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Google Play Fake Reviews: Why is Google allowing this?

I've stopped purchasing on the Playstore and I stay away from it now because
  1. Google Play allows app developers to pay people to leave positive reviews (developers use Micro Jobs to do this. Despite it being against their policy.
How do I know this? Because I used to do Micro Jobs 6 odd years ago when I was bored at home..there are a LOT of micro jobs for leaving fake reviews. How it works? Theres a big list of jobs you can choose to do, IE proof read this article, download this app and come back and tell me in 120 words what you think, leave comments on selected YouTube videos, upvote YouTube videos, download an app from the Playstore and leave a 5 star reviews that says "X=Y", go to this website and click this link...ect.
  1. Google Play is allowing tons and tons off apps that are potentially dangerous to the user or are known to be dangerous to the user multimine
check out the reviews, again inundated with fake 5 star reviews and not a single real review about the app actually paying out, so what is the app collecting and sending from your phone? The developmers have the same tactic which you can see in the reviews. They pretend that you're mining ETH/BTC and not a single real person has gotten paid and the BTC that people do mine, it disappears all the time so people cannot get enough to withdraw, it's all wirtten in black and white in the reviews.
Pi Network
this has been proven time and time again to be a scam , just have a look through reddit
World News: Breaking News, All in One Feed Reader
This app developer is extremely dodgy and rude ( I've got an email trail with him). His app has gambling links in it and when you open the app a full screen ads pops up advertising his gambling website, without being able to get rid of it till its done. It is a paid app that has no ads. But it does ;) he specifically makes sure there isn't ads in this version because it's the paid version. The free has ads...but* now he's changed his Playstore app page to 'contains ads'. It doesn't contain ads from his AdSense account..he uses his own in app ads (code) to advertise his gambling website to everyone from kids up. The website is also a legitimate scam. ( I've written to Google extensively about this guy and forwarded our emails to Google as well as all the proof, Google said they'd look into it and months later they struck his app down, but only the paid one..then a few days later, he's got his app back up. He just needed to change a few backend code to comply with Google....thing is, he hasn't changed anything! His full screen ad to his scam gambling website are still all there. And who knows what his apps even sniffing out*
PHT cloud earning
This one is a scam that's collecting your data and promising kids a rich future in their fake crypto currency
Fair Go Pokies online
This is an actual gambling app that's rated for 3 year olds. I have reported it many times for months, other people have aswel, yet Google seem think Gambling apps are fine for 3+ year olds, Google have been informed about this but Google WILL NOT enforce their own policies on its developmers which is harming kids and our privacy
This is just a few off the top of my head. All these apps have extremely concerning reviews. Also all the positive reviews are all extremely fake.
How do I know they're fake? Well like I said earlier, I used to do Micro Jobs and it's full of jobs asking to leave positive reviews on their Google Play store app. If you have a look at the positive reviews in every single one of the apps I posted, you will see that all the positive reviews are exactly the same (minus a few purposefully placed grammatical and spelling errors), all say the exact same thing pretty much and look how people post the same emojis along with very similar, almost word for word reviews.
I've reported the reviews many times on these apps. And none of the obvious fake reviews have ever been removed. I believe Google to have given up on the Playstore all together. There is like 80/20 of apps that are very suspicious or are definitely fake and scans 80% Then there's 20% of real apps.
I have checked a lot of the developers out over the course of my research into this and found that most 90+% of these apps come from Asia, specifically India. Nothing against India the country, but the people are absolutely appallingly when it comes to scams. We all know that Indians are the biggest scammers, so why isn't Google doing anything about these apps? And why isn't Google doing anything about the massive amount of Indian scammers on their Playstore, let alone all the other people who are posting useless apps that aren't tested. Google is more interested in bringing in the developer fees rather than the community who buys the apps.
Most of the kids games are literal gambling apps by definition. All these free games that are not games, but money printing machines for the Devs. Put out a free app and then make it near impossible to continue after level 10 unless you pay massive prices for coins and such. Today's kids are having their gaming experience ruined by greed and their childhoods taken away from them unless they pay to progress. Do I think kids should just play games all day? No, I believe they should play outside and explore the dirt. But as a gamer myself, I believe kids should be allowed to spend hours playing video games too. When I was a kid, I'd play donkey Kong country for hrs and no paywalls to continu
I used to run my own online business a few years ago now and I used to market through Google ads, this opened me up to a magnitude of scams from Indians. Every single day I could guarantee I would have one cold call me, claiming to work for Google, wanting me to sign up through their marketing platform. Which kind you again, they claim they're working with Google.
1 of those calls was an actual person working for Google... Well actually he didn't work for Google, although his email signature says he does, he says he does and his company says they do. However, they are working contracted to Google. What they really are is just a call centre in India, that Google has outsourced their Adsense to. I confirmed he was a 'google partner' by checking out his partner id against Google's partner id check.( this is just way of saying they're a telemarketer that's contracted by Google to bring in sales to their Adsense.)
This guy wouldn't leave me alone, called me 3 times a day to try get me to put more money into my marketing, then he wanted to take over my account so he could manage it...this guy was full on trying to rob me of every cent I had. (He didn't get anything)
Every day/week the Playstore top 10 is the exact same apps. Intact they really haven't changed in a couple years. Google's Editors favourite apps, is always only ever the same apps that have paid to be Google's Editors favourite.
I left apple 8 years ago for Android...loved it! But today I feel like my expensive phone is an expensive spam farm because Google have drop the ball. I feel I miss apples clean look and lack of rubbish. Their app store is dynamically changing. I don't want to go back to apple cause their phones suck..but I'd rather an iPhone right now than be inundated with rubbish apps and nothing but fake review after fake review.
Google doesnt care about the Playstore and that's evident by my evidence in this post.
Google has allowed for almost a year now, for this one specific Gambling app aimed at kids, to exist on their store. The store is full of apps that are completely useless and apps that are so bad, they shouldn't have even been able to make it on to the playstore.
Just look at this what sort of app store is this when it allows crap like this.
Why am I writing this?
Because I'm done working for free for Google, doing a job they should be doing. But nothing I do changes anything, no matter how much you report, Google doesn't do anything. So I'm hoping maybe someone will see this and sort this shit out. Why not even have an algorithm that flags an app as a potential risk automatically when it's received X amount of 3 and blow star reviews ÷ the amount of downloads. When an all flags, you can check it out, this would solve the mass amounts of reports because you won't be having to sift through them, you'll just need to check the app out that's got flagged.
I know this is super long, it's so long that I cbf writing a TLDR because I believe it needs to be read as a whole.
And fix the top is there two QR readers in the top 8? How TF is Australia Post app in the top 20?
And Service NSW #1? 🤣
how TF is this even in the top 50 when it's rating is 1.8 stars
Why arent apps like these ones in the top ever? fuel meter
Motion Ninja
My Budget Book
Soul Browser
Pulse Messenger
Easy Join
submitted by biglezmaate to googleplay [link] [comments]

Australian Gambler, my story

My name is Zach 28 years old, I am a compulsive gambler from the Gold Coast, Australia. I have been gambling for close to 10 years now. My losses would be somewhere in the hundreds of thousands now without a doubt. I live a good life, I live close to the beach, have a fantastic border collie called Switch, and I have my dream job for where I am at in my career at the moment that pays me six figures. I also have a fantastic family, that are somewhat aware of the gambling problem, but definitely have no idea as to how bad it truly is.
But due to gambling, I have basically not a cent to my name, and I have lost a lot of good friends, especially over the last 3-4 months. So a lot of the above has been what has been able to keep me going in life, and not look to drastic measures.
I have been trying to stop gambling for the better part of three years now.
Where it began
Gambling started for me back when I was about 18. I had some mates that I would go down to the pub with and we would have some beers together and then go to the pokies(slot machines) and put maybe $20 through, and it seemed fun and innocent at the time. Little did I know that my addictive personality would take a hold of this and drive my life to where it currently is.
My biggest weakness would be the pokies, especially once I discovered online casinos.
But it was never really an issue through my early 20’s, as I usually only gambled what I could afford to lose and it never affected my day to day life such as paying bills or anti social behaviour. It was just a “casual” gamble at the time.
Where it got bad
It was probably around the age of 24-25 where it got really bad. I was dating a girl at the time, where from the early stages I would manage to weasal money out of her to feed my addiction of the pokies. She would lend me money or give me money not realising what the problem was. I truly took advantage of her in this situation. There were even a couple of nights where we had been drinking with friends, and she passed out to go to sleep and I would take her bank card and go withdraw $1000 or so, just so I could go play the pokies.
She forced me to go to GA at one stage, I went once, but I was no where near ready to give it up. I mean why would I when I could keep syphoning money out of her?
After that relationship ended, things calmed down a little bit. I was still gambling in a bad way, but I wasn’t stealing money to feed the addiction. I did it through my own means. From time to time I would need to borrow money from friends or family to keep my head afloat, but I always paid it back to them.
In the last 2-3 months is where the addiction has got me real bad. I was living a bad living situation with a housemate that basically forced me to keep to myself in my room or the study. This is where I really discovered online pokies.
I put $300 in, over the course of about 3-4 days I managed to get that up to around $80k. I said alright I am gonna withdrawal at least 60k of this, but going to see if I can use the other 20k to see if I can turn it into more.
As online pokies have it, they really draw out the verification process. They do not make it easy to get your money. It goes without saying that within 3 days I managed to take that $80k and turn it into $0. Because I am a compulsive gambler and self control around gambling is not something that I have.
The follow on effect
Having gotten up to $80k, I was convinced that I could easily get up to like $10k or something. This resulted in me using money I didn’t have and borrowing money, and lying to borrow money in order to gamble.
As I sit here now and write this up. I went from having no debt, to now about $5k in debt and having blown around $15-20k over the last 1-2 months.
Going forward
Now I sit here contemplating the road ahead of me. Here is what I have done so far
- Called my bank and banned any form of gambling transactions
- Installed Gameban on my phone and computer
- Told a friend about my gambling and the true extent of it.
- Looking into counselling and GA meetings around me.
It’s a long road ahead, but I have to start somewhere.
submitted by pokie_problems to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Trapped to a controlling and emotionally abusive wife. Please help me break this cycle or get out.

I created this account on 2 June 2020 when I first thought about posting here and things improved somewhat, but have again declined big time, so here I am.
I am 37M, been married for nearly 2 years, 0 kids, 1 dog and we brought an apartment and renovated it last year, theres complications around the property type in terms of minimum length of ownership if I go down this path.
Basically since I got married, my wife has become more and more controlling. and sex has become less and less frequent, even after deciding we would try to have a kid, it was seldom and irregular. My wife has become more controlling, it started with little things like making excuses why she couldn't take the dog down to pee in the evening, refusing to consolidate bank accounts, and getting down right angry if i put any bills in my name and even when I took out a credit card in my name. On the money side of things I am much better with money than her, I have come from a reasonably low income situation to become comparatively very successful, where as she has never really learned the value of money, always paid things late and in some cases, not at all and expected a rebate on the penalties after she does finally pay it, while this all might sound very one sided, our individual credit ratings reflect this very clearly. I tried to fix this for her by taking over almost all payments, which I did well to some extent, there have been 2 instances in the past 3 years where I have missed a payment by a couple of days due to miscommunication and as a result, been charged a penalty, and she has flipped her shit at me over it. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but it gives an idea.
Any time we do get into an argument, she will use what I say against me, and insert subtext where there isn't any and generally manipulate the conversation in her favour, a large part of her job is business negation and she is quite good at it. This results in if I give a reason to support why something was done, she will extrapolate that reason, twist it and turn it into a reason why "she should suffer". In short, she is emotionally abusive. She will quickly go from what to a normal person would be a minor thing that doesn't really matter or can be excused as an accident to an abrasive "Why did you do that? Come on, think about it, why are you so stupid?" which then escalates to "well we should just get a divorce then" or "then i'll just kill myself". This last one is the crux of why I am still with her. She has done this for years, she threatens to kill herself or bangs her head on a wall or hits herself, I feel I have to stay to protect her, which, while doesn't deescalate the situation, does stop her from hurting herself more physically. I created this account last year after an incident where I had to call the police on her because she was trying to jump out the window of our then, 14th story rental. I could not control her and I was so broken myself I simply couldn't function. It has reached that point again yesterday, and came close 2 weeks ago where she actually pulled a kitchen knife on me.
Now it gets complicated, I am living in Singapore, I am from Australia, and have been here 3 years almost. I moved for her, to have a life with her. I gave up so much and gambled my career for her. I have very few friends, and no support network here at all. As we share an apartment which we own and only moved into 4 months ago, I have no where to go. The apartment is a good example of her getting her own way, there is virtually nothing in there that I chose, the lights, tiles, walls, foor, paints, everything she chose and wouldn't accept my suggestions on, with the exception of appliances because shes not very techy.
If she gets into one of her states and starts to hurt herself, if I don't protect her, then I feel I will be held accountable if the police get involved, to try to protect myself I have started to record on my phone our interactions, I know this will backfire on me, but I am in a lose lose situation.
Things really went bad at the end of 2018, when her dog, Prince, a Sheltie, was put up for boarding at a dog hotel called Platinum dogs club when we were visiting my family in Australia for Christmas. On the day before Christmas, we got notified that the facility was raided by the govt animal welfare group, the AVA at the time, and Prince was missing. We later found out that he was killed on the 23rd of December, 2018, 2 days after we dropped him off under their care. I know she still blames herself for his loss.
Some good came of this at least, it has spurred reform into animal welfare in Singapore and over all the incidents will have a great positive impact for the treatment and welfare of animals here, but this is just icing and not overly relevant to this discussion.
This got us involved in working with some rescue group in Singapore, where we had come across 2 border collie females, removed from puppy mills and horrible treatment/conditions. They were found to be pregnant when they came in, but due to being very malnourished, didn't show, but in the end each delivered 4 gorgeous pups each, 10 days apart. We ended up being given the pleasure to adopt one, which while I was reluctant at first to take on a new dog given my experience with having to fully take care of Prince alone, I wanted some reprieve, however with the loss of Prince, my wife was very depressed and it was one of the only things that brought her joy, so I gave in, and we adopted Seven who is almost 2 years old now and very happy and healthy. One of the considerations was that she promised she would feed him and walk him in the evenings and in the mornings if i had to leave for work early. None of these promises held true regularly. She likes the idea of having a dog, and manages an Instagram for him, she does love him, but she doesn't take good care of him. She uses the same excuses to not walk him, she doesn't feed him and when I am busy and forget to in the evening, yells at me for not feeding him until I do it (which is usually immediately), instead of feeding him herself, as to our original agreement.
This is what complicates things and where the account name comes from, if I leave, i'm taking the dog with me, I don't trust her to look after him properly. On the flip side, I know this will make her more depressed, so again i'm in a lose lose situation where if I take him and she does something drastic, its on my conscience, but if I leave him, and she neglects him, it's also going to weigh heavily on me. I don't know what to do here.
At the end of the day I've gone through this too many times, and I want out. I sold almost all my things before I moved here, I have not much left, so much so when I came here, everything I still owned fit into a 2 X 1.2m X 1m shipping crate. If I moved back, there would likely be much less. While I could stay in Singapore, due to the structure of our finances, I have no access to cash for a apartment lease, nor do i want to commit to more than a 2 month lease. I can't lease a room because of the dog as well. I do have a separate office room at home with a sofa bed which I will be sleeping on for the foreseeable future, but I simply don't want to be around her.
There are more problems, I will cover 2 final ones, the first being she projects - In that I mean, if she does something wrong or something is a problem to her, ie she feels she has eaten too much sugar, she outwardly projects that onto other people, and she will tell me i'm eating too much sugar and get angry at me, this also comes with money. I have explained this to her but she just gets angry and gives me a response along the lines of "Then how, i'll just work and spend nothing, is that what you want? I won't buy food and i'll starve and die" - This is a very very standard and common response from her.
The second is (you guessed it) money. Since I started dating her, before we were married, I wanted to upgrade my PC, it is now 11 years old, and I take a lot of enjoyment from gaming, I also do a lot of work and study with it. The first 2 years, we were both flying between Australia and Singapore regularly, it was costly and it was off the cards. We then agreed when I moved to Singapore that anything outside of our base salary we earned, was ours to spend on what ever we wanted, no questions asked. This means; Contracted bonuses, over time, 13th mon pay (this is a thing in Singapore for december), Ad-hoc bonuses, gifts etc. We agreed on this and she REALLY wanted a new mac, and to be fair, her pc was as old as mine but much lower spec, so I agreed that she would get it mid year, and a portion of her end of year bonus would go back into joint funds. This was fine. Since this agreement, I have earned somewhere in the range of 30 - 40k in bonuses and overtime, and not been able to spend a single cent on myself. Hell the last time I brought new clothes for myself was at our wedding and 8 months before that, outside of what was desperately needed (socks with holes in them and shoes where the tread was either coming off or worn to nothing). Our wages are fairly similar, but at the end of every month I have around $300 - 400 in my bank account after bills and loan repayments, and she usually has most of her pay, and again, she refused to consolidate accounts.
Emotionally for the past two weeks I have been hanging by a thread, I have kept my shit together for the most part, but I really struggle, and it has spilt over into work. I had a conversation with my boss this morning and outlined it all and he confessed he had seen a lot of it also. It seems I get the same consensus from everyone whom I speak with.
What I am seeking from this post is advise based on what some of you have gone through, what your close friends / family have gone through, what went right, what did not, what could have been done better and advise on how to protect myself from someone who will hurt themselves or potentially, try to take their own life. Furthermore, I wish her no ill will, I don't want to just abandon her and her do something stupid the moment I leave, this is my biggest fear, but I know I have to just walk away at some point and stop giving her the attention she is trying to get. If I get her friends involved then she will use that against me again. If I move out, I will seek one of her friends to take her to dinner or similar and clear my shit out, or is this a bad idea?
Legal wise, I realise this isn't a lawyers office and I don't expect anything binding here, but when should I engage one? how do I go about it? What should I expect to pay?
As much as I need my share of what is in our apartment, I do not care at this point about it. She can live in it for all I care and pay me back, or rent a room to pay me slowly or sell it when we can or even just keep it as a shared asset, I do not care.
While this is obviously one sided because it comes from just me, I will admit I am not perfect, and I do have a crappy memory, something she sometimes exploits. But I do most of the house work, I take good care of our dog, I do equal, if not more of the cooking, I take care of all the bills. I have learned to make bread and sour dough because she "wanted really nice bread". I have learned to cook french style fine dining meals for her. I heave learned Chinese style cooking for her. I ALWAYS help her in the kitchen when she cooks and set the table ready to eat, these things she has never once done for me, even when asked, she ignores the request. I clean up after her and I restrict my mess to my office. I compromise regularly and let her have her own way. I do what she wants to do for leisure and I don't pressure her to do what I want to do. I have even been studying psychology for the past 6 months to try to better handle her with little success. I have learned to never raise my voice (and obviously never raise a hand, I would never) to her, I have tried multiple techniques for calming her, but she goes against the common theories.
I don't know where to group this, but she has also been unwilling to attend any counselling or individual therapy, she sees it as a waste of money and doesn't see herself as having a problem.
I am her cleaner, her body guard her source of entertainment, her chef and her animal handler. I have very little of me left and its not a future I want.
My next steps (in no particular order) I feel should be:
(Closer to a move home)
I would really love some advise, mostly around next steps, how to protect myself, how to help her and keep her safe and how to end this cycle. Ideally I do not want to leave, but if I don't, my life will be miserable and I currently see no future with her. She regularly reminds me she doesn't want kids, which changed AFTER we got married, I feel I am being robbed of the chance to have a family.

Update: (Because thats what we need, a bigger wall of text) Yesterday when I was about to call a lawyer, I got a call from a social worker whom my wife had contacted, she told me that my wife had reached out after talking to her mother (something I would have done but I don't speak mandarin well and her mother doesn't speak much english). I was told that based on what my wife said, she was considered a suicide risk and they wanted her to go to IMH for assessment immediately, due to her work schedule she declined and committed to going Saturday, though I am not sure this will happen. My wifes sense of self worth is tied to how others see her, even strangers, this I feel is partly responsible for her depression, and the same reason she is delaying the visit and the reason she used a pseudonym.
To an extent, and knowing her, I feel this was in part, a power play to force me to come back home as the social worker asked I be around to keep an eye on her otherwise she would have to have the police do it, which, given what I said about her sense of self worth, would be a very very bad idea.
While I do give her credit, it doesn't change my feelings, I still want out, but I won't be telling her until this is resolved. I do fully understand that if she has her mind set on something I will be unlikely to change it, it still is my responsibility as her husband, a member of the community and a human in general. I will work with the psychiatrist or psychologist she is assigned once she is, and figure out the best, and safest way to tell her.
submitted by IamKeepingTheDog to Divorce [link] [comments]

Unleashed pt. 45

Some words from u/eruwenn and I. Enjoy?
First / Prev / Next


  Chae’Sol stood at the centre of a large command deck, meticulously peeling the protective film from his new captain’s chair. The sensation of the slow but steady yielding of the film, the sweeping line following the contours of the seat in flowing curves; it was incredibly satisfying. Finally, with one last gentle pull, the last of his chair was uncovered and he stood back to admire his throne. Aside from the freshness of the seating itself, there were shiny new holo displays, touch sensors, and comms relays that were within easy reach of his seated fingertips. This ship would be the jewel in any fleet, a prototype Dreadnought made by the infamous Bardul of Shi’an. The Gowe Military faction had run into financial problems, and it had been left unpaid and unclaimed. What sorcery Kadir had used to find it, and purchase it, he did not know.
His comms unit beeped and Danyd’s voice came through. “Chae’S-” -He grumbled incoherently- “Captain, we’re ready to get underway.”
The Niham turned and sat back on his pristine chair, swinging his long legs over the armrest. “That was quick, Chief Engineer Ef’Yto
Danyd grunted at the use of his title. “Aye, these Awakened are efficient bastards.” The Satryn looked around at the enormous engineering bay. The entirety of the Porkchop Express could comfortably sit inside, and two of them could likely squeeze in. “Plus, this thing has never been used; feels weird not having anything to work on. It’s state of the art, and I’m having to read the manuals on half the new systems.”
Chae’Sol laughed, looking around at the Awakened as they were preparing their workstations. “Yeah, this command deck is a little intimidating. Even the Niham Armada didn’t have ships like this. There are fifteen weapons stations here, what in Tulseria’s name were the Gowe planning to do with this thing?”
“No idea.” The chief engineer walked to the large seat in front of his new work terminal, and hopped up onto it. The protective covering squeaked. “This thing has more firepower than half their fleet, it must have been something big. We’re lucky Kadir found out about the graveyard of unclaimed ships from one of his contacts.”
The newly-minted captain swung his legs down and sat up, straightening his black uniform and white collar. “That’s another thing: how does he have so many contacts? I was in the Tulseria-damned military, and I had no idea they would sell us fighters and weapons.”
“I know the feeling.” Danyd watched a junior engineer – Lily, an Awakened who wore a headband in her silver hair that sported long Kittran ears on it – begin running diagnostics on the Hoban Field Generator. “I'm aware he got the automated weapons for the system port from my people, somehow. As for how he accomplishes all he does, I think his time working with that fancy Anatidae councillor opened more than a couple of doors for him.”
Chae’Sol stood, running his fingers through his perfect hair. “Doors, windows, rear entrances and damned secret portals, all leading to a dark realm of shady deals and supplies. We have an Imperium Capital Ship for Tulseria’s sake! Nobody knows where he got it, or where he’s now hidden it.” He looked at his holo display, noting the specks springing blinking into existence as the other ships of Federation origin came to life. “Let’s just be glad he’s on our side.”
The chief engineer tugged at the green collar to his uniform. “Our side used to be a damn sight smaller.” Lily had finished her diagnostic tests and sent the results to his console. Her report included an adjustment that would create a potential three percent increase in crystal efficiency, and a small drawing of a smiling leokit with a crim-bar. He groaned, then reported back with, “We’re ready to go when you are.”
The Niham strode confidently across the command deck, stopping to stand in front of the huge vid screen at the front of the room. All around him were his crew, made up mostly from the Ashi, Awakened, and Kasurians. “Let’s get this show started.”
Jaym sat with a bowl of Tony the leokas cereal in front of her. It wasn't just a catchy advertising slogan - it really was great. She and Elizabeth had worked together so much in the engineering section of the Porkchop Express that they had become close, often spending their free time together. Indeed, Elizabeth currently sat opposite her, carefully rebuilding a power coupling and occasionally tapping at her datapad. Shortly after the results of her most recent tap played out, Elizabeth paused her work on the power coupling. Without speaking, she held up her datapad so that Jaym could see.
On the screen was Tony and his mate Jolie, and Skeena’s voice could be heard excitedly talking about collecting urine samples from the female. Jaym screwed up her face at first until Skeena announced the pregnancy test was positive. Tony was going to be a father! She couldn't contain her joy and screamed loudly, grabbing the screen and running all the way to the bridge to show the others.
Ranjaz was stretched out across the captain’s chair as Jaym burst in, and didn’t open his eyes until she began shaking his leg. Even then he didn’t pay much attention. “I told you not to let Elizabeth play with any more systems till after the mission.”
She blushed slightly, as their last improvement had inverted their water treatment system and blown six power couplings. "It's not that!" she said, holding up the datapad and starting the video. "Look!"
At the first syllable of Skeena's voice, Ranjaz sat bolt upright. The video held his full attention, and when Tony's impending fatherhood was announced the Kittran's whoops of delight could be heard all through the Porkchop Express. He reached underneath his seat and retrieved a small, fluffy bed, then picked up Aiov. Ranjaz led his unusual dance partner in a quick spin of joy before replaying the GalacTube video for her. “You’re going to be an Aunty!”
Eruwenn leaned back in the large seat that had once been Embar’s. “I didn’t think they were related?”
The Kittran nodded. “Aiov is Tony’s sister. Aaron adopted them both, and that’s how human families work. They just keep adding members, like a Dular adding shells to its burrow. Family is family.”
Cygna pressed a few buttons on her Navigator terminal, moving the video to the main screen as well as starting it over. “I still can’t believe you keep one of these under your seat. I mean, it’s a leokas!”
Ranjaz held Aiov up and they briefly rubbed noses. “Just a little one!”
The Anatidae laughed. “I can see living with the human has had quite a profound effect on you.”
With one of his trademark grins he held Aiov out towards Eruwenn. “Wanna nose rub?”
"Ah," the councillor said, shrinking back from the offer, "despite her size she is still a predator, and I am not quite ready for such a close encounter.”
From the pilot seat Ripley stood, taking Aiov from Ranjaz. “She is not a toy.” She briefly snuggled the tiny leokit to her chest, then passed her to Jaym. “Take her for food and exercise; she must grow up strong.”
Jaym also cuddled the wriggling Aiov close, and not just because the little leokit was adorable. Aiov had tripled in size, and was becoming a bit of a handful. “Thor was preparing her food; I’ll take her down to him.”
Once the junior engineer had left, and Ripley returned to the pilot seat, Ranjaz began tapping on the console in front of him. “Looks like we’ll be free to take the shuttle down to the surface with the next group.”
Cygna drummed her fingers on the arms of her chair. “I didn’t realise it would be so busy.”
Ranjaz shrugged. “There was a quake on the fourth planet, so mining colonies are shut down while the nerds poke around. Along with that, we got three big freighters waiting for resupply. That’s a lot of bored folks looking to kill time.” Ripley grunted, prompting a chuckle from the Kittran. “You don’t approve of their choice of leisure activity?”
After their few cycles together Eruwenn was already learning a lot about her shipmates. Ripley, for instance, wasn’t one for talking. She decided to interject before the Captain irritated her too much, as they would need her focus soon enough. “Gambling and pleasure palaces are not to everyone's taste, of course, but these sorts of things are covered under local governance.”
Without skipping a beat Ranjaz replied, “I know that’s the official line, but you sure as shit have tax codes for all of it. If you want to look down on folks, don’t pretend you aren’t profiting from it.”
Cygna, ever defensive of her mentor, jumped in. “That’s a bold statement for someone who never paid a credit in tax until it was automatically deducted from his Galactic Federation pay.”
Ranjaz laughed, then continued, keeping his voice care-free. “Taxed on what? I never owned anything.”
Eruwenn could see the trap her junior was walking into but decided to let this be a learning experience. The Kittran was wily, and the Anatidae found him entertaining. Cygna, as she had predicted, scoffed at his claims. “I’ve read your file. When you were arrested you had a ship, five shuttles and thousands in valuable goods confiscated.”
“Exactly!” His eyes lit up as he cornered her. “It was confiscated because it was stolen, so I didn’t own it. Imagine a world where you can keep stolen goods if you pay tax on them. Even I think that’s crazy.”
The Fae’Dan paused, and the anger evaporated from her voice as she realized what he had said, replaced by a slightly impressed tone of surprise. “Well, maybe, but… Really? You stole all of it?”
Ranjaz shrugged. “Or won it. I’m pretty good at Dalcho.”
Cygna perked up. “I play Dalcho myself, we shou-”
“No,” Eruwenn interrupted. Some lessons were too expensive. “Do not play Dalcho with someone who can get free priority entry permits to a casino.”
The former operative shook her head. “I’m a great player, you’ve seen me in the council chambers. I took that Ley’Rulian trader for five hundred credits.”
The Anatidae smiled kindly. “And he had five shuttles when he was arrested.”
Cygna slowly turned from Eruwenn to Ranjaz, noticing his grin and the sparkle in his eye. It was most definitely the smile of a predator. He gave a little chuckle. “Don’t worry, it’s been a long time since I played. No gambling on Galactic Federation ships, you know.” He laughed again. “Oh wait, you read my file.”
The Fae’Dan nodded. “Perhaps we should focus on the mission.” She gave a slight bow to Eruwenn before returning her attention to her console.
Ranjaz looked at Eruwenn and stuck out his tongue. “Don’t ruin my fun!”
The Ambassador smiled. “I don’t play Dalcho, but there is a human game called chess I quite enjoy. Perhaps we could play sometime?”
The Kittran gave a nod. Keeping his voice neutral, he replied. “I don’t know that one, but there’s another human game we could try. Poker?”
"We have permission to dock at the holding ring and send down a shuttle," Ripley abruptly called out. "Let’s get this whatever it is and make the rendez-vous.”
Both of Ranjaz’s fangs showed as he grinned. “If we’re going to pull a job on Chisola Prime, first you’re going to need to look the part!”
Aaron walked down the corridor of the Hive ship, the strange spiderlike creature trailing behind him as he followed one of the corpse vines as it receded deeper into the ship. He turned and watched the creature, which shrank back from him and crouched low to the ground. “I’m sorry I kicked you. You simply startled me; you don’t have to hide.”
The lighting never changed in the endless corridors of the ship, and only the most uninteresting of doors deigned open for him. At this point, he had lost track of time completely. Through perseverance he’d made several important discoveries. The bulbous shapes in the flower vase room were seats; he was fairly certain of that after finding another room with bodies sitting in them. The vines that came for them were the ones he was now following, and by now he must have seen hundreds of dead Hive.
The second discovery was that the Hive came in a variety of shapes and sizes. There were two main ones, as far as he could tell, and the first were the four legged kind that had so kindly thrown him in the rejuvenating jelly bean. The second was bipedal, and looked a hell of a lot meaner. While the ones he deemed workers looked somewhat like ants to him, in shades of reds and browns, the second type looked much more commanding. Their carapace had thicker layers of armour in green, gold and red, and was spiked at the shoulders and joints. Even their legs had spines and to top the look off their heads were much more angular. Whether they were soldiers, commanders, or something else, he didn’t know. Through observation of the corpses he had discovered the most confusing feature yet: a strange section in the centre of their abdomen that was filled with what seemed to be a grey fluid.
Ahead of him, not skittering away like the rest, was an aphid that no longer emitted a pale green glow. Something whooshed overhead towards the slow and sluggish aphid, and Aaron instinctively threw himself to the ground before he realized what it was. "That's how you get kicked!” He stood up, brushing himself off. “Fuck, that scares the ever-loving shit out of me every fucking time.”
The huge creature looked up at him and whined as it munched on the sick aphid. He was probably imagining the apology in its eyes, but Aaron still shook his head. “I know, I know. It’s your job. They clean the floors, you keep their population healthy. Just stop leaping over me like that, fuck. I’m going to have a heart attack.” It whined and backed away from his angry words, and he tried to keep his voice to calmer tones. “Don’t be like that. I’ve told you enough times.”
When he looked down the corridor again, the retreating corpse vines had disappeared around a corner. Aaron began to jog after them, and after he'd put some distance in he heard the pattering footsteps of his terrifying shadow. He tried to pay it no mind. Once the vines were back in sight he slowed and followed behind them, singing his direction song quietly to himself. “Left, right, straight. Left, left, right. Straight, straight, left, left. Right, right, straight, right, right.”
The ship was massive and, other than some areas smelling funkier than others, there was no variation in lighting, decoration or layout. The song was his map back to the rejuvenation pod, which was his only safe source of hydration. His companion padded along behind him, a friendly nightmare to accompany him on his seemingly endless journey. “We really need to give you a name.” He wished he had his phone with him so he could channel all his nervous energy into making a video. “The audience demands a name. Plus, I won’t be able to sell merch without one.” He turned and looked at the creature. “I’ll probably have to create space-halloween first, or maybe I’ll get lucky and find that you’re cute to some species.”
Aaron returned to following the corpse vine, waving a hand high as he spoke, gesticulating to the heavens. “The name is what matters: a good name makes all the difference.” He began seriously pondering the naming matter. “Aragog, Shelob; you know, lean into your size for a characterization. But then again, that's not really going to make people like you.” He looked back over his shoulder as the unnamed beast trotted happily behind him. He assumed happy, at least. It now tended to make an odd gurgling noise after eating, and it roamed closer to him than before. “You know, I never got to name Sassie – she’s my dog. I told you about her yesterday, or the day before.” He really was losing track of the days he’d been here. “I got her from a rescue. She was skinny, and so damn angry, with scars on her legs and under her fur. I had to have special visits before I could keep her. Prove I was worthy.”
Talking helped take his mind from the gnawing emptiness in his stomach. Hydration and nutrients osmotically obtained from some weird pod were nowhere near as satisfying as a burger and a cold beer. “Her first visit, she had a rubber ball. It was her only possession, and she loved it.” There was a touch of pride in his voice. “Took me an hour before she gave it up to play. The lady from the rescue centre said I was the first.” He choked up, blinking back tears. “Anyway, couple more visits and she got to stay. Crazy dog was such a handful. She once tried to climb a tree to chase a squirrel. Got her legs over the first branch and just dangled, kicking her back legs.” He began chuckling to himself. “She once tried to jump through a car window; some guy was parked at the lights as we walked past.”
He was just chatting now, lost in his memories as he walked. “You know the type, loud radio, windows rolled down on a sunny day, annoying the shit out of everyone in the town. He tossed some litter out of his window and she just launched herself at him. Scared the life out of me at the time - funny as fuck now, of course.” He laughed again. “Then there were the swans. Man, were they not ready. She loved to swim – I told you that before – swimming and splashing was her favourite release. Well, that and chasing rabbits which is, kinda, how I ended up here. Anyway, she would just swim up and down, right past the ducks and stuff, somehow never interested in them. Then one summer these swans came along...” He paused, realising his new friend didn’t know what a duck or a swan was, or even summer, probably. Before attempting to explain, he realised they also didn’t understand english, so it really didn’t matter. “Anyway, swans being belligerent bastards, I called her out of the water straight away. Those mean white fuckers chased her all the way to shore.”
He turned around, now grinning broadly. “But, once her feet hit the ground in the shallow water and she was able to stand, did those sons of bitches turn and swim away as fast as they could.” He paused, trying to remember his original point. He really was very hungry. “Oh yeah, so trying to stop her fighting everything that moved meant I didn’t have time to teach her a new name. Figured it would be confusing to her. Sassie she was, and so Sassie she stayed.”
There was a tightening in his chest as he thought of her missing him. “Took a lot of years and a lot of time for her to get where she is now. I know Alexa will take care of her, but still, it’s my job, and I need to get back to doing it. She won’t understand…” He choked up completely, taking a moment to compose himself before clearing his throat and returning his monologue to its original course. “Anyway, names. Names matter.”
“Maybe you’re a girl monster. Charlotte?” He shook his head. That name just didn’t seem fitting. “We could call you Peter Parker? Although, you’re more of a man-sized spider than a spiderman... Parker Peter? Then again, big, scary spiders say one thing to me. Australia. You like to jump, we could call you Roo? Or, how about Ozzy? Or Bruce? Hmm, that’s a sharks name though… can you swim?”
His train of thought derailed suddenly as he saw an open door ahead of them through which the vines were receding. The pair of them continued walking behind the vine until it disappeared into the doorway and Aaron ran forward, pulling something from his pocket. He’d been saving the foil wrapping from the ration bricks, folding them together to form a wedge. He jammed his makeshift door stop under the bottom corner of the door as it began to slide shut. It ground to a halt. “Boom! Told you it would work.”
He stood and finally looked into the vastness beyond. Through the doors was, somehow, a rolling meadow, complete with trees, giant mushrooms and plants he had no name for. Vines were also everywhere, receding further across the great wilderness. “What the hell? I thought I was on a spaceship? Am I underground?”
Staring intently at the sky, he stepped onto the deep moss beyond the door. He looked at the wall around the interior and saw it was rock, and more plant life clung to every crack and crevice. As he walked slowly forward his eyes followed the vine as it headed for a large, colourful, monolith. He approached and saw that its shape was similar to the vase flowers. He watched as the corpse vines deposited their cargo on top of the monolith. Not on, he corrected himself;they were dropping inside.
He looked back to the door, nervous that it might close and lock him in. A large black shadow lurked just beyond the door, and he was torn. Should he explore this 'outside' world, or retreat to the place where he at least had the rejuvenation pods? He looked up at the sky, basking in the warm and invigorating embrace of the sunlight. He blinked at the brightness, being cautious to not look at the sun directly, and something else suddenly caught his eye. It was, incredibly, a door. A door that floated in the sky.
The thing about human eyes is that they might be easily fooled, but a shift in perspective can easily change what you see to something entirely different. Aaron was looking up at a ceiling, like the one in the Atrium back on the Azrimad, but a hundred times more convincing.
Once back inside the doorway he watched the spiderling he was beginning to think of it as a friend dancing back and forth a short distance away. It seemed… happy. “Ok buddy, I’m back.” Aaron’s stomach made a loud gurgling sound and he rubbed it, trying to squeeze the hunger away. Fingers found muscle easier than usual, and he knew he was definitely losing weight. “We should head back. I need sleep.” He thought for a moment and made a final decision, bending down to pull the foil wedge clear. “I doubt there’s a communicator or command deck in there. Let’s go home, Ozzy.”
The trip back was uneventful, Aaron sang his direction song as they navigated the labyrinth. A few more aphids were snacked on by his leggy companion, but his own legs were heavy by the time he was almost back to the jelly beans. Despite being exhausted he had made two stops to create another pair of flower vases for the aphids, as well as scattering a ration brick as he passed by. The aphids waited, as they always did, till he and Ozzy were far enough away before enjoying his bounty. Still, the human derived satisfaction from their presence.
Exhausted and weary, Aaron was glad to finally make it back to the room he was reluctantly calling his temporary home. As the door to the rejuvenation pod slid open he was met, forcefully, by the barrel of an energy rifle. Unfortunately for Aaron, due to a considerable height difference, the barrel had struck him squarely in the groin, and he instantly fell to his knees. He came face to face with his attacker with tears in his eyes, clutching his tenderness and coughing. From the other being came incomprehensible yelling, as well as a lot of gun waving. Also, there was coughing.
Aaron, eventually mustering enough self-presence to do something other than deal with the after effects of the gun-to-groin encounter, wiped the moisture from his eyes and tried to butt in to the one-sided conversation. "Relax! I'm the one who just got snookered in the fucking balls, here! Why in the world are you so mad?"”
The gun was pressed to his forehead by the tiny attacker, who shouted something unintelligible with their black eyes focused on him. They paused to cough, then stepped back, glaring at Aaron until they seemed to feel comfortable enough with the situation to take one hand off of their weapon and pull out a datapad. They held it up, and Aaron frowned at the familiar but still unintelligible colours that swirled on the screen. Then a small vent at the bottom of the device squirted out a puff of sickly sweet scent.
Aaron pulled back from the odour. "What the fuck was that?"
With some distance between them, the human finally got a good look at his opponent. They were barely waist-height, furry, with a long nose and dark banding across their brown fur. The banding was heaviest across their eyes and although that’s where the similarities ended, it was enough for the human’s brain to forge a connection. “Listen, Rocket, there’s a virus on this ship. You need to get in the jelly bean. Trust me.”
The rifle was thrust at him shakily in one hand, the tablet again was raised and a swirl of colours and shapes greeted him. “I don’t speak fucking winamp plugin!” On the wall behind his captor Aaron spotted a dull orange aphid, struggling to climb the wall. He smiled as he slowly leaned to one side. “Have you met Ozzy?”
The huge arachnid leapt over them both, causing the newcomer to blindfire at the wall. Aaron seized his chance and snatched away the weapon. He grabbed the newcomer by the front of their armoured uniform and slammed them to the ground. They cried out in pain and began their incomprehensible yelling once more. The accompanying coughing fit was bad, and Aaron dragged them to their feet. Realising that his solitude had caused him to revert to English, he switched back to galactic standard to offer a warning about the disease. “You’re going to die!”
A shocked look crossed their face as the human effortlessly lifted them and slam dunked them into a blue jelly bean. Ozzy gurgled happily through his aphid crunching. Aaron snatched up the energy rifle, but found it was difficult to hold due to its small size. He leaned over the jelly bean, noting the occupant drifting off to sleep.
Hunger and tiredness were forgotten as adrenaline flooded his system. There was no way the newcomer was alone. He left the pod room to begin searching, and Ozzy seemed to pick up on his intention and followed behind, keeping close to the human. “Good boy!” He had no idea what prompted it, likely some automated response, and it was as though he watched his movements from outside of his body as he reached back and gently scratched the arachnid's head. He was rewarded with happy gurgles, or at least that's what he hoped the noises were. “You did good back there.”
He made his way along the corridor towards the same airlock he had once chosen as his final exit. His recent suspicion proved correct as he heard a strange sound up ahead, as if someone was running a wet finger around the rim of a glass. He carefully leaned around the curve and saw another figure, dressed in the same uniform as the first. No fur on this one, although they were equally small in size, and they somehow looked like they were made of glass which couldn’t decide on a colour.
This time he remembered to use galactic standard. “Keep your hands where we can see you. We’ve got you surrounded!” The figure was clearly startled, as the ambient resonating noise began varying wildly in pitch at the same moment as their colour shifted to a solid blue. Aaron cursed. He didn’t have a translator, having instead opted for learning standard and winging everything else. The whole federation knew standard, so he hadn’t truly considered getting the implant. “Something is wrong with our translators,” he continued to bluff. “Do you speak galactic standard?”
A datapad was hastily pulled from a pocket, and as buttons were pressed the resonating sound became more rhythmic. From the datapad sprung noises. No, it was a voice! “Why do you speak Procyon? Where is Commander Bertolannixostraphes?
Aaron began relaxing at the situation he found himself in, but inside he was brimming with joy. Finally, he could talk with someone! “There is a virus on this ship, and many are dead. If your commander is the raccoon-looking guy, I got them into a healing pod. They’re going to be fine.” Under his breath he added, “probably.”
The resonating began and shortly afterwards the voice translated, “Who are you? Why did you not answer our communications.”
Opting for honesty in the hopes of leniency, Aaron stepped into view. “I’m a passenger. I don’t have access to the ship's systems.” The newcomer was looking at the tiny gun, so the human tossed it forward. “I didn’t know if you were friendly. I can take you to your friend, and you should probably get treatment as well.”
The now-orange alien walked forward, their movement accompanied by the strange sound of ceramic plates rubbing together. “That won’t be a problem, we Tricinic do not catch meat diseases. I am Tsy'lo, take me to the commander.” They turned to look behind them. “Where are the others?”
Aaron pointed to Ozzy. “It’s just us two.”
Colours swirled and the small glass person thrummed. The datapad spoke, “You are the last human, the Ambassador. Correct?”
Turning and gesturing to be followed, he began to lead the way to the rejuvenation room. “I am the first human, Ambassador Aaron Cooper, professional bounty hunter. Just call me Aaron. Are you the rescue party? Is Alexa here? Did she bring Sassie?”
It took a moment for the translation to come back. “I don’t know those names. We are the Special Tactics and Rescue Squad and we responded to distress calls and found this ship. Adrift.” They had walked a little way when Tsy'lo stopped and regarded Ozzy, who was still faithfully following behind. “Why does the achalo follow you?”
“Ozzy?” Aaron shrugged. “I think he was lonely. So, were you sent into Hive space to find me, or are you on some top secret mission? You aren’t with the Sentinels, are you?”
“Lonely? But it is an achalo.” Tsy'lo was confused and their colour visibly swirled. “Why would a rescue mission be secret? And, we weren’t sent, we were already here.”
Now it was the human who was confused. “Like spies behind enemy lines? Is that why you are in Hive space?”
The Tricinic hummed at a higher frequency. “It is our space. We are the Hive!”
Admiral Pelar of the third fleet stood in the centre of the training mat. On the floor around her were four tough looking Ashi, while a fifth was now squaring off against her. She blocked the jab and the surprise knee strike that followed, turning effortlessly to bring her elbow to her opponents ribs. With another deft turn she was behind him and kicking his knees forward. He tried to roll clear but she had anticipated the move and, as he rose, her spinning boot struck the side of his head.
“Nice try gentlemen.” She walked away and caught a towel thrown by the drill instructor. “That last one has potential,” she said, and the drill instructor nodded. “Next time, I expect at least one of them to land a hit. If not, I’ll have you in the ring instead, to make sure you still have what it takes.” She saw the fear in his eyes. “I accept nothing but the best from the Third Fleet.”
The medics ran onto the mat as she dabbed at her forehead, and she spotted Jar’Bek sitting on a bench nearby. She walked over to him and he stood, straightening what was no doubt an extremely expensive suit. “From one disappointment to another.”
The lawyer smiled. “Imagine only seeing your son when he is paid to be in your presence,” he countered.
She smirked. “Your tongue is still your most deadly weapon.”
He nodded. “Ah, but it must make you proud to see me make use of the things you taught me.”
Her face twitched. “I taught you to be a true Ashi, a soldier. I taught you to respect-”
Jar’Bek held up his hand. “I’m here on my client’s business, not yours. And, as I am paid a considerable sum per gal, let us not waste their money on matters that are concluded.” He enjoyed the irritation on her face. “I am here to finalise the amnesty treaties, and conclude your membership as citizens of Earth.”
The Admiral held up her hands, looking down at her combat training clothing. “I must shower and change first. Please, wait for me in my private office.” She smiled politely.
“No.” His smile seemed to hover as if it was a mask that could slip at any time. “You may have disowned me, but I still remember your tricks. You knew the time of our meeting; you had me brought here so you could intimidate me with this display of aggression. Then you ask me to wait in your office amongst your memorabilia and trophies.” He watched the anger behind her eyes. “You really think these tired old tricks will work on me?”
She sneered. “At least you remember something.”
“Oh, I had the scars removed, but I kept the lessons.” He walked away. “My client's time is valuable and I have scheduled a meeting with the other fleet Admiral’s for later this cycle. Since we have no time for your games, let us go to the briefing room. My team is already set up. If you wish to shower, know that it is more of your negotiating time you are wasting, and I do so hate waste.” He collected his briefcase and walked out of the room.
Captain Loring hurried after Jar’Bek, catching him as he entered the elevator. “You sure you want to antagonise the Admiral like that?”
He leaned back against the wall of the elevator and relaxed, letting out a small sigh. “A little negotiating trick a Kittran taught me. Anyway, she is no longer my Admiral.”
Elora’Tan leaned back on the opposite wall. “She is your mother, Jar.”
“Ha.” Jar’Bek laughed. “She disowned me. This is the first contact we’ve had in I forget how many celes. Her first thought is to try and intimidate me with that display. She likes to beat on cadets, she likes to cause pain, and she wanted me to watch.”
Loring gave a weak smile. “It forges strong soldiers. We can’t afford weakness.”
The elevator stopped and Jar’Bek took a step closer to Elora’Tan. “You think it was weakness that made me leave?” He didn’t let her answer, turning and exiting into the hallway. His voice now resonated with authority as he growled, “In case you people have forgotten, the Ashi will operate under the same rules as the rest of the colony. My mother is not the law... I am the law.
submitted by Sooperdude24 to HFY [link] [comments]

The Daily Check-In for Wednesday, September 23rd: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!

We may be anonymous strangers on the internet, but we have one thing in common. We may be a world apart, but we're here together!
Welcome to the 24 hour pledge!
I'm pledging myself to not drinking today, and invite you to do the same.
Maybe you're new to stopdrinking and have a hard time deciding what to do next. Maybe you're like me and feel you need a daily commitment or maybe you've been sober for a long time and want to inspire others.
It doesn't matter if you're still hung over from a three day bender or been sober for years, if you just woke up or have already completed a sober day. For the next 24 hours, lets not drink alcohol!
This pledge is a statement of intent. Today we don't set out trying not to drink, we make a conscious decision not to drink. It sounds simple, but all of us know it can be hard and sometimes impossible. The group can support and inspire us, yet only one person can decide if we drink today. Give that person the right mindset!
What happens if we can't keep to our pledge? We give up or try again. And since we're here in stopdrinking, we're not ready to give up.
What this is: A simple thread where we commit to not drinking alcohol for the next 24 hours, posting to show others that they're not alone and making a pledge to ourselves. Anybody can join and participate at any time, you do not have to be a regular at stopdrinking or have followed the pledges from the beginning.
What this isn't: A good place for a detailed introduction of yourself, directly seek advice or share lengthy stories. You'll get a more personal response in your own thread.
This post goes up at:
A link to the current Daily Check-In post can always be found near the top of the sidebar
Self-Gratification and Life Clutter
Living with addiction can be described as a world of excess and self-gratification. And self-gratification is mindlessly fulfilling your own base desire, which is pretty easy to do when surrounded by alcohol.
I chased a lot of external excitement, lust, and distraction. By externals, I’m generally talking about things like alcohol, drugs, gambling, buying stuff, eating junk food, excess phone use, video games, etc. And one thing these externals are great at is creating more pain and anxiety. These distractions are what I will call, life clutter. Some of it is ok in small doses, but all of these can get out of control in a hurry and suck up all of your time.
I used alcohol to combat my pain and stress, which only added to it. So, I found other things to chase. I ate junk food and destroyed my health. I cluttered my home with stuff and my credit cards with debt. I gambled on sports and elevated my stress. I played video games instead of spending time with my wife and son.
This is where creating habitual behavior to combat Resistance has come in handy for me. If I create habits that work for me, it replaces that distraction with a meaningful practice. I realize I'm beginning to sound like I may have a computer chip inside of me. I still have my time set aside to watch football or movies, but only after my practice.
Succumbing to life clutter is the easy way. Creating thoughtful habits is hard work, but it’s work that brings real joy and fulfillment to our lives. And I really try to use these habits to work different areas of my life.
One of my favorite Tony Robbins’ contributions is the Pyramid of Mastery, which covers the 7 major facets of everyone’s life. From the bottom to the top of the pyramid these are the layers:
  1. Physical Body
  2. Emotions / Meaning
  3. Relationships
  4. Time
  5. Work / Mission
  6. Finances
  7. Contribution and Spirituality
This appears as an order, but we work through all facets simultaneously. Think of it as a stool with individual legs we are working to strengthen and balance. If your focus is limited to a couple legs of the stool, it will be wobbly and topple over. All the legs should be as strong as they can be.
Alcohol was a destructive force to each of these legs like termites working their way through the wood framing on a house. I enjoyed all of my clutter too much. And it wasn’t until I quit drinking that I could see the destruction done to each leg of the stool.
Building new habits is what created a practice to strengthen each of these legs.
Physical Body: Drinking was a major trigger point of a poor diet for me. I had high blood pressure, I was overweight, and I was never consistent with exercise. Once I quit drinking, I started eating healthier. I lost weight and was able to get my blood pressure under control. My fitness level improved with gradual change in my routine. It’s not all perfect, but my energy has improved drastically, which helps me in all other facets.
Emotions / Meaning: Negative emotions were a force permeating through my life when I drank. Fear, anxiety, and anger were emotions made worse through alcohol. My anger was ubiquitous and expected. My fear and anxiety were only hidden with alcohol and subsequently increased when hungover. I still experience all of these emotions, but in a way that I can face and manage now. I face my fear with courage. Anger is a work-in-progress, but I’ve come a long way. I give thanks for what I have. This has given me more joy in life than I ever experienced with alcohol. It has helped me to find meaning over chasing some high.
Relationships: Alcohol was an excuse to choose drinking buddies over my wife and son. I spent a lot of time at the bar and really not with people I care about all that much. Before I quit drinking, I always imbibed before seeing anyone outside of the house. Now we are spending quality time together and with our families. Not time filled with booze or thinking about where my next drink will be.
Work / Mission: My work has been one of the primary drivers of why I drank so heavily. It supported my anger. And it led me to drink daily to get my mind off the job. I even tried sports gambling to replace my income. Hint: it wasn’t the answer (as if you were guessing the other way). This pandemic has taught me some valuable things. One of them is being more conscious with how I spend my time. Especially on what is fulfilling to me. I still have to make money, but I can do a lot better than chase money 50 hours a week in a job that negatively impacts my mood.
Finances: I was consumed with buying needless crap during my drinking life. We filled our house with junk that would get donated or thrown away. Because I did well in my job, I thought I could afford to spend money carelessly. And maybe I could, but at what cost? All of the movies that were purchased, the Apple Watch that serves little purpose other than recording workouts, the iPad that doesn’t get used. None of these things bring me joy. As nerdy as this sounds, I have more fun seeing how many days I can go without spending a dime. Books will always hold a special place in my heart. But beyond the essentials, I don’t need many other physical items to enjoy life.
Spirituality: Whether you are religious or not, all of us are spiritual creatures. For some this is a relationship with God or other higher power. For some this is a connection with nature. For others it’s a mediation practice or your philosophical principles. Spirituality is how you find meaning and purpose in your inner life and connection to others. All of us can define what this means to us individually. For me, a relationship with God is like the foundation of my house. When booze was at the center of my life, I never spent time in prayer. Today, it’s an important daily practice and one that I can’t skip. Whatever your spiritual practice may be, the externals of the physical world will never bring us the happiness or joy we desire. And none of what we accumulate in the physical world can be taken with us when we die.
Time: I left time for last because it permeates throughout every facet of our lives. We have to choose how to spend our time in the right way and on the right things. If we don’t choose, we settle for what is easiest. It is far easier to sit around debasing ourselves in lustful thought because we are bored and uncommitted to doing something better for us. I have to consciously decide to spend my time in a more purposeful way.
I get it, all of this sounds unsexy compared to playing video games or buying stuff on Amazon. But this is more about a commitment to the process. These externals are nothing more than dopamine hits and even that happens more in the anticipation of than the actual activity.
The practice and process is about delaying gratification. In the long-run, I know my writing practice will bring far more happiness than buying one of these new video game systems and devoting unnecessary time to playing every day. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t or I shouldn’t buy the system. It’s more about being conscious of how that time spent affects what you could be doing. If it affects my ability to put in my daily writing practice and daily weight training practice and the time it takes to prepare healthy food, then I am sacrificing something far more important for a virtual figure on a screen.
Delayed gratification is a muscle that must be exercised. Otherwise we will find ourselves on the couch eating a bag of Doritos every day. No one else? Ok, don’t mind me.
As long as I am focused on my daily practice, I keep self-gratification at bay. I don’t use my money on junk. And I don't procrastinate away large chunks of my time.
Today, think about the areas of your Pyramid of Mastery and in what way you can strengthen each leg.
Not drinking with you today in San Antonio.
submitted by doves-nest to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

$MP == Must Play --> MP Materials DD

Here’s what’s up. For the next energy/tech economy to manifest we’re going to need a lot of “Rare Earth Elements” (REEs; meme potential endless 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 ). REEs are used in most high-end consumer electronics, advanced renewable energy tech, and energy storage tech these days. REEs Neodymium and Praseodymium are critical to the manufacture of strong magnets 🧲 for turbines (wind, hydro, gas, etc), and EVs, due to their high efficiency and high energy density. REEs such as Dysprosium are used to increase the operating temperature of the magnets for high-temp applications. Other REEs are used in the production of smart phones, hard disk drives, military defense systems, and even medical equipment. OK, you get it, they’re useful, and used A LOT. So, what’s the big deal?
The majority of REE production is concentrated in just two countries: China (85%) and Australia (~10%), with the rest scattered around the world (Russia, Brazil, India, etc). “In 2010 China significantly restricted their rare earth exports. That was done to ensure a supply of rare earths for domestic manufacturing and for environmental reasons. This shift by China triggered panic buying, and some rare earth prices shot up exponentially.” – As the demand for the above tech increases, so will the demand for REEs. 🚀🚀🚀
How rare are REEs? Honestly, it depends on the element in question. The main factor that puts them into this category isn’t necessarily their abundance, it’s the economics of extraction. They’re difficult to find in concentrations that are worth mining and processing. This decreases supply and drives up the price, causing them to be effectively “rare.” Why mention this, you ask?
Because the money is to be found in new raw ore processing/recycling technologies. So we need better ways to extract REEs from raw ore, and we need better ways to recycle the REEs that are tied up in waste-tech. We’re at a point with our tech consumption that we’ve all probably had at least 1 old smart phone; chances are you’ve had 3-4 at this point. Currently, companies cannibalize the phones for useful parts, refurb, or throw them away. But this is a HUGE waste of REEs. Additionally, currently, there are no commercial capabilities to separate and process HREEs outside of China.
Enter MP Materials ($MP)– the only owner of an active REE mine in the US. They recently went public and have been on a steady climb since (up 100% in ~6wks), but I see more room to run. They also recently announced plans to have operational separation capabilities by the end of 2020 (no news as of 12/30). Having an operational REE mine is a HUGE deal, since the development of additional mines in the US has been stymied. China can (and will) manipulate the prices to make further mine development uneconomical, but they can’t price MP out of production entirely (esp with the US gov’t backing them). They hold investment contracts with the DoD related to these separation technologies as it’s seen as pertaining to national security. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Did a quick search for other DDs on MP; I believe these are complimentary to mine and not redundant.

Additional companies to keep an eye on:
Lynas Corporation $LYSCY (market cap ~$2.7B) – Australian REE mining company (close global ally of US). Has MOUs with smaller US companies aiming to develop HREE separation and processing capacity in Texas.
AMG Critical Materials Company (market cap ~$840M) – Lithium and silicon production, sub of much larger company with innovative manufacturing/R&D etc.
Texas Mineral Resources (market cap $124M) – also opening a pilot plant in the US for separating REEs, ore sourced from US.
Rare Earth Element Ltd (market cap ~$115M) - developing mine in Wyoming for HREEs. Rare Element Resources is developing separation and processing capabilities with proprietary technology. Pilot demonstration of separations tech in Canada and Germany.
Ucore Rare Metals (market cap $33M)- developing mine in AK for HREEs (come online in 3-4 years). Building pilot plant in US for separating LREEs and HREEs
Private, non-traded companies:
Momentum Technologies – has capabilities to produce Rare Earth Oxides (not previously mentioned) from a variety of feedstocks (raw and recycled).
Electron Energy Company – manufactures samarium cobalt magnets, actively stockpiles rare earth metals to prevent supply disruption – carrying between six to twelve months supply.,Uses%20of%20Rare%20Earth%20Elements,fluorescent%20lighting%20and%20much%20more.

Positions: Shares MP (I’m too poor to gamble with too many options)
TLDR; Domestic production/recycling/separation/processing of Rare Earth Elements is $$$$$$ REEEEEEEEEEE to the moon.
submitted by SpaceWasteCadet to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Something to keep your mind off the red day...

This research was offered for $2k guaranteeing that 2 of the 6 stocks would reach $10 in a year or it was free. I didn't pay for it, rather just tried to figure out the companies from the transcript below. MMED is one of the 6 for sure. See if you can figure them out. I believe this was offered in Sept so the current prices are obviously off. Have fun!

What I’m about to tell you may sound like science fiction...
Yet what’s contained in this eyedropper...
Is so powerful...
The $8 TRILLION healthcare industry is on fire.
A single dose of what I’m holding... could change everything we know about the human brain.
Dr Robin Carhart-Harris, head of psychedelic research at Imperial College London, said...
What it was derived from... is truly miraculous.
Not quite plant...
Not quite living organism...
A rare hybrid species I’ll tell you more about later on.
But from this hybrid species, scientists have discovered a chemical compound... one that’s able to be grown in labs... 100% naturally, without interfering with nature.
The billionaires backing this research... like Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary... and PayPal’s Peter Thiel... are CONVINCED it’s going to be one of the greatest investments of their career.
To the doctors in the lab... it must seem like the next step of human evolution!
I call it “Living Medicine” because the atoms in this substance are truly ALIVE and could be capable of unimaginable regenerative properties.
And if the early findings are correct...
Living Medicine could be as transformative to our society as penicillin, which single-handedly fixed many serious health conditions.
That was making history THEN... What you’re looking at is making history NOW... It’s about to smash every record and scientific development we’ve seen.
Come with me now... inside the human brain.
All of our research shows... our brain loses its strength... its elasticity... That means memory... motor functions... they get worse as we age. You may have noticed this yourself with older friends or family.
Now watch... In time, it may be possible to stimulate growth for those brain cells and rebuild...
In time, it may be possible to stimulate growth for those brain cells and rebuild... perhaps even stronger than before.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg...
Imagine depression gone... forever.
Clinical trials conducted by NYU and Johns Hopkins found it helped cancer patients cure their depression within a single dose.
More research shows it could help completely reverse the battle-induced PTSD for our soldiers.
80% of smokers quit after one single dose! Now researchers testing it on alcoholism.
Another study by 60 Minutes found it’s nonaddictive.
I want to be clear, I’m NOT talking about marijuana or CBD right now. What is in this eyedropper is NOT marijuana or CBD.
Rather, it is a one-of-a-kind substance called “psilocybin.”
This is found ONLY in the unique hybrid species I’m going to show you.
And while this is still in trial research periods, I believe this Living Medicine is at the forefront of EVERYTHING that’s going to accelerate brain science in the next 10 years. I’m absolutely certain of it.
And I’m not the only one who thinks this!
Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal... Palantir... and Founders Fund. One of Forbes’ 1,000 RICHEST men on the planet.
He’s completely backing this industry and one of its leading companies.
And he knows people are going to call him crazy... He recently said...
This opportunity is the most hidden breakthrough I’ve ever seen.
With the track record Peter Thiel has... wouldn’t you want to get in alongside him in this new industry?
Then there’s Christian Angermayer... the hedge fund LEGEND with $365 million in assets. He’s getting in with his buddy Peter Thiel.
Same with hedge guru Michael Novogratz and his $250 MILLION fund!
He’s also a ground-floor investor.
You know who else is getting in? Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank.
He’s betting big on Living Medicine as well – recently getting in on a $6 MILLION round of funding.
All of this activity among famous billionaires has alerted the attention of investigative reporters.
I’ve known about this alongside these billionaires for years.
I’ve been preparing for this EXACT moment.
When the companies finally see promise to emerge from the trial stage... and prepare for the moment that all of what I’m about to tell you goes mainstream.
Until now, they’ve seen explosive growth... but they’ve been too small for me to recommend to 150,000 Oxford Club Members.
But now, Living Medicine is like a giant awakening from slumber.
The market is projected to grow at an annual rate of 16.3% over the next eight years to reach $6.85 billion by 2027, according to Data Bridge Market Research.
We’re talking massive growth over time!
And while a lot of these stocks are still in their earliest and most volatile phase...
The gains can be absolutely breathtaking when you find the one.
As with any stocks in a new sector, there are those that won’t make it and will end up in the dustbin of history. But the stocks that DO MAKE it have massive upside potential.
Just look what’s been happening to the BEST Living Medicine Stocks we pulled to show you from the market.
Captiva Verde... this company was $0.20 coming out of the Corona Crash in April...
And still, even the WORST crash in financial history couldn’t keep this stock down...
Yet not a shred of media coverage. That’s how hidden from the outside this is, just like Peter Thiel said...
Imagine once it goes mainstream.
As the sector grows at that double-digit rate I mentioned to you before...
We could continue to see opportunities for incredible gains!
Sure, some of these stocks aren’t going to make it – this is a “swing for the fences”-type investment.
So I do NOT recommend you invest more than you can lose.
But when you get it right on Living Medicine stocks... the gains can be more than enough to make up for any setbacks.
Look at a stock like Revive Therapeutics.
This stock was a PENNY in December 2019.
A penny!
Meaning you don’t have to invest much and risk it – a little capital goes a LONG WAY with these.
On May 26, 2020, Revive opened at a high of $0.27. A 2,600% gain in six months.
One more, just because I’m excited for you...
And I’m thrilled I finally get to put this in the hands of our Members...
This is going to be an extraordinary example... and I can’t promise these kind of results.
But this is the kind of grand slam I’m hoping to find for you!
And it also shows you the power of these stocks... and how a small investment can change your life forever...
For $1,500, you could have bought 100,000 shares of the stock.
And that $1,500 flyer...
Would have turned into a MASSIVE payday as the stock moved closer to $0.99.
Now, would you have to be lucky? You bet. And have exceptional timing? Of course.
Stocks like Ehave are rare.
And other penny stocks drop to zero.
This is the power of investing in a brand-new market like Living Medicine.
And this is why I want everyone to know about it NOW, when it’s in the beginning stages and the profit potential is the BIGGEST.
When you can put in $500 or $1,000... and see life-changing results. And not risk a lot of capital if a stock doesn’t work out.
Up until now, I’ve been anxiously waiting because these Living Medicine stocks were too small for our hundreds of thousands of Members to get into.
When they were just a penny I couldn’t do it. These companies weren’t even off the ground yet. The risk would have been too great.
And while small caps can still be volatile... the upside potential here is too good to pass up.
Because make no mistake... we are now at a tipping point, which is why your timing couldn’t be better.
Living Medicine therapies could go completely mainstream as soon as 2021 according to two independent sources.
And the six stocks I’ve found... all of which specialize in this... sell for $2 a share on average.
Then again, it’s often been said that neuroscience is in its infancy.
We know more about the moons of Jupiter than our own brain!
That’s all about to change in the next few months... when these six tiny companies take the $8 TRILLION medical world by storm.
Only the true ground-floor guys know about this.
The REAL silicon valley power players like Peter Thiel.
The REAL shark tank investors like Kevin O’Leary.
I want you to get in now... when a small grubstake in Living Medicine... over time... could be one of the greatest investments you EVER make.
I’ve put together a special report on the BEST companies in the world creating this Living Medicine.
There are only six I would touch if I were you.
And they’re still at the absolute cheapest – they’re all $2 or less on average. Some are selling for just $0.20!
I predict these stocks will soon be trading for $10 or higher!
These six companies have the most sizable advantage from my analysis. And they have the lion’s share of this discovery and this market in their grasp.
Imagine the gains you could be sitting on all because you knew about this ONLY when the smart money billionaires knew about it.
I am going to show you how to claim the Living Medicine report that reveals ALL the companies DURING this presentation.
So if you click out and leave, you’ll get nothing.
Your profit opportunity will likely go to someone else.
But if we move quickly... I think we can play this situation just as we’ve done before with NEW and EXCITING investment trends.
My early recommendations from another service gave my readers the chance to TRIPLE their money in six months on Canopy Growth – one of the biggest names in the biz...
And DOUBLE their money on Aphria Growth in four months’ time.
Those successes were a big part of the lead-up to launching our research today... and having something at The Oxford Club completely dedicated to blazing new trails and investing in new trends.
But since 2017, as you may know, marijuana has gone into a steep bear market. The marijuana index as a whole is down almost 69%!
As a result, our track record is negative, and our average position is down 9.9%.
I hate losing money, but that is the nature of the markets sometimes. But in my view, when something goes against you, you don’t just keep following it downward.
Marijuana’s fall was a valuable lesson.
It reminded us not to risk more than you can afford to lose.
And when you have big gains on the table, like we did, take some of them!
Let the rest ride and play with house money if you want!
It also taught us that it always pays to get in at the beginning, not after everyone else is already talking about an opportunity.
BUT... something good also came out of these losses...
They’ve allowed me to build an even BETTER system for picking stocks than before.
I just closed out another MASSIVE 2,710% partial gain on Sea Ltd. in August of 2020! From a position we held for just four months!!
My system is BETTER than ever, and it’s led us straight to this new market.
Where the revenues are trending upward.
Where EVERYTHING is trending upward!
And this new market is one where the billionaires are more excited than ever!
And prices will never be cheaper. You can get in with a Shark Tank investor like Kevin O’Leary... for pennies!
That’s why I’m telling you about Living Medicine today.
It’s the next no-brainer trend...
And sources are predicting that by 2021 it could be in treatment and therapy centers, moving out of the clinical trials we’re in now.
And by 2027, it could be a $6.8 BILLION industry.
We’re talking billions...
Yet these companies barely measure in the millions!
This is why I feel that NOW is the time to get into these stocks – or you’ll regret it forever.
This is the breakthrough moment for investors, which is why the billionaires are going all-in.
For the past two years, I’ve been waiting for this trend to hit the mainstream.
Waiting to replicate these kinds of results yet again in order to lift our track record to FAR outperform anything we’ve done in the past!
I’m hot on the heels of Shark Tank investors and other famous investors... yet as far as I know, I’m the ONLY person who knows about these six stocks!
As for the profit potential...
You could be looking at the chance to turn a couple hundred bucks into major money!
For Starters, on Average ALL OF MY Stocks Are Still Under $2
For starters...
The stocks in my Living Medicine report...
Are selling for an average of LESS than two bucks.
· One is just $0.10.
· Another is $0.20.
· Another is $0.43.
Meaning they’re tiny, and the biggest gains are ahead of them!
Now, there is always risk to investing, and small stocks like this can often be even more volatile. We never recommend you bet the farm on these trades.
But when you get it right on these... you don’t have to. I showed you how $1,000 in a Living Medicine stock like Ehave turned into nearly six figures.
That’s why I actually recommend sprinkling just a little into each stock. That way you ensure yourself the best chance at success without putting down too much!
And a little bit goes a long way when my six stocks are priced between just a few cents and just a few bucks...
With small stocks like these, we expect some losers along the way.
But here’s the thing...
If our best-case scenario plays out...
And we find that play that makes you 1,000% on your money...
It will NOT matter if you struck out once or twice along the way, or even if the losers are more frequent than the winners. All it takes is one big winner when you get in on these trends before everyone else.
The billionaires backing Living Medicine know it... That’s why they’ve gotten in now.
The FDA knows it... That’s why they gave this treatment a breakthrough therapy designation to expedite the development and review of this treatment..
NOW is the time to get in...
I’ve put together a package that shows you exactly what these six stocks are, and I’ve outlined their massive growth potential and profitability.
And I’ll reveal something extra to you, too...
I’ll show you how to become what’s called a "round lot" investor before these companies grow bigger and bigger.
Round lot investors are the highest status of investor.
And I’ll show you how you could accumulate hundreds or THOUSANDS of shares for just a few bucks and become one.
My report is going to walk you through everything. And you can open it on your phone, iPad, computer... whatever you want.
I will show you how to get my report on the six Living Medicine stocks and more in a moment, but first...
Let me finally tell you what this revolutionary discovery is made of.
Because Living Medicine treatment is like nothing else on Earth...
It’s funny how the world’s greatest medical breakthroughs can hide in plain sight!
But it’s truly phenomenal... no other species of plant has this chemical in it.
Literally NOTHING.
And what’s truly remarkable about this species... is that it’s not quite plant... not quite animal. It’s a rare combination hybrid.
Which may be why it’s been holding these secrets right under our noses!
The good news is... scientists have found a way to grow living medicine rapidly in a lab, so there’s no need to wait for nature to produce this miracle substance – that’s a benefit not even marijuana can boast!
And you can decide how to take it.
In a powder, packed into a small capsule, sometimes only 475 micrograms.
You can dissolve the powder into tea or liquid if you don’t prefer to swallow something – which plenty of people do.
Or you can just drop a little eyedropper under your tongue.
A cancer patient revealed to one Colorado news outlet that vials as small as this size contain more than a YEAR’S supply to medicate pain.
A small powder or liquid.
That’s it.
That’s all it takes for Living Medicine to go to work on your body and potentially help treat you within a single dose. And that’s confirmed by CNN as they interviewed doctors at NYU.
But here’s what’s TRULY revolutionary.
It could help rewire and stimulate growth in parts of your brain.
You probably know that, as we age, we become forgetful. We can’t possibly remember every nugget of information.
Basically our brains lose a couple of horsepower with each passing year.
Living Medicine could help reverse that.
Think of your brain like this... before and after Living Medicine...
One of these images looks like it has a few pathways...
The other looks like a neural superhighway.
Studies on this are still in their infancy... but neuroscience itself is in its infancy!
It is said we know more about our solar system... than what is inside our own skull.
But Living Medicine is the tip of the sword when it comes to neuroscience advancement.
This could be the ANSWER neuroscientists have been looking for. How to re-awaken those long-lost parts of the brain!
This potential of stimulating growth of brain cells is why everyone is simply astounded by Living Medicine.
Now let me tell you a little bit about the chemistry behind it.
According to the DPA, the Drug Policy Alliance...
The main active ingredient in Living Medicine.... psilocybin...
“Is not considered to be addictive, nor does it cause compulsive use.”
Johns Hopkins University determined the same thing, citing on its website...
“Research shows that the drug has low potential for abuse and dependence.”
Unlike narcotics...
Or pharmaceutical pills that become addictive...
Or even the folks who enjoy marijuana a little too much...
That’s NOT the case with this Living Medicine.
It really can offer the best possible treatment with the fewest possible side effects.
Think of those affected by Alzheimer’s, PTSD, depression and the countless brain disorders out there. The number is in the hundreds of millions according to the World Health Organization.
Hundreds of millions... that’s a lot of people this could help, right?
So let me give you a glimmer of the profit potential here...
Because I know I just explained a LOT of science and numbers here...
Let’s take a look at a marijuana pharmaceutical stock that made a similar treatment, but only for people suffering from two rare forms of seizures or epilepsy.
Only about 3 1/2 million folks have epilepsy here in the states. That is a fraction of the patient base that Living Medicine could help.
Now, this was also the FDA’s FIRST-EVER drug derived from cannabidiol.
So, even though it was a much smaller market, this treatment was a TRUE ground-floor opportunity, just like Living Medicine. It was a breakthrough! Just like Living Medicine.
This is not one I recommended. At its low, this stock went from $8 and change... to peaks of more than $124 over time.
A 1,450% gain.
14X gains!
And consider, this company’s claim to fame is making a product for just 3 1/2 million people...
Now consider...
If Living Medicine’s research continues to show positive results, someday it could treat 300 million people worldwide with depression.
And here in the States...
· 5.2 million Americans with PTSD
· 5 million people with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
· 38 million smokers.
· 8.1 million alcoholics.
I think 14x gains like GW Pharmaceuticals could be small potatoes.
Remember, that stock was $8.
And its treatment was for a FRACTION of that patient base.
The stocks I’m going to send you in my Living Medicine report are on average $2 per share.
If any one of these six companies follows the same trajectory as GW Pharmaceuticals... we could snag one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for ourselves!
And that rare and extraordinary chance is WORTH taking! That’s why the billionaires are plowing their money into it.
And it’s why Fortune magazine recently published an article begging the question, “Is this Silicon Valley’s next big bet?”
I’m telling you, it is!
This is an incredible time to get in on the ground floor.
When the billionaires like Peter Thiel and his buddies are moving in.
Remember, Peter Thiel was in early on Facebook, SpaceX, Airbnb and Lyft.
He’s worth more than $2.3 billion because he knows how to spot a new market.
And he’s one of the first people moving in on Living Medicine.
Or how about this... do you ever watch Shark Tank or know about it?
Mr. Wonderful, millionaire Kevin O Leary, is moving in on this.
And you know how tough he is to get to invest on the show! One of the – if not THE – TOUGHEST people to convince.
And yet, he is going all-in according to the reports.
In fact, he’s behind one of the six companies I’m going to tell you about today.
So don’t get up from your chair or click out of this video – you’re literally going to get the details Mr. Wonderful invested $6.2 million to find out!
He’s not the only one...
Tim Ferriss, bestselling author and entrepreneur and worth a whopping $110 million, is also getting in on this trend.
Meanwhile, every scientist and doctor in the lab is utterly fascinated by it.
In fact, as researchers dug deeper and deeper into the origins of Living Medicine...
They actually found ancient medical texts referencing it...
They found it’s quietly been used by cultures for hundreds of years!
Throughout History Cultures Have Used This Living Medicine... in More Archaic Ways
Now... many of the world’s best medicines were actually used throughout history before they were fully understood by scientists.
Take aspirin...
It comes from the Willow plant.
And its first documented use dates back to the ancient Egyptians as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
The Greeks used it too.
Hippocrates, of the Hippocractic oath fame, used Willow tea to ease the pain of childbirth.
But it wasn’t until 1897, when German chemist Felix Hoffmann discovered the actual compound for aspirin, that it took off as a modern medicine.
Today, 40,000 tons of aspirin are produced annually... generating hundreds of millions in profits every year.
Living Medicine is likely to have a similar story because it’s a natural and effective medicine.
And its use also dates back to ancient peoples.
Celtic Druids called it the “Flesh of the Gods” because of its mental-boosting attributes.
Egyptians reserved the source of the Living Medicine EXCLUSIVELY for royalty. Because they believed it increased longevity, even by their very archaic standards!
The ancient Chinese also knew about it...
Forms of Living Medicine were even documented as early as 29th century B.C. in The Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica.
They didn’t have the kind of technology or capabilities we have today.
But we’ve seen time and time again that old knowledge can have transformative modern applications.
Even as recently as 1928...
LESS than 100 years ago...
Nobody realized the mold from an old orange... would become instrumental in developing penicillin... until Alexander Fleming thought to put it under a microscope.
The SAME story is playing out with Living Medicine.
It’s untapped potential has sat for centuries...
Until now.
And that’s why the smart money and billionaires are so excited.
And why I am excited to get you the details on the stocks cornering the market for Living Medicine.
Remember, for less than $2 per share on these companies, we can get shoulder-to-shoulder with billionaires on the BIGGEST trend happening in medicine.
Living Medicine Is About to Go Mainstream
I wouldn’t even be wasting your time right now...
If I didn’t think this was going to go completely mainstream in the weeks and months ahead.
I mentioned before the FDA has given Living Medicine BREAKTHROUGH STATUS.
But that’s not all.
Across the country, on a state-by-state basis...
New bills are being written to start moving to allow folks to have Living Medicine.
From the West Coast and California... to the midlands like Colorado... to the southwest of New Mexico... it’s spreading everywhere like wildfire.
For instance...
A program called “Initiative 301” in Colorado was signed into effect late in 2019...
The proposal received more than 89,320 VOTES.
And with that historic vote... Initiative 301 was signed into law! These laws are paving the way for this new treatment as Living Medicine gets the necessary greenlights from the FDA and the government
But Colorado isn’t the only one!
Just a month later, California followed suit.
New Mexico has almost completely given the greenlight, and they’re ready to go.
The FDA has also allowed doctors in Texas to start researching...
Oregon is in the process of starting a program as well!
As are the researchers I told you about at Johns Hopkins in Maryland...
And Florida’s getting on board – with half a million people with Alzheimer’s in the Sunshine State, this could be huge for the state!
It’s spreading rapid-fire across the country and for good reason.
The mental health crisis... is estimated to cost the world $16 TRILLION in the next 10 years.
We are DESPERATE for something that can help treat chronic pain, pill addiction, depression, PTSD and these debilitating diseases of the mind.
To me, the writing is on the wall...
If these states can get their best scientists...
Their best schools...
Their best doctors...
Their best state legislators...
All working toward the SAME goal...
I think it’s obvious...
The main companies in this space are going to reward shareholders with once-in-a-lifetime gains.
Millions of folks are going to finally start catching on in 2020...
It’s about to hit that breakout moment. When folks start talking about it like they do their favorite show on Netflix.
That tipping-point moment... when regular folks in the mainstream start asking... how do I invest in this?
And I think these stocks are going to SKYROCKET over time.
Which is why I want you to know about them now.
And why I want to send you my report on Living Medicine which reveals the stocks.
Because this is the moment...
It could feel like watching the same movie twice.
You know how it’s going to end.
Just like when cryptocurrency got popular... just like when marijuana stocks got popular.
This is when a mega-trend emerges from the shadows.
My expertise is on finding new investment markets as they develop.
I’m quite literally the Chief Trends Strategist at The Oxford Club, with more than 100,000 Members counting on me to find it before everyone else.
And I think this Living Medicine is going to create the third new booming market of the past decade.
Think for a second...
Five years ago, people thought you were smoking pot if you told them about marijuana stocks.
Ten years ago, nobody knew what a cryptocurrency was.
People looked at you like you were insane.
Trading paper money... for digital money?
That’s how it always is.
Peter Thiel, Michael Novogratz and Christian Angermayer all jumped into crypto very early.
Now these same guys are doing it again with Living Medicine.
They’re pushing their chips back into the middle of the table...
Novogratz recently told Bloomberg reporters, “It just feels like a cultural shift is going on.”
And he’s absolutely right.
A shift is going on.
This is a HUGE moment in our culture when folks get introduced to Living Medicine.
When hundreds of millions of people worldwide have their lives changed.
It’s a before-and-after moment for all of humanity, just like penicillin or aspirin.
Kevin O’Leary, the famous Shark Tank investor, said this about Living Medicine:
“As an investor, I am attracted to [This Living Medicine Company] because they are solving health problems through federally authorized clinical trials.”
But here’s what I REALLY love about Living Medicine compared with cryptocurrencies or pot stocks or other trends I saw...
Living Medicine can actually SOLVE the problems we are facing eventually.
Sure, crypto might one day have a clear purpose. We’re still waiting for when that day will come.
And medical marijuana is helping a LOT of people.
But I told you those stories only to show you the power of early adoption...
And how it pays to get in early with the smart money.
Now here’s why Living Medicine is so much better than those short-lived trends...
The companies creating this Living Medicine are working to help thousands of people right now with chronic pain, depression, brain function and more.
This is a LONG-term trend that will only get bigger.
This is a $34 BILLION potential market... and the companies I’m sharing with you have market caps in the mere millions.
They could grow 10... 20... 50 times in size and still have room to go.
They could grow 1,000 TIMES in size... and still be worth only a billion.
And the most breathtaking part of it is...
You can get in for an average of $2 a share on these companies I’m going to show you.
More than that...
You get to be a part of history and helping people.
Veterans with PTSD...
Cancer patients with depression...
Alzheimer’s patients who have trouble remembering their friends and family.
This is a chance to actually do some good in the world by backing these companies as they explode in value.
Living Medicine can help countless people within a single dose.
Get this...
80% of smokers who took Living Medicine... were able to quit the habit cold turkey within three doses.
This stuff is UBER-powerful.
Which is why an eyedropper of this Living Medicine could rewrite history books and medical journals on treatment.
It’s kind of how medical marijuana played out for investors...
Remember when they started realizing marijuana could treat disorders? And it suddenly blew up?
From Parkinson’s...
To helping folks who abused prescriptions...
That’s why when you look back at history, you see how the companies that were FIRST to try this revolutionary idea... were rewarded handsomely...
Abattis Pharmaceuticals launched from $0.03 to $2.21.
That’s a peak gain of 7,226% in three months’ time!
If you had been lucky enough to time it perfectly, it could have turned $500 into more than $36,000!
Sure, plenty of marijuana stocks were busts.
But I can’t even count how many weed stocks blasted off back then, when it was still a brand-new industry.
That’s why I think it’s important to at least give yourself a chance here with a small investment.
Yes, you could lose it. But the potential reward is so big that in my opinion, it is well worth it.
Ask yourself...
Do you want to get in on an opportunity like those again?
An opportunity accepted by billionaires and the people pouring money into it?
The medical professionals testing it?
The FDA giving it breakthrough therapy status?
That’s what’s in front of you right now.
Living Medicine is the FUTURE!
Now, I said before that I love this development because it can actually HELP people.
More and More Research Is Coming Out... Living Medicine Is the Next Big Thing!
When something starts to become big, everyone acts like they have a hand in it.
Every company suddenly latches onto the trend, even if they aren’t in on it!
That’s why you can’t just pick a Living Medicine company all willy-nilly.
But I think these stocks...
All at an average under $2 a share...
Represent the best opportunity in this space.
And don’t worry, you do NOT need to be a private accredited investor like Peter Thiel and his buddies to get in on these Living Medicine companies.
I’ve identified the only publicly traded ones investors should be looking at.
Bloomberg reported on February 11, 2020, “Move over pot. [Living Medicine] companies are about to go public.”
MarketWatch expects the IPO market at large to “crank into high gear.”
And I can’t help but think it’s because of this MASSIVE new development...
Green Entrepreneur published a report saying...
“[Living Medicines] are following a similar trajectory to cannabis – and investors are taking notice.”
Remember the tech boom, when companies like this would IPO nonstop, and it lifted the well-established companies EVEN HIGHER?
You’re watching the same show twice... You should know what’s going to happen.
It’s a telltale sign this market is about to enter its next massive growth phase.
Let Me Detail the ONLY Publicly Traded Companies Worth Looking at... Trading Under $2 on Average
The first company sells for less than a quarter.
It just inked a $500,000 deal with another group that wants the right to grow Living Medicine here in the United States.
It actually has a proprietary extraction technology it first perfected in the hemp industry.
It’s a proven system, something I love to see. And now it’s applying its extraction technique to Living Medicine.
A few more bullet points that come from my own analysis include...
· Its majority-owned subsidiary just completed the design for a preclinical study for using Living Medicine for weight loss and food craving. Obesity is a global epidemic killing 2.8 million people each year.
· The company has more than 200 wellness formulas in various stages of commercialization with 14 patent applications filed.
· The company currently has retail operations in three countries but plans to expand to 12 more.
· The global wellness market is a $4.2 trillion opportunity.
· The company’s management team includes people who cut their teeth at Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble as well as Skechers and Aritzia. This, to me, legitimizes this company BIG-time.
My Second Living Medicine Company...
The second company is testing easy-to-use Living Medicine drops...
Now, I told you before you could get in with a Shark Tank investor...
Mr. Wonderful is an investor in this company. He was part of a $6 MILLION investing round.
And shares are just $0.44.
As if that wasn’t reason enough to get excited...
On the board of directors is none other than legendary Bruce Linton, who took Canopy Growth to the mainstream.
That stock launched to $50 at its peak!
Imagine what this Living Medicine stock could do with Bruce at the wheel again.
Even if this stock went to only HALF that – $25 a share – that would be a 5,581% increase!
Of course, we’re going to have to time it just right and nothing is guaranteed in investing... but we’re swinging for the fences, and we’ve already got Mr. Wonderful on third base!
My Third Living Medicine Company
The third company is just a buck and change.
Thirty percent of shares are held by insiders – a great sign!
Yet just 1.7% of institutions know about this.... It’s on only 1.7% of banks’ radars.
And here is what has me on the edge of my seat...
As I mentioned before, the billionaires and hedge fund guys are among the ONLY ones who know about Living Medicine...
And they’re certainly going to do whatever it takes to profit from it.
You better believe when this company gets discovered by the other institutions and ownership increases, it’s going to send the share price even higher!
This is what I mean when I say NOW is the time to get in... when the gains are set up to be the easiest... when the shares are this cheap!
And that brings me to the next breakout company I’ve identified...
My Fourth Living Medicine Stock Is Near and Dear to Me...
The cool thing is... this was one of the FIRST companies I ever found dabbling with Living Medicine. It kind of sent me down this journey.
It’s the $5 stock I told you about. But while this one might cost a little more, I think it’s well worth it.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, this company reported record revenue of $33 million, an increase of 152%. And this was its 10th consecutive quarter of record revenue.
So these guys are hanging in there while countless businesses are closing up shop forever.
That’s what you want, a company that can weather the storm!
It also has a partnership with the blue chip company 3M, further legitimizing this company’s product.
In my opinion, this is one of the most solid companies in the space.
This Fifth Living Medicine Company Is Off the Charts!
My fifth company is expanding globally and growing its operations. It’s based in Canada but now has operations in Australia and Malaysia.
This is pivotal because you want those companies that are capturing global markets, not just here in the States.
We forget that there are billions of people out there with the same problems as the 300 or so million Americans in our country. It’s a BIG global market, and these guys are chasing it down.
The CEO of this company has 15 years of pharmaceutical experience, including a division of Johnson & Johnson.
Best of all, shares are less than two bucks on this company.
My Sixth and Final Living Medicine Company
My sixth and final Living Medicine stock is also a sub-$2 opportunity.
But I’ve saved this one for last for a very important reason.
It just completed a massive acquisition of a fellow company.
And with this acquisition, it gets the RIGHT to three separate Phase 1 trials and a preclinical trial.
This is a HUGE advantage out of the gate – securing the right to try a medicine.
It also secures this company a partnership with InterVivo Solutions, Canada’s largest neuroscience-focused preclinical contract research organization.
As I’ve told you today, Living Medicine is considered a breakthrough therapy by the FDA – that’s a very high status designation.
And this company already has the right to trials for its medicine.
That’s like getting a 30-second head start in a foot race. You can’t beat that advantage.
The bottom line is...
I really think this company, along with the other five I just told you about, is the best of the best.
And Living Medicine is the single most powerful investment I’ve ever seen.
I’ve put together a report called “Living Medicine: The Next Big Thing” that will show you the ticker symbols, the growth potential and the massive industry at the fingertips of these six stocks.
I also mentioned I’ll show you how to buy “round lots.”
Showing you how to possibly get hundreds or thousands of shares for just a few hundred bucks.
Because that’s the beauty of this research package I’ll be sending you.
Even if you put, say, only $500 in these stocks... we’re talking just $3,000 total to get started.
And that $3,000 could hand you LIFE-CHANGING results.
Even if we’re ULTRA-realistic and we don’t think too greedily...
A fraction of gains like that could improve your life.
I want to send you this report on all six stocks right now.
No waiting!
submitted by Luckyextra19 to MindMedInvestorsClub [link] [comments]

Need help getting out of my current situation?

Hey all. Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm writing this on my phone. I also posted this in advice but no one responded. I don't know where else to put this but I'm in shit situation and I need help. I'm laying it all out because I don't know who else to turn to. For reference, I'm 20 years old and from Australia. I had a really horrible upbringing which led to me developing PTSD. I also struggle with bulimia too. My mother is absent from my life, as she is a drug addict and I haven't seen her in almost a decade. She was also physically, sexually, and mentally abusive. My dad is verbally abusive. Thought he helped me get out of the situation with my mum, he's not a saint either. All the time he makes fun of my weight, making jokes and telling me to stop eating. Because I dropped 25kg last year. He's now making fun of how skinny I am. He's the reason I developed an eating disorder. He also laughed when I told him I was clinically diagnosed with PTSD and threw out the pamphlet that my therapist told him to read in front of me.
He has threatened to kick me out multiple times, and even one time threw all my stuff out on the road because I had quit my job because I was being sexually assaulted there, which he knew and didn't care about. Growing up he also threatened to abandon my brothers and I and sometimes would leave for hours on end without explanation. He's also a gambling addict, spending his money on lotto tickets, greyhound racing, horse racing, and slot machines. He makes it seem like he's a great dad only because he tries to buy me stuff to shut me up, but it's just a ploy to make me feel bad. Everytime I interact with him, I either feel ashamed, judged, guilty, or he brings me to tears.
Because of my PTSD, I struggle with the thought of existing. It's hard for me to get out of bed, I don't tolerate stress well so I fall back to self harming, and I isolate myself. I take my medication, I attend group therapy and counselling, and I practice mindfulness. I'm now realising that I won't ever heal if I continue to live with my dad. Unfortunately, I struggle with self management and don't know how to live on my own. I was never taught important things like how to drive or how to find accommodation, so the thought of finding my own place gives me anxiety attacks.
My counsellor helped me apply for a mental health coach who could help me become more independent, through NDIS. Unfortunately NDIS doesn't believe I need them because there are other avenues I could try. I live in a rural town 30 minutes away from the nearest city and even they have limited support for me. My counsellor is always on leave and I can barely get a hold of her. I finally had the courage to tell her about how abusive my dad is but I won't hear from her till at least next week. My doctor is apathetic and usually hangs up on me. I don't have any relatives that can help me and I feel hopeless. My dad is insistent on staying in this dirthole town because my special needs brother likes it, even though he never leaves the house. He'll, we don't even have public transport where I am.
I want to finally start being a human. I want to enjoy life and not fear it. I want to study, and I want to live on my own. I don't know what else to do. Please help me.
submitted by beevomvom to CPTSD [link] [comments]

Zac Barnes (18) jumped out of a car never to be seen again. What happened to Zac?

Classic 'first time poster, long time lurker' warning! Please feel free to give me feedback on the post but be kind.

On Friday the 11th of November, 2016, Karen said goodbye to her son Zac, as she dropped him off at work. Two days later, Zac jumped out of his friends car and disappeared into night, never to be seen again. What happened to Zac?

Zac Barnes was born on May 22, 1998, to childhood sweethearts who eventually came to have four children, all boys – Jarred (23), Cody (21), Zac (18), and Liam (16). The family grew up in Metford, Maitland, New South Wales, Australia. Metford was a suburb of ~5000 people within the city of Maitland of roughly 80,000 people. The town is ~150km (~100miles) north of Sydney and sat on the Hunter river, approximately a 30 minute drive from the beach to the east.
As a child, Zac would be the one following his mother around and latched to her leg. Unfortunately, their father became involved in heroin and for the boys safety, Karen took her children and left that environment. Regardless, she held no ill will towards him and left it up to her boys as to their relationship with their father. Zac chose not to have anything to do with him.
When Zac was about 7, Karen and Mick began dating. Initially hesitant of Mick and protective of his mother, Zac eventually welcomed Mick’s strong character and inherited this trait from his step-father. Zac became known for standing up to bullies and for what he thought was right.
Karen and Mick welcomed two daughters, Makayla and Mia, who adored Zac. It was a busy household in Metford, with 6 children under the one roof.
With brown hair, brown eyes and a fair complexion, Zac was never shy of attention from the girls - which he was quite proud of. As a true aussie larrikin, he loved the beach, hanging out with his mates & playing rugby league. Despite his lively antics, Zac liked things orderly and clean according to his family. His drink of choice was a VB and much to his mother’s dismay, one day he had the beer logo tattooed on the back of his right calf.
At the age of 17, Zac began an apprenticeship in bricklaying - the same job as his brother Cody. He loved the job and was great at it – as he would tell anyone who would listen. He grew his hair out to form dreadlocks that were often filled with dust from the days work. Earning his own income, Zac was a partier. His mother admitted that they rarely saw him on weekends. Often he would go straight from work on a Friday to a mates place and stay there for the weekend. When Zac began partying, his mother had stressed to him never to try and get home if he had been drinking. She didn’t want him getting into a car with other drunk kids or anything and emphasised that she would rather have him spend the night at a friends place instead. Her children’s safety was Karen’s top concern.
His mother never worried as every Sunday, like clockwork, Zac would reappear, often hungover and ready for a feed, a shower, and to prepare for work the next day.
After his 18th birthday, Zac opted for a new look and had his mother painstakingly comb his dreadlocks out. After several hours work, they went to the hairdresser and Zac had his last haircut. This clean cut image of Zac is the main picture that is circulated in his missing photos as it was taken 3 weeks before his disappearance.
The Disappearance
Zac (18) overslept on Friday the 11th of November and so his mother offered to drive him to work. All he took with him was some cash, leaving his wallet and ID at home. His mum has said that his phone was broken at the time.
From work he went to lunch with his work crew and enjoyed a pub meal and drink with them. Zac left work early that day as apparently, he felt it was unsafe to continue because he’d had a drink at lunch. A work colleague drove him to a friend’s place in east Maitland.
From here, things tend to get a bit murky and there is much less information available.
Zac was spotted at the same friend’s house in East Maitland on Saturday night and his brother reports that he was still on social media as he had seen his snapchat. It’s never explained how he was able to check his snapchat given his mother had said his phone was broken.
At about 6pm on Sunday, his mother Karen and brother Cody began to worry after Zac didn’t come home to lunch and hadn’t communicated in a while. Given his phone was broken, they began trying to contact him and reaching out to his friends over facebook. Eventually they got word that he had been seen at the friends place in East Maitland on Saturday night.
Cody asked a nearby friend, Bree, to go around to the house to check on Zac.
There is not much information out there about Bree’s relationship to Zac or the family but she had been in contact with him over the weekend. At approximately 1am on Sunday, Zac had sent out a snapchat to Bree that said “dead”. Bree responded with “are you okay?” to which Zac replied “F- no”. From then on there was no further communication from Zac over any social media.
Bree reached the East Maitland house where Zac had been reported to be staying. He peeped through the blinds, looking scared, and shutting them quickly. Another male answered the door and hesitantly let Bree in. Zac looked extremely worried and was ‘acting unusual’ saying that Bree shouldn’t be there. Bree reported that Zac said hurtful things including “I’ll bite your face if I get in the car with you”. They had never fought before. Zac became increasingly agitated. Seeing she wasn’t getting anywhere, she told Zac his mum was worried about him. He walked to the front door, put on his work boots and walked over to a silver 2 door hatchback. The two men at the house followed him to the car and all three got in.
According to the two friends he was with, waking up on Sunday he had appeared fine. Over the course of the day his mood suddenly shifted, becoming increasingly distressed and he wanted to leave to get a train at the nearby Thornton Station.
On the way to the station, Zac asked his friends to stop the car before he jumped out and ran off near the intersection of Haussman Drive and Tripp Close. This was the last time Zac was seen.
One side of the intersection is residential, while the other has a short strip of land with shrubbery and then a tall wall. Beyond the wall is a railway line and beyond that is bushland including a deep, murky swamp. It was initially reported that Zac jumped out of the car at a different site closer to an old quarry that’s also quite dangerous.
The police and community have since combed through the area. The deep bodies of water around the area have been searched by divers and “sonically” according to Zac’s mother, however as previously mentioned, the water is deep and murky and difficult to navigate. The quarry has never been dredged.
All the above information was combined from a variety of sources but the official missing persons states that Zac Barnes was last seen wearing a faded blue singlet and dark blue boardshorts at 8pm on the 13th of November 2016 at Thornton NSW. The tattoo of the VB logo on his back right calf is a distinguishing feature. Zac would be 22 today.
  1. He ran away
Zac’s mother has stated that she was not aware of any mental issues and it wasn’t something that her family was afraid of. Immediately prior to his disappearance he was acting increasingly agitated. Now there have been a couple of ideas floating around to explain why he was so distressed and none of them have been largely substantiated.
The first that gained traction was that Zac was involved in online pokergames and owed someone money. One article claims that he thought when Bree came to check on him on Sunday, Bree was associated with the people who he owed and was scouting him out for them. In addition to this, there were rumours floating around that he had lost his job on Friday (no reason has been added to this) and he was worried to go home and tell his family. This theory explains Zac’s sudden change in demeanour on the Sunday with people hypothesising that he either tried to run away from his debt or came to a more sinister end. Both of these notions have been widely discredited by both his friends and family. They’ve come out as saying that he didn’t owe a significant amount of money and it wasn’t that big of an issue to him. All in all, it sounds like the rumour mill has simply gotten out of control here and was likely perpetuated by mainstream media. Additionally, his family have said if he did try to run away, he would have come home on Monday as for all he knew, everyone would have been out and he could have grabbed some supplies such as his credit card, ID, food, toothbrush etc – but nothing of his has ever been touched since.
A couple of articles have cropped up saying that Zac was involved with drugs, which would certainly explain the unusual behaviour. His mother has explained that not unlike most teenagers, she believes that Zac would likely have experimented with drugs but only socially and would not be heavily involved nor addicted in any way. As Karen described, although the area is known to have an ice problem, due to his father’s heroin addiction, Zac wouldn’t have done anything too extreme. Regardless, I do think that sometimes people do react in completely unpredictable ways to some drugs and if they had been in play here, could’ve caused Zac to become unusually agitated and paranoid and may have led him to attempting to escape whatever danger he perceived. This may also account for suddenly jumping out of the car and running into the bush as his friends described. He may have even been slightly disorientated and thought he could navigate from that drop off point to his home through the bushland – not intending to run away but simply trying to get home to Metford.
Regardless of the cause, if he did jump out of the car, as his friends say, and run into the bushland alone there seems to be only two outcomes: he got out of town without anyone noticing or whilst trying to navigate the bushland, hurt himself and was unable to get help (no phone).
Whilst there have been several unconfirmed sightings of Zac around Australia, police have said it is unlikely that he would have been able to get on the train unnoticed.
  1. His friends lied
I think this is the more obvious theory, and given facebook posts by his friends and family, one that they believe. The two friends that drove Zac to the intersection and saw him jump out suddenly were the only witnesses to this. Although initially cooperative with police, they distanced themselves more and more from the situation. As Zac’s family admits, they did hound the friends with questions (as you could imagine with your son/brother missing) and the friends became less and less helpful as time passed. Eventually they ended up unfriending or unfollowing Zac and his associated missing persons page on facebook. Karen has kept their identities hidden to prevent any sort of witch hunt. There is also the discrepancy of a different drop off points reported by the friends – although changes in witnesses stories are not uncommon, it does lend undermine their story slightly.
Additionally, the story of Zac jumping out of the car suddenly, is, to put it simply, unbelievable. All sources lack any substantial detail on this story.
There is the question of why they let their friend go into the bushland alone, in the dark, when he was acting so erratically. A 2 door hatchback was described as the last car he was seen in – this means it’s likely one of them had to exit the car in order to let him out. Even if they hadn’t been thinking clearly at the time to let him out of the car, there is no mention of them attempting to follow him or anything similar.
Unfortunately, I do think the answer of what happened to Zac likely lies with the friends. If their whole story of letting Zac out at this point is untrue, they were able to lead the investigation in a different direction, potentially cover up something more sinister. There are several baseless theories out there that his friends dropped him off with whoever he owed money to but I think the rumour mill is spinning on this again.
No motive by Zac’s friends in the car has ever gained traction across any of the sources, which creates doubts that the friends had any involvement. Even so, with such an unbelievable story resulting in no new evidence or clues, it is likely that these two friends know more than they’re telling.
This case draws at the heartstrings – a mother endlessly waiting for her son to come home. Some may jump on the drug or gambling aspect of the story, and although there are circumstances in which these would cause an individual to go missing, I do think the resolution to this case lies with his friends and potentially the greater public. Was there someone out there who saw something and didn’t realise it?
This case is filled with rumours, gossip, and vague, unsubstantiated stories, none of which resolve Zac's sudden disappearance, leaving his family and friends still wondering, What happened to Zac?

If you know anything, please report to Australian crime stoppers here
The family are now waiting to hear whether a coroner inquest will be granted. Usually at no cost for families they expect to challenge the brief and have set up a gofund me to aid with legal representation:
- The “What happened to Zac?” podcast at
submitted by YellowJelloStapler to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

[SF Chronicle] Warriors draft pick Justinian Jessup hopes to become next Duncan Robinson

article via Letourneau
His TV didn’t have ESPN and no live stream he found online worked, which left him to check his phone for updates. Finally, when his agent texted him with nine picks left, Jessup learned he’d gone No. 51 overall to the Warriors.
The Warriors have yet to give him a timeline for when they might invite him to the U.S. They own his NBA rights and could add him to the roster as soon as the 2021-2022 season.
Some talent evaluators have said Robinson’s stellar postseason play — he scored 26 points in Miami’s Game 5 win over the Lakers in the Finals — helped Jessup emerge as an NBA prospect. According to the Ringer’s Kevin O’Connor, at least one scout gave Jessup a first-round grade, in part because of parallels with Robinson.
“I definitely draw inspiration from him,” Jessup said. “It shows that underrated guys can do it at the highest level.”
As a senior last season, Jessup surfaced on scouts’ radars by shooting 39.7% from 3-point range on 7.7 attempts per game. Comfortable facilitating out of second-side pick-and-rolls and handoffs
Given that the Warriors don’t need to pay Jessup until he makes the team, they view him as an intriguing low-risk/high-reward gamble late in the second round.
In Australia this season, Jessup plans to add muscle, work on his lateral quickness, become more comfortable with his right hand and become better at drawing fouls. After all, he shot 95.9% from the foul line as a senior.
“I was super excited when I got the text about getting picked,” Jessup said. “Like a lot of people say, that’s a pretty surreal moment. Just a flood of excitement, joy and gratitude all at once. I’m super grateful to be part of the organization.”
submitted by BobRoss4Life to warriors [link] [comments]

I can’t let it go, I feel so let down: My whole story

This is a long one.
It’s been 7 years, nearly 8, since I was raped at work. While there are quite a few people (now) who know parts of the story, nobody knows it all. I feel as though it’s eating me alive but nobody sees it. I wouldn’t want them to. But some days I feel like I’m on autopilot, I smile, I laugh, I fake my way through things. But this feeling just won’t go away. I’m not sure if I’m looking for advice or what, but I feel like I need to unburden myself, akin to confessing my sins, although I am not religious, in the hopes that it will give me a sense of a step towards healing. Keeping it inside hasn’t helped so far. With that in mind, I’ll tell you my story.
I was 25, working at a massage parlour. Yes, one of those dodgy ‘happy ending’ joints. Extended unemployment had me leaning on my partner for far too long and I was tired of not pulling my weight. I actually found the place to be one of the better jobs I’ve had in my life in terms of becoming close friends with co-workers, many of whom shared a different version of my own difficult backstory. It was also one of only two jobs where I wasn’t fired after having one of my epileptic seizures at work (had lost 3 other jobs this way up to that point). I couldn’t believe it, but I actually felt at home there, it was owned and operated by women, and I was aware that they were exploiting us all, but was able to pay my rent and make more money doing less hours which was helpful given I have bipolar disorder as well as my epilepsy, and medication and specialists are not cheap.
It wasn’t unusual for a client to ask for ‘extras’ (other sexual services besides the standard hand job) but there were other girls there who did that so I didn’t feel I needed to be one of them. It wasn’t required, but the owners would look the other way if the girls wanted to make extra ‘tips’ and if anyone requested these services, I would recommend another girl who did, and had similar looks to mine, there were a couple of them.
The day he came in was like any other, I overheard the phone call when the booking was made, the client arrived on time and requested intros. (Some would book with a girl, others would have a 1 min ‘introduction’ with all the girls in shift and make a selection.) I remember returning to the ‘lounge’ (our staff area where we hung out, chatted, some girls would bring a laptop and do homework as quite a few were students) thinking there was no way I’d get the booking as Amy* (name changed) often got clients who had been intro’d to both of us (she looked like me, but tanned, leaner, just overall hotter than me). Not to mention when I leaned over to shake his hand my stilletto slipped from underneath me and I kind of stumbled and made an idiot of myself. I had no sooner settled in on the couch when the receptionist came back and said ‘Lila* (not my real name or pseudo), you’re up’. On my way out of the room, Amy, stretched out on the couch said ‘I’ve had him before’ in a way that seemed like she wasn’t happy about it. I figured she wasn’t happy about me getting the cash and not her. (Note: she was not one of the girls I had a close friendship with, we weren’t enemies, but we weren’t buddies either.)
The booking was for half an hour. He never asked about ‘extras’ and I feel now like I should have seen it coming. I wonder if he never asked because he wanted to be rejected, maybe that was part of the whole ‘game’. He stood close to me, leaned back, looked me up and down and put one hand on my waist to pull me in towards him. He said something to the effect of ‘you’re so sexy’ but I can’t remember precisely what. I put a hand on each of his shoulders and gently pushed him away while simultaneously stepping back and saying ‘Let’s get you on the table’.
The service I provided was a topless full body massage with a ‘body slide’ (sliding breasts over the client’s back, just the once) and ‘hand relief’ (hand job to finish the booking). He laid on the table facing up (I had never seen a client who didn’t lay face down first, which made sense as I would massage their back, then front before the ‘hand relief’. I feel like I should have picked up on that too as a red flag but at the time I thought he just wanted his ‘front’ massaged, or to look at me for the whole time.
I should mention at this point that we had the right to terminate any booking at our own discretion at any point without refund or question. Mind you, the house keeps the money in these cases. Clients can get overexcited so I worked on a ‘3 strike’ warning system. Less than five minutes into the massage he made a comment about my breasts and grabbed one of them. I pulled his hand away and said ‘We’re not that kind of place’ (clients were not allowed to touch us) and explained my 3-strike policy, finishing with ‘and that’s your first strike there’. It wasn’t long after that when he did it again, except instead of just reaching over, he propped himself up on the elbow closest to me, reached across and grabbed my breast firmly. I told him again: ‘We don’t do that here, that’s strike 2. One more strike and you’re out the door.’ (You still have to maintain the professional stance of not being repulsed by someone, so I did say it nicely, but nobody had ever had more than one strike from me before.)
I turned and took a step away from the table to where the massage oil was kept, it was momentary but when I turned back, he was standing up. He was taller than me in my heels (I’m 6 feet in 5 1/4 inch heels) and I gently encouraged him to lie down on the table, patting it with my hand. He put both hands on the table, one either side of me, and told me to turn around. That’s when my mind started to race.
He took both his hands off the table and slid them down my sides. It felt horrible but I saw a chance and turned around to face him in the hopes of slipping through the gap between him and the table and creating some distance between us to kick him out without being in arm’s reach. I wasn’t even halfway through turning around when he grabbed my right wrist with his right hand and pulled it. My arm slammed onto the table and he held it there. It felt like a microsecond between that and his left arm crushing down on my back, pinning me to the table, right arm useless, legs between his and him pressing me onto the table from behind, effectively disabling my legs as well. It happened in the blink of an eye. I knew what was about to happen and I knew that he had done this before. His attack had been too swift for someone who hadn’t had some practise. My left arm was hanging loose by my side and no help to me. And he knew it, so he didn’t bother to restrain it.
He pushed on the back of my knees with his leg and they buckled even further from under me, then used his knees to push my legs apart, which were now like jelly and shaking just a bit. He pushed my underwear to the side (I worked in underwear and heels) and then it started. He rubbed his penis between my labia and pushed it against me roughly. Then he inserted it and got really rough. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of crying, I just stared at the wall and waited for it to be over. I tried to just ‘be somewhere else’ and he must have felt me ‘give up’ and relax my body. I thought if I tried to focus on relaxing my body it might hurt less. That’s when his left arm lifted off my back.
He forced his left hand underneath my left arm and wrapped it around my throat. He started squeezing. I felt it get tighter and with my worst fear being a seizure (that would render me unconscious) I decided to speak before I was unable to do so with the grip he had on my throat. I had to think fast and it went something like this ‘Rapists want their victims to suffer, they want them to hurt. The last thing he wants is for me to be enjoying this, it completely negates the attack’ so I turned my head as far as I could and as suggestively as I could muster asked ‘so you enjoy this too, huh?’ trying to imply that I was enjoying it. He instantly let go of my throat and raped me as forcefully as he could until he pulled out of me and ejaculated on the towel covering the bed.
He walked over to the couch where his clothes were and began to dress himself. I was paralysed and stayed leaning over the table like I was superglued there. It felt like I was. I had no idea what to do next. Or what he would do next, so I was too scared to move. I thought he would pin me down again if I tried to stand up. When I willed myself to stand up, he was fully dressed and holding everything he came with, ready to leave. I said ‘Well, I guess I’ll walk you out then’ but it sounded like somebody else saying it. It felt foggy, walking him to the door, resetting the room, the whole place looked different somehow. I went to the bathroom in a daze and once I was in the shower, had the most intense silent crying episode of my life. But I knew I couldn’t hide in there forever. I cleaned myself up, pulled it together and returned to the lounge. Amy looked at me, and I looked at her. Neither of us said a word. I always wondered if it had happened to her, too. I still do. I finished my shift and pretended nothing had happened. That was all foggy too. Just.. strange.
I was pretty darn sure my job wasn’t legal (despite the owner’s explanation to the contrary) and was terrified about going to the police. I figured at best they wouldn’t believe me, at worst, I’d be the one in trouble. On top of that, I had no information about who he was and it all just seemed too daunting. I worked hard to erase it from my mind, but was unable to have sex with my partner of 5 years. He didn’t know that was my ‘new job’ (I was tired of him being responsible for my bills) and I couldn’t bear to tell him anything. I shut down, not just sexually, but emotionally, and thanks to my emotional shutdown was able to ‘zombie’ my way through several more months working that job. He found out I was working there and promptly instructed me to move out. I was shattered, but relieved I would never have to tell him what happened that day.
There was a magazine circulated on a regular basis by a group that deals with sex workers (they provided free condoms and information regarding where STI testing was available, consulted with the various establishments providing any ‘sex worker’ services and notified these establishments of ‘troublemakers’). Several weeks after I was attacked, I walked into work and saw the latest issue pinned to the notice board. I had never seen one of these with anything but their logo on the front. But this one was different.
My heart stopped. The front cover was him. His photo. ‘Beware: This man has recently been paroled from serving a sentence for violent rape. Repeat offender. If you see him, contact police’ It listed his name, his phone number, his last known address, and the 11 different aliases he was known to use. One of these was the same name I’d found unusual at the time of the booking, I’d even made small talk about it. I mentally tucked away this information, just in case.
I had nowhere to go after my partner kicked me out but back to my parents house. But at least I had somewhere. I maintained close friendships with my ‘colleagues’ long after I left and they helped me through my breakup. I had never finished high school so had to sit an exam to go to university, but passed with flying colours and received an offer for a Bachelor of Behavioural Science, something I’d been fascinated with my whole life but never had the guts and dedication to pursue. I was back at square one life-wise and it was time for a new direction.
The subject of rape came up through one of my Criminology lectures (my major was Criminal Justice, I wanted to work with juvenile offenders in rehabilitation) and I left early, shaking. I felt like everyone in the lecture hall knew. That they were looking at me, judging me. Free counselling was available to all students and I went from my Crim lecture straight to there to make an appointment. That felt like a weight off my shoulders, having committed to finding SOMEONE to TALK TO. The session was this strange juxtaposition of shame and relief. I felt lighter afterwards.
I stupidly mentioned to my mother that I’d sought counselling through the Uni and was met with questions. She is a very large part of my ‘difficult background’. She wanted to know why. I told her it was private. For almost 6 hours she grilled me. About 4 hours in I broke down and told her I’d been raped. I explained where I was working and that it had occurred there. I was told ‘Well, you shouldn’t have put yourself in that position, should you?!’ The interrogation continued. Now she wanted to know the details, exactly what happened. I said I wouldn’t go into it. It was shortly after 3am that I snapped. After hours of this I couldn’t take any more and screamed in her face at the top of my lungs ‘HE BENT ME OVER A TABLE AND FUCKED ME LIKE A DOG. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!’ I broke down sobbing as I’d never heard it in my own words broken down to a brutal sentence. It was as if the penny had finally dropped. My father heard this from the other end of the house and ended the conversation, telling her to ‘just walk away’. She did, we have never spoken of it since and she has never apologised.
Fast forward. I had a brief relationship (the briefest of my adult life) with a man who had the potential to be ‘the one’. If I’d met him before this, who knows. All I know is I was scared to be alone with strange men and desperately wanted to ‘get back on the horse’ with dating. I thought the longer I waited the more difficult it would be. It took a while for him to earn my trust, but earn my trust he did, and I credit him and his gentle, patient approach with me being able to reclaim my confidence and being able to enjoy sex, like I always used to before I was raped.
We hit a bump in the road (I was too scared to open up the ‘where is this going?’ talk for fear of losing him) and he wasn’t opening that door either but it had been a while and I thought I had better ditch him before he had the chance to hurt me.
That’s when someone I had truly loved from my past got in contact with me. We had been workmates, friends, lovers, friends again and it was the kind of connection that’s unaffected by the passage of time. He has a traumatic past and I confided in him about the rape. His father worked high up in law enforcement, my soulmate encouraged me to speak with his father regarding what had happened. His father reassured me there would be no negative consequences for me reporting this and that while it was the ‘right thing to do’ in the eyes of the law, I should only do it when, and if, I was ready. I felt empowered and he (the father) helped me through the process, from someone to talk to and ask questions, to literally taking me to the police station and waiting for me while I gave a lengthy statement that took hours. I couldn’t have done it without his support. I’m sure I never would have. By the time I made this report, it was a little over 3 years later. I had to force myself to remember but once I pushed myself, the floodgates opened. It was like it happened yesterday and I could picture every moment as I described what had transpired.
I was surprised that it was only just over a year after my report that police contacted me. I attended the station for a lineup, identified my attacker, amended my statement to add extra details and drew them a map of my former workplace. I was informed that my rapist was currently serving a sentence in a maximum security prison and therefore, would definitely not be hard to find when it came time for the trial. It was then only months before I was called in to meet with the DPP and prepare for trial. I was speaking with the sergeant assigned to my case outside the DPP’s office waiting for my lift home when she said to me: ‘I don’t doubt one bit of your story. I know we’ve got the right guy and I think you can help us put him away. For good.’
A date was set for trial, then 2 weeks prior, a 6 month adjournment left me waiting on edge, prepared, but then delayed. It was a difficult 6 months, but I knew things tend to just roll around if you try not to think about them. Then, sure enough, the date came. In that 6 months, my Witness Assistance Officer had taken another job and I was suddenly left in the hands of a stranger, not the same woman who had been preparing me from the start. But it was ok. I had people in my corner. Not to mention, the sergeant was so easy to talk to and the prosecutor assigned to my case was amazing. So relaxed, supportive and helpful. Not judgemental in the least, my biggest fears alleviated.
In Australia, as the accused, if you cannot afford a lawyer, one is assigned to your case, and it’s luck of the draw as to who you get. You have a choice between trial by jury, or judge alone. My rapist opted to avoid a jury and happened to be assigned a fairly prominent barrister for his defence. When the barrister’s name was mentioned in DPP meetings, it seems he had a reputation for being good at his job. While this may not have been a paying client, he was still required to defend my rapist to the best of his ability with his extensive expertise.
I was offered certain choices as the ‘victim’ in the case, deciding whether the court was open to the public and the media or closed, whether or not to have a court companion (provided by Witness Assistance Services) and having a screen placed between myself and my rapist. I thought I should use these options as they were available and requested a screen, court companion and a closed court. The screen was a combination of thin strips, alternating clear and frosted glass, which meant I was still able to see him in the dock, and he was close enough that I couldn’t have reached him, but seemed as if I could have spit on his face from the witness box.
We were allocated 5 days for a trial. It was completed in 6. As I gave my testimony, I was very aware that he was RIGHT THERE, although my court companion sat between the witness box and the dock, they were merely silent moral support, not allowed to speak, hold my hand or actually do anything. Purely psychological comfort. And given I had met them that morning, I found this comfort minimal at best. While I was questioned by the prosecution I could see him through the clear strips of glass, first leaning his head back against the wall, then holding his head in his hands, eventually pacing. I felt confident for the first time. I was leaving the District Courthouse when I caught sight of the prosecutor, still in her robes and wig, she was chatting with bailiffs as she walked but turned and gave me a huge smile with two enthusiastic thumbs up. I finally felt ready for the cross-examination the following day.
His barrister questioned several details of my statement, looking for more details, but my account of the event was solid and I did not waiver. I had specified that the accused had 3 tattoos but while I couldn’t recall the design, I identified the location of each one. There was some discrepancy regarding the booklet I had seen (it was a ‘flyer’ to him, but I had described the cover of a booklet, the same small magazine delivered every month) and I was questioned about a newspaper article from some months ago, regarding a tweet by a prominent member of the sex worker community in my city. He gave three names, asking if I knew any of these women (one being her real name and another her pseudonym, I later found on a google search). I did not, and told him this. I also explained that I don’t use social media, had no Twitter account and was not aware of this tweet. (She had put out a social media warning about my rapist after she had been attacked by him and the police had been unable to help her. This attack had occurred shortly before my attack, and I mean a matter of weeks.)
I saw one of my bosses in the witness waiting room after I was cross-examined, and a former colleague (and former close friend, I had cut all ties to the place after my report) outside of the courthouse. I don’t know who else may have been called to testify, but there were several key names in my report, I can only imagine they were also subpoenaed to testify.
The wait for the verdict was tough, but I distracted myself as best I could. My daughter was about to turn 2 so we booked a quiet holiday, our first family holiday and moments after we arrived, I got the call. Apparently the judge had found me to be ‘an honest and credible witness’ but had to deliver a not guilty verdict due to the fact that while tattoos A and B were correctly identified, tattoo C was not there. (Being over his heart in my memory, perhaps I unconsciously drew a target on him in my mind.)
The discrepancy regarding the flyer / magazine was the only other issue, but in hindsight, the magazine was red and the information was on white paper, the only conclusion that makes sense to me is a FLYER, GLUED TO THE FRONT OF A MAGAZINE. I was told by the prosecutor: ‘I am so sorry for this outcome, I believe it should have been different. But a case as unique as yours will stay with me. You will be remembered by me, and my staff as well, for your strength, class and integrity’. It was good of her to say, but still, it did not mend my broken heart.
The judge had been forced to make this ruling as these two discrepancies left room for his ‘it was someone else’ defence and thanks to these two details it could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it was him. It must have hurt, being a female judge and knowing his criminal history, but also knowing she was not allowed to be biased by it. A judge is held 100% to the confines of the law on a ruling, unlike a jury, who can vote with their gut. My guess would be previous experiences with jurors have taught him something, or that his barrister advised him this would be a gamble.
This man, if you can call him that, has only appeared twice in the media that I can find. Both involved a violent home invasion, holding someone hostage in their home and repeatedly raping them. At the time that he and I crossed paths, he had been paroled after serving 4 1/2 years of a 9 year sentence for the first of these attacks (that were reported in the media, that is). He received a 10 year sentence after the next of these and will be eligible for parole in 2021.
I am terrified. My daughter is not even 4 yet, making her the same age as the little boy who had a knife held to his throat by this man, to prevent his mother from screaming for help while this man raped her in front of her child. I keep thinking that he had no idea who I was, not even my real name, until I took this to the police. But now, he knows my full (real) name and my date of birth, thanks to me providing it in court under oath. He has proven he is capable of holding a grudge (the sex worker who reported him wrote a detailed article about him returning to her place of business and violently attacking her again). I wonder if I would have been better to continue to hide it, to keep trying to forget it, rather than dredge it all up, re-live it in a courtroom and possibly put myself and my family in his crosshairs in the future.
I don’t know what to do. I feel so let down by the judicial system and I’ve been scrambling to increase my home security and get my name removed from the electoral roll before 2021 hits, but the pandemic has been a serious distraction. I’m not sure what I’m trying to achieve with this post, but I don’t want to burden my family with this and have never told the story from start to finish to anyone.
He is incredibly strong, has a history of violence against women and every reason to seek revenge on me. I’m considering changing my name by deed poll. I’m so scared for my baby girl and it’s like a waking nightmare. I just don’t know how to get over it. Sometimes I go into my backyard at night, then go straight back inside because I feel like he might appear somewhere at any moment, over the fence or from the side of the house, for instance. I hate being scared of a ghost.
To those who read this entire post: Thank you.
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