any Time
You don’t have to take advantage of your welcome bonus when you make your first deposit at PowerPlay casino. But our review team think it’s a great idea to begin your experience with double your original deposit. You can use the sliding scale on the “offers” page to claim the minimum or maximum amount or anywhere in between.
The bonus can be used to play a variety of slots, and winnings from it are capped at a more than generous $10,000.
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Offers Worth Checking Out
PowerPlay casino has a power-packed “offers” page that existing players should check out on a weekly basis. Regular depositors will earn free spins, as can any members that socialize with the casino on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These are two great reasons why our PowerPlay casino review team think you should sign up.
VIPs can also claim a bonus each time they make a qualifying deposit. There are also loads of sportsbook bonuses for members that like to bet on sports. You can even earn extra rewards for referring friends.
Spin Microgaming Slots
Our review of PowerPlay casino uncovered around 180 slots from Microgaming, and these are subcategorized into sections like popular, jackpot, and new. Popular games include movie and TV themed slots like Jurassic World and Game of Thrones. You can also visit the Gold Factory in which you can win a top prize of 61,900 coins.
There’s the chance to try and win a big progressive jackpot in Mega Moolah. Our PowerPlay review team also recommends you play the Playboy Gold slot, which features expanding Playboy Bunnies like Stephanie, Carly, and Gia.
You’ll find a casino games section offering in-house games like Vegas Strip Blackjack and American Roulette Gold Series. You can also visit the Evolution Gaming live casino to play real dealer experiences like Immersive Roulette and Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker. There are video poker games like All Faces and Bonus Deuces Wild, as well. This variety makes it a nicely balanced games section.
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Power in Your Pocket
PowerPlay casino comes optimized for Android smartphones, iPhones, iPad, and tablets, making it perfect for slipping into your pocket and taking with you. You’ll have on the go access to all your favorite slots and games.
Our review of PowerPlay casino also revealed that you can sign up on mobile, make deposits and withdrawals, and take advantage of all the best offers. A variety of mobile support channels are also available.
Five Support Options
Support opening hours are geared towards American-based players. You’ll find customer agents are available between 8am and 6pm on Monday to Friday and 11am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday (EST) or subtract three hours if you’re on Pacific Standard Time.
The great news is our Powerplay casino review found five support options including live chat, phone, Facebook, and WhatsApp. You can also email the casino and you’ll receive a reply no later than 12pm (EST) the next day.
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How To Fund Your PowerPlay Casino Account
Once you’ve signed up at PowerPlay casino, you’ll be offered the best and most popular payment options that are available in your area. Options include debit cards and credit cards, and the e-wallet Skrill is a popular way to deposit funds.
The minimum deposit is $15, and funds are credited instantly. It’s a great idea to verify your account as quickly as possible, as you can then take advantage of quick withdrawals. Our Powerplay casino review also revealed that the maximum weekly cashout is set at a fantastic $100,000, which makes it a high-paying casino.
Seize the Power to Have Fun
In conclusion, our experts think PowerPlay casino gives you the power to have a lot of fun. You can start by claiming a generous new player bonus and continue by taking advantage of lots of existing member offers. These can all be used to play an exciting mix of slots from Microgaming and live casino games from Evolution Gaming.
Excellent security, responsible gaming policies, and five support options also give you the power to relax and enjoy yourself.
Sign up to PowerPlay casino to claim your welcome bonus and play some awesome slots today.
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submitted by freespinsgratis_com to u/freespinsgratis_com [link] [comments]

Jackpot Capital (RTG Casino, USA UK) $25 FREE no deposit bonus

Jackpot Capital (RTG Casino, USA UK) $25 FREE no deposit bonus

Jackpot Capital Casino Free Spins and Exclusive Promotions
Looking for the best USA Casino? Want to play RTG slots for free? How about Jackpot Capital Casino?! This gaming site offers a $25 No Deposit Free Chip for new customers. There's also a $1,000 welcome bonus for new depositors. Plus, daily offers, free spins, loyalty rewards, and more...
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Review of Jackpot Capital Casino

Jackpot Capital is an online casino owned and operated by Greavestrend Limited, a company licensed in Cyprus. Jackpot Capital is also an umbrella-brand of sorts, owning several other online casinos including Slotastic and Grande Vegas. RealTime Gaming casino software powers the site so the game selection is massive and the gameplay is top of the line.

Games at Jackpot Capital Casino

With over 300 games, the selection is almost overwhelming. At least half of the games on offer are some form of video slot - 3-Reel, 5-Reel and Real-Series Slots. If it's table games you're after, Jackpot Capital Casino has a good selection of classic casino table games: Blackjack, Baccarat, Roulette and a raft of Poker variations. You'll also find a great range of Video Poker and Multi Hand Video Poker.
For those interested in winning big (and who isn't?) then try your luck at the progressive jackpots. These aren't limited to slots, Jackpot Capital currently offers progressives on the following table games: Caribbean Draw Poker, Caribbean Hold 'em, Caribbean Stud Poker and Let 'em Ride Poker. See below for a current list of jackpots which we track through our jackpot tracking service.
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Jackpot Capital Casino Promotions

Aside from the Welcome Bonus, which is mandatory these days, Jackpot Capital also has comp points and a refer a friend program. However, they have fresh and creative promotions that are a little more imaginative than what's on offer from the majority of online casinos. For example, the very timely $100 Resolutions Bonus during January or the $50 Pocket Money promotion currently on offer, where you can earn some pocket money over the weekend by depositing and playing between Friday and Sunday to be in the draw to be one of 50 lucky winners of $50. Winners are notified via email on Mondays.
Jackpot Capital jumps on the social networking bandwagon with their Facebook promotion. This promotion requires a little bit of effort and creativity but a $100 no-deposit bonus is up for grabs at the end of each month. Just submit a photo via Facebook of yourself with the Statue of Liberty or, for those who do not have ready access to the great lady, strike a Lady Liberty pose.
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Support and banking options at Jackpot Capital Casino

Jackpot Capital offers a decent variety number of banking methods for you to move money into and out of your casino account. Credit Cards and various e-wallets are supported as well as wire transfers (see right for full list). Most of those can be used to withdraw your funds, along with checks for U.S. customers.
Jackpot Capital has a weekly withdrawal limit of $10,000, which is higher than most U.S. player-friendly casinos these days. The limit in practice is likely to be less than this though, as most individual methods like Bitcoin or bank transfer are limited to smaller amounts of around $2500 per week. So you would have to combine withdrawals using at least four different methods to get up to the $10,000 limit. After first-time identity verification, you can expect to see your withdrawals held for 48 hours before being processed, and indeed our test withdrawals have shown this to be the case.
Customer support at Jackpot Capital is provided 24x7 via live text chat, e-mail, and telephone. We found the support crew to be polite and helpful in our interactions with them.
Jackpot Capital is a solidly run RTG casino that will appeal in particular to American players. Withdrawals are processed reasonably quickly, the bonuses are plentiful and the RTG games are of course first-rate. Recommended.
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b-Bets Casino €5 free bonus no deposit bonus code

b-Bets Casino €5 free bonus no deposit bonus code

Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
At b-Bets Casino, every new player receives a €5 free cash bonus without deposit. In addition, new depositors, get 100 free spins and a 100% welcome bonus. Exclusive promotion. Time-limited offer!
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Bonus Offers & Free Bets

There are too many promotions advertised on b-Bets to go through all of them in detail, so we will focus on the available welcome bonus offers for both the b-Bets Sportsbook and the b-Bets Casino, which are available to you after your first b-Bets login.
The b-Bets Sportsbook welcome bonus offers you a 100% match bonus on your initial deposit up to €100. The wagering requirements are 8x the bonus and deposit amount – meaning if you take full advantage of the Sportsbook offer, you will have to wager €1600 before you can withdraw the full amount of your bonus. Bets made on odds lower than 1.8 will not count towards the wagering requirement, and each bet must be placed on an event with three or more potential outcomes.
The b-Bets Casino welcome bonus offers you a 100% match bonus on your initial deposit up to €250 plus 100 free spins on the Fruit Spin slot game. You will receive 20 free spins each day for 5 days; the minimum deposit for this promotion is €20. Your deposit plus the bonus amount are subject to a wagering requirement of 30x for this promotion. The pay-out is limited to 10x the bonus amount.
The wagering requirements must be fulfilled within 30 days; however, both promotions actually have a buy-out option. This means you can request a payout after fulfilling as little as 20% of the wagering requirements. For example, if your deposit and bonus came to $200 and you have now fulfilled 80% of the wagering requirement, gaining a balance of €1000 in the process, you can cash out €800 (80%), while the remaining wagering requirement is bought off.
Overall these bonus offers are above-average. They may be lower in value than the majority of offers on the market – some can earn you thousands in bonus money – but being able to request a payout without completing the entire wagering requirement is a great benefit. Also, the wagering requirements for the Sportsbook promotion are especially generous, as they are usually much higher. Read our Betway review for an example of this: the operator offers a 100% match bonus on your initial deposit up to €250, but the wagering requirements are 50x.
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Usability, Look & Feel

Our b-Bets reviews found the desktop website design to be simple to use, even if it’s not quite the most aesthetically pleasing you’ll find. The sports section in particular is a little outdated, but there is no doubt that it is very easy to find what you’re looking for. All of the b-Bets betting markets are listed on the left, while there are icons for the most popular sports across the top; and as football is the main focus, the ‘Match of the Day’ is advertised at the top left. You can also switch between decimal, fractional and American odds on the left if you scroll down.
The b-Bets Casino has a more modern look, though it is actually split into two, with a separate ‘Slots’ section. The slot games are divided into categories such as ‘New’, ‘Popular’ and ‘Jackpots’. Under the ‘Casino’ heading, you will find ‘Poker’, ‘Baccarat’, ‘Roulette’, ‘Blackjack’, ‘Video Poker’,‘Scratch Cards’ and ‘Other Games’.
When it comes to b-Bets mobile, there is currently a b-Bets app available, but only for Android. If you don’t have a compatible device, you can simply access the site via the web page in your browser. The b-Bets mobile site has the same theme and most of the same features as its desktop counterpart. That being said, these b-Bets reviews consider the lack of a dedicated b-Bets app for iOS devices to be a problem that is hopefully resolved in the near future.


These b-Bets reviews can confirm that there are a large number of payment options available. The b-Bets deposit methods include Visa, MasterCard, Neteller, Skrill, Sofort, Zimpler, ecoPayz, Trustly, PaySafeCard, iDebit and more. The minimum b-Bets deposit is €20; transactions are processed instantly and there are no fees. b-Bets converts all currencies into Euros at an exchange rate of the site’s choosing.
Many of the deposit options are also accepted when it comes to withdrawing your funds – just bear in mind that you have to use the same payment method for deposits and withdrawals unless you get in contact with customer service. The b-Bets withdrawal times for cards and eWallets take up to 48 hours, while bank transfers have a b-Bets withdrawal time of 3-5 business days. Minimum withdrawal limits are €20; there are no withdrawal fees.
b-Bets have very low maximum withdrawal limits or €1000 per week and €2500 per month. There is also a frustratingly restrictive maximum daily net win limit of €25,000. If you feel that these withdrawal limits are just a little too low but would otherwise choose to play at b-Bets, check our 24Bettle review, as this sister site to b-Bets is very similar but instead has a maximum monthly withdrawal limit of €5000.
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Customer Service

It is our suggestion in these b-Bets reviews that you should always take a look at a website’s FAQ page before contacting their customer support. b-Bets has a very extensive FAQ section that is divided into 8 designated parts depending on what problem you are having.
If you are unable to find the answer you’re looking for on the site’s FAQ page, or if you’d simply prefer to speak to a trained representative, there are two customer support options available to you: a b-Bets live chat function and an email address. Unfortunately the b-Bets live chat is only available between the hours of 15:30 and 03:30 IST, but you will receive prompt responses within these times. You can expect a reply via email within 24 hours.
The lack of phone support is increasingly common for online gaming websites these days, though we consider it a negative aspect as nothing quite compares to the personal touch of being able to hear the voice of the representative assisting you.
You can also get in contact with b-Bets through their social media accounts, specifically Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

License & Security

And now in our b-Bets reviews, we will answer the question that everyone should ask themselves before trusting an online gaming site that they haven’t used before, especially as putting your faith in the wrong operator has proved countless times before to be a huge waste of time, effort, and hard-earned money. This question is of course ‘Is b-Bets legit or is b-Bets rigged?’
b-Bets, which launched in 2014 and is owned by Condor Malta Limited, is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority. An online gaming site that holds such a license is usually believed to be beyond reproach, with little to no risk of any b-Bets scam or b-Bets fraud taking place. This is because the Malta Gaming Authority is renowned worldwide as one of the ‘Big 4’ (along with the UK, Alderney and Gibraltar) when it comes to regulatory rules and licensing standards. Furthermore, b-Bets uses SSL data encryption and a Random Number Generator (RNG); plus the site is registered with Malta’s Data Protection Commissioner.
However, the maximum daily net win limit mentioned earlier is a problem. Any win limit is considered to be extremely unfair to players, because in the event that you win more you will not receive any money exceeding the limit. There are also a few unreasonable restrictions in the Condor Malta Group’s terms and conditions that have been highlighted – particularly a clause that states ‘No withdrawals shall be accepted from the accounts if a period of three months has elapsed from when the last successful deposit was made. In such cases, a new minimum deposit will be required.’ Though not necessarily a b-Bets fraud or b-Bets scam, these b-Bets reviews regard forcing customers to ‘play to get paid’ as entirely unacceptable as a practice.
Taking everything into account, these b-Bets reviews conclude that a b-Bets scam or b-Bets fraud is unlikely, though if you are a high-stakes player expecting close to or over the maximum daily net win limit, we suggest you look elsewhere.
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Rewards & Loyalty Program

b-Bets doesn’t have the standard rewards or loyalty program you may have come to expect if you already have some experience betting online; instead, the site has its unique ‘BidBets’ auction system.
Basically, as soon as you claim your b-Bets welcome bonus you receive BidBet credits, which can be used to bid on a series of bonuses. These bonuses include deposit offers, free bets, cash back, free spins, more BidBets and money, to name a few.
Further BidBets are acquired by making wagers on both the site’s Sportsbook and Casino products. At the Casino, you earn 1 BidBet credit for every €20 you play on any slot game. You can also earn BidBet credits by playing table games or live casino games, but these have a lower ratio. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a record of the exact ratio for these games, even though the website claims that they are stated on the Casino bonus terms page.
There are constantly new items in the auction house that you can use your BidBets on, just check the ‘Trending Auctions’ drop-down menu at the top right of each page.

b-Bets Sports Betting

Betting Markets

There are fewer than 30 b-Bets betting markets available, which isn’t the greatest variety when compared to close competitors in the industry.
As well as some of the most popular sports in the world like football, baseball, basketball, boxing, cricket, darts, golf, ice hockey, MMA, motorsports, rugby, tennis and American football, there are also less common sports such as badminton, biathlon, cycling, futsal, Gaelic football, Gaelic hurling, pesapallo, snooker and volleyball. You can also place bets on UK and US politics. eSports options include DOTA 2, League of Legends, Overwatch, Rainbow Six and a few others. Unfortunately, there are no b-Bets betting options available for horse racing.


While compiling these b-Bets reviews, we performed an odds comparison between this online Sportsbook and that of competitor Royal Panda, using the full-time result of the upcoming FA Cup final match, Arsenal vs. Chelsea. Here’s a breakdown:
  • Arsenal to win: b-Bets = 3.35; Royal Panda = 3.40
  • Draw: b-Bets = 3.50; Royal Panda = 3.57
  • Chelsea to win: b-Bets = 2.19; Royal Panda = 2.18
Although it’s a very close call, you can see that the b-Bets betting odds aren’t quite as good as those of Royal Panda. Regardless, these odds aren’t far from the industry leaders in the sports betting market, proving that the b-Bets betting odds are very competitive. For more details on the competitor, have a look at our Royal Panda review.
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Live Betting & Streaming

There is a moderate live betting section on the b-Bets website. The main live betting markets are football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, table tennis and eSports.
The benefits to the b-Bets live betting section include a multichoice layout and a b-Bets betting calendar, which is ideal if you’re looking to plan for future games. However, there is a huge downside in the fact that there is no live streaming available; instead, there is a ‘Match Live’ section on the right of the page where you can view a graphical representation of the action combined with in-play statistics.


As previously mentioned in these b-Bets reviews, there is a €25,000 maximum daily net win limit on all wagers.

Product Summary & Conclusion

The b-Bets Sportsbook isn’t exactly the best when compared to its closest competitors: the selection of betting markets and bet types is below-average; the maximum daily net win limit and withdrawal limits are major weaknesses, especially to big-money bettors; and there is no live streaming. The biggest upside is the competitive odds, and when combined with the useful sports betting promotions with relatively low wagering requirements, you should be able to find some use in the b-Bets Sportsbook.
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Slots Devil Casino - free spins bonus no deposit required!

Slots Devil Casino - free spins bonus no deposit required!

Slots Devil Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus Code
Claim 10 No Deposit Free Spins at Slots Devil Casino! Use your free games on the Starburst video slot and win as much as you can. Also, get a 100% welcome bonus of up to 100 GBP.
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A Quick Look at Slots Devil Casino

Slots Devil Casino UK is a bright and bold new site where you can play devilishly good slots by Microgaming, NetEnt, and others on your laptop, desktop, mobile phone or tablet. There is also an excellent range of live dealer games.

Bonuses & Promotions

The Welcome Offer

The welcome bonus at Slots Devil is a 100 percent matched bonus up to £10. You need to deposit at least £10 in order to get this bonus. No matter how much you deposit you will not receive a larger bonus than £10. You will also receive 10 spins on the extremely popular NetEnt slot Starburst.
Each spin you receive on Starburst is worth £0.10. Just activate the game after you have received your bonus and your free spins will be there for you to use. All winnings from your free spins will be paid as bonus cash and have the usual wagering requirement of 40 times.
No matter how much money you win from your £10 bonus cash and your free spins, you will be unable to withdraw more than £40. Any winnings in excess of that will be deducted from your bonus balance when you have completed wagering, and your funds are then transferred to your real cash balance.
Wagering is set at 40 times the value of your bonus cash plus any extra spins winnings. You can only use slots at Slots Devil in order to meet your wagering needs. Any wagers placed on blackjack or roulette will not reduce your wagering expectations.
Once you have your bonus money, you will need to complete wagering within seven days of receipt. If you fail to do so, then all bonus money remaining and any winnings derived from them will be removed from your account.
\New Players Only (UK ex NI 18+). Minimum Deposit £10. Maximum Bonus £10 + 10 Spins (Starburst). Wagering (x40) & Max. Conversion (x4). Withdrawal and Full T&Cs apply. Valid until further notice.Please play responsibly.*
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Ongoing Offers & Promos

If you like getting special treatment, then you’ll really enjoy the rewards you get at Slots Devil. The range of offers is varied and covers most days of the week, so it doesn’t matter when you visit, the Promotions page is always worth a visit.
We also suggest allowing at least e-mail alerts when asked for your communication preferences. Many sites now tailor offers to your personal style of play and game preferences.
All promotions will come with their own terms and conditions. Please be sure to check these out before opting in.

Games & Software

  • Software providers: Microgaming, NetEnt, IGT, Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Nektan, Eyecon, Specialty Games, SG Digital, Big Time Gaming, Red Tiger Gaming, Yggdrasil, WMS, NextGen Gaming, The Games Company, ELK Studios
  • No of Slot Games: 550 slot games
  • Type of games: 3-reel classic slots, video slots, themed slots, live dealer games, blackjack, roulette, video poker, scratch cards
You can play more than 600 high quality games here by the best developers in the industry including Microgaming, NetEnt, Evolution Gaming, Yggdrasil and NextGen Gaming. This includes around 550 slots games in all categories, so you can play popular and well-known video and themed slots like Vikings, Tomb Raider: Secret of the Sword, The Phantom of the Opera, Spiñata Grande and Planet of the Apes.
There is also a good range of classic casino table games, including live dealer games by NetEnt and Evolution Gaming. This means you can play blackjack, roulette and baccarat, as well as Dream Catcher big wheel game, all dealt by professional dealers and streamed in real time HD to your laptop or phone.
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How to Deposit & Cash Out


UK players have a number of banking options available, including Skrill, Neteller, Boku (Pay by Mobile), Trustly, PaySafe Card and PayPal, plus debit cards and wire transfer. The minimum deposit amount is £10 and there are no fees charged (the exception is Boku, where the minimum deposit is £15 and there is a 15% fee). Funds are available to play with as soon as your deposit is completed (wire transfer will take longer).

Cashing out

There is a 3-day pending period once you make a withdrawal request (you can cancel during this time), and then payments are processed, which can take a further 1-3 working days to complete. The minimum withdrawal amount is £20 and there are no fees charged for withdrawals.
The banking options here offer UK players a reasonable range and choice, and most should be able to find a payment method that’s convenient. We think, however, that the withdrawal times could be significantly improved.
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Community & Customer Service


Unfortunately, Slots Devil is not especially active in the social media space, which reduces the range of options players have to engage. There is a Facebook page (@SlotsDevil), but they haven’t posted regularly or recently, while a Twitter account has been established (@SlotsDevil) but thus far has not been active. In terms of community and player engagement, this is undoubtedly an aspect where there is room for improvement.

Customer Service

You have a regular package of options when it comes to contacting customer services if you have a problem or a query. These include:

Take Slots Devil Casino with You

The Slots Devil mobile site looks reasonably good and is always easy to use, even though the design is perhaps a little plain when compared to some other similar sites. There is some decent functionality, although the search and sort features could be refined a little further to provide more options. However, you can access a range of features with a single tap from the home screen, which is very convenient when playing on a mobile device. Overall, our verdict is that the playing experience is marginally better at the mobile site than on a dekstop, but there’s not much in it.
You can play on any device without the need to download a Slots Devil app, as all the games are browser-based. This makes the games accessible on all types of phone and tablet, including Android smartphones and tablets, Apple iPhone and iPad, plus phones using other operating systems.
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Our Take on Slots Devil Casino

If we focus solely on the games provision, there are a lot of things here that add up to a very good playing experience. The slots in particular are excellent, both in terms of the number and the quality of the games, and there are plenty of options when it comes to live dealer games as well.
There are some things where we think there is room for improvement, especially in terms of player engagement and the overall design and physical appearance of the site (particularly on the desktop version), but we nevertheless always enjoy playing here.
Our final Slots Devil Casino review score is therefore 4 stars out of 5.

Have Your Say!

Is this a site for saints or sinners? Is it a place for slot players to have a hell of a good time? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to write your own Slots Devil review to share with our readers.
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Questions Answers
Hey Jeff! I'm a minimalist & find that I'm happier with less stuff & when I give/receive experiences rather than items. Do you find consumer happiness reflects this shift towards minimalism since that is a (small, but seemingly growing) trend, especially among Millennials? Great question! There is some relatively new research looking at happiness from experiences vs. material possessions. Most of it shows that happiness from equally valued (e.g. price) experiences is higher than for possessions. HOWEVER, and this is a big however, all that work tends to ignore long run happiness with highly prized possessions. For instance, if you have a sentimentally valued object, happiness that stems from that object lasts for a long time. What most possessions don't do is provide long lasting happiness. You buy a new shiny toy and it DOES make you happy...but that happiness goes away quickly. My collaborators and I have termed this idea "Hedonic Decline."
So as for minimalism, there is not evidence that I know of that shows that less possessions make you happier. There's plenty showing that more possessions don't make you happier, but that's not the same thing.
One more layer of complexity: there are two routes to happiness: hedonic and eudaimonic. The former is what we usually think of when we think of happiness: how much joy does XYZ bring me. The latter, however, is closer to self-actualization. It's the happiness the comes from a accomplishing something....even if there was pain involved in getting there. I wonder if minimalism can increase eudaimonic happiness.
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That's interesting. Thank you for responding. In the minimalism community, self-actualization is reflected in endeavors such as achieving certain goals (like, paying off debt) that usually involves some amount of self-discipline &/or self-sacrifice. I'd say that the vast majority of research in happiness excludes eudaimonic happiness, largely because it's so hard to measure. My personal, non-data supported, take is that eudaimonic happiness is far more important than hedonic happiness. The latter is fleeting, whereas the former can be life changing.
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Beautifully said. Thank you.
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How does depression affect eudaimonic happiness compared to hedonic happiness? Great question and I don't know the answer. Social Psychology typical studies what we very poorly term "normal" psychology, which excludes clinical conditions like depression. Sorry!
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What’s your take on “pay to play” - as in, some “hedonic” purchases at are required to signal you’re in the game, making progress on eudaimonic happiness. When you get older and into your career, I’d venture many people have already figured out that hedonic happiness doesn’t do squat long-term, but there’s a balance in terms of how much hedonic happiness to have to acquire for the ultimate long-term eudaimonic happiness. Example: in sales, which I’m in tech analytics sales, companies want to spend for solutions to business problems, but they also want to see, visually, that the person they’re paying is a good representative for them. High cost equals a person that can represent that taste. Nice. Tailored suits, a nice watch and latest tech gadgets. There’s a pay to play aspect that signals to the world who I am, and that in turn actually allows me to get what I want- student loans paid off and early retirement.. I don't think there's any conflict here. If you will find some form of life satisfaction by succeeding in your career, there's no harm in also purchasing items that help you reach that goal. Those items can, in and of themselves, make you happy...nothing wrong with that. More to the point, hedonic and eudaimonic happiness don't have to be in opposition. You can have both!
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I really like this response. While i can jive with basic premise of experiences over possessions...i’m find it used a lot by people who actually just want to shirk obligation. I run HHiring and there is a persistent trend of people not wanting to act like their job is important..just because it’s easier to justify bailing on work/shifts to go do things when you can say you’re doing it for the experience, not focusing on the money you make at a job. I’m trying to figure out the best way to respond to people who think i’m some big bad money grubbing boss for wanting people to do their jobs. Meanwhile, in my personal life...i feel like i’m getting a lot of push back socially from people who think i should only work where i can just make my own schedule and dip put for an “experience” whenever. At the end of the say, it feels like people will just wax philosophic reasons for demanding leisure with all the material perks of having jobs and working. Great point. This relates to intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. The former is the desire to do something because it's inherently interesting/rewarding. The latter is doing something for compensation. This is more in the realm of organizational behavior, and you'll have to wait for my wife who is also a professor, but of organizational behavior and theory, to do an AMA for more on that :)
Hello, thanks for doing this. Are you familiar with "loot boxes" in video games? I feel like the topics of a lot of your papers would fit right into why consumers/businesses use loot boxes. How does a loot box mechanic differ from gambling and should it be treated the same? (Regulation, age restriction, etc) If they are the same, how do you feel about video games including a loot box mechanic? Sticking with gambling parallels, what are your thoughts on video game companies targeting "whales" given that gamers can be any age nowadays? I'm not a gamer myself (though I do love TTPRGs and run a D&D 5e campaign), but I'm pretty familiar with loot boxes. Mobile games and social media platforms in general have become very good at continuous reinforcement. It can be the allure of getting a new outfit in a loot box or just an upvote on Reddit...the point is that we are wired to love small rewards, even if those rewards are meaningless. Casinos have mastered this art and loot boxes are an capitalizing of the same basic psychological mechanisms: need for positive reinforcements. So are loot boxes the same as gambling? Probably not the SAME, but damn close. As for regulation, I am strongly in favor of making gambling of all forms only accessible to adults and even then providing access to counseling for those who suffer from gambling addiction.
I have a lot less sympathy towards wealthy adults who choose to gamble as a form of entertainment. The problem is that it's not always obvious who's a whale and who's just pretending to be one for the attention. The latter is highly susceptible to financial ruin and I'd want them protected just the same as they are with standard gambling.
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Do you find the researcher in you observing and asking questions about the players' decision making processes in your D&D campaign? My old DM minored in psychology, and I often felt like a rat in his experiments. I enjoyed it, though. It kind of added an extra facet to the game. More than my research, teaching has made a huge difference in being a DM. When I lecture, I am forced to be quick on my feet to understand student questions, reply accordingly, and make sure that I'm moving the lecture along. That is the same with DMing. I need to be able to understand the motives of my players, respond appropriately with NPCs, and keep the story going.
I'm sure that my knowledge of psychology helps, but I wouldn't think it influences the way I DM (or play) that much.
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Studying business Psychology in Switzerland and leading the yawning portal atm, seems like I need to start teaching :p Ha! Check out this thread:
I used that for my game and it was great.
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Could I join your 5e campaign? Ha! Sorry, no. It's just close friends and we're months into it. I'm running Waterdeep, if you're curious.
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I'm applying to Carnegie's MBA for what it's worth! If I'm accepted, may I join then? ;-) How about you get in and then we discuss!
Hi Jeff! What is your favorite heuristic or logical fallacy when it comes to decision making? Can you teach us about one that people might not know about? Easy: Diversification Bias. That's where I started my career 15 years ago. I didn't discover this bias, but have built on it. Anyway, it's the idea that people choose more variety than they should. For example, if you are going to pick some snacks for the next few days, you might pick: chips, pretzels and an apple. Those are fine, but really chips are your favorite and you picked the other two because you thought you'd get tired of chips every day. Well, turns out you'd be wrong. A day is enough to reset satiation/hedonic-decline in most cases, so you'd be better off always picking your favorite option! Doing otherwise means eating snacks that are less preferred.
A new one that my doctoral student, Julian Givi, and I recently published: The Future Is Now (FIN) Heuristic. It's the idea that people believe that future events will be like present events, even when evidence points to the contrary. An example: if it's sunny today, you're more likely to think it'll be sunny tomorrow, even if the forecast clearly predict rain. What happens is you treat information about the present as having evidentiary value for future events, even when that's just not true.
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I really like that you give your student credit. PhD students do all the hard work. Professors just bask in the glory :)
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I think diversification bias is how I ended up with 5 shades of blue nail polish that are virtually undistinguishable from each other! Interesting to consider. Ha! Just might be...
Tell me about your paper "Sentimental value and gift giving: Givers’ fears of getting it wrong prevents them from getting it right". From what I read of the abstract, it seems that gift-givers undervalue sentimental value, seeing it as riskier. Why is that, and how can we give better gifts? Sure, this is a paper with my former doctoral student, Julian Givi. Basically, people are risk averse in gift giving when they shouldn't be. If I know you like coffee and I have a choice to give you some nice coffee beans or a framed photo of the two of us (presumably since we're friends), I give the former b/c it's a sure bet. But as the recipient, overwhelmingly, people prefer the latter. So givers should take the risk and give the sentimentally valuable gift over one that is more a sure bet.
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Interesting. When giving presents, givers focus too much on the recipient's known wants, which gets in the way of giving a meaningful present. Thank you! I'll be sure to keep that in-mind next Christmas. That's exactly it.
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I sometimes hesitate at this. I don’t want to come off as the selfie culture of all about me in pictures! But relatives do love getting pics of the kids for gifts. Still, how often is this perceived as a form of narcissism by the gift receiver? Edit: pictures of my kids not just me! One trick we do: every Christmas holiday we print full size calendars with our kids pictures on them. That's our holiday gift to all the grandparents. They LOVE it.
We also send small photo books to the grandparents throughout the year of some of the best pictures we take.
We have yet to send too many, but that's specific to our family.
The best advice I always have for something like this is: just ask! People are often worried about asking gift recipients about their preferences, but our research shows that a) recipients don't care about being asked and b) you can give better gifts that way.
Hi Jeff ! I have a question regarding involvement in a purchase, is there an increasing trend to become highly involved in the purchase of even low value object ? I find myself doing this during the pandemic doing comparison searches for a bulb which costs 10 dollars. Is this an exception ? Or is there some underlying psychological reason isolated to me ? Absolutely. Two reasons this could be happening. 1) With more free time, the threshold for what merits deep research drops a lot. 2) Many people are facing financial hardships, and so making sure every dollar is well spent becomes really important.
Hi Jeff, Thank you for the great AMA. Where do you see the future of insights departments in consumer companies? Most companies looks like giving up on ethnographic and in person research and focus on data analytics. I speculate management is under great pressure and in the meantime aspire to Google, Amazon etc. What is your take of insights departments future in large companies? Thank you! Exploratory research like ethnographies, interviews, and focus groups is really useful for brainstorming. But they are a poor substitute for quantitative data. Now, that doesn't mean "big data"...just data that has larger samples and is better representative of populations. Surveys are still amazing. When we want to forecast an election, we don't use big data, we conduct a political poll. They work.
But yes, right now, AI and machine learning are the hot new ideas on the block and everyone wants in on them. There is plenty of amazing applications of AI/ML, but what they can't do is tell you "why". As in, why did someone choose this option over that one? Or why are people motivated by this goal or that goal? Those types of answers allow you to apply knowledge in completely novel contexts. AI/ML needs to be trained on a specific type of data for a specific type of task. It is AMAZING at that. But as soon as you introduce a new context or new set of experiences, it fails. That's where good old fashioned surveys and behavioral experiments come in.
If a program was built to help us make better decisions, do you think we would use it? Do you think we can listen to a program’s advice better than we do from experts? We already do. Weather forecasts tell us how to dress. Facebook tells us what to think. Tinder tells us who to date. Etc... etc...
A program that EXPLICITLY tells you what to do won't work too well. People like to feel like they have free will. They don't, though. We are greatly influenced by our environment (not just technology) whether we know it or not. As one example: I can guess your weight reasonably well just by knowing your zip code (please don't make me actually do this as I'm not in the business of public shaming!). If we had true free will and agency, that should be impossible. Instead, we are the products of our environment.
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60641 Chicago? I believe Illinois has 30-35% obesity (I'm doing this quickly and not looking at your zip specifically), so pretty high weight.
Hi Jeff! Since I'm a 14 yrs old and knew nothing about what you study, I have very limited questions I can ask. But as I have observed, people are often sheepish and will consume as the trend goes. What is the most unexpected trend, worldwide? P.S. will defo check out your channel I don't expect most people to know my work (I like to think my ego isn't THAT big!), so no worries!
You're right. Trends will drive a lot of human behavior. We are social creatures and follow what others do much more than we care to admit. As for the most unexpected trend, that's really hard to say. Maybe this is too broad, but I'm surprised by how short people's attention span is when it comes to current events. News cycles used to last for weeks, now they last for hours. I suppose I know that people don't have long attention spans, but I'm still surprised.
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Any underlying reasoning for this? For the short attention spans? We can invoke evolutionary psychology, which I'm not a big fan of, and it would suggest something like a tensions between exploring and cultivating. So it would argue that our ancestors needed to have some reason to leave their immediate tribe to find new resources. So perhaps our attention spans are short b/c of this and the current environment exaggerates that behavior.
Have you done(or can you point to) any research relating to the decision making/not making around getting rid of possessions? I have a relative who keeps anything that has a perceived value as in could be sold on ebay/garage sale which they never sell. They are otherwise rational, clean, don't over consume..def not hoarder territory.. but I struggle to convince them that the old digital camera that's been sitting for 3 years could just be disposed of. Hoarding is definitely a thing. There isn't much in the study of item disposition in the empirical world of research (lots of interesting qualitative work that I'm less familiar with). The big exception to this is the Endowment Effect. The short version is that you value items you own more than if you don't own it. So a mug sitting on a store shelf is worth, say $10 to you, but as soon as you own it is worth, say, $20 to you. Nothing changed except your ownership of it. That explains some of hoarding behavior, but not all of it.
For a qualitative research paper on the topic, see here:
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I suppose I have the Endowment Effect. Everytime I find something valuable i dont have the will to let it go. Even though i can sell it and re buy it later, or buy something similar haha. It's like I want to take the most of it and use it til it brakes, go missing, or whatever. The endowment effect isn't infinite. As in, it's not that you won't be willing to sell your items for ANY price, it's just that your willingness to sell is higher than your willingness to buy.
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Hey Professor, appreciate the AMA. A couple of questions: 1) Just from my own thoughts banging around in my head and observations I've made during the pandemic, do you see the pause our society went through and the economic downturn effecting the psychology behind materialism? It seems the American "push for more no matter what" mind state took a eating and I think I'm seeing some consequences of that. 1) It's possible, but my pretty strong prediction is that within 1-2 years of the pandemic ending, we will be back to where we were beforehand in terms of materialism and general behavior. Extreme events like a pandemic seem like they are life changers. For some, that's true (e.g. someone loses a loved one), but for most it's not. We are inherently myopic and think that the thing in front of our noses is the only thing that exists.
2) I'm a current medical student and we get inundated with so many studies that it's overwhelming. Trying to practice evidence based medicine is really hard in an atmosphere that prioritizes publishing with little regard to quality. Do you ha e ways of navigating that I could apply to my day to day? Thanks again. 2) I can't speak to medical research, but that problem exists in all academic fields. The best thing to do is to let science happen. There will always be flashy new findings, but the ones that really matter will get replicated over and over again...and will get built on. The BS ones tend to just die out. That's not a full proof approach to vetting research, but it's better than just assuming everything you see published is true and/or important.
I am a former CMU student. How do you feel about CMU's decision to appoint Richard Grenell as a senior fellow? And how can we do something to fight against it because it seems they are not listening the current student body? Recently, the fence was vandalized against BLM (they wrote "all lives matter" over the previously written "black lives matter"). How are you working to build a more inclusive community at CMU and to fight for those who need it? How can former students help? I signed the petition to revoke his appointment and stand by that completely. I do understand why the university is upholding it, but I am embarrassed to have him associated with CMU.
As for the fence, the CMU Provost sent a really great letter immediately after it all happened condemning the vandalism and supporting BLM. Personally, I try VERY hard to do things like call on students of all races and genders and not let white men (of which I am one, btw) dominate conversations. I try to make sure that examples I use to highlight ideas include more than just typically white and/or male oriented products. I have been trained in Green Dot deescalation for sexual assault and violence. I am on the university academic disciplinary committee and have direct say over infractions like harassment or discrimination. And I sit on my college's Faculty Diversity Equity and Inclusion committee with the hope of including representation and inclusion of URM and female faculty. I care about this topic a LOT and do what I can...still probably not enough.
As for alums, if you see behavior at CMU that you think is antithetical to inclusiveness, let the administration know. Get your fellow alums to weigh in. The university wants your sweet sweet alumni donations. If you are all pissed off, they'll reply.
Hey Professor! I absolutely love to give. But I feel so awkward being thanked. And I dont really like receiving gifts. What would the psychology behind that be? Great question. It's hard to know without more detail, but I'd guess that some of that anxiety is about in, your lack of desire for it. As for not liking receiving gifts, maybe you have just not received that many good gifts? Again, it's really hard to say without knowing a bit more about you and the gift giving contexts you're involved in. If you want to share more, I can try to answer better, but totally understandable if you don't!
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Well, if I think more deeply....whenever I need something, I feel like it's up to me to make me happy. I usually don't really ask anyone else. Whether I need a massage, have a getaway, or get my dream dog, I just do it myself. As an aside, self-gifts are great! You get what you need, and nothing else. No issues there.
To your question, though, I do wonder if you just haven't receive that many great gifts. Yes, gifts can fall flat and the recipient might not love them, but when they hit, they not only provide the value from the gift itself (e.g. a great bottle of wine) but ALSO the sentimental value from the associations that the gift brings up (e.g. who gave it to you and under what for a birthday or graduation).
Hi Jeff, I have a job application at a place where they do conjoint analysis, something I have never done before. Got any tips? Do you have any thoughts on the technique in general? Personally as someone who takes surveys I find it very abstract (e.g. "Would you rather buy a $5 toaster with two slots vs. a $20 toaster that takes bagels?" I don't know!). First, good luck with the job application! Conjoint is a really useful tool when used correctly (like any tool, I suppose). The short version is that it lets you extract utility weights for different dimensions (e.g. price, product size, product speed, etc...) without directly asking people to answer questions about those dimensions. So instead of saying "how important is price to you?" you would come up with product profiles that have varying price (among other things) and then have people choose between those profiles. You can then extract, using nothing more than regression analysis (though, practically, no one does it that way...they use software like Sawtooth or SPSS Conjoint), how important those dimensions are for any given person.
the technique is tedious in that respondents have to make LOTS of pair-wise comparisons, but the end product can teach you a lot about what people actually value.
One key is to make the task as simple and realistic as possible. So the example you gave is confusing and wouldn't work too well. But I asked you to choose between a $20 toaster with 2 slots vs. a $30 toaster with 3 slots" that would work (in reality it would be more complex than that). You'd be forced to tell me if you prefer a cheaper toaster with fewer slots or a more expensive one with more slots. There's not right answer, but I would learn about those two dimensions for you. I'd need a lot more pair-wise tradeoffs to do this right, but that's the general idea.
Do you find that there are significant differences between particular groups? Does age influence gift giving habits more then sex, or some other factor? Just curious about the general trends of gift giving between groups. Super general question I know, so feel free to just call me out on it Definitely difference across genders as you would expect. More jewelry given by men to women. More gadgets given by women to men. Not so much in terms of age, though I've never really directly looked at that. The reality is that most gifts aren't that exciting. They tend to be things that are popular in a given year or old standbys like gift cards and ties. There certainly are amazing gifts and gift givers out there, but the vast majority of actual gifts given are pretty mundane. But that's not a bad thing if the recipient still likes what they get!
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Yeah, sounds about right. And yeah if everyone is chipper it's all good :) Is there a sort of gift quality vs quantity data? Like is it better to get more frequent smaller gifts or largemore expensive gifts less frequently? Smaller more frequent gifts every time. I have some new work on obligatory vs. non-obligatory gifts. Basically, you can make someone very happy by giving a small gift on a random Tuesday compared to a much nicer gift on their Birthday. More random-tuesday gifts every time!
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Thank you! :) will the results of that be on ur channel? Probably not. The channel isn't about my research, but rather about how to understand data more broadly. But the results will hopefully be published soon!
How extensive are the consumer psychology divisions in companies like apple? Lots of variation. Places like apple, google, amazon will have a lot of depth in terms of psychologist and consumer behavior researchers. But those are the gold standard. Most will rely on consultants to help out
How does education on finance and economics affect consumer behavior? Does knowing the way our brains make consumer decisions or how businesses try to get you to buy change how you shop? If you understand better how firms are trying to entice you to buy their products, you can absolutely counteract that better. For instance, $1.99 is really just $2...we all get that. But it turns out, having a 9-ending price really drives demand. That's nuts, but it does. IF you understand that, you stand a shot and not being duped by something so trivial. So educating yourself can be a big help. On finance and econ eduction, also really helpful, but in other ways. When you go to get a 30-year mortgage for your home, understanding how interest rates work, how inflation might affect home prices, how amortization tables work, etc... will help you make a much more informed decision about what is right for you.
hi! how do you predict consumer happiness/decision making etc during unprecedented times like this, when such a scenario may not have taken place before and you do not have much data to go on? also since the research you do and the data you collect are relevant to sales, do you see advertisements being affected by the pandemic in the long run from any changes in consumer mindset? It's really hard to predict much of anything right now. There are some basic behaviors and experiences that we can expect during a pandemic (e.g. increased anxiety, defaulting to familiar experiences, increased online shopping), but the reality is you're right...we just don't know. There's virtually no data on pandemic psychology/behavior, and all the pop-science stuff you read is just guessing at what will happen.
As for advertising, I think that once the pandemic is over, life will be back to what it was beforehand in almost every respect. People are amazing to adapting to changing circumstances. We are all doing that now with the pandemic and will all do that again when it's over. I don't think that advertising will be any different. Give it a year after we're all vaccinated (or whatever winds up being the solution) and most people will largely forget that we even had a pandemic. Yes, some will have big changes like lost loved ones or lost jobs, but for most people, life will return to what it was before Covid hit.
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thank you for answering, that is very interesting! the data you collect seems to be applicable to so many different fields. i asked about advertising as a student interested in media, but i can see it being useful in various types of companies be it internet security, food, travel etc. your job sounds really cool and i will definitely check out your YouTube channel :) Thanks!
Did you ever get to meet Herbert Simon? Wasn't he interested in similar things? I wish! I've been at CMU for 11 years. Simon passed away in 2001, so I missed him by a few years.
And yes, Simon was one of the original researchers into what's known as Bounded Rationality, it's the idea that humans don't act like computers and process all information simultaneously, but rather use heuristics and shortcuts to accomplish most tasks.
How influential was the work of Daniel Kahnemann to your current teaching? VERY! I don't know Danny personally, but my advisor got his PhD at Princeton when Danny was there, so lots of indirect influence that way. More generally, the field of decision making was build on his (and others) work, so hard not to be influenced.
Do you have any opinions on investors behavior during covid 19? More specifically how certain financial firms may have targeted people who have or would dabble in market that have recently lost work due to the pandemic? Caveat: I am not a finance professor. That said, my read is that fear of missing out (FOMO) is driving a lot of unexpected behaviors. The market has rallied like crazy since the March low and everyone wants in on that. It's hard to sit by and watch others make a killing while you don't.
As for practices like getting people who don't typically to invest to do so, there's two sides to this. On the one hand, getting more people involved with investing is a great thing. It used to be only that the very wealthy could invest and reap the benefits of the market, but now with places like Robinhood and fee-free trading on Schwab and the like, everyone can participate. On the other hand, MANY people don't understand risk well at all. They just see the possible upside and ignore the possibility of losing a lot (see that guy that committed suicide b/c of a terrible options trade...that's horrible). So firms and gov't have a responsibility to both educate investors and provide safeguards against uninformed behaviors.
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Hello, I just want to specify something in your comment! The young college student who committed suicide did so because a misprogrammed number on the trading site, Robinhood. Of course at the time he did not know it, but the value loss that was near $800,000, was showing the loss of the entire option, not his equity in the option, which was -$1,000 - -$2,000 if I remember right. It was Robinhood's terrible interface, not his misunderstanding of risk, which is horrible. If you would like a misunderstanding of risk on trading platforms, look no further than wallstreetbets, of course as you said FOMO is a huge factor, or if you're interested, some trading platforms intentionally advertise to consumers without properly representing risk. Thank you very much for this AMA, it has been quite insightful! Thanks so much for that clarification!
I have a question re: dating sites / apps. Is there a way to structure incentives so that the company is motivated to find good pairings between users? It feels like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc. don't have such an incentive currently I think they do have an incentive to make good pairings. Word of mouth is their strongest asset so having good matches is key. The challenge is that good matches are hard to come by and not everyone agrees on what good is. Is good marriage? Is it a fun night? Not clear.
Hello Professor and thank you for taking this time. As a professional that works in marketing and a person who suffers from mental illnesses, it is often disheartening for me to see so much valuable research and findings be easily made available for use by companies for marketing and consumer exploitation while it is so difficult for those who are struggling to find information that could be beneficial to living their lives more freely. What are your thoughts on this, and do you think there are ways we could change the system to better benefit individuals needs directly? The connection between marketing academia, marketing industry, and consumers just sucks. No one outside of academia reads marketing academic journals. Few in academia care if their work has applications (even in an applied field like marketing). And consumers can't be bothered (rightfully) to read through academic work to learn.
Some solutions that I've seen that work: - Marketing Science Institute: this is an organization whose entire goal is link academia and practice. They have conferences where they invite folks from both sides to collaborate. More of this please! - Pop-science social science books like Freakonomics, Blink, Predictably Irrational, etc...: They all have plenty of shortcomings, but the authors all do an amazing job of conveying the ideas of academia to the public. I think that's fantastic. More of this too please! - Consulting for non-profits. I do this and many others do as well. We use our knowledge to help non-profits do their amazing work. This is a way to avoid that "exploitation" you mentioned and instead use what we know to help others. There's not much money in this kind of consulting, which is why few do it, but it's really important. Maybe some kind of granting agency could earmark money for non-profits to hire academic consultants to help them use what we know to help the world. That would be awesome
hey, I'm a recent advertisement graduate, it's good to see someone from such a familiar field here anyways, when I do groceries, I always follow the list to a T, and I take no time at all getting the items, basically, I go against every little trick supermarkets have to "seduce" the customer, so my question is: what makes someone a "good customer"? is it someone highly susceptible to the marketing tricks at the market or someone who spends both their money and time more efficiently? Good can mean different things here. You sound like you're probably super loyal to products. That's pretty great for most companies. The fact that you don't succumb to unintended purchases definitely makes you less attractive in one capacity, but your predictability makes you very attractive in other ways. If I could run a company where every customer always bought the same thing every week, I would LOVE that. I would know how to schedule raw material purchases, delivery schedules, etc... I would have a steady and dependable income. If, however, I relied just on getting lucky and catching the eye of customers as they passed my products on store shelves, that would be a whole lot more difficult a business plan to execute.
Hi Jeff, I have always geared my life towards maxing out the benefits and deducting the losses for example leaving my family in order to search for better life oportunities, ditching jobs where I felt safe in favor of new and more promising ones. And by this logic I have reached quIte far in my life. But at the end achieving all this goals don't yields the expected satisfaction. However I'm pretty sure that don't doing this would be even worse. Why does it seems that no matter if the desitions taken are the best at my point of view it still seems like I need more than the goals I have achieved. Why is disatisfaction the expected result? Wow, that's a lot to give up for goals! People are inherently likely to make what are known as upward comparisons. We don't look at the people who we have done better than, but instead focus on the few who done better than us. The classic example is Silver Olympic medalists. They should be elated, but instead they just covet the Gold medalist.
Beyond that, in your specific case, it's hard to say for sure, but we know that close relationships are the number one driver of life satisfaction. If you've given those all up in pursuit of some other goal, that might explain things a bit. Take that with a grain of salt as all I know about you is summed up in 100 words or so!
Hello Jeff, glad to see this AMA here! I'm a statistics student in Brazil (one of my professors got his doctorate degree at Carnegie Mellon University, in fact!). Much of what we learn nowadays is related to careers pertaining the finance fields. Other stuff includes academic research mixed with other fields. I see myself as a data analyst for a big bank someday, but I always think: is there any career for a data scientist thats underrated by modern standards but still awesome and rewarding, in your opinion? Go work for a non-profit! It's now where the money is, but many need help from data scientists. You can actually change the world that way!
Which US dollar bill is your favorite? Cash? You still use cash?
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For coke yeah Oh, in that case.... Nope, not replying and losing my tenure :)
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Prof, you have a bias. OP mean Coca Cola. I don't drink soda either :)
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