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The unofficial subreddit for the #1 mobile puzzle RPG WWE Champions.

Mods of EFT

Testing grounds for EFT SubReddit :)

How can you tell if someone is using view bots on twitch?

So there is this one streamer who has gotten pretty big within only 2 months of streaming. They literally have 150 viewers out of no where. They do have a big community though not gonna lie, and a lot of chatters in chat, but not 150.
Anyways I was watching their stream and they were on 150 views... when it suddenly drops to 50, but then 30 seconds later it goes back up to 150 again! THEN AGAIN, over the next 3 minutes the same thing happens twice. Usually that indicates bots to me. It's too coincidental for 100 to drop in and out so quicky.
It's annoying as this person has made videos on how to get "BIG" on twitch and you guys probably know who she is too..
submitted by bluebeareyes to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

The Mods of WSB & A Coordinated AMC Pump

Going to be editing this with info as I come across it. Please DM me if you have anything to add. Many of you have reached out and I've complied a lot of evidence. I realize now that these pumps originated in Discord groups, but this is something I am still actively looking into and won't be including here.
Users of wallstreetbets (and also places like Stockwits, amcstock, and Youtube chats) attempted a coordinated pump on AMC (& GME) today, Feb. 3rd. These comments are still avaible. The fact they are still up and that I found them very easily means that the mods are not able to moderate their community well enough to stop coordinated pumps. There is not evidence that shows the mods were in on coordinated pump, but the fact that they were unable to stop it taking place shows that the subreddit has grown far too big to be managed by a team of 35 mods.
There is evidence that some mods owned both AMC and GME, and it is possible they held these shares while the coordinated pump was happening in threads they were supposed to be moderating (proof of GME ownership at the bottom).
Coldcutcombo69 was mod on WSB during the AMC coordinated pump. Here is them claiming that they were a mod on WSB. This image of mods before and after the day of the pump confirms they were a mod during the AMC pump-and-dump.
Coldcutcombo69 posted a picture of them having a sell order on their AMC stock that never hit, making it possible they owned AMC shares during the coordinated pump.
Coldcutcombo69 also posted some kind of DD thread about AMC two days ago, promoting the stock here. The content of this post has been removed. This post promoting AMC was made while Coldcutcombo69 was a moderator.
Coldbutcombo69 was a moderator during the AMC coordinated pump. They are no longer a moderator as of the time of this post, only a few hours later. They confirmed this here. A WSB mod was posting comments and threads promoting AMC while possibly still holding AMC shares, and a pump-and-dump occurred in the daily threads that they (along with others) were supposed to be moderating.
turdled is currently a WSB mod. They said, "We don't comment or promote trades. That's up to the subscribers and their upvotes/downvotes to decide." View it here.
turdled's claim was false. Coldcutcombo69 had been a moderator for 25 days. During that time they posted comments and threads promoting AMC, while providing evidence that they actually owned AMC shares. A moderator (who may command more respect in a community of 8.5 million people) promoting a stock is wrong, and the mods clearly believe that is the case since they said they don't do it. But at least one of them did. It could be that Coldcutcombo69 was removed because they were promoting AMC, but they had been doing this for days and were only removed a few hours ago.
ZJZ (a well known moderator) posted this today and was removed as a mod. The head mods also removed more mods, cutting the number of mods from from 62 mods to 37. Coldbutcombo69 was cut from the mod team at this time. It seems very suspicious to me that the head mods removed a bunch of mods from their positions after the events of today, especially because one of those ex-mods had been promoting AMC so much while being a mod.
Note: there is some kind of extended purge happening within the mod team right now. The mod team started at 62, then was cut with ZJZ to 37, then 36, now it's down to 35. EDIT: Two new mods have been added, bringing the count back up to 37. One of them tried posting something in a WSB thread, but their comment was deleted by the auto-mod because they have never posted in WSB before. Here is some proof of what's going on there.
ZJZ has exposed that there are bad actors on the mod team, using their power on the sub to try and make cash off movie deals and crypto scams. This at least adds weight to the points im raising in this thread.
EDIT: There was a thread on WSB by a moderator trying to explain what happened with the mod team. You can see that thread here. There is a lot of push back in the thread. The mod's claim is that the profit from the movie deal would have been given to charity. This may not be true, as Discord logs show another mod asking what their profit will be from the movie deal, asking "What's our cut.". Infighting with the mods seems to be a continued issue with a mod changing the subreddit description from the classic "like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal" to this. This change was instantly reverted.
MOD UPDATE 2/4: It seems that the moderator team has changed again. 23 mods now remain. OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR is now listed as the most senior mod, and they have allowed this thread to stay up. The mod reports that the Reddit admins have stepped in.
Statement from Reddit admins, according to OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR: "After reviewing this situation based on input from both current and past moderators, we have decided to remove several moderators at the top of the list that were creating instability in the community." Source.
NEW INFO: I've also been sent a good amount of evidence from multiple people indicating these types or coordinating buying and selling schemes were happening on places like Youtube, Twitch, and Discord. All of these groups seem to be composed of WSB/WSB spinoffs users. These users would spam hash tags, spam and raid Twitch channels, and coordinate these social media pushes with timed buying and selling of GME/AMC/BB/NOK. It is possible (and looks likely to me) that the timed pumps you see below were organized by a Discord group. I have collected a lot of evidence on this front, but this evidence of the real organizers of the pump is something I might have to pass along to someone who is more experienced at dealing with this stuff.
The AMC Pump
Here is evidence of the coordinated pump by users on WSB. The coordinated pump effort occurred in the daily thread, but also spilled out into some posts. Note: I have yet to see any comments/posts that moderators made showing them participating in the coordinated pump effort. It is not known if they knew about these comments or not.
"AMC 1 pm LET FUCKING GO" - WildPhoenix55 58 upvotes. Posted around 12:00 PM CST. Not removed as of 8:40 PM CST.
"AMC 2 DA MOON @ 1PM EST" - OutlandishnessOk4137 Posted around 12:00 PM CST. Not removed as of 8:40 PM CST.
"watching that 1pm movie"
At 1 PM, we’re going to the Moon! Get ready! 🚀 🚀 🚀Discussion *Note that this thread was 6 days ago. Still strange that it was not taken down
Comments in this thread talking about 1 PM pump
EVIDENCE THE 1 PM PUMP WORKED: 1 PM seems to be the main time that was set. You can actually see the coordinated pump spike the price of AMC up to $9.70 right after 1 PM. You can also see the massive amount of volume increase during that time as well. Volume between 1:00-1:05 shot up to 8,725,700. This was the highest volume for a 5 min period all day. Check it out here.
It was also reported to me that some users received DM's about the pump. If you are reading this and received any kind of DM like this, please message me. After seeing the first pump work successfully, they tried it again 1 hour later. Here are a swarm of comments made coordinating the pump for 2 PM.
"2 shares at 2 pm AMC!!" EDIT: This account has been deleted. You can view a picture of this post here.
"Everyone buy 2 shares of AMC and 2pm let’s rush these heggies 💎💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀" "AMC at 2 !!!!" "2 AMC shares @2pm rush" "AMC at 2. Let’s give them some payback🚀" "do i buy now or at 2" "Buy AMC at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific. 2pm is when it’s happening."
The 2PM coordinated pump was not as successful. It could be that some users were confused with the time differences. Either way, there was still a marked increase of volume during the 5 min period of 2:00-2:05 which also resulted in the stock re-testing its daily high. Check it out here.
You can actually watch a Youtuber Trey's Trades see the pump at 2 PM in action. He is reading comments on a WSB spin-off subreddit amcstock. You can see people spamming chat for people to buy at 2 PM. Here is the video. The fact that this guy's stream chat is filled with a pump-and-dump scheme and he did nothing about it is pretty telling.
I've backed up the comments and info here. If you find anything else suspicious about this, please DM me. I want to make it clear that there isn't evidence that the mods participated in the pump. But the pump-and-dump (which is illegal) happened under the watch of the mod team. They may have tried to stop it, but 8.5 million people is a lot. If they didn't think they could keep the place running without illegal things happening in the comment sections, they should have set the sub to private and put in proper pre-cautions first.
EDIT: This pump also occurred for GME and users in the GME thread were able to comment about it. None of these comments are removed and they exist in very large numbers. They are mostly heavily downvoted, but the fact they are able to stay up means the mods failed at their job.
Comment 1 Comment 2 Comment 3 Comment 4 Comment 5 Comment 6 Comment 7 Comment 8 Comment 9 Comment 10 Comment 11
The volume spikes do show an uptick in volume around 1PM and around 2PM, but they are not as strong as the AMC boost in volume. The volume during these times were high, but they weren't the highest points in the day for GME.
EDIT: I want to make it clear to people who are saying "those are just bot accounts." Bots are still controlled by humans. If bot spam cannot be caught and deleted, that means 8.5 million people are exposed to pump-and-dump schemes run by bots. It does not reflect any better on the mods if the comments are made by humans or made by bots controlled by humans. It is now a day later, and still none of the comments have been removed by a moderator or moderator bot.
UPDATE: Wall Street Bets has completely removed any post talking about ZJZ and his post about the head mods trying to engage in crypto scams and strange movie deals. (EDIT: This has changed, see above.) The rising sections is now completely filled low-effort, small text posts that are only pushing $GME. Here are those threads. Low-effort threads like these are explicitly against WSB rules. Why are mods letting rule-breaking, ticker spamming posts stay up?
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
WSB mods are banning users for mentioning ZJZ and his post. (EDIT: This has changed, see above.)
Mods Removing Negative GME Posts
I started digging into this when I posted to Wall Street Bets with a post containing some information about GME. The post pushed back against some of the "GME revolutiuon" talking points. It was a pretty tame post, meet all the guidelines for posting, and contained enough content to warrant staying up. The post was removed by the mods, but you can still see it up here. The content of the post was a combo of these two comments I made. This comment here and this comment here. Somebody in the comments recommended I make the contents of the comment into a separate post- which I did until it was removed.
The moderators removed this post, the removal states: "Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."
I sent a DM to the mods asking why exactly the post was removed. I have not been given a reply. Does the content of the post I made (pt.1 / pt.2) break any of their rules? Why would the mods remove a post containing that info?
Even worse, the exact contents of the post I made exist in comment form and are still up. If the info somehow breaks their rules, why leave it up in the comment section? Why haven't they removed the comments that contain the EXACT wording I used in my post?
It seems very strange to me that a post I made that contained some research to counter act the "GME Revolution" narrative would be singled out removal for "keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."
The front-page of Wall Street Bets is FILLED will positive memes and DD that supports GME. There is not a single negative post about GME on the entire front page that I can find. Why not leave up some negative DD and let the community downvote/upvote it?
The mods will let the comment section of threads get filled up with misinformation (GME SI being 226% is a common one that is easily debunked, yet is posted every 5 min in daily threads). People are gambling their life savings on outdated information yet when I make a post to push back against some of the common GME arguments, it gets removed.
Mods removing negative GME posts is unethical because WSB mods own GME shares.
jamsi is a mod on WSB. They left this comment: "I just received this e-mail from Robinhood. I am no longer using Robinhood for any of my purchases. Only keeping my $GME - not selling." Here is the comment.
Swedish_Chef_Bork_x3 is a mod on WSB. They left this comment: "Another $2k locked and loaded to buy in tomorrow. Feels like fucking Helm’s Deep in here. I have tomorrow off work, gonna get drunk and hope I don’t sleep through my alarm.". Here is the comment.
rawbdor is listed as a mod under the Moderators section of Wall Street Bets. rawbdor posted a comment saying: "The price is going to plummet hard no matter what we do. The real question is, will they be able to steal our shares in the process. They can drop the price all they want on low volume. But they'll never be able to buy it back unless you sell it to them."
A link to that comment is here.
This comment makes it pretty obvious that rawbdor owns some shares in GME, right? Saying things like our shares implies they own some.
ITradeBaconFutures is also listed as a mod. They made it clear that "Mods did not trade GME". You can find that comment here.
turdled is listed as a mod. They said, "We don't comment or promote trades. That's up to the subscribers and their upvotes/downvotes to decide." View it here.
One mod claims that mods don't trade GME, when its obvious from the three examples above that they did. Another says they don't comment or promote trades, which is also a lie. Other mods have been doing that. They also "promote" trades when they remove content that argues the other side of GME. If the only content they allow on the front-page is GME Positive content, they are promoting that content.
WSB has a mod team of 35 accounts moderating 8.5 million people. CNBC gets about 200k viewers at peak hours, while WSB has almost a million viewing it at a time when the market is open.
The mods could simply send me a DM and explain why my post was removed. They haven't. Market manipulation is bad. It's bad when investment firms do it and its bad when retail investors do it. The mods could DM me right now and say "Hey, here is the reason the post was removed." They haven't. If they do send me a DM, I will post an update here.
Now-former WSB mod ZJZ, in a removed & locked post, accused dormant top mods of coming back to siphon media coverage, potential movie rights, and springboard a cryptocurrency, while suppressing other mods
Coldcutcombo69, a moderator on WSB, was posting comments and threads promoting AMC. A coordinated AMC pump happened in the daily threads and comments that this moderator (and others) were tasked with moderating. This mod was removed as a moderator after this thread was posted. Coldcutcombo69 held AMC stock before the pump, but it is unclear if they held or sold that stock around or after the time of the coordinated pump.
Today, several users, but no mods, in a discussion thread attempted to push buys of AMC at 1 & 2 PM EST. Those times would later coincide with high volumes of stock trades for the day. Similar coordination was attempted by users (no mods) for GME.
WSB's front page is filled with only positive coverage of GME (here's a snapshot), while they removed my post containing negative GME DD with no legitimate reason given.
Mods are holding GME contradicting another high level mod's comment that "mods did not trade $GME". Mods made a false statement that they don't promote stocks, as one of them clearly did. You can also see the other mods comments about GME as also promoting stock.
Tervia's comment here has good info on Reddit moderation.
submitted by brave_potato to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

[Serial][UWDFF Alcubierre] Part 79

Beginning | Previous
A peaceful wonderland lay in front of Damian. Snow drifted down from the heavens, falling amidst evergreens and gathering upon boughs already laden with the flakes that had come before. The scenery was untouched by man. Unspoiled by the eons of hate and strife and horror. Just an unending nature, stretching out in quiet bliss for as far as the eye could see.
It was perfect.
Damian wished he could go there one more time. To walk the land of his youth. He knew it was still out there. Still beyond the reach of Humanity. The silent paradise of the outskirts of Kaamanen, off on the cliff of the world in Old Earth's Finland.
He felt his age now. Felt stretched and thin, like all of the weight of the past had finally found him and piled on. A weathered hand reached up and ran through the scruff of his beard. Then it pulled out, momentarily catching a tangle before he raised it in the air in front of him.
"Back to it then," he whispered, taking one last look before the hand swiped down.
The wilderness was immediately replaced by a world preparing for war. All four walls of the bunker shifted to depict status reports and requests for comms coming from all directions. He had only stolen a few seconds to gaze upon his homeland, but it had been enough to make a chaotic situation a true conflagration.
Everyone needed something. All of it was a top priority.
Thankfully, many carried out their duties admirably, marching toward their chosen destinations without the need for guidance from above. For all of its miserable history, Humanity had finally learned how to govern itself -- how to turn ideas into actions into progress. There was so much that had been accomplished since they had emerged from the shadow of the Automics, and yet here they were again: fighting for the future of the species.
Damian jabbed a finger and thumb forward toward the wall. "Where are we at on Wave Two?"
A harried Captain appeared in the view, a hive of activity behind him as he walked along the corridor, his wrist raised in front of him. "Good progress, Secretary. We can get out of the berths on the timeline, but we're going to be worse than useless without some supporting infrastructure."
They were scheduled to depart immediately after the Zix freed up following the departure of the Boomerang fleet, which should be completed in the next few minutes. By the look of things, they'd be carting along everything they could shove into the hull and figuring out as much of the mess as they could later. After what happened to Wave One, they'd be taking more precautions with the launches, only moving out of the berth when the Zix were in a position to provide them immediate passage to their designated launch point. They'd be joining the two Wave One vessels that had successfully escaped at Alpha Site -- the Wave Two boats couldn't survive without them.
"Understood, Captain. Keep your head swiveled and get folks buckled down."
The Captain nodded, "Yes, Secretary. Is there anything else?" He looked eager to be off the comm.
"Nothing else, good luck."
"Yes, Secretary. Thank you." The link dropped.
Damian turned forty-five degrees and jabbed at another wall in the hexagonal room. This one depicting the progress of the Boomerang Launches. Another comm link sprang to life. "I've still got nerves on this one, Joan."
The Fleet Admiral sat comfortably in her chair, the broad, curved sweep of the *UWDFF Sun Tzu'*s Admiral's Bridge rolling out behind her. "It's suboptimal. Had Captain Erikson survived the battle at Halcyon, perhaps my involvement would be unnecessary." She shrugged, "But there is no one else suited to this task other than myself. Earth's defenses are a known quantity and UWDF leadership is more than capable of overseeing the task."
"We don't know what they'll be throwing at us," Damian replied.
"Everything, I imagine." Her hand flipped into view briefly and swiped away. "Our only chance may be to stay on offense. Hard to know without more information."
"I don't see us getting that until they make their arrival, not unless Kai has more nuggets to drop."
Joan glanced away from the viewscreen and then cursed. "New wormhole triggers. Probe one gone." She exhaled. "There goes the second." Similar alerts had flared to life on Damian's side, adding a red hue to a portion of a single wall, one that was easily lost amidst the sea of red surrounding it. "We need to leave, immediately."
The chart depicting the Boomerang Fleet's exit from the solar system indicated that slightly over half the vessels had yet to depart. They would be transitioning out soon enough, but Joan's tone made it clear she was unenthusiastic about the rate of progress. "So eager to leave me, Joan? And here I thought we would never be parted."
Damian's banter only merited an annoyed furrowed brow as a response, her hands furiously swiping in the air. She barked a series of orders, rerouting all fleet traffic. Damian waited while she conducted the orchestra of Earth's defense. When the flurry of activity died down, she turned back to Damian. "They'll have an updated picture now. We need to get it out of date as quickly as possible. Things that are moving need to move in a different direction. Things that are sitting still need to be somewhere else if possible."
"Still hoping they're slower than the Zix?"
"Unclear. The Amalgans are a black box. However, we risk nothing by maximizing the advantage if it exists."
"Fair. Think they'll be coming soon?"
"It'd be logical. The longer they wait, the more likely it is that they'll need to re-canvas, unless they're waiting for their FTL sensor network to spread."
"Maybe they'll just decide to pack it up and call it a day. Leave the barbarous Humans alone on their rock before we get any crazy ideas."
Joan snorted.
There was a silence. The conversation had come to an end, and Damian was just prolonging it to put off all the rest of the mess on his plate. He wanted to say something appropriately charismatic to Joan, but the Fleet Admiral was immune to charm. Instead, he opted for simplicity. "Good luck, Admiral. If you get your chance, make it count."
She nodded curtly, her eyes meeting his as her chain raised back up. "I intend to, Secretary. You'll be in good hands, until I return."
"Of course, Admiral." He reached up and swiped the comm link off. If the Boomerang Fleet was successful, he wouldn't be seeing her again. There would be no way to generate a wormhole home unless the Amalgans decided to give her a lift back in an act of charity, which didn't seem to likely under the circumstances. Damian wasn't a particularly sentimental person, but he'd miss her. Assuming he was around to miss.
The timer ticked down and the UWDFF Sun Tzu transitioned out of the system without further incident. It was odd to think about, that she had been there one moment and in the next she was light years away. He supposed it didn't matter. A light year or a mile away, it was the same difference.
Two new comm links came online as Damian connected to Admiral Kai Levinson and Captain Alistair Bishop. Kai looked considerably less fatigued than he had the last time they'd interacted, though he still looked like he'd been through hell. Captain Bishop was considerably more spritely, though he had he bags under his eyes from long nights and hard days. "Are you two ready?"
"Yes, Secretary," they said in unison.
"Joan seems to think we'll be in for it soon enough. Get underway and see what this Cerebella can do for us," Damian said, his attention focused on Kai.
"Yes, Secretary," Kai repeated.
"Kai? No bullshit. I'm taking a chance here, trusting you when I've got enough red flags to reupholster my couch." He jutted a thumb behind him. "And it's a big couch. Seats twelve."
"We're keyed in for Interstice. Once we arrive, it'll take a short amount of time to make contact and meet with an Evangi vessel keyed for Ecclesia. Then it's one more jump from there and then I'll be having tea with the Cerebella."
"I know the plan, but it's a shitty one and I'm expecting you to make it seem like a good idea in retrospect."
Kai nodded, "Secretary, this isn't the first shitty plan I've been involved in. They're something of a specialty at this point."
True enough. Kai had a habit of gravitating toward the thickest tangles. It was a trend that'd only picked up after he'd lost his family. No surprise there, he wasn't the only one with survivor's guilt. Not the only one that was looking for a decent way to die for the sin of having lived. "Captain Alistair, the ship is yours. You see something you don't like, you hope back Earthside and we sort it out then. If the Admiral has issues following orders, then you have my personal permission to toss him out the airlock."
Alistair seemed uncertain on the best way to respond. He was a promising captain, but this was his first foray into the nosebleeds of leadership. Under different circumstances, Damian would have looked for an alternative, but he'd been in training as an alternate for the Alcubierre and Joan had given him the nod.
Nothing like having the fate of Humanity hang on hare-brained schemes thrown together at the last minute with zero information.
Great time to be alive.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Damian made a shooing motion, which accidentally caused two screens to minimize in the background. "Get out of here."
"Yes, Secretary," they said, again in unison.
Damian killed the comm link and then turned to the next wall. A large image of the Earth dominated the center panel, showing a real time feed of the planet as it spun its way through the cosmos. A few swipes later, and the blue, white and green Earth was covered with overlays depicting the defensive assets in orbit. Humanity had made some investments in orbital fortification, but they were largely limited to shooting down space junk -- they weren't ready for a full on planetary assault. The cost was too high for the utility offered. Clearly they should have considered the possibility of galactic hitmen in that calculus.
The five status walls surrounding him continued their updates, interrupted only by the sixth wall that served as the exit to the rest of his leadership bunker. Damian slowly turned in a circle and came to a stop at the door, feeling a momentary urge to kick it down and claw his way up the hundreds of yards worth of tunnels leading back up to the surface. He didn't want to be down here if things went south. He wanted to be up top, staring death in the face with everyone else.
But the Earth needed leaders, and he hadn't been smart enough to retire the last go around. Joke was on him.
As he stared at the door, the alerts began to ping out, and the crimson hue of the bunker deepened. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. One after the other, almost colliding. Dread crept into ever pore as Damian slowly turned around and faced the walls behind him. The planet Earth was still there, but Polaris station, one Humanity's key trading hubs, was not. Instead, it had been replaced by a molten pile of slag amidst a field of debris. Damian ran over to the wall, and raised a hand, turning it slowly counter-clockwise on the vid feed. Gradually, the video reversed itself, the debris field coming together and then reforming, though it was obscured by a brilliant flare of light.
UWDF Command chimed in, "Secretary, have you--"
"Just tell me what happened."
"Some sort of energy weapon, we're trying to trace--" New pings sounded out. Fleet Admiral Fatima Ahuja paused, her mouth drawn into a thin line. "Another." She turned out of frame. "Nothing? What do you mean nothing? I thought we had eyes!" She exclaimed.
Ping. Ping.
"They're everywhere. They're...they're everywhere."
Ping. Ping. Ping.
Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping.
Damian could only watch as one priceless asset after another disappeared in brilliant light. Gone before they had a chance to respond. Gone before they had even realized they had been targeted.
Brilliant minds. Brave souls.
Gone in a flash.
Valast was bored.
Of course, there were many demands upon his attention, the affairs of the Combine could not be conducted without the oversight of the Premier, but they were unwelcome distractions from his brooding about the Amalgans. Yes, entire worlds were starving. Yes, the economic fabric of the Combine was in shambles. Yes, the Combine Compact was frayed and facing disintegration.
No, he did not care.
So long as the Evangi and their minions were free to roam the galaxy, there could be no safety. No security. No chance to build an empire that befit his ambition. Any work that he might do today could just as easily be undone by them tomorrow. They had proven that quickly enough at Halcyon. He was willing to go through the motions of governance, if only to pass the time until he received notification that Humanity had been exterminated like the pests they were.
Being left in darkness was the most bothersome aspect of the entire affair. He questioned the nature of the Cleanse Contracts, finding it incredibly annoying that the Amalgans would be granted the right to conduct their business without observation or assistance. It was an oversight he intended to remedy once the Amalgans had completed this current tasks. Soon, they would learn that the facile administration of the Evangi was a far cry from the leadership he intended to exhibit.
Valast's ear twitched and he glanced at Minister Gorman, who was blathering away in front of him. Somewhere in Gorman's ramblings he had said something sufficient stupid that it interrupted Valast's train of thought. Valast really should have Gorman killed, it would make matters easier. "Repeat that," Valast said, talking over whatever Gorman was mumbling about.
"Repeat...repeat what?"
"Whatever it is you just said," Valast replied, his ears now flapping in irritation. "The thing before this thing."
" the tra-trading routes?"
"Yes. The trading routes, Gorman. What else would I be talking about? Repeat it."
He swallowed and then cleared his throat of some hanging phlegm. "Oh, yes, well, I said there is good news." Gorman's bobbed his head up and down a few times, nodding along as he spoke. Trying to emphasize that yes, this was very good news and he should be appropriately acknowledged and rewarded. "We have been able to extend trade to more planets than anticipated due to reduced trade flow with the Amalgans."
Valast's claws began to grind on his cushion. "Reduced? How so?"
Gorman shrugged, "They have said they will handle the matter themselves."
The nails of Gorman's forepaws clicked together with delight. "Yes, yes, yes, it was my own solution. With the duress caused by the loss of the worm projector, I was quite worried we would lose access to critical trade routes. Every additional world was a strain, you see, so the question of how best to cover the gaps was brought to me as Trade Minister." Gorman's chest puffed out at that. "So I suggested to the Amalgans -- who are much more talkative due to your involvement -- that they conduct their own trade utilizing their projector. Subject to appropriate tariffs of course. This allows us to service an additional fourteen sys--"
Gorman's rambling died out as Valast raised a paw. The Premier glowered at the Trade Minister. "You told them what?" Valast spoke with an exaggerated pause between.
Gorman now looked considerably less certain. " their own--"
"You allowed them to circumvent our trade network?"
The Trade Minister shook his head violently, "No, as I said, they must comply with our tariff frame--"
Valast leapt up from his cushion and sprang from the raised dais to land on the ground in front of Gorman, who immediately began to cower. Valast swiped a paw along the top of Gorman's head, dragging his claws along until a thin smear of red emerged amongst the densely packed brown fur. Gorman let out a yelp and scrambled backward, with Valast in pursuit. "You've destroyed our leverage, you idiot. Let them have everything they wanted all so you could do what? Save a few worthless worlds?"
Gorman continued to retreat, his eyes wide with terror. "Y-y-you gave them the worm projector! I thought that's what you wanted. What else would they use it for?"
The question landed with a force beyond Gorman's feeble capacity as an orator, stopping Valast in his tracks. They would use the worm projector to complete the Cleanse Contract of course, there was no alternative available to them. Well, there was an alternative, they could have just made use of Combine projectors, but they hadn't accepted it. But that didn't mean they had ulterior motives...
Of course it meant that.
Everyone had ulterior motives. Everyone was scheming. Always trying to find a way to unravel the progress he had fought so hard to secure. They couldn't help themselves. Envy was a natural condition for those who surround him. And Gorman, feeble-minded dullard that he was, had simply exposed the Amalgan's plot earlier than expected.
Valast snorted. If the Amalgans meant to compete with the economic power of the Combine, they would find themselves sorely outmatched. A single projector, even two, could never serve as a basis for opposition. They could play their little games, and Valast was quite happy to play along with them to see whether they were as treacherous as those he had sent them to destroy. If they proved their loyalty by destroying the Humans and their leash-holders, then perhaps it could be the basis for a very profitable and mutually beneficial relationship.
If the Amalgans tried to grasp beyond what Valast permitted, he would destroy them.
Valast sneered down at the huddled mass of Mus on the floor before him. "Gorman, you are quite lucky that your terrible decisions may be played to the Combine's benefit." Valast flicked off a piece of stuffing from the destroyed cushion behind him -- he hadn't remembered when he had torn it asunder. He then preened his whiskers carefully before continuing. "I want every transaction they complete carefully monitored. Every world. Every location. All of it."
The smaller Mus peeked out from under his claws, one hand reaching up to dab at the crimson slash on his head. He suppressed a wince and then nodded, "Yes, of course. will we know where they are going?"
A paw waved in the air as Valast made his way back to the dais. "That the sort of problem I have you around to solve." Valast glanced over his shoulder. "Not a speck of iron moves without our knowledge, Gorman. Your life depends on it."
Gorman returned to his feet and bowed deeply, "Yes, of course, Premier, I'll see to it." The Trade Minister turned around and made a hasty exit, his claws clicking on the polished floor as he scurried off, leaving Valast alone once more in the room.
Valast moved to the side and pulled a new cushion out from the pile, tossing it atop the dais before he hopped up behind it. As he settled down on the cushion, he began to mull the matter over further. It made little sense for the Amalgans to try and compete economically with a single projector. They would have the same problems the Combine currently had, only magnified multiple orders higher due to the limited keys set to the Amalgan territory and their limited access to projectors. Perhaps it was nothing more than trying to secure their own interests and reduce the Combine's leverage.
It made enough sense. There was also no reason to believe they would not complete a task they had completed thousands of times before. But still, their ownership of the worm projector created additional considerations, many of which he had not fully contemplated in his haste to be done with the Humans.
Valast exhaled. He had been given no other choice. Once again, he had been called upon to exhibit the courage and tenacity of a leader amidst a sea of cowards too afraid to act. If there were unintended consequences that arose from his dealings with the Amalgans, then so be it. They were powerful, but they were not the Combine. If they could not see the benefits of well-compensated subservience, then they would suffer the pain of disobedience.
He would starve them. He would crush them.
And, in the end, he would win.
It was his destiny.
Demand MOAR if you want to see MOAR!
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submitted by PerilousPlatypus to PerilousPlatypus [link] [comments]

Player/Analyst Tweets & Other Things – LCS 2021 Week 1 - TSM vs CLG

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening GrubhubGamers!
What is this thread? The main purpose of this thread is to provide a place for all social media posts/comments related to TSM’s games of the week from pro players/analysts/influencers/orgs. The thread is updated manually after every game in this order: Interview (if TSM wins) > TSM Tweets > Opponent Tweets > Others
I also take notes on LCS Co-streamer’s analysis (sometimes 2+) but because it is not the major focus of this thread, the quality varies from day to day and I would highly recommend just watching their vod which I’ll provide here if it is available.
Today’s Live Analyst: Doublelift
Analyst Vod: LINK
Today's Match Up:
Huni Licorice
Spica Josedeodo
PowerOfEvil Palafox
Lost Johnsun
SwordArt Diamond


  • fastest shaco hover any% @Spicalol
    • Spica: shaco hover till I win
    • Treatz: Kayn hover to lift the curse
Doublelift (Stream)
  • Pisses him off that people flame Spica when every lane is losing. Also PoE's champ pool doesn't support the fact that Spica likes to be aggressive early.
  • Mothra vs Godzilla in the top lane! (Huni vs Finn)
Logitech G Esports
  • In this image we get just a glimpse of @Spicalol explaining his secrets to winning League of Legends games. It's time to tune into Sunday #LCS as we have @TSM facing off against old time rivals CLG.


  • Doesn't understand why Bjerg gives CLG first pick Udyr when it's so broken right now.
  • If Spica hovers Shaco, TSM wins.
    • TSM wins.
  • Not sure why they need to pick Olaf/Azir in response to Udyr. Is Azir highly contested? Is it some strong important takeaway from CLG? No. Olaf makes sense into UdyCamille though.
  • TSM need to ban MF 2nd round or they might get shit on. Ori is also an acceptable ban though since it supports Camille/Udyr so well.
  • Xayah/Leona is a strong 2v2. Likes the draft. Mobility/Stats/Dmg on TSM but not much cc. CLG's comp requires good positioning and is looking to pick people off/long range wombo.
  • Wants to see more cohesiveness. Getting things off Swordart's roams. Also TSM's lanes have been so weak so far. They really need to fix their laning.
Tim Sevenhuysen
  • TSM averaged -1,548 GD15 in their first two games, for an EGR of 28.2 (28.2% win probability at 15:00).
  • IMT have played 3 games with a 21.0 EGR, so TSM aren't the worst early-game team in the league, and they'll need to be very bad today to that point.


Lolesports Stats: RUNES
  • Top lane will be a big point of contention. People have been really afraid of Huni's Lulu. Really wants to see why.
  • Likes the early ward from Huni but it seems likely that Udyr will get there after the ward expires.
  • Udyr's pathing (2:40) is really weird. He invades blue, wards it and then backs. Is now behind 2 camps.
    • Figures that since Huni came to lane early, Udyr must have thought that he was getting split mapped.
  • Udyr going the long way around to gank top was really smart (~5:20)
  • Wildturtle is playing like a pussy in the 1v1 versus Lost. He wins that 1v1 everytime with the current rune setup but he backs away. (8:30)
  • Swordart played this entire segment really badly. All he had to do was ward the lantern.(10:40)
  • TSM at least have a good win condition since they're on track to get soul.
  • Herald take from CLG at (~16:20) is smart/important because it's really hard to take mid turret versus Azir. Even if 5 show mid, Azir could probably just protect turret with his soldiers.
  • Thinks CLG deciding to go for 3k+ gold instead of going for drags is bad. Would much rather have the 3 drags(~18)
  • Lost almost smurfed the 5th drag fight. What happened to Swordart was really unlikely. He tried to E to keep Udyr in pit but Udyr drags him over the pit with his flash.
  • Big throw by CLG giving up baron. Xayah does a lot of damage now. Says Xayah late game is actually better than Aphelios. Really hard to kill too.
  • Hates that Swordart tries to combo Udyr when he has like 50+ tenacity. (~31:50)
  • TSM should not care about top lane during 6th drag. TSM should have the mindset here that it would even be worth giving up 3 inhibs for this ocean soul.
  • Not sure why CLG are trying to win via split. They should really be trying to 5v5, split isn't going to work at this point.
  • TSM's comp late game is disgusting late game. Can't really lose with Azir Lulu Xayah.
  • Doublelift thinks they could've ended on several different pushes but TSM is scared to attempt to end with eldeocean soul.
  • Finn refuses to group with the team for some reason. Finn's decision making is really disgusting like a bot.
    • In his mind he believes they will never win a 5v5, but he will also never win by split pushing. Should always go for the 5v5 rather than just randomly splitting.
Tim Sevenhuysen
  • Not including today's game, @Lost_adc has played ~36 games in the #LCS, including regionals, Lock In, etc., dating back to Summer 2018. (Not counting any Academy.) Before that, he played ~83 games in the OPL. He still has a lot of unexplored potential, though! I believe in him.(~11)
  • In a team comp with Leona, Azir, and Olaf, the best engager for TSM has been Lost. On Xayah. #LCS (~9m before end)
  • Camille flashed and almost die to the lulu botside on minimap during herald set-up (~17)
    • TimSevenhuysen: That sounds like a positive Huni play, which is not allowed and therefore is unlikely to have occurred.
*Rjs has had really good reaction timing this game. That flash away from Leona E flash is really hard to react to.(~21)
  • 1 baron side inhib for ocean soul is not worth. (~34)
  • For having some pretty meh splits in recent memory @Smoothie been looking kinda nice lately. Hopefully a continued return to form for once lauded support. (~15)
  • I spy a Bandleglass mirror, but not on the Lulu 🤔
SNG Nelson
  • Why do you force 2v2s against Zoe Udyr? Do you have more than 5 summoner spells or cleanse or have more stats? (~15)
GG Danan
  • this already feels like one of those games where neither team wins (~33)
Travis Gafford
  • holy crap this game is hilarious. Just feels like there's so much ego on the line, especially with how much reggie has talked down on CLG previously
    • but it was nice of CLG to burn baron down half way for them
  • This #LCS game is quite... Interesting to say the least 😤(~32)
  • Best CLG vs TSM match I've watched (~32)
  • CLG is the funniest fucking team I swear
  • This game is a cluster fuck. #LCS
    • SNG Nelson: CLG just can't win.
  • Both Swordart and Finn ran away from home to join the circus.
  • "I went to world's for this."
  • Fuck it. I'm a CLG fan - this is hilarious. RUN MUPPETS RUN
  • Its an absolute horror show
  • Is Finn on a restricted VISA? Is he not allowed to go botside of the map and split?
  • Hey what's going on????(~41)
Emily Rand
  • This one is going to be a good gold graph image...
Rogue Flyy
  • Why did rjs tp there!?!?! (~5min before end)
  • It must be a rough weekend for CLG fans
  • 2020 League is stronger than 2021 League. (~3min before end of game)
  • I want out of this game please


INTERVIEW w/ PowerOfEvil

  • Not satisfied. Game was really chaotic and the team currently isn't on the same page. Too many voices. Really need to figure out how to unite. Feels good to end the week with a win.
  • Down gold, lost dragon fight. Game was really hard. Zoe got caught and they knew it was their chance to turn it around at Baron. They were stronger in split push so it was just a game about defending the base against Camille. Had to do a lot of communication as the defender.
  • A lot of fans are saying we're really bad and he understands. He was in a similar situation on FLY where people were telling him that FLY isn't a playoff team but he made finals back to back. Thinks his teammates are strong individually and they'll work on improving.


  • nothing yet
  • nothing yet
  • nothing yet
  • nothing yet
  • nothing yet
Coach Bjergsen
  • nothing yet
  • Am disappointed with our play so far, biggest issue coming with our alignment on how we view the game on official matches. We will do everything we can to turn it around and contest for the Championship
  • nothing yet
  • 😒
TSM Report
  • A WIN IS A WIN IS A WIN! Our #LCS squad fights tooth and nail to claim their first #TSMWIN of the split! The boys will return next week after recovering from a tough first week.
  • Rough weekend. But really liked seeing Lost's team fighting/positioning in this game. Played well.
Max Olivo


  • nothing yet
  • nothing yet
  • nothing yet
  • nothing yet
  • nothing yet
CLG (Twitter)
  • If nothing else, our games are super entertaining. GG @TSM . We showed a lot of promise over the weekend. Enjoy your Super Bowl everyone. #CLGFIGHTING


  • Now that the Royal Fumble: Senior Center has finally ended, I'll give my thoughts in just a moment on what this Clash of Trash prequel trailer might mean for Kong vs Zilla later this year.
  • TSM are quite literally a bottom tier team atm&there's no easy fixing it, especially not with 5 weeks left. Their laning phases, overall individual gameplay ideas (player by player) & drafting are all insanely bad. This is several times now they got away w/ stealing the mona lisa
  • They've consistently been in losing positions and game states for a long time (it reminds me of summer where they also committed robberies, mostly on the back of bjergsen to win games). The reason I'm doubtful they can improve is because how can they realistically?
  • Intent is absent in their gameplay - Intent is where you would see coaching or other things take affect, and yet it's no where to be found. They look similar to earlier versions of TSM, just with a now worse roster and w/o Bjergsen to save them.
  • I'm not optimistic anything can change, because my perception is that Bjergsen was always the coach anyway, and it's unfair to blame him, because he's put in an impossible position imo. He never had anyone help him, so how can he be expected to know what to do to fix such issues?
  • He was NAs by far&away best player so long, &carried so many iterations of the team on his back through sheer power of his gameplay and finding wins where they didn't belong. Now he's absent, but the foundational problems that plague the team regrow like nature overgrowing a city
Tim Sevenhuysen
  • Lol easy win for TSM!!🙏🙏
Travis Gafford
  • CLG were just better at losing today.
  • The Superbowl should just run that game as the halftime show - won't find better entertainment anywhere.
  • TSM vs CLG was, uh, a game of League of Legends
Cloud9 (Twitter)
Lolesports Stats
  • 344 days (49 Weeks, 1 day, 8,256 hours, 495,360 minutes, 29,721,600...01...02...03...seconds)
  • This game was @Lost_adc until it was won! @TSM crawled back from the jaws of split push defeat to take the win over @clgaming #LCS Lost's Stats
  • PoE and Huni on the same team must drive the TSM analysts crazy with their builds 😅😅😅
  • "Grandma, what's the superbowl?" "Well lil Timmy, four times a year we're treated to the oldest rivalry in sport: TSM vs CLG."
submitted by ImLegacys to TeamSolomid [link] [comments]

Free coaching session for Live streamers and Twitch Broadcasters

I’m offering a free 1 on 1 online 60 min life coaching session for Live Streamers and content creators
After witnessing the plague of content creator stress burnout and the harassment I’m looking at expanding my life coaching to have a specific program for these challenges
We will help you develop your vision of Success and Action plan including achievable goals and milestones to achieve
I also be working with you to create a Content Channel Review Report proving constructive feedback and opportunities
I would be asking those I coach to provide constructive feedback for our coaching program and if they have enjoyed the experience to create a 30 sec video testimony
If that that is something your interested in , send me a private message and let me know
(Thanks for the mods for allowing me to post my offer here)
Since i've been asked about 3rd party free sites to get promototion and views for twitch and youtube (no bots)
I've made a post HERE, since i cant't direct mention them on this subreddit
For the coaching session
Since i had a fair few people respond and i dont want to double book , please book in your preferred time here

Here some links for basic guides on twitch
Before You Start Broadcasting
After days, months, or years of watching broadcasts, you've finally said to yourself, "Hey, I can do this, too!" This article addresses some of the mental preparation you might want to carry out before you try broadcasting on your own.
The twitch wiki on reddit has some exceellent insight on all the basic starting points

Update: Due to the ongoing issue with reddit chat , if you want to talk to me please use a direct message rather than chat

submitted by TouchOfStyle to FREE [link] [comments]

A more direct translation of Ryujehong's statement

Hey everyone,
I've been seeing translations of the Ryujehong statement make rounds across Twitter and cow and haven't been super impressed with them. While they try to get the general gist of the statement across (with their own varied flavors), there are some key parts that the translations I've seen miss out, which can definitely change the meaning of what RJH said in Korean when translated into English. As someone who worked for OGN Global in 2014-2015 as a translatointerpreter for their League of Legends broadcast and a person who works with Korean players in LoL and OW as an agent, I wanted to try my hand at a more direct and hopefully, a more accurate translation.
Hello. This is Ryujehong
I would like to talk about a recent stream. First, I would like to apologize to the viewers that felt discomfort from the strong level of language I used along with the overuse of profanity on the day of the problematic stream. Going forwards, I will try to adjust the level (of language) and endeavor to stream within the lines where many people can enjoy (the stream).
I would like everyone watching my stream to understand that I am guiding my stream as Ryujehong the streamer. I know that there are viewers who watched my streams regularly in the past that are struggling to adjust to the changed chat atmosphere as many new viewers started joining, and I know that there are those that are quite confused of me using Twitch memes, but I think (those viewers) need to understand.
Going forward, the stream and the chat atmosphere will be developed bit by bit and stabilized using the feedback of various viewers, but I would like to progress with a free feeling that is like me. I will hire bots and managers to thoroughly manage (my stream/chat) so that I can make a stream that anyone can enjoyably view.
Finally, I read and saw various comments, and if you're not a fan of me, stop with the incitement.
Thank you for reading this long post.
Translator's Notes:
  1. Korean uses a sentence structure that is unlike English about half the time. Whereas most sentences in English follow a [Subject]-[Predicate/Verb]-[Direct Object] structure, Korean (and Japanese for that matter) sometimes uses a [Indirect Object]-[Predicate/Verb]-[Direct Object] sentence structure with an implied subject. The parentheses sprinkled through my translations are what I understand to be the implied subject of that sentence through context clues.
  2. When RJH says "...I think (those viewers) need to understand," it's unclear in his statement what exactly he wants 'those viewers' to 'understand.' My take is that he's saying older viewers need to understand that he's evolving the content of his stream as he transitions to being a full-time streamer.
  3. When RJH says he want to "progress with a free feeling that is like me" with regards to his stream and chat environment, a (perhaps) better nonliteral translation is that he wants to "progress in my own way with my own spin to it." I translated more literally so that the direct/literal translation is available.
  4. The way RJH says 'incitement' towards the end of the statement implies a decent amount of distaste that doesn't translate very well.
My personal take:
Translating is difficult, and translating between Korean and English can be especially difficult due to the foibles of grammar and idioms. Unlike other interpretations of RJH's apology, I understand his statement as directly apologizing to the viewers that felt discomfort, rather than apologizing that viewers felt discomfort at what was said. There's a nuance here that got lost in translation that I personally feel was colored by personal reactions to what was said on stream.
Did what RJH say on stream cross the line in terms of decency? Yeah, I believe so. That was strong language that was used which would NEVER be used in polite company nor on a public facing communique. But the way I understand his statement is that he apologizes for crossing the line and that he's going to work on that, albeit at his own pace with his personal spin on it.
Can you trust my translation?
No translation is 100% perfect, especially between Korean and English where you have to rearrange the order of words so that the sentence makes sense in English. On top of that, as translating is an exercise in writing, there is always the chance that the writer's personal views and biases can influence the translation. What I offer is my attempt at a more direct/literal translation and I make no promises of 100% accuracy, but I think I'm pretty good at this having done this in the past as well as having worked with Korean esports players in League of Legends and Overwatch as a talent agent. I'll leave that determination up to you, the reader.
[Edit: Formatting and clarity]
submitted by KoreanEdelweiss to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]

[Serial][UWDFF Alcubierre] Part 74

Beginning | Previous
Joan Orléans fingers drummed on the chair of the Admiral's Bridge on the UWDFF Sun Tzu as she scanned the updates on the various tasks relating to the defense of the solar system. This was a task she spent most of her waking hours on. Reviewing. Reconsidering. Revising. It was also familiar territory for her in general. Something of a time honored task at this point. She had been in this seat much the same as this one looking at these panels similar to these and wondering how best to protect Humanity in the last war as well. Of course, the Automics had been simple by comparison. Against the Automics, the enemy was something they had built, and its needs and desires were easy to understand. It wanted what Humanity had, and it intended to use Humanity against itself. It had infested Humanity's most populated places, growing and metastasizing like a malignant cancer. Extracting the tumor had been difficult, and the corpus of Humanity paid a dear price, but it was a known problem with a known solution.
Now, she had very little concept of what they faced and what their prospects might be. Their history with the Combine was brief, and what insights that might have been gleaned in that encounter were difficult to extrapolate to the present circumstances. She knew that their prior success could not be viewed as an indicator of the likelihood of future success. The Combine had been largely caught off guard in Halcyon, and they had managed to make the most of the situation. Despite their losses, the First Armada had secured the objective, gained valuable assets and struck an apparently grievous blow against the Combine's capitol. It would be quite fortunate if the Combine, determined it was not worth pursuing the matter after such a bruising encounter. But Joan knew better than to believe that would be the end it.
They would come. How could they not?
She would come if she were them, and she would come with all of the fury and violence she could muster.
There was nothing to do but prepare. Properly prepared, perhaps Humanity would have options once the nature of the foe was revealed. Of course, those options were probably severely limited by Ambassador Mandela and Secretary General Venruss' decision to let the XiZ Collective off of their short leash. Now, all of her plans needed to contemplate the possibility that a unique and valuable asset may be unreliable, which considerably constrained operations. There was little to be done about it now, the XiZ had secured a spaceborn cold fusion generator for their exclusive use while they remained in Sol. The Collective could utilize that power to leave whenever they saw fit, and all Humanity would have to stop them was the hope the XiZ would show them more kindness than the rest of the galaxy had.
Joan's nose twitched and the pace of her drumming increased.
Nothing to be done about it. Take the situation as it was, not as you wished it to be.
Status reports.
She swiped up her non-drumming hand in a few gestures, re-ordering the panels and assigning them a prioritization for review and access. She then began to review the panels in order of descending importance.
First and foremost was the defense of Earth. A planet was likely the least defensible object in the history of military warfare. Everything about its structure -- its size, its shape, its stationary nature, its distribution of assets -- made it nearly impossible to protect everything of consequence. An enemy could strike from a single direction whereas they were required to defend an attack from any direction. Reinforcements would be difficult since burns could not be conducted in a straight line. Logistics were a nightmare in general. Even if they recalled the entirety of the United World Defense Force Fleet, there would still be holes.
Matters were further complicated by the fact that Joan could also make few assumptions about the intent of the enemy. At least the Automics sought control over the Earth and its assets. There was every reason to believe that, having a galaxy at its disposal, the Combine would be content to eliminate the Earth rather than fight over it. This raised the possibility of attacks that might focus on an immediate obliteration as opposed to the wars of attrition Humanity had grown used to.
Joan had no sense of what such an attack might look like or what defensive options would be available to them.
The best she had been able to manage was to recall a portion of the Second and Third Armadas to Earth, reducing the protection the outer settlements would have if they are attacked. Even then, there were not sufficient ships to create anything other than a patchwork of floating garrisons above key resources and cities while still trying to retain a line-of-sight between major command groups. With this disposition, that multiple command groups could fire their mass drivers in conjunction with one another in an overlapping field of fire if the invading source was sufficiently far away. In some cases, planetary defenses were of use, particularly the orbital launchers, but those had been developed for asteroids and space junk in mind rather than full scale assault by alien species. They had been bulked up after the Automic War, but coverage was spotty. She understood the lack of fixed defenses, it was simply too expensive to try and encircle an entire planet, particularly when available resources in the post war period needed to be funneled into stabilizing Humanity itself. She had been part of that decision and, given what was known at the time, still believed it to be the correct one.
Of course, if they had known there was an enormous, hostile civilization on their doorstep, they might have re-prioritized, but Joan continued to think the task of defending a planet was inconceivably difficult regardless of circumstance. Far better to build redundancy. So long as Humanity was tied to a single place, it always risked being forced into precisely this corner. Damian's decision to reactivate the Exodus program was a good one, even if it was too little, too late.
Joan sighed.
"Never easy," she said aloud to the emptiness of the Admiral's Bridge. She swiped a hand in irritation, pulling up the detailed view of the next panel, which provided an analysis of Humanity's solar system telemetry. Any number of measurements were collected, collated and presented in the panel, but Joan was primarily concerned with the set of readouts that were relevant to the detection of wormholes. The science was complicated, but a combination of instruments that detected shifts in gravity, light, and a few other currently monitored datapoints had been deployed to provide an observation network throughout the solar system, with particular emphasis on Earth. If a ship was sent through a wormhole, Humanity would know at the speed of light, which Joan fervently hoped was sufficient.
Despite the passage of almost three weeks since Halcyon, there had been no indications of a wormhole being created within Sol. Joan had questioned Kai on the matter, and he had offered a number of potential explanations ranging from a lack of vessels with an appropriate key, to the time required to muster Combine resources, to the complete and total destruction of the Combine by the artificient. This had preceded a rather tense exchange surrounding the departure timeline to visit this Cerebella, after which conversation became untenable.
Seeing nothing amiss in the readout, she pinched and then swiped a few times, bringing up a panel outside of her prioritized list. It depected Kai Levinson's medical charts and images of his brainwaves over time. Cerebral activity was elevated and continued to increase. His thought schematics continued to alter as well. Dr. Lai believed that Kai was in control of his body and his thoughts, but thought it possible that the line between him and his counterpart, the Evangi Neeria, was becoming increasingly blurred.
Kai Levinson remained in control, but he may not remain Kai Levinson.
Joan did not know what to make of that beyond a continued resolution to treat all words out of Kai's mouth as having potentially put there by another. He was a potential resource for gathering information, but Joan also questioned whether any of the information could be trusted. Still, regardless of what he said, it would provide a record of interaction that could be cross-examined at a later date to determine the extent to which he was reliable.
She minimized the medical data panel and pulled open the next on her list. It depicted the progress of the Exodus mission. The first wave of vessels had been loaded with a hastily assembled list of Humanity's best and brightest and then jammed full of everything they could fit in that might help with a colonization effort.
Terraformers. Seed stocks. Vehicles. Self-assembled Habitations. So on and so forth.
Joan glanced at the launch timelines and manifest details.
Exodus Wave One
UWEM Horizon
UWEM Fortune
UWEM Destiny
UWEM Outta Here
UWEM Potential
Joan snorted at the Outta Here, which had been named by a poll and Damian had elected to keep because he found it amusing. Despite the redacted details, Joan knew all six ships would be departing for separate locations to increase Humanity's odds. Each of the locations had been selected based upon data available in the Combine Archives from the XiZ, who would be providing the wormholes to reach to locations. The locations had been chosen based on their distance from Combine settlements and the likelihood of compatibility with Humanity. All would be in within Combine space as the contents and nature of the other Restricted Zones were not available. Many would not be in close proximity to each other, meaning that they would be cut off in the event Humanity lost access to wormholes.
Each of the ships could hold almost ten thousand people. She wondered briefly whether they would be filled to maximum capacity and under what framework that composition was selected. All of those logistics had been left to the United World rather than the military, though the UWDF would be providing supporting personnel to the Exodus Mission vessels.
Their launches were coordinated to provide the XiZ enough time to recharge worm projector and re-target the wormholes. The XiZ said they would require less time than that, but, out of abundance of caution, they staggered them. Each would make their way from their holding ports in Earth's inner orbit and toward the wormhole staging ground a short distance away. From launch, each vessel was expected to reach its destination planet within a few hours.
Despite having traveled through a wormhole herself, it was still fantastical to contemplate. Even the Alcubierre had been something that had felt almost magical. There were few things that could inspire Joan to daydream, but the possibility that Humanity would no longer be tethered to the Earth, that survival would not longer hang upon protecting the indefensible, was one of them.
She raised her hand to swipe away the readout when an alert blared and the panels were shoved to the side to display a new readout.
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole
She immediately swung into action, raising her hands and beginning to swipe when a second panel appeared beside the first read out.
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #2
Joan pointed to the first panel and then swiped down to up, expanding the associated data. The wormhole had appeared--
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #3
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #4
The panels kept populating, creating a running list. Joan snarled and swept her arms wide, her hands bracketing the four triggered alarm panels and then compacting them downward, placing them into a signal frame of data. She then swiped her hand left to right until she could see the location readout.
The first two wormholes had appeared almost on top of one another, both a few light seconds away from Earth. The second two were similarly clustered, but were positioned closer to the moon. For both pairs of wormholes, a line drawn between them would be perpendicular to the Earth, meaning that it had a line-of-sight that was not obstructed by either of the wormholes. In the case of the second pairing, there was also an unobstructed view of the moon as well.
She delved into the data further, wondering whether they had already lost the war before it had begun. There did not appear to be any indications of an energy discharge, Earth would already be reporting if it had--
Her eyes widened. "Mass?"
She exhaled. Telemetry did not read any inbound matter of concern. It had picked up, very briefly, an object traveling at a high rate of speed between the wormholes. The granularity of the data was not particular high on the object. It had a roughly cubic shape with size roughly akin to a UWD supply ship.
Not the full scale assault then. Or, if it was, it did not take the expected form. There was very little she could parse from a roughly cubic shape existing in their solar system in two locations for a few seconds before disappearing. Unfortunately, the only source likely to helpful on the matter was questionable.
"Comm link, Admiral Kai Levinson. Command Priority," Joan said, her hands flipping through the data and parsing as much as she could. The delay between the Earth and Moon incursions had been offset, it was not just an artifact of the speed of light that she had received them separately. The third wormhole appeared approximately ten seconds after the second had disappeared. The time within the pairs were both the same at slightly under three seconds.
Kai appeared on the vidlink beside the alarm triggers, his face serene despite the thin visor encircling his head and passing over his eyes. "Fleet Admiral, how can I be of service?"
Joan took a brief moment to calculate what to reveal and how to reveal it. If there was an opportunity to get an assessment of Kai, this might be it, though she had precious little to base any judgments on. "Wormholes have just appeared."
Kai flinched at the announcement. "They're here."
"They've already left."
"That was fast," Kai said, his head tilting to the side as if listening. "Scouting?"
"That was my first thought."
"What was sent through?" Kai asked.
"We have very little data. No energy discharge. No mass fired."
"Joan, I need you to tell me what was sent through. Any data you have. I cannot help if I am blind." He waved a hand toward the visor on his face, "Bad choice of words. You get what I mean."
"What are you looking for?" Joan said.
He shrugged, "Something that can help. As I told you already, I have no idea what state the Combine is in. It is equally likely that this is the first effort of the artificient. I cannot say which is which without more information, and even then I may not be helpful."
Joan raised a hand and jabbed it in the air, sending the Alert Trigger reports to Kai. She then leaned forward, her eyes pinned to Kai as he read the outputs. Almost immediately after beginning, he looked like he had been punched.
"How precise are these measurements?" He whispered, gulping repeatedly and shaking his head.
"They're a rough approximation. The instrumentation isn't refined enough for anything other than a size and a general shape, but those two are accurate."
"Cube," Kai whispered. "That's not possible."
Kai was either an extraordinary actor, or the information was deeply disturbing. For all of Joan's reservations, she leaning toward the latter. "What is not possible?" Joan raised a hand and swiped a few times, pulling up the readout of Kai's medical status. Heart rate elevated. Cerebral cortex on fire. He appeared to be under extreme duress.
He turned his head to the side again, a grimace on his face. "Well then tell me then. She needs to know what you know." He shook his head, "What are the Sclinter Amalga?" Kai's lips withdrew, his teeth baring, "Stop playing fucking games. Out with it."
Kai's brain scan flared, indicating a significant increase in synaptic activity well beyond typical Human utilization. After a moment it subsided and the blood drained from Kai's face. "Joan...we are in trouble. The...they aren't supposed to be here. They don't have a key. No one ever gave them a key. Not to here."
Joan tried to unravel the dribble, but was having difficulties. Kai appeared to be laboring considerably, as if undergoing a significant internal struggle, and she was no longer certain who was talking when he was speaking. What she did know, was that she had more questions than answers. Answers that she needed, now. "Who is not supposed to be here?"
"Go on, tell her." Kai said. A moment later, he straightened, a detached look coming onto his face. His heart rate normalized and the brain waves shifted. When Kai spoke, it was in a duller monotone. "Admiral, there is a species that makes use of vessels that fit the description provided by the data you have sent over. This species is known as the Sclinter Amalga. They are an external resource the Combine utilizes to exterminate species that are deemed to be a threat to organic life."
"I see. You outsource your genocide?" Joan asked.
Kai inclined his head, apparently unconcerned by the characterization. "It was more efficient. The Sclinter Amalga inhabit Pelageo, a cluster of systems that produced a remarkably high density of sentient life. Pelageo is located close to the galactic core and so they were encountered soon after the Evangi were tasked with establishing the Combine. The Evangi are not a militaristic species. We are administrators. The Sclinter Amalga are multiple militaristic species, all shaped by competition within Pelageo. They were very powerful."
"And?" Joan said, knowing the background might be relevant, but deeply aware of their very limited time.
"They were deemed unsuitable for inclusion in the Combine, but the Evangi were incapable of dislodging such a collection of species, particularly once they entered into an armistice with one another upon our appearance. The option of isolating them was considered, but this particular issue was likely to reoccur as the Combine was built. Many species would not be suitable for inclusion. Even if isolated, they could pose a risk to organic life, as Humanity has so amply demonstrated." Kai took a breath and then plunged onward, his reference to Humanity seeming to refer to some group he was not a part of. "A solution was devised: we would reach an agreement with the Sclinter Amalga. They would provide us with a necessary, distracting service we did not wish to perform, the removal of threats to organic life, and we would provide them with limited exceptions to isolation in the form of wormkeys to specific locations for specific vessels."
Joan processed this information as it was handed to her, "And these...Sclintern are now here to perform that same service?"
"It should not be possible. No Amalgan vessel was ever provided with a wormkey to a Divinity Angelysian Restricted Zone. No Amalgan vessel was ever provided with a wormkey for anything other than a specific place for a specific purpose."
"We traveled to here just fine, we did not possess any keyed vessels," Joan said.
"We had the use of a..." Kai's voice drifted off.
"Neeria?" Joan asked.
Kai looked startled. "The Amalgans are fastidious about their engagements with the Combine. A highly improbable chain of events would need to occur for them to gain access to a worm projector. More importantly, such an occurrence would be of horrendous consequence."
"A secondary consideration in using the Amalgans for Cleanse Contracts was that possibility that they would become weakened over time, reducing them as a potential threat. Even if we had entered into an agreement with them, they were still unsuitable for existence by the parameters we judge species on. Eventually, there was some expectation that the Amalgans would be defeated and then could be replaced by another species, thereby starting the process anew. A component of the Cleanse Contracts was a requirement that the Amalgans pursue the targeted species with all of its power until one was extinct. It was an expedient solution." Kai took another breath. "We utilized the Amalgans often. They never failed. They only grew stronger. If they gain access to a worm projector, they are likely to be the strongest force in the Combine."
Joan folded her arms. The explanation was surreal. A galactic species had hired another galactic species as a genocidal hitman, thereby turning them into some manner of omnipowerful species that was now potentially out of control and targeting Earth. If there was a framework for defending against this, Joan would very much like to have someone explain it to her. "Why did you not just eliminate them once you grew powerful?"
"The nature of the Combine made this difficult. Member species were selected for their orientation toward certain goals the Combine possessed, most of which focused on internal stability and efficiency. Among these species, a Peacekeeping force was considered an acceptable investment for the periodic disputes that might occur. Developing a military force capable of destroying the Amalgans would be difficult to explain, particularly as the nature of the Amalgans was not widely understood and the Amalgans had always performed their duties as agreed upon."
"Well, if its the Amalgans, then it looks like they've gotten access to a worm projector. Maybe the Combine lent them one," Joan said.
"They would not accept a Cleanse Contract on that basis. They only accept durable assets, particularly ones that reduce their isolation as agreed upon."
"Fine. They have one. How do we defend against them?" Joan asked.
"You do not," Kai replied.
"Well, that's not an option. We have advantages here. They're unfamiliar with our physics. This is home territory. We have Griggs' Pulses."
"The Amalgans fight exclusively in other species' territory. They have been conducting Cleanse Contracts across thousands of species, all of whom have similar levels of technology to Humanity--"
"What are our options, Neeria? That's what I want to know."
"Flee and hope they do not find you. Allow me to seek the Cerebella and obtain what assistance I can," Kai said.
Joan flicked a hand up and opened the panel for the Exodus Mission. She had no intention of disclosing its existence to Kai. If that was the last hope for Humanity, then it needed to remain a secret.
A number of inbound messages were appearing, including from the Secretary General. There were also new Alert Triggers filtering in. Two by Mars. Joan assumed that, as the speed of light permitted, she would receive similar triggers across the solar system as the Amalgans conducted their scouting effort.
Joan looked back at Kai now, "We're not going anywhere, and neither are you. I'm not sending the only being that knows anything about these things away just when they show up." Joan raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you take a page out of the Ambassador's book and try to negotiate with them? Buy us some time?"
"Admiral, if they are here, they are done negotiating."
Participate: The Nest Thrives on your feedback -- upvotes, comments, criticisms -- all of it helps determine glob formulation. Demand MOAR if you'd like to see MOAR.
Contribute: We now have a Platreon for glob consumers that are in a position to contribute to the Nest's development. Nifty flair. The Wordsmith serial. Tasteful platypus art.
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submitted by PerilousPlatypus to PerilousPlatypus [link] [comments]

The great /r/eve overhaul of 2021

Hey all,
This year I'd like to present to you a long long overdue overhaul of /Eve. The time feels right with Reddit pushing their awful new web layout, to take out the brush and start cleaning the cobwebs out of the subreddit.
There's a lot of get through so let's crack on
New regular recurring threads The familiar "No Stupid Questions" thread will still be appearing every Thursday and be pinned for a week at a time. In addition we're adding;
Friendly Friday and Rant Tuesday have been community posts and we've opted to leave them in the community realm for now so we don't steal any thunder. If people want we can schedule them as Automoderator posts.
Meme Rule Update The official stance in the sidebar is low quality memes aren't allowed. Since the latest war came out we relaxed this rule via our moderation policy.
Going forward we want to draw the lines on memes so it's completely clear what the situation is. Memes remain a marmite topic and we want to provide a space for those who enjoy them, and differentiate between high quality shitposting and run of the mill image macros.
The situation is as thus;
There will also be a filter option for various flairs so you can filter out memes, or filter to just memes - whatever your take.
Memes of any quality are welcome as comments at any time. Therefore if there's a big battle going on, you can dump your quick hot shit directly into comments instead of making a new thread.
We'll review the situation a few months on to see how it's going.
StreameContent Creator Rules
Reddit as a website has a set of rules and guidelines for self promotion which should be checked here.
With the above in mind, we'd like to make it easy for people to promote their personal projects without having to worry about posts being removed, and without the subreddit becoming dominated by self promotion.
Enter Shameless Saturday. Every Saturday users are free to post and promote their own content. This can be twitch streams, podcasts, blogs, artwork whatever.
There will be a stickied thread where people can link their content. The thread will be organised in contest mode meaning the comments will be randomised and not influenced by upvotes.
Note that News Articles or Streams for specific large events may be permissible on other days. If in doubt, consider the following;
User flair has been an issue for a while with our bot falling over sometime in 2019 and never recovering. Adding and creating user flair is rather tedious and uses limited space on the Reddit stylesheet.
That said, I'm committing myself to manually adding and updating new users flairs and will be posting roughly monthly to take new flair requests for Corps/Alliances/Media Outlets/User Groups.
There'll be a top comment on this thread that people can reply to. The request should include a small image representing your group, as well as the text you want. Flair requests may be declined if your group is too small/inactive and/or if the image or text is inappropriate. Existing user flairs of inactive groups may be removed to make space for new ones if necessary.
Post flairs are going to be introduced and will be mandatory for all new posts. This will come alongside a flair filtering feature which should be rolled out later this month. This should let users find content they want to view and filter out stuff they don't want to view.
We think we've comprehensively covered most submissions, but if you think we've missed any categories just let us know in the comments or via modmail.
Content Policy
Content policy for EVE will remain largely as it is unless the userbase demands otherwise. There's been consideration as to whether to change the rules to be stricter on things like personal attacks, insults to groups/individuals, etc and for now no changes are being made.
Currently we already ban and delete comments that are abhorrently toxic, racist, etc, and continue to be vigilant on anything that threatens a persons IRL information. We have also cracked down on terminology used by a portion of EVE players that is unsavory.
The reason the ruleset has remained unchanged for the moment is because though we'd like to make the subreddit more user friendly, shitslinging between groups in EVE, particularly during wartime is very much part of the game and it doesn't feel right to draw hard lines on what is and isn't acceptable.
I personally encourage discussion on the above, if there's a solid consensus from the community that could be easily reflected in the rules then we'll take it. For now though, we'll continue to monitor user reports and use those as our guide for content moderation.
Ultimately we want the subreddit to be a reflection of EVE whilst maintaining a welcoming atmosphere. It's a tricky line to walk so we do appreciate and read any feedback on this topic.
Removal Reasons
On the topic of moderation, removal reasons should be appearing on posts in the near future. Currently removals are silent unless queried and we hope that adding reasons should help users curate their posting.
The most common removal reasons that come to mind are reposting the same content that's been recently posted, posting killmails/battle reports with no After Action Report, and posting low quality image macros.
We won't be adding removal reasons for comments due to the excess clutter it creates in threads.
Monthly Contests
Following partnership with CCP, we hope to offer monthly competitions (or other regular contests) that will allow users to win exclusive skins and prizes. If you have any ideas for competitions or there's some kind of event you want to see then let us know in the comments. This month will see a contest going up regarding the Reddit redesign, beyond that - who knows?
Event Calendar This one's a bit early doors, but we're hoping to work with various groups and content creators to produce an interactive event calendar with all the ongoing and upcoming events in EVE Online. It'll aim to include in-game events, NPSI fleets, irl events, big streams, thunderdomes, etc, etc.
At the moment it's early in the planning stages, but once the Subreddit redesign is completed we're aiming to invest time into making this a reality. Hopefully the end goal will provide everyone with easy to access content both in and out of game.
Wiki Update The subreddits wiki and sidebar have been neglected to a degree, so expect to see updates to them both soon.
With regards to wiki content we're taking submissions for useful content for new players, old players, fitting resources, game tools, terminology, etc
We're mainly looking to update the following pages: * List of Reddit friendly Corporations * Third party tools * In game community channels * Anything else we're missing
If you know of anything worth dropping in, put a reply below the comment in the thread.
That's all folks That's your lot! Thanks for all your contributions in 2020, we're hoping to really improve your Reddit experience for 2021.
Some changes will be instant whereas others will appear over the coming days/weeks.
All and any feedback is welcome. Have at it!
submitted by ZeldenGM to Eve [link] [comments]

I streamed every day for a year, here's what I learned

I streamed every day for a year. In that time, I gained 2k followers and have currently reached a 45 viewer average. I list these metrics simply because I want the post to have some kind of weight. I didn't reach partner in a year, I didn't reach 1k subs, I'm not a superstar. I just want to share some of the things I learned to newer, or other streamers out there. I'm going to break down some of the things I learned into sections and hopefully this can benefit some people.
Also, I wrote this whole thing out and then it deleted itself, so this'll be fun.
Consistency, time and place, keep to your schedule, even if it's loose
This is the most important point. Have a start time, a set schedule of days and stick to it. I used to think that 10pm - midnight as a start time was okay but now I make sure to be there for 10pm. You don't need to stream every day, by any means, however, letting people know what days, even if it's just Saturday, at 6pm, will keep you in their mind throughout the week.
At a certain point, if your consistent enough and have created a routine for yourself, you may notice people following that, meeting up in your pre-stream chat or Discord.
Make a Discord or Twitter
Why? For the SOLE purpose of notifying people when you're live. Reminding people the time and place is great but some people are busy, or don't deal with time-zones very well. Having an alternative way of being notified, rather than having to remember your start time or rely on the shitty Twitch notifications is so helpful for viewers.
Personally, I chose Discord, as you can do two things: Create a special role to be pinged. I have a message you react to on the join page and boom, you’ll be notified when I’m live. Secondly, it creates a community that sticks around after you’re live. You can interact with people and make friends, instead of simply being a face people see on Twitch.
Be sure to greet everyone, remember names, remember traits and interests
Viewers are not numbers. Getting to an average viewers milestone is great but it doesn’t feel like a big jump. Not because I’m ungrateful but because I’ve met 90% of the people that are watching. If they talk in stream, I have something I can say to them and that is a great landing zone for anyone who might be new to the stream.
This doesn't just mean you should say welcome over and over. Sure, that's a start but I can't tell you how weird it feels when I go into someone's stream, pose a question or comment that could be discussed, and they'll instantly say welcome, and then ignore what I've said. Take your time, make sure you can offer attention to a chatter. Make them feel welcome, don't tell them.
View count
Every time I see this mentioned, the majority of people will say they turn it off. This is fair, as it comes down to a lot of things. Big numbers can ego boost and then you'll feel shit when the numbers go lower. There are two things to say to this. Firstly, those are people, not numbers. When you're a smaller streamer, remember that people can be busy. Secondly, the viewer count can be helpful in some situations.
For example, you can monitor what discussions turn people away. I've seen myself talk about computer parts and the stock market only to see a bunch of people check out. More helpfully, though, if you see more viewers than usual, take that time to let them know your focal points.
Mine are: time and schedule, Discord and the community aspect, YouTube for highlights. Just something simple, "While we're loading in, if you're new and you're enjoying... or not, do know that we stream every day at 10pm UK/5pm EST ..."
Make use of the VIP role
As I said, I accidentally deleted this whole post while writing it, so some parts may be shorter, including this one.
The VIP role is not just for famous people in your chat, or those who have donated. I use the VIP role to show my appreciation to those who stick around. if I have noticed someone's been chatting, for a week, or I see them say hello at the start of each stream and goodnight at the end, to me, that is a VIP. It's someone who helps the stream grow as an individual presence, who contributes to the community. Plus, it's a nice little thank you from me to the viewer for being around.
Market yourself and find proper branding
No, you don’t need a literal campaign of adverts but, knowing how to showcase your content, even to those not watching, is a huge key to little boosts here and there. Find your unique selling points and run with them.
Some that I use include the fact I accidentally acquired a world record for the game I play. Now, I label myself as the “World Record Pig Main.” Even if there’s other Pig players out there, there’s only one world record, and that’s a unique tagline I can use in my banners and titles, etc.
Another little thing that started off from fun and spiralled into a bit of advertisement was a project a user in my chat did. He kept data for 100 of my games in a row and we found I had a 96% win rate. We turned that into an infographic, posted it on the relevant sub-reddit and it got a large amount of attention. Small things that, when capitalised on, will add up.
Playing the same games
Personally, in my first few months, I would play variety games. In between my main game of Dead By Daylight, I’d stream Resident Evil, Half-Life, Ori, just games I was interested in playing. However, I think there’s something to be noted here, if you’re looking to really capitalise on growth, as opposed to, just playing what you want. At a certain point I noticed significantly more growth, in regards to viewer retention and follows, if I played Dead By Daylight. So, I stick to that now. Personally, I don’t have a problem with this, it just means I play other games off-stream.
The point is, be sure to take stock. If a certain game is picking up your growth and people are there to see that game, as long as you enjoy it, it’s definitely something to explore in regards to creating a foundation for your channel. Though, not everyone can play four hours of Pig every day.
I have no first-hand experience with teams, as, in my opinion, I feel it offers you a lot of fluff. The vibe can be nice, if not off-putting for some, as everyone in the team will shout-out and encourage other members. Yet, in the long run, I don’t know how much all these recurring raids and shout-outs actually get you.
At the end of the day, though, this one just isn’t for me. If you find a team your comfortable with, I don’t think it would do any harm. The one part I don’t like is that you can become associated with that team, or the big name heading said team, instead of being your own entity.
VoDs and follower-only
A small entry. Outside eyes have told me that I will be "hurting my growth" by using sub-only VoDs or turning them off. I strongly disagree. My VoDs were a breeding ground for stolen content, toxic clips and drama. So, I turned them off and put my highlights on YouTube.
Follower-only mode for your chat, on the other hand, will have you dead in the water as a small streamer. Ultimately, you want as much exposure/interaction as you can get and chat is the best way to do that. People don't want to commit to a follow just to ask you a question. So, if it means banning some bots/toxic people, do keep your chat open for all.
Alternate interaction
I could never wrap my head around what to offer people for subscribing. So, I settled on a small amount of interaction in regards to the game I play, Dead By Daylight. I main the Pig, but if people subscribe, they can choose my killer, build or a challenge. I found this to be a great and simple way for people who support with money to get something extra. That way, we can discuss their build, the killer, and watch me struggle with a different game dynamic.
This then escalated to a similar amount of bits or donations for the same type of request and these days, it's not uncommon for me to barely touch my main for a whole stream.
The point here is to offer that little bit extra. Don't break your back, and don't be afraid to keep it simple or common, but an interaction that shows your appreciation for that person's money. Then, I offer a lite version of that for channel point rewards.
Make a YouTube… kinda
This is the first thing every video or thread says about growing on Twitch. "Bro, how are you gonna grow if you don't post content on other platforms ?? No one will be able to find you."
You need to look at YouTube carefully. Again, don't break your back for hours to create a ten minute video that will get 30 views. That helps no one.
Instead, grow your YouTube alongside your Twitch with specific, catered content that people will want to watch. Throw in some variety but don't go making a four hour essay on why the Pig is garbage because there's a gigantic chance it will get no coverage.
Start small, cater to your audience. For example, I upload a Kinda Weekly Highlights video every Saturday. This does few things: it grows a secondary presence, slowly, and it allows those who can't watch the stream to check out the best bits that they might have missed. On top of that, you're learning to edit videos and images. My content isn't above average, by any means. The editing is simple and the thumbnails are silly.
Do not go balls to the walls on YouTube if you have no presence there. Slowly build it up, otherwise you will be disappointed before you even get the ball rolling.
That's it. There were some extra sections but I foolishly lost them. I don't mean to sound arrogant or overconfident, at all. I simply like writing and love streaming, so I thought I'd merge those two together and make a post here. Maybe it'll help some people, and hopefully we'll see some input from other streamers.
submitted by CMWinter to Twitch [link] [comments]

Player/Analyst Tweets & Other Things – LCS Lock In Day 1 - TSM vs 100T

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening GrubhubGamers!
Season 11 has begun!
Today’s Live Analyst: Doublelift
LCS Season 11 Lock-in Tournament Format Explained
tl;dw: 3 week long tourney for experimentation (no affect on standings), Bo1 group stage round robin, top 4 of each group go to a Bo3 single elim bracket stage (bo5 for semis and finals).
100T EG
TSM vs 100T - Today 3:00 PM 12:00 AM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM
TSM vs GGS - Saturday 2:00 PM 11:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 AM
TSM vs CLG - Sunday 4:00 PM 1:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM
TSM vs TL - Friday 6:00 PM 3:00 AM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM 11:00 AM
If any corrections need to be made about the schedule/timezones please lmk
Today's Match Up:
TSM 100
Huni Ssumday
Spica Closer
PowerOfEvil Damonte
Lost FBI
SwordArt Huhi


TSM (Twitter)
Head Coach - Bjergsen
  • My boys (Retweeted the TSM roster video)
TSM Spica
  • one bilion like for kayn first pick
    • Treatz: with or without transforming?
    • Spica: going for the kayn transform any% speedrun
TSM Myth
  • Its #TSMSWIN season Let's eat boys @PowerOfEvilLoL @Lost_adc @Spicalol @TSM_SwordArt @Huni
TSM MaxOlivo
  • tsm plays tomorrow tsm plays tomorrow tsm plays tomorrow tsm plays tomorrow tsm plays tomorrow #tsm (tweeted yesterday)
  • TSM PLAYS TODAY I made an Instagram Filter that gives you a TSM Face Mask inspired by our 2021 jersey design to celebrate filter: here
TSM Dunc
  • Esports for TSM is back tomorrow and I can’t contain my excitement. 2021 about to be a wild one. But a ton of trophies incoming. (tweeted yesterday)
TSM Kayys (Strategic Coach/Head Scout)
  • Good luck to all the gamers
  • LCS Lock In starts TODAY 3PM PST! Insanely hyped for it to start & to get a first look at all the teams! So many debuts I'm super excited for from huge stars like Perkz & SwordArt to all kinds of Rookies & OCE imports like Niles, Diamond, Raes, Fudge & more! LET'S GOOOO! #LCS
Rogue (Twitter):
The Dive 2021 Power Rankings - Link(39:00 for TSM discussion)
Summary Power Rankings by Kobe/Azael/Markz:
Azael: Individually Strong, POE back to back finalist, always solid. Spica made huge improvements, proactive at Worlds. Swordart will be outstanding but is unsure how he will do Lost. Imagine if 5 million dollar Swordart still ends up losing lane with Lost. Thinks TSM will be very proactive, putting carries on Huni/Spica with Swordart roaming and Lost being a secure late game carry. Hard to say how they will come together as a unit.
Kobe/Markz: Huni is still a massive question mark and the elephant in the room.
Kobe: Overpaid for Swordart. Spica and Swordart are going to be really proactive. Spica at the end of the season heavily prioritized ganks over farming in a farming meta, and Swordart turbo roams all over the map all the time. Pro players have told Kobe about how annoying it is playing against him, even being top at level 2 sometimes.
Markz: Great meta for roaming supports right now and Swordart could contest Corejj as the top support in the League. Huni top lane is still the huge question mark. Pro players still look at him in high regards despite the general public viewing him as a con man paycheck stealer. Huni's strong play isn't translating to stage although part of it was because of having weak teammates.
Azael: Pro players are base most of their opinions off scrims and scrims are typically more scrappy. Coach Bjerg is also another big question mark. Bjerg is respected by every player and has amazing work ethic. Has no doubts he will become a good coach but is unsure how he will start out.
Markz: Likes that PoE was the one to take over Bjerg's position. A large portion of the success FlyQuest had was because of PoE.
Rank Team
1 Cloud9
2 Team Liquid
3 100 Thieves
5 Evil Geniuses
6 FlyQuest
8 Immortals
9 Dignitas
10 Golden Guardians
LCS Broadcast Analyst Desk (Dash/Azael/Markz/EmilyRand):
  • A look at Bjerg's LCS Career: pic
    • Win %: 64.1%
    • Kills: 2048
    • Solo Kills: 189
    • Pentas: 4
    • Wards Placed: 7090
  • A look at Swordart's History: pic
    • 6 Time LMS Champ
    • 2018 Summer LMS MVP, 2 Time LMS Playoff MVP, 3 Time LMS All-Pro 1st Team
    • 6 Times World Qualifier - 2013 Gamania Bears (Quarters) , 2015 Flash Wolves (Quarters), 2020 Suning (Finals)


  • TSM's bot lane is playing really well from when he has played against them. They're shaping up really well and seem to be in good condition.
  • Leona/Maokai are really contested. Maokai counters Leona. Kaisa is first pickable. Kaisa is really strong right now.
  • Surprised FBI isn't getting fp Kaisa. FBI scared?
  • Best Jungle champs are the ones that have strong presence pre-10
  • Doesn't understand the Taliyah 1st pick. Taliyah isn't that strong.
  • PoE is the guy that will TP back to lane for 6 creeps (according to Bjerg). Very greedy and cares a lot about farming but it helps him carry the game. TF into PoE is very risky because if you don't do something with your TF ult play, PoE is going to punish you hard.
  • Graves/Ori is a pretty bad mid 2v2, especially compared to Taliyah/Twisted Fate. There isn't counterplay to the Tf gold card + Taliyah one shot.
  • Xayah pick is kinda iffy but it makes sense. Xayah scales pretty well against TF. Ulti counters gold card. Xayah is really weak early though. Not a big fan of the pick.
  • Gnar pick seems "fucking useless" but we'll see.
  • Apparently Gnar was spammed in China.. again we'll see.
  • Overall TSM has a lot of scaling, it's up to Swordart and Ming(Spica) to create pressure. Not a lot of CC in the comp. Not much consistency in the comp other than Leona and her cc. Swordart has to set up everything from the looks of things. Any even numbered fight seems to be a disadvantage for TSM until late.
  • Kind of a greedy comp for TSM and it doesn't look too meta. 100T comp looks like it can take early objectives better. Leaning towards 100T's draft more. Scared for TSM.
  • Taliyah pick makes more sense now with all the setup they built for her.
  • Spica is a soloq fiend. He has good killer instinct and has really good mechanics. Graves isn't as strong in competitive as it is in solo queue. Says Spica is similar to him in thinking that a champ is either good or useless.
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • It's super fascinating that TSM kept Spica to build around since TSM Junglers were always wards for Mid lol. Oh, except for in 2020 Summer when TSM frequently played for Bjergsen to back up Spica who was pressuring top to enable Broken Blade and top/jungle carry duos.
SNG Nelson:
  • Let me guess, Swordart and Spica will appear top side the moment 100T wants to execute a dive on Gnar
  • 100T wins that game easy
    • Dunc: ????????????? bro?
    • Sry dunc Draft looks tough
  • sees bjergsen not in champ select as mid i am sad again


  • Damonte is getting completely shit on in trades so far (2:50)
  • Surprised 100 didn't protect their blue side jungle before Spica took blue.
  • Ming(Spica) was too greedy with going for gromp, PoE shouldn't have used flash when he tped in. He would probably live. Ming probably feels like he needs to really catch up from Closer's early invade.
  • Xayah is a shit champ, doesn't do anything early.
  • Every lane seems hard... Soren.. I know you're watching why did you draft like this (8:00)
  • Another reason Xayah is a terrible champ, she's bad at punishing the other adc when ahead.
  • Huni just ran it down (10)
  • TSM should've immediately countered Huni's death by diving bot.
  • PoE could've been way more aggressive on the chase, was pretty sure Ssumday was dead. (~10:30)
  • This game is really stressful since TSM seems really fucked (~12:40) PoE needs to hit a 5 man ult or something. Their champs are so bad.
    • It's like the first rule of league, you shouldn't draft 3 losing/out-pressured lanes. A 4 item requirement win con is not a good win con.
  • Wants Swordart to be more proactive and look for champs while they're rotating between lanes. Isn't a fan of the exhaust on Leona over Ignite.
  • Kind of depressing watching Huni running it down (17).
    • After the replay it wasn't as bad at he thought, Closer's Taliyah is nasty.
  • Only person that does damage at this point is PoE (19)
  • Leona blind pick is kind of shit. Should've picked Kaisa, she is really broken.
  • Closer's W's are too clean. Also Huni just tped in to give them a free target to blow up.(21)
  • FBI/Huhi are playing really well.
  • TSM need to fight right now or they will lose (23) 100 got massive value from Baron with Taliyah's wall.
  • Game is over after being triple inhibed.
  • [Game Ends] Kaisa is just too broken.




  • Nothing Yet


  • Nothing Yet


  • Nothing Yet


  • Nothing Yet


  • Nothing Yet

Coach Bjergsen

  • Coach gap today, I will improve. GG @Zikzlol
TSM Report:
  • A slow early game snowballs out of the #LCS boys' hands. We go again tomorrow as we look to bounce back.
  • We go again boys 🙏



  • Clean first game from us 😎 GG @TSM#100Win
    • Closer: banger tweet


  • Clean first game from us 😎GG @TSM
    • 100T Freeze: I d argue the point Mr. c WINNER


  • 100T GANG


  • Nothing Yet


  • No one got my back :( baron just soloed me Q.Q GG TSM
100T Lustboy:
  • Took me only 3 years to tweet FreeSM ty my boys #successfulheist
    • Treatz: This tweet was necessary wp Lust
100T Zikz:
100T PapaSmithy
  • Calm collected victory that shows the potential of the group moving forward, just like our practice This is your new @100Thieves , enjoy the ride! #100WIN
    • Flowers: you put together a damn good team, boss
100T Nadeshot
  • Huge win vs. TSM to start off the 2021 season.


  • FBI is CLEANNNNN! #100T lookin good out the gate! #LCS
  • The #LCS is so biased against TSM.... How can they have a group stage & not expect this to happen????
  • Good to remember TSM is members coming together from 5 different teams, so it's fair to assume it's gonna take em a lot more time to gel. Will be fun to see if they can catch their groove during Lock In prior to Spring start when standings really matter!
    • Vedius: Excuse me Azael, I'm pretty sure I can say with 100% confidence that this was a colossal waste of money and TSM will never win a game again. Jeez.
    • Azael: they got SCAMMED
  • Ssumday: i got a goddamn squad now
  • Can we start overreacting now or do we have to wait a few more games? #LCS
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • Write-off game for TSM. Simple mistakes early that allowed 100 to fall into their win conditions quite easily. The outcome was decided pretty quickly and then 100 just played it out cleanly. Don't over-interpret, especially on TSM's side. #LCS
  • It was going to be a tough game to win based on draft but when Spica reacted wrong to being invaded it just kind of ended the game. So the takeaways from this game for TSM are: bad draft, bad pathing reaction, go next.
  • That was some of the worst jungle pathing I have ever seen from both junglers.
  • Baron 1 - 1 TSM #LCS
  • Damn, who would've guessed that this group of players for 100T would be a good fit.
  • . @100Thieves w/ a BIG first DUB to kick off #LCS Lock In Already loving how well the 4 Golden Guardian members & @Ssumday look to be gellin' together!
  • Time to overreact and shit on the losing team.
Jankos (DL's Chat):
  • Taliyah is god-tier.
  • 100T are actually just playing good league of legends right meow. This looks way better than a shit ton of the LPL
  • TSM played their comp wrong and made too many crucial mistakes, one on the graves invade and two trying for drake vision on third drake when ori is top #100TWIN
  • After watching this game between TSM and 100T I'm sure that @C9Perkz is going to 1v9 so hard
  • Holy mother of int
  • Mid laner recalling and walking back to lane while jungler invades feels TSM man
  • First weeks of both #LCS and #LEC gonna be filled with many juicy overreactions as per usual Sit tight and enjoy the ride
  • there is close and there is not close that wasnt close
submitted by ImLegacys to TeamSolomid [link] [comments]

My 2021 wishlist

Hi everyone, I've made a list of things which I would like to see changed over time throughout the year in Cold War's life cycle. This game is good but it could be a lot better with some polish. Some things are small changes and some are big and I feel most of the community would agree with me. All the changes here is mainly for Cold War's multiplayer and in no particular order:
submitted by Ebonymous to blackopscoldwar [link] [comments]

Weekend Esports Roundup (February 4-7, 2021)

Big weekend coming up!

Test Tournament Series (EU): January Playoffs & Finals

EU's finest battle it out for $20,000!
Date: Friday, February 5 & Saturday, February 6, 2021 Friday Start Time: 18:00 CET / 12:00pm ET / 9:00am PT / 4:00am AEDT Saturday Start Time: 17:00 CET / 11:00am ET / 8:00am PT / 3:00am AEDT Region: Europe Game Type: 3v3 Circuit Prize Pool: $20,000 Bracket: Stream: Teams:
Lots of other stuff this weekend as well:

Dash Bracket #8

Back to NA for the 8th edition of the Dash Bracket
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2021 Start Time: 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT / 01:00 CET Region: North America Game Type: Duel Prize Pool: TBD Bracket/Signups: Liquipedia: Stream:

GetCracked! 2v2 Aim Arena Crown

Aim Lords, assemble! A stacked 2v2 Aim Arena event in NA to see who can shoot good
Date: Friday, February 5, 2021 Start Time: 8:00pm ET / 5:00pm PT / 02:00 CET Region: North America Game Type: 2v2 Aim Arena Prize Pool: $150+ Bracket/Signups: Liquipedia:!/2v2_Arena/2 Stream:

Tim Trials #3: Vintage Edition

Go fast but this time on vintage physics
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2021 Start Time: 20:00 CET / 2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT / 6:00am AEDT Region: Global Game Type: Race (Vintage) Bracket/Signups: Stream:

Female Diabotical Invitational #3

The most powerful ladies in the universe battle it out in the 3rd edition of the FDI
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2021 Start Time: 20:00 CET / 2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT / 6:00am AEDT Region: Global Game Type: 2v2 Aim Arena Prize Pool: $1,000 Bracket: Stream:

That's all for now! If you're hosting an event that isn't listed here, feel free to DM me here on Reddit, or on Twitter, or join the official Diabotical Esports Discord and share your event in there! And you can always view a list of ALL the upcoming Diabotical tournaments over on Liquipedia.
submitted by mojo_ca to Diabotical [link] [comments]

What is Dota? A primer for complete beginners

Let's start simple. This is what it looks like as soon as you start a match.
This is the basic view that you will always experience with Dota. The terrain. The mini-map in the corner. This is it.
Can you spot the Drow Ranger on screen? She is one of 120 heroes around which the game revolves. Playable characters. You get to play one of these every game. Here, 5v5 mid, on the river.
Dota stands for Defense of the Ancients. There are two factions in Dota, called the Dire and the Radiant. This is the Radiant's Ancient. If you kill the enemy's Ancient you win the game. Now let's imagine the enemies are passive letting you do whatever you want. Do you just walk through the map up to the ancient and kill it? No. The Ancient is protected from being attacked by a domino of towers.
You have to kill at least 5 towers in order to be able to get to the Ancient, otherwise it is invulnerable. You always have to kill the two tier 4s you see in the above image, a tier 3 guarding an entrance to the base, and 2 additional towers from a lane. What are lanes? Take a look at the minimap here. The white lane is top, the pink one is mid, and the green one is bottom. Lanes guard the way to each team's base with towers.
This is the tier 2 tower from Radiant mid. And this is the tier 1 tower for the same lane from Radiant. Top and bottom have 2 towers each for Radiant as well, and the situation is mirrored on the Dire side of the map. So the map is divided in this way between Dire and Radiant. That is, at least, at the start of the game. As the game goes on and towers are taken, it stops making sense to draw that exact line between the two factions. But that concept is for later.
Remember how I said earlier that a team's Ancient is protected by a domino of towers? What I meant was that you can't attack the Ancient until the tier 4s are taken, you can't attack the tier 4s until a tier 3 is down, you can't attack a lane's tier 3 until that same lane's tier 2 is down, and you cannot take a tier 2 until that same lane's tier 1 falls. The only condition for taking a tier 1 is for the in-game timer, which you can see at the top of the screen in Dota(zoom in on the crescent moon), to reach 0:00. When you first start a match, the timer will count down to 0 from 1 minute and 30 seconds. So fairly soon you get the chance to attack that tower and begin your conquest of the domino.
Congratulations. You are now technically aware of how to win in Dota. The only other way of winning, that is without taking at least 5 towers in the specified order and then the Ancient, is if your opponents all abandon the game. There is no draw in Dota. You either win or lose, there's no other outcome.
Let us now dive into the deeper stuff. I will now tell you about everything else in the game, in a relatively quick fashion. There will be enough here that by playing the game you can improve quickly by exploring the things I will mention. But if you merely want to understand the game first, before deciding whether you want to play it or not, or in order to try following the pro scene, this primer should help with that as well.
These are lane creeps. Those 4 green little units with health-bars hovering on top of them. They spawn throughout the game, on every lane, for every faction, every 30 seconds, starting when the in-game timer reaches 0:00. For the moment we will assume that you are playing (on) Radiant. The creeps in the image, then, are your allies. These creeps are your enemies. Killing enemy creeps gives you gold and experience(as shown in the image, hopefully you can spot them). You can press CTRL in Dota and below the level of the hero(7 in the image), you will see points of experience required to reach the next level. You can also see your progression to level 8 illustrated by the line of gold completing a circle around the number.
Level 30 is the maximum level for every hero. With each new level, you get attributes and the option to learn or upgrade an ability or talent.
There are 3 kinds of attributes in Dota, which every hero benefits from: Strength, Agility and Intelligence. Take a look here. You can read that pop-up in-game by hovering over those numbers beside your hero portrait. Those are the stats of your hero, including your attributes(str-red, agi-green and int-blue). The attribute tabs also inform you what kind of stats you gain from the different attributes. As you can see for example, strength offers health and health regen. If you level up or buy items which increase this attribute, your health and HP regen will also increase by a specific amount according to how many points of the attribute you get. The highlighted attribute, green in this case, tells you that that attribute is the main attribute of this hero. Heroes are divided in 3 groups in this way, depending which of the attribute is their main one. Venomancer, the hero in the picture, is an agi hero, so that means he gets 48 base attack damage because that is the value of his agility attribute. He also gets 20 damage from an item, and the rest from his given damage which every hero gets independently from their main attribute at level 1. OD, an intelligence hero, gets base damage from the value of his intelligence attribute. This main attribute-base damage relationship holds universally for every hero. And likewise, every hero can also increase their damage from items.
These are abilities and talents. The first 2 abilities are learned, the other two aren't. The last ability is called an ultimate and it can be learned at levels 6, 12 and 18(for most heroes). The talents can be learned at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25, one each, from the right or left, going up. You can only choose to get +15s Plague Ward Duration or -6 Venomous Gale Cooldown at level 10, for example. Once you reach level 30, however, you automatically get all 8 of the talents from the talent tree. At level 29 though, you will only have 5.
So, let's recap. You kill stuff and you get stronger. You get gold and you buy items, which also make you stronger. When you level up, you can usually choose an ability or talent depending on your level(some levels you merely get attributes).
Let's move on. This is laning. Laning refers to the part of the game where you play in one of the 3 lanes, in order to kill lane creeps and get stronger. This part of the game is called the laning stage. It lasts between 0 and 6-8 minutes. There are two heroes mid in this picture. There are 10 heroes total in the game, but in laning stage, 2 heroes go mid, one from Dire, and one from Radiant. That is the meta.
The meta is the way the game is played at each bracket of skill. It is a loose thing. Valve doesn't directly enforce you to play according to the meta in any way, and pros certainly can play the game exactly however they want without any sort of constraints except cheating(if they are demonstrated to have thrown a game on purpose with outside incriminatory evidence for example, nothing that has to do with the meta). But in pubs(public games as opposed to private lobbies and tournaments), if you stray too far from the meta, your teammates will very likely report you, especially if you lose the game. Valve doesn't check reports in any way, it's all automated. Your teammates can report you for anything in Dota, and if you get a certain amount of reports over 15 games, your behaviour score will drop, and you will eventually get banned for periods of time, made to play a special game mode before you can join regular pubs again, and if your behaviour score drops low enough you can even get permanently banned. Permanent bans of this sort only affect your account though, so you can simply make a new one. As you can tell, this is kind of an issue in Dota, though if you ask the community at large, on the Dota subreddit, for example, you will never know it. If you intend to learn this game as a beginner though, you do need to know. You will very likely get reported for being a beginner, because people can, and there's nothing stopping them from doing it(as reports aren't checked by Valve for legitimacy). They will report you because beginners are a very small minority, and you will often get matched with much more experienced players, who will dislike that they have to lose the game because of your inability to play it. Aside from the beginner problem, you are forced to play the meta to a certain extent in all pubs in Dota, though exactly what that means depends on what bracket of skill you find yourself in. Because if you don't and you lose, people will blame your ignorance or unorthodox gameplay, whichever it might be.
This is not the most terrible problem, though. I simply want you to be aware of it. There are ways around it. It goes without saying, of course, that if you never drop behaviour score or get banned, then you have nothing to worry about. If you do end up getting banned as a beginner without having used chat or voice in an inflammatory manner, rest assured that you have encountered the problem. I suggest not spending money on cosmetics until you play enough to be confident that you won't get banned because of your lack of experience or knowledge. In fact, don't use your main steam account to play Dota to begin with, if it has other purchases. Use a secondary one at first, to make sure. That is my suggestion. Not because if you get banned in Dota you will lose access to the account as a whole, because you won't, but because you will likely want the option to play Dota on your main Steam account at some point in the future. I should mention at this point that Dota is free-to-play, so you don't stand to lose anything by engaging in the experiment of attempting to learn it, which hopefully this post will help you with a great deal(do let me know later).
Back to the meta. The word meta in fact means multiple things in Dota at the same time. Dota players know what the word means in a sentence because of the surrounding context. In this case, I am talking about lane configuration and roles. The former typically lasts large periods of time, and the latter has been around for a very long time(I couldn't tell you precisely when it started). The current meta as it pertains to lanes and roles is that each team sends 2 heroes top lane, 1 hero mid, and 2 heroes bottom. Every hero in a team has a role and a farming position. There are 2 supports and 3 cores. There are 2 safelaners, a mid, and two offlaners. There is a 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Let's explain a bit about what the last 4 sentences mean, you are undoubtedly very confused with all these new terms. It is part of the meta in Dota to send heroes to every lane at the start of the game. It is also part of the meta, normally, in pubs, to send them there in a very specific number: 2 top, 1 mid, and 2 bottom. You are likely curious as to why that is, but I will talk more about this later, for now let's just accept that this is the case, and let's be clear I am encouraging you to follow these rules unless I specifically describe a scenario in which you can ignore it(such a scenario shouldn't arise until much later in your Dota journey, however). In most scenarios, then, on Radiant, we will send one core and one support bottom. The bottom lane on Radiant is also called the safelane(The Radiant safelane to be precise). Here is an image to give you an idea, this is kind of where the action happens bottom lane in the laning stage.
I said one support and one core. What do those terms mean? I will give you a brief explanation at the moment and return to it later as we progress.
Simply, a support is a hero played in such a way that they help their team survive, function and accomplish their goals around the map. They become much weaker than cores as the game goes on, because they don't farm as much as them, and almost not at all in the laning stage. Farming means to kill enemy creeps. There are 2 supports on each team, and they go to the sidelanes, that is what we call the top and bottom lanes.
A core is a hero that farms in the laning stage, and more than supports through out the game. They require more expensive items and more levels than supports to come online, which is Dota speak for "to become strong". There are 3 cores, and they each go to one of the three lanes.
The farm priority in Dota is a theoretical hierarchy which decides how many resources a player is supposed to get in a team, depending on what they are playing. The position 1, the carry, the most important of the three cores, sits at the top of this hierarchy, that is why it is called the position 1. They lane on the safelane, which if you are dire means top lane, and if you are Radiant means bottom lane. This hero is typically expected to farm creeps for a very long time such that they become the strongest hero in the team and are able to easily destroy structures and deal a lot of damage in team-fights such as to win the game for their team. The rest of the team is meant to facilitate this hero in their objective. They do what is called "making space" for him. Which in a sense means that they distract the attention of the opponent from their carry, forcibly or otherwise, so that the carry can farm in peace. The carry lanes with the hard support, which is the position 5. The position 5 is the most sacrificial of all the roles, they are meant to help not only for the carry, but technically everyone else too. Their job then includes enabling their team to have as good of a game as they possibly can.
To re-iterate, then, the position 5, which is also called the hard support and is one of the two supports, lanes in the safelane during the laning stage with the carry, which is the position 1.
Mid lanes the position 2. This is the core with the second highest farm priority in a team. The mid generally becomes the strongest of all the cores the fastest, and they are expected to set the tempo for the game and function in such a way as to enable their carry to farm. They are a crucial role in Dota, sometimes if the mid has an excellent game, the carry doesn't even have to come online, the mid can just solo carry the game, which is another Dota expression, hopefully it is obvious what it means.
In the offlane, which is top for Radiant and bot for Dire, lane the position 3 and 4. The position 3 is the last of the cores, and they are also called the offlaner. The position 4 is the soft support. Together their job is to make the enemy carry's game very hard in the laning stage if at all possible, and to pressure the safelane tower of the opponent, which is where they are laning at the start of the game. As you will hopefully notice, in Dota, one team's safelane faces the enemy team's offlane, and vice-versa. The map is mirrored in this way. The reason we call one lane the safelane and the other the offlane, is where the creeps meet on these lanes. On each team's safelane, the creeps meet closer to their tier 1 tower, so the carry is safer to play there. Aside from dealing a lot of damage in a certain range(if you get too close to them) a tower also provides their allies with armor and regen in that same area in which they can attack. If a carry gets ganked, which means to attempt to attack a hero with multiple heroes by surprise, they will have an easier time retreating to safety if they are closer to a tower, than if not. The offlaners, on the other hand, are deeper into enemy territory at this stage in the game. They don't have an allied tower near-by, it's a bit of a walk away.
Where the creeps meet, though, can be manipulated in Dota, and if you aren't careful, when you play against better opponents, this will very negatively impact your game. What does it mean for the creeps to meet? Remember when we said that a "wave" of four creeps spawn on every lane, for each side, every 30 seconds? Well let's think about a creep-wave spawning from Dire, and one from Radiant, at 0:00. They will both eventually meet each other since they are walking down the lanes. When they do, they will start attacking each other. Creeps automatically move ready to attack any enemy they encounter until the enemy ancient is defeated.
How can you manipulate where the creeps will meet in a lane? There are several ways. One of them is to perform what is called a "pull". Aside from lane creeps, there are also jungle creeps in Dota, which spawn a bit later than lane creeps. There are many jungle camps sprinkled through-out the map. There are some camps which can be used to manipulate lane equilibrium, which is what describes where the lane is. Basically what happens is you attack a neutral camp with your hero, then walk into an incoming group of lane creeps marching towards their "normal" rendezvous point with the enemy creeps. The neutral creeps will follow you for a bit as you attack them, and you can time this in such a way that the lane creeps will start attacking the neutral ones as soon as they become "aware" of them.
Another way of messing with creep equilibrium is to either aggressively attack or aggressively deny creeps. You can also force enemy creeps to behave in certain ways, for example by attacking an enemy hero while being close to enemy creeps, the enemy creeps will start attacking you for a bit. Attacks that would have normally affected your allied creeps affect you now, but your allied creeps are still attacking the enemy ones. So your allied creeps are gaining an advantage, they will eventually outnumber the enemy creeps because of this. And the lane will push. Meaning, progressively, the two waves of creeps will meet further from your tower, and deeper into enemy territory. Heroes want to farm where the 2 waves meet, because that's where the creeps are, so where they meet is important for how safe it is to farm. That is why this is an extremely important mechanic in Dota to be aware about. Even though you will not have understood anything I said very well, it is still crucial for you to at least become aware of the idea. You will inevitably recognize it when you see it happen in-game, if you keep it in mind. This will help you become a better player. Besides, there are many tutorials explaining anything and everything in Dota, including how to do this.
Neutral creeps, which, remember, are the creeps who spawn in the jungle(as different from lane creeps who spawn in your base and walk down lanes, these stay still where they spawn at their spots through-out the map), serve other purposes as well of course. For one, they too give you bounty when they die(gold and experience). They are stronger than lane creeps though, so you don't want to farm them at once, because your heroes are invariably not strong enough, aside from the fact that there are both allied and enemy towers you want to be concerned about through-out the game, after all each team wants to destroy the domino of structures (5 towers + the Ancient) which will allow them to win the game. So you always need to think about creeps. Creeps after all attack towers too. This is why making sure to push lanes in general in Dota is very important. If your lane is pushed, it will take a while before you have to worry about defending the structures on the pushed lane, and your creeps will do damage to enemy structures eventually unless the enemy takes the time to kill the surplus of creeps you sent their way. The fact that heroes have to show on lanes to defend their towers if you "push" those lanes is an important thing to notice and understand. When you force them to have to defend their structures like that a few things happen. If they don't show up to do it, their structures will take damage, putting you closer to unraveling one of the three possible dominoes on each lane, and winning the game. If they show up to defend the threatened tower, however, that means that on the rest of the map, at least for a little bit, the enemy team will not have 5 heroes available, but 4. If you push a lane(which all it takes to do is clear a group of creeps from a lane, as the game goes on this can be done faster and faster), it takes a while for it to threaten enemy structures, because even though your overall creeps have an advantage at all times on that lane now, because of how fast you killed an enemy group of creeps at a particular point in time, they will still encounter new waves of creeps coming from the enemy base, which they will take time to kill, aside from the fact that it takes time for them to reach those structures just strictly speaking by moving there. So you can for example clear a wave of creeps in the middle of the map on a lane, and then a few tens of seconds later, your creeps will be hitting an enemy tower. An enemy hero needs to show up to deal with them, if they don't, the tower takes damage, which is very bad for them. If they do show up, you could have taken time for those tens of seconds to reunite with your team so that you now have a majority of numbers - 5v4. Fights should easily go in your favor.
This is theory, though, it doesn't always have to be a 5v4, and it doesn't always have to be a fight which you can make happen because of the forced absence of one of the enemies. Still though, this is a very useful concept to understand and make use of. There will be many times in Dota when you simply do not want an enemy hero to be in a certain part of the map, for example if you are a carry who wants to farm safely without fearing ganks. Understanding where enemy heroes are is a very important thing in Dota. You can't always see them, since the map is dark unless you get vision from an allied unit. You don't like the map being dark, because that puts you in a very vulnerable position of being "ganked"(attacked by groups of enemies by surprise).
Back to jungle creeps for one small thing, though. Aside from gold and experience they can also drop "neutral" items. This is something you will inevitably experience by playing the game though, so I don't think it's worth talking too much about.
There are many things I haven't mentioned that you will easily pick up on your own just by playing the game. I wanted to give you a simple primer though to be able to reach more advanced concepts faster once you get your necessary practice. The last bit of theory that I explained, regarding this idea of pushing lanes so that enemy heroes are forced to reveal themselves in your vision and not be around on other sides of the map instead, is perhaps one of the most important things that you will ever learn in Dota. It will not start truly mattering for a very long while for you, but I believe having the idea in your mind from the start is important regardless.
What you have to do now is learn the heroes, and the items. There are a few ways to go about it. You can simply Demo heroes, play them solo in a lobby, play them solo with bots, learn them in live matches if you wish, learn what they do in any of the previously mentioned scenarios OR on a website like or, or just in the in-game Heroes Tab. You can learn items in exactly the same way. At the end of the day, it's a matter of reading the descriptions and seeing them happen in front of your eyes. A combination of memory and experience. Learning Dota is a lot of that. Eventually you will know everything by heart just by simple practice, but you could technically speed the process of learning by going about it deliberately, trying a couple or a few heroes a day in Demo for example, reading all their spells and practicing them until you get a good grasp on what they do.
After you learn what heroes and items do, but before then too, undoubtedly, you can also watch streams of better players on twitch, or in-game in the Watch tab in Dota, which allows you to view better players play in real time. If you wish to learn to play a hero, watching what a better player does in the laning stage in that way, for example, is a very good way to go about it.
This is a good playlist for beginners to watch. Dota Basics Episode 1: This is Dota - YouTube
This youtube channel is excellent for most players in the game, not just beginners. There is a wealth of knowledge in it, particularly in the coaching sessions. BananaSlamJamma - YouTube
There are two communities, to my understanding, which help beginners a lot. One of them is called DotaFromZero and the other is DotaUniversity. I do not have an invite link to their discords myself, but I think if you do a bit of research you will be able to find them(search the terms on reddit and ask around for example).
Good luck and I hope this helps. Maybe I will write a revised edition, or a part 2 one day. There is not much in the way of tutorials for complete beginners in Dota, so I hope this one will be at least a bit valuable.
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