How to properly install YouTube Vanced on rooted devices

youtube vanced iphone 12

youtube vanced iphone 12 - win

Goodbye iPhone [other]

I've been an avid android since 2011 (Apple products ONLY for work) and have enjoyed using Vanced since it's inception and not getting pestered by ads and the dreaded "youtube premium" pop ups (shudders)
Recently, I had to change my 4 year old S7 edge due to battery issues and was offered the iPhone 12 in exchange. They didn't have any offers for android phones (not an SJW, but should this be some form of "racism" lol), and they even offered a $400 rebate and decided to go for it.
Just a month of using it and now I just want to throw the phone away.
Not going into a rant about how awful file management is, but dumb-ol-me didn't check if there was Vanced for Youtube.
Now I'm stuck with 400 ads being played during a video, unable to listen to audio while then phone is turned off and loads of other wonderful features.
Just waiting to sell this junk of a phone and get an android again.
2 back-to-back ads unskippable Youtube? Seriously?
How much more money do you want?
submitted by Wrong-Ad-2507 to Vanced [link] [comments]

[QUESTION] New iPhone

Hey I'll be getting the new iPhone 12 and I'm coming from galaxy s8 rooted phone that that has vanced tube and stuff like that..
I've been wondering if you guys can point me out which tweaks I can use on the new iPhone since as far as I know there is no jailbreak atm and I'm new to this side load thing.. Would be lovely to a guide or something. All I want is YouTube with no ads! :) Thanks in advance
submitted by Neat1996 to sideloaded [link] [comments]

Passage sur iPhone : quelles applications ?

Bonsoir !
Après beaucoup d'hésitation dû au prix et a d'autres facteurs, j'ai enfin succombé au côté obscur et commandé un iphone 12 mini qui arrivera normalement sous deux semaines. J'ai cependant quelques questions concernant les applications dont un TL;PL serait : quelles sont les applications iPhone que vous recommandez ?
Déjà, je crois avoir compris qu'il valait mieux utiliser Appolo que l'application stock de Reddit, mais pour le reste? Quelles apps me conseilleriez-vous ? (Tout domaine, sauf jeux en mode hardcore, je préfère jouer des petits jeux)
Sinon, sur les applications que j'utilise :
Désolé, les questions peuvent paraître cons, mais je débarque...
submitted by jeyreymii to france [link] [comments]

What are the features Android user would miss on iOS?

Hello community,
long time Android user for the first time thinking about switching to an iPhone 12.
What are the features I would miss?
What I'm aware of (please correct me if I'm wrong):
What do you really miss if you're already in iOS?
I'm still not sure whether to go for a S20 FE 5G or iPhone 12. Intend to keep my phone for atleast 2-3 years.
submitted by uNfEiL to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

Gerizekalı insanlar tam liste (2020)

geri zekalı listesi
1- Hümanistler
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3- Home of seksüelliği savunanlar
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8- Dine inananlar(Spagetti canavarı hariç)
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14- Rap dinleyenler
15- Mutlu olanlar
16- Amsalak olup olmadığını iddia edenler
17- Suratının yarısını paylaşan feminen varlıklar
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34- 184ten uzun olanlar
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37- Pale ten rengi sevenler
38- İsmi 3 harfli olanlar
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40- İnternette fake isim kullananlar
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42- 2. dünya savaşındaki herhangi bir lideri iyi bir lider zannedenler
43- Nasyonel sosyalistleri ''ya abi onlar olmasaydı tıp gelişmezdi bu kadar gelişmiş olmazdık dünyayı 100 yıl ileri taşıdılar ya'' diye savunanlar
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51- Herkese saygı duyulması gerektiğini düşünenler
52- Trap dinleyenler
53- Rap dinleyenler
54- Zencilerin yaptığı tek müzik türünü hiphop zannedip hayaında 1 kere bile blues dinlemeyen insanlar
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56- 3 ismi olanlar
57- İnanç özgürlüğüne saygı duymayanlar
58- Kendini aptal olarak görenler
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63- Profilinde anime fotoğrafı olanlar
64- Asyalıların dünyanın en dejenere toplumu olduğunu kabul etmeyenler
65- Türklerin iyi bir devleti/kültürü olduğunu düşünenler
66- Sokratesi okuyup anladığını iddia eden ama sokrates denilen yavşağın hiç anlaşılacak bir şey söylemediğini bilmeyen insanlar
67- Freuddan alıntı yapanlar
68- Zerdüştün ilk 3 sayfasını okuyup nihilist takılanlar
69- Bulgurlular
70- Antidepresan kullananlar
71- Kendi kendine psikiyatrik/psikolojik teşhis koyanlar
72- Facebooktan sevgili bulanlar
73- Fotoğrafları editlemeye uğraşıp komikli görseller yapmaya çalışanlar
74- Komik olmayan insanlar
75- Japon oyunu oynayan insanlar
76- Amerikalıların en iyi kültüre/devlete sahip olmadığını düşünen insanlar
77- Türkiyede yaşamanın çoğu ülkeden daha iyi olduğunu bilmeyenler
78- İngilizce bilmeyenler
79- Biseksüeller
80- Yemek yapmayı bilmeyenler
81- Arabada müziği son ses açanlar
82- Domatesi büyük doğrayıp menemen yapanlar
83- Klasik müzik dinlemeyenler
84- Hayatında hiç tiyatroya gitmemiş insanlar(okuldakiler sayılmaz)
85- Sosyal medyada ironik olmayarak ağlayan lucifer portresini paylaşanlaprofil/kapak fotoğrafı yapanlar
86- Avrupalıların asyalılardan büyük sikinin olduğunu düşünenler
87- Siyahilerin genetik olarak diğer etnik kökenlerden daha gelişmiş olduğunu kabul etmeyenler
88- Sanat filmi izleyenler
89- Fransız filmi izleyenler
90- İspanyol filmi izleyenler
91- 2000 yılından önce çıkmış herhangi bir şeyi sevenler (müzik hariç)
92- İngilizlerin dünyayı daha güzel bir yer yaptığını kabul etmeyenler
93- İngilizler olmasaydı şu an dinlediği müziklerin yüzde 90ının var olmayacağını bilmeyenler
94- Amerikalıların en aptal millet olduğunu bilmeyenler
95- Kadınlara saygı duyanlar
96- Cinsel yönelimini kişiliğinin merkezi belirleyen kişiliksiz yüzeysel insanlar
97- Facebook biosuna komik şeyler yazanlar
98- Pronounlara takılanlar
99- Şişkoseverler
100- Buraya kadar okuyanlar
101- Hırsızlık yapanlar
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107- Çirkin insanlar
108- Çirkin olduğunu anlamayıp sosyal medyaya fotoğraf atanlar
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125- Bir insanı fetişlerine göre yargılayanlar
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136- Militaristler
137- How I met your mother ve Friends sevenler
138- Nirvana sevmeyenler
139- Uyuşturucuyu rapçilerden öğrenenler
140- Batman sevenler
141- Superman sevmeyenler
142- Dcnin iyi film yaptığını savunanlar
143- Marvel filmlerinin iyi olduğunu savunanlar
144- Marvel filmlerindeki aktöaktrislerin iyi aktöaktris olduğunu düşünenler (RDJ hariç belki)
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146- Komplo teorilerine inananlar
147- Thom Yorke'un geleceği gördüğüne inanmayanlar
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149- ASMR dinleyenler
150- Lilia oynayanlar
151- OTPler
152- Trendyol linki paylaşanlar
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154- Vtuber izleyenler
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157- Soy adında Türklükle alakalı bir şeyler geçenler
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166- Metin2 oynayanlar
167- Bir şey yapacağım diyip yapmayanlar
168- İsmi s ile başlayanlar
169- İsmini sevmeyenler
170- Flashı f de kullananlar
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175- FPS oyunu oynayanlar
176- Türkanime kullananlar
177- Hentai izleyenler
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179- Parayı hayatının merkezi yapmayan insanlar
180- Evlenip mutlu mesut yaşayacağına inananlar
181- İsmi Murat olanlar
182- Hentai sevmeyenler
183- Yu-gi-oh sevenler
184- Persona oynayanlar
185- Persona 5 sevmeyenler
186- Dark Souls sevenler
187- Death Grips dinleyenler
188- Piercing yapanlar
189- Mecha izleyenler
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194- Dostoyevski sevenler
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196- Dedesinin ismi Hayrullah olmayanlar
197- Ailesinden nefret edenler
198- Çocukken sokakta bir sincap görüp o sincapı sapanla vurup öldürtükten sonra hiçbir şey hissetmediğini farkedip ''acaba bir insanı öldürsem de hala hiçbir şey hissetmemeye devam eder miyim'' diye içinden geçirmiş olan insanlar
199- Popculture referanslarını anlamayanlar
200- Tarantinonun iyi film yapmasının tek sebebinin ayak fetişisti ve çirkin olması olduğunu bilmeyenler
201- Community izlemeyenler
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205- Barbara Palvin'e 100 üzerinden 50+ verenler
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210- Annesi babası olanlar
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220- Deniz ürünleri sevmeyenler
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229- Minecraft oynayanlar
230- Türkçe youtube kanalı takip edenler
231- Barış Özcan takip edenler
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233- 81 ilin en az 1inde doğmuş olmak
234- Hajime No Ippo izlemiş olanlar
235- Sokra-Desu sayfasını takip edenler
236- İsmi Volkan Nuri Binici olanlar
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241- Bardaktan su içenler
242- Makarnayı yoğurtla yiyenler
243- Salata yiyenler
244- İsmi Elif olanlar
245- Aşık Veysel sevenler
246- Polisiye sevenler
247- Fringe sevmeyenler
248- Türk dizisi izleyenler
249- Yabancı dizi seyredenler
250- K-pop dinleyenler
251- J-pop dinleyenler
252- Naruto izleyenler
253- Sasuke ve sakuradan nefret etmeyenler
254- Saçını boyayanlar
255- Anime izleyip manga okumayanlar
256- Saçını kestirenler
257- Saçını uzatanlar
258- Karpuz sevenler
259- Kavun sevenler
260- Pazara gidenler
261- Bim'den alışveriş yapanlar
262- A101'den alışveriş yapanlar
263- Çiçek yetiştirenler
264- Köyde yaşayanlar
265- Evcil hayvanı olanlar
266- Pantolon giyenler
267- Slip külot giyenler
268- Kaslı olanlar
269- Şişmanlar
270- Discord'da ekran paylaşanlar
271- Omegle kullananlar
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274- Akp düşmanları
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276- AMD işlemci kullananlar
277- Reddit nickinde muhammed allah vs olanlar
278- Ram kullananlar
279- Ruj sürenler
280- Apolitikler
281- Y kuşağı
282- Z kuşağı
283- Dokunmatik telefon kullananlar
284- Ders çalışanlar
285- Tuşlu telefon kullananlar
286- Hayatında en az 1 kere dershaneye gitmiş olanlar
287- Event isteyenler
288- Control+c, Control+v yapanlar
289- Geri zekalı listesi yapanlar
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291- Dolar kurunu düşününce siki kalkanlar
292- Facebook sayfası olanlar
293- Berak Albayrak'ın kötü bir ekonomist olduğunu düşünenler
294- Türk lirası harcayanlar
295- Hayatında en az 1 kere kendine sakso çektiğini hayal etmeyenler
296- Şafak sönmeyeceği için korkmayanlar
297- Kemal Sunal'ı komik bulanlar
298- Tencere yemeği yiyenler
299- Televizyonu olanlar
300- Babasının sakalı olanlar
301- Bıyık bırakanlar
302- Sakalını kesenler
303- Sakalını kesmeye üşenenler
304- Discord'a gelen ouz
305- Discord'da mikrofonu kapalı olanlar
306- İronik olmayarak emoji kullananlar
307- İronik olarak emoji kullananlar
308- WhatsApp kullananlar
309- Biz diyenler
310- Anime izlerken ağlamayanlar
311- Yok mu diyenler
312- Var mı diyenler
313- O ses Türkiye izleyenler
314- Survivor takip edenler
315- Magazin takip edenler
316- Twitter kullananlar
317- Ekşi sözlük kullananlar
318- 208. maddeye ayıp oluyor diyenler
319- 319 Kilodan az olanlar
320- Muz sevenler
321- Baklava sevenler
322- İyi Türkler de var diyenler
323- Köpekler kedilerden iyi diyenler
324- Kedi videosu izleyenler
325- Kedi videosu paylaşanlar
326- Ermeniler
327- İsmi 3 harfli olan ermeniler
328- 325ten 327ye atlayanlar
329- Lazlar
330- Profil fotoğrafı olanlar
331- Sakaryada yaşayanlar
332- Ece'yi rüyasında görenler
333- Ömer'e gülenler
334- 2 yıldır para biriktirip bilgisayar alamayanlar
335- Bilgisayarı minecraft oynarken kapananlar
336- Faturacıda çalışanlar
337- Fatura ödeyenler
338- Fatura öderken kuş sevenler
339- Andımızı ezbere bilenler
340- İsmi İrem olanlar
341- Soy adı Duman olanlar
342- Alarm kuranlar
343- Uyuyanlar
344- Uyananlar
345- Uyumakla ilgili depresif cümleler kuranlar
346- İntihar etmek istemeyenler
347- Köri sosu sevenler
348- Franchise yemek yiyenler
349- İntihar etmek isteyenler
350- Şefim 349 çok acı çekmiş
351- Annesini sevmeyenler
352- Babasını dövmeyenler
353- Nişantaşı'ndan burs alamayanlar
354- Ülkücüler
355- Benim adım ''....'' diye başlayıp adını söyleyenler
356- Soy adı Giovanna olanlar
367- Jojo izleyenler
368- Aynı maddeyi 3 kere yazanlar
369- Soy adı Akyüz olanlar
370- Gece 3 ten önce uyumayanlar
371- Translar
372- Femboylar
373- Benim suy adımı bilmeyenler
374- Nofap yapanlar
375- Azgınlar
376- Azgın olmayanlar
377- Soy adında Gün olanlar
378- Soy adında Ay olanlar
379- Abi diyenler
380- Bu ne diyenler
381- Abi bu ne diyenler
382- WTF yazanlar
383- BTW yazanlar
384- BGYliler
385- Benimle arkadaş olanlar
386- Hemşireler
387- Hemşeriler
388- Ensest sevmeyenler
389- Cennet mahallesi izleyenler
390- Kelime daramcığı dar olanlar
391- Öğretmenler
392- Ateistler
393- Deistler
394- Maymun paylaşanlar
395- Smackdown izleyenler
396- Jeff Hardy sevmeyenler
397- Kürt Ahmet'i sevmeyenler
398- İsmi Aybars olanlar
399- Hukuk okuyanlar
400- İsmi Nisa olanlar
401- Nisa suresi 36. ayeti okuyup hala müslüman olanlar
402- İsmi a ile başlayanlar
403- İsmi b ile başlayanlar
404- İsmi c ile başlayanlar
405- İsmi ç ile başlayanlar
406- İsmi d ile başlayanlar
407- İsmi e ile başlayanlar
408- İsmi f ile başlayanlar
409- İsmi g ile başlayanlar
410- İsmi ğ ile başlayanlar
411- İsmi h ile başlayanlar
412- İsmi ı ile başlayanlar
413- İsmi i ile başlayanlar
414- İsmi j ile başlayanlar
416- İsmi k ile başlayanlar
417- İsmi l ile başlayanlar
418- İsmi m ile başlayanlar
419- İsmi n ile başlayanlar
420- İsmi o ile başlayanlar
421- İsmi ö ile başlayanlar
422- İsmi p ile başlayanlar
423- İsmi r ile başlayanlar
424- İsmi s ile başlayanlar
425- İsmi ş ile başlayanlar
426- İsmi t ile başlayanlar
427- İsmi u ile başlayanlar
428- İsmi ü ile başlayanlar
429- İsmi v ile başlayanlar
430- İsmi y ile başlayanlar
431- İsmi z ile başlayanlar
432- İsmi q ile başlayanlar
433- İsmi x ile başlayanlar
434- İsmi w ile başlayanlar
435- İsmi lamelifle başlayanlar
436- Sübhanekeyi bilmeyenler
437- Sübhanekeyi bilenler
438- TFT oynayanlar
439- Antivirüs programı kullananlar
440- Karbon bazlı canlılar
441- Protein tüketenler
442- Vücudunun yüzde 75i su olanlar
443- Bu listeye yardım edenler
444- Ergenken sivilceli olanlar
445- 20 yaş üstündekiler
446- 19 yaş altındakiler
447- Youtube vanced kullanmayanlar
448- İsmi Sena olanlar
449- Fifa oynayanlar
450- Buraya kadar okuyanlar
451- Yumurta yiyenler
452- Sebze yiyenler
453- İntihar edenler
454- Mehmet Pişkin
455- İsmi Mehmet olanlar
456- Chpye oy vermeyenler
457- Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerinde %0.27 oy alanlar
458- Hemen seçimden önce doğalgaz rezervi bulmayanlar
459- Cumhurbaşkanı olmayanlar
460- Almancılar
461- Almanlar
462- 31 sjsjsj
463- Amdan çıkanlar
464- İstanbul sözleşmesini destekleyenler
465- Karısını dövmeyenler
466- Kız kardeşine tecavüz etmeyenler
467- Rana'yı haksız bulanlar
468- MP3 ile Flac arasındaki farkı anlamayanlar
469- PUBG oynayanlar
470- PUBG mobil oynayanlar
471- Telefonunun bataryası olanlar
472- Gercek islem bu deil
473- Anayasa yazanlar
474- Kan şekeri düşenler
475- Swinger partisine katılmayanlar
476- Müzik dinleyenler
477- Arkadaşlarından yardım isteyenler
478- Arkadaşları olanlar
479- Sosyal olanlar
480- Asosyal olanlar
481- 3 boyutlu varlıklar
482- Memelere gülenler (mim)
483- Ülkesine servis yapanlar
484- Amerikan filmi izleyenler
485- Çayı sütsüz içenler
486- Kaçak çay içenler
487- Çenobilde ölenler
488- Oy kullananlar
489- Maske takanlar
490- Corona olanlar
491- Heteroseksüeller
492- Sağlık görevlileri
493- Erken boşalanlar
494- Uykusunda boşalanlar
495- Beşiktaşlılar
496- Bilgisayarı ısınanlar
497- Anime figürü koleksiyonu yapanlar
498- Yazım kurallarına uymayanlar
499- İnterneti kötü olanlar
500- Ayasofya'da namaz kılmayanlar
501- Osmanlıyı sevmeyenler
502- Felsefe okuyanlar
503- GTA oynayanlar
504- Kitap okumayanlar
505- I'm going back to 505
If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
In my imagination you're waiting, lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs
Stop and wait a sec
Oh, when you look at me like that, my darling
What did you expect?
I probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
Or I did last time I checked
Not shy of a spark
A knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
Frightened by the bite though it's no harsher than the bark
Middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start
I'm going back to 505
If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
In my imagination you're waiting, lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs
But I crumble completely when you cry
It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye
I'm always just about to go and spoil a surprise
Take my hands off of your eyes too soon
I'm going back to 505
If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
In my imagination you're waiting, lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs and a smile!
506- Tavuk döner sevmeyenler
507- İskender sevenler
508- Daft Punk sevmeyenler
509- Boş kelimesini çok kullananlar
510- Valorant oynayanlar
511- Discord'da lol gelcek var mı abi diyenler
512- Memelerin seksi bir şey olmadığını iddia edenler
513- Görüldü atanlar
514- İsmi Mert olanlar
515- İsmi Gürdal Adar olanlar
516- Siyahi'ler
517- Bir anda konuşmayı kesenler
518- Bipolar olanlar
519- Messenger grubu olan
520- Babaannesine en az 1 kere şiddet göstermemiş insanlar
521- Bağırsakları ağrıyanlar
522- Soy adı anime olanlar
523- INTJ olanlar
524- Pornhub hariç sitelerden porno izleyenler
525- Rüyasında tecavüze uğrayanlar
526- Skyrim oynamış olanlar
527- MGS sevenler
528- Kojima sevenler
529- PES'i Fifa'dan iyi bulanlar
530- Japonları sevenler
531- Burçlara inanmayanlar
532- Uzaya araba gönderenler
533- Cennetten arsa almayanlar
534- Cennetten çiçek toplamayanlar
535- İsmi ''Ulan''a benzeyenler
536- Pewdiepie izleyenler
537- En az bir kere yarrak yalamak istememişler
538- Patlıcanlı et yemeği dinleyenler
539- 1den fazla sevgilisi olmuş olanlar
540- En az 1 kere doktora gitmiş olanlar
541- Saksafon sevenler
542- Shrek ile alakalı en az 1 cinsel rüyası olmayanlar
543- Yalancılar
544- Türkçe şarkı dinleyenler
545- İsmi Atalay olanlar
546- 31 çekenler
547- Pokemon sevmeyenler
548- Polisten nefret edenler
549- Mağra ve repostlara gülenler
550- Can Yaman'ı çekici bulanlar
551- Taner Tolga Tarlacı'ya gülenler
552- Atatürk'ün ilkelerini ezbere bilmeyenler
553- Doları takip edenler
554- Otistik erkekler
555- Dedesini dövüp emekli maaşını çalmayanlar
556- Japon tarihine ilgi duyanlar
557- Midem bulanmaya başladı
558- Kan şekerim düşüyor
559- Başım ağrıyor
560- Risk Of Rain 2de huntress oynayanlar
561- Koyun tüccarları
562- 9 yaşında kızla evlenen peygamberler
563- Hira mağrasına giden araplar
564- Elindeki toprağı kuşa çevirenler
565- Gölü şaraba çevirenler
566- Kuyuya atılanlar
567- Spiderman sevmeyenler
568- Melisa isimliler
569- İsmi e ile başlayanlar
570- Japonca 3 kelime bilenler
571- Yılında doğanlar
572- Romatizması olmayanlar
573- Buraya kadar okuduysan gerçekten sorunları var
574- Dezenfektan kullananlar
575- Smackdown izleyip Cmpunk sevmeyenler
576- En az bir kere güreşmemişler
577- Home of sexuallar
578- Akdenizde yaşayanlar
579- Kuzey ve Güney izlemeyenler
580- Aşk-ı memnu izlemeyenler
581- The Office en iyi sitcom diyenler
582- Rick and Morty izleyenler
583- Reçel Tarçın Ersoğan sevmeyenler
584- İsmi İsmet olanlar
585- İnstagram kullananlar
586- Atak helikopteri esprisi yapanlar
587- Feminizmi kötü bir şey sananlar
588- Afrikalı'lara üzülmeyenler
589- Erotic manga okumayanlar
590- İsmi çince olanlar
591- Spotify kullanmayanlar
592- Youtube Music kullananlar
593- İsmi Merve olanlar
594- Bu listede 10 tane kendi özelliğini görenler
595- İsmi fake olanlar
596- Boynuma kramp girdi
597- Gerçekten bu kadar uzun bir şey yazmak ne kadar mantıklı acaba
598- 1 yaşında öldürüldüm vsvs
599- 2012den önce 10 yaşına girenler
600- 23 şubatın önemini bilmeyenler
601- 602. maddeyi okuyanlar
602- 601. maddeyi okuyanlar
603- Ankara'da yaşayanlar
604- The Bomboks sevmeyenler
605- Korkma sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak
609- Fiziksel formumu geride bırakıyorum
610- Muhammed bu yılda mıı ölmüştü
611- Allahümme vebihamdik
612- Its john cena
613- Scoby Doo sevmeyenler
614- Patates sevmeyenler
615- Lol oynamayanlar
616- Jojo izleyip gay olmadığını iddia edenler
617- İnternet gittiğinde uyuyanlar
618- Lucifer'ın yeni sezonunu izleyenler
619- Denzili sporlular
620- Karpuzu çekirdeğiyle beraber yiyenler
621- 0- 620 madde yazip newi siken orospu cocuklari
submitted by Justfelamal to KGBTR [link] [comments]

My new Android Experience

I recently rediscovered android and it's possibilities after having used an iPhone for several years. So my first ever android phone was a Motorola g4 which I didn't really like. I wanted to switch to apple as soon as possible and bought the new iPhone every year up to the 11. After the announcement of the iPhone 12 I figured that it would be interesting to try something new. I did a little research and decided to buy the Galaxy A80 cause it seemed to fit my needs. After having experimented with different setups and apps for a few weeks I now think i've reached the perfect spot between simplicity and functionality. So I wanted to share it. I'm just gonna list some apps (some of which you probably know and some you probably won't) I find useful and write a little about them.
Social Networks
That's it I hope you like it. Also a huge thanks to that other dude on here who posted an android tricks list. You helped me a lot with migrating to this new OS.
Edit: was searching for a Gmail alternative that supports its categories and found Spark. App looks great and seems to have all of Gmail's functionality so far
submitted by Tomrot1 to Android [link] [comments]

Confuse on buying Galaxy Tab s7+ and Ipad pro 12.9

I am planning to buy a tablet for my research thesis purposes. I am taking PhD
I am confuse between these two devices.
I've made my own research and most of the comments prefer ipad Pro 12.9 for research and Galaxy Tab for media consumption.
I am used to Android environment but not apple.
My selling point for apple are the apps especially margin notes which is not available in Android and also One Note (as I heard oneNote in apples has more features than on Android)
But as what I have experience when playing my mother's iphone. I don't really like the UI of apple, there is no shortcut like Android . The notification, shortcut toolbars are quite limited.
I also planning to watch videos transferred from my computer via USB (not cloud as our internet in our country is not that fast). So I don't really like the idea of itunes. I never use it but it seems quite a hassle compare to Android that can be use like Hard Drive.
Another thing is that in Android I really like some apps like youtube vanced, etc.
It's not that I hate apple products, it might be because I am noob on how to use it.
submitted by abcxyz-5 to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]


Heelo, IndiAN Gamer's. Todai Me And Pubgamer6969 want to introduce new custome ROM that suppport !!!ALL XIAMI MOB IN REGION: INDIAN!!!
#include  Segmentation fault! Core dumped! 
Firstly: the specification's
Android-version is the 8.1 Android Go version for EXTRA PUBG FPS
Version ROM 1.56
Bttery life: 15hour on other carrier, 30minuts on Jio Features ROM:
Compare between AOSPUBG vs LINEAGEOS18(works volte!): * Vanced Youtube prblm is fixed and phone dont #brik
What work's: * It boots * Volte make call * Volte recive call * Steal your data to Indian Server * Teammates can listen your voices in PUBg * You can listen teammates voice's in PUBg * Good signals found in Pubg * Bullerd pubg icon * Random Freezez * Tik tok blocker * You tell me
What dont work: * Volte all function * Vonr (in default) * Pubg musics * Log cat * Gcam can take picture but it grren when bob and vagene * Recorder screen * Hindi * Dailer One plus can call but no interface of call is open * Feces lock * Tiktok works * Youtube vanced musics stop when u enter the pubg * Users can listen to the full cal ring while u dont get the ring tune
Install instruction:
  1. Download CWM recovery (MUST BE CWM OR ELSE PHONE WILL BRIK!!!!!!!!!)
  2. Open the CWM
  3. Wipe dalfuck 999 times 3.5. Wipe cache 999 times
  4. Wipe data 999 times
  5. Wipe system 999 times
  6. Wipe modem partition 999 times
  7. Flash fix for volte
  8. Flash room 15 times
  9. Enjoy
Link's: logo rom rom downland pubg fix FOR ALL ROOM bttery test video video announcement rom
Plis remember to gib rupees to me by Phonepe
Contact's: What's Aap: +45 385 375 285 PhonePe (for give rupee's): r90hghrgrfgfqhtf mail: [email protected]
submitted by TheTrollerxdd to xdacirclejerk [link] [comments]

S20 FE 4G, iPhone 12 or P40 Pro

Hi guys. Just asking for some help. Right now I will be changing my phone plan and I’m between those 3 options. Hope you can help me with your experience.
S20, yes the 4G because it’s the only one coming to my country. I don’t really mind about 5G at least for the next 2 years and by then I would most likely change phone again. Even with the exynos chip it’s a powerful phone and the cameras are as good as the flagships. Battery is really good even if not Qualcomm. Overall i think is the best bang for the buck. Even more now that as,sung offers up to 3 years of updates and for flagships monthly basis. Not really a concern bc I’m one of those that can download the update and apply it using Odin and all. Around $850 USD here after taxes.
iPhone 12. Not very much to say. An iPhone. Reliability, updates, not the best camera (even with all that marketing) battery life seems not that good with a smaller battery. The chip is the most powerful in the world and has 5G. But again, this won’t be a thing until at least 2 more years. I like iOS even if not as good as android with all the versatility. Price is 1050 USD after taxes.
P40 Pro. Honestly, my favorite. Has it all. Battery king, camera King. I own a Matepad Pro so I know how powerful the Kirin 990 is when playing for example Genshin impact on highest without being hot for 3 hours per session. The concern is obvious. No GMS. On the tablet is not really a problem because there are many options to cover all my needs. YouTube vanced an all. But on a phone, not being able, for example, to sync my photos with Google Photos it’s a problem. I can do it manually like with the matepad, but on phone will have way more photos. So it’s more like an inconvenience. My hope is that this can change in the near future. But even if not, then I can manage to instal the GMS. Tho I don’t know if they will work after updating to android 11. So I consider it with no GMS for this decision.
What do you think? If you already have one of those, please let me know your experience. Thanks.
submitted by gowar3 to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

[MEGA PRO TIPS PART 2] Make the most of your S10! - Optimizations, Usage Customizations, Recommendations, Hidden Features!

Here is Part 1 - this contains lots of useful tips so check this one out first if you haven't already.
Remember to save this thread and Part 1 as I often update and add more to it.
This is Part 2 of the big thread of pro tips and tricks that you all saw 3 weeks ago! Once again, this is not really about themes and visual customizations, it's more about using your device thoroughly and getting the most out of it with stock settings plus some very useful apps. You may know a lot of these tips as some are quite simple, but those ones are meant for new Samsung/Android users :) You may think they're obvious, but many people don't check out a lot of settings. Also, some of these aren't new features, it's more so recommending a way to use the phone. Some of these require you to use specific apps, such as Chrome, YouTube Vanced, Spotify, etc.
Now take some time and go through these tips, hope it helps.
1) On-Screen Lock Button via One Hand Operation + (OHO+)
Download OHO+ from the Galaxy Store if you haven't already got it. The main functionality of OHO+ is to use the back/home/recents button from the edge. But another cool thing you can do is lock your phone using the edge. In OHO+, click on your handle (left handle or right handle), then turn on "Long Swipe", then set the Straight left (or right) option to "Screen off". Now, wherever you are, you can lock the phone by swiping left (or right) from the edge and holding it. This removes the need for the SoftKey Edge panel, which was tip (12) in Part 1.
My OHO+ setup is as follows: Swipe left = back, Swipe Diagonal Up = Recents, Swipe Diagonal Down = Home, Swipe left HOLD = Screen Off / Lock,
2) Enable Dark Mode on Chrome, and Dark Web Contents (like Samsung Internet with Night Mode)
Go to Chrome and type "chrome://flags" to access the flags menu. If your version is 74 or above (you can see it in the top right of this page), then you can do this. Search "dark" and you'll find two options. The UI dark mode will change the Chrome user interface to dark colours, and the web contents dark mode will try to darken all web pages. Switch these to "Enabled" rather than "Default" for whichever one you want. In my experience, the web contents hasn't been perfected yet, but the Dark UI is decent.
3) Disable notifications that annoy you, even persistent sticky ones
If you find that you always get a particular notification that you don't need or don't want to see, instead of swiping it away every time, you can permanently disable it. When you get the notification, then hold on it and it will take you to that app's notifications menu, and it will flash on that particular notification type so watch out for it. There, you can turn it off, and if you click on the text of that notification, you can customize its sound and vibrations. For the persistent sticky notifications, sometimes when you hold on it, it will instead bring up three options, one of which is "Minimize". Clicking on that should turn it off. You may have to press a couple of more things depending on how "sticky" the notification is. You can't disable system built-in notifications like phone calls.
4) Drag down on notifications to get special options
Most people know this, but those new to Android may not. You can drag down on most notifications to read more of it, and on a message notification, usually dragging down on it brings a quick "reply" button. If you click that, you can reply without having to open the conversation on the app. It's quite convenient. For other apps, there are other special options sometimes when you drag down on the notification.
5) Swipe controls for brightness and sound using YouTube Vanced
If you use YouTube Vanced which was tip (29) in Part 1, then you can do this. Click on your profile pic on the top right > Settings > Vanced settings > Swipe controls > Turn ON for Brightness and Volume. I didn't touch the Swipe threshold, but I set the Swipe padding (top) to 120. Now go into a video, and you can swipe the left half of your screen up and down for Brightness, and right half of the screen for volume. The Swipe threshold is to stop accidental triggers when you pull down the notification bar from the edge while watching a video in landscape mode. If you are still getting accidental swipes when trying to pull down the notification tray / quick toggles while in landscape, then make then Swipe threshold higher.
6) Download Spotify (or other streaming music app) songs to the phone's storage + set to Very High quality
I like to download all my songs from Spotify onto my phone's local storage since I have so much free space. The benefit is that you don't use the internet to stream your music (unless it is a song outside your library), so this saves great battery since you're not streaming, and overall, having the songs available on the phone locally is awesome. I use Spotify so I'll give the instructions for that. Go to Spotify > Settings, scroll down until you see Music Quality. Choose which quality you want for Download - I set mine to Very High since I don't care how much space it uses. Then go to Your Library tab > Liked songs > and turn the Downloaded songs toggle ON. Spotify will slowly download your entire set of songs onto the phone. I currently have 30GB of Spotify music saved to my phone and have had no issues at all. All downloaded songs will have a green arrow on it.
NOTE: You can save Spotify songs to an SD card but I have had issues with this in the past, where the storage suddenly switches to the Phone local storage and everything starts downloading again. So use the SD card as a save location with caution. The phone storage never has problems so I stick to that now.
7) Integrate local MP3s onto Spotify (songs that don't exist on Spotify)!
If you have a set of MP3 files on your computer that you wish were available on Spotify, you can now actually add them to your Spotify on your phone! You'll need a PC and a Wi-Fi connection for this.
On your Spotify on PC:
Put all the MP3 files you want into a folder - this folder will be synced to Spotify. Now go to the Settings of your Spotify on the PC. Turn ON "Show Local Files". Under "Show songs from", I recommend turning off everything and clicking "Add a source", then adding that specific folder of MP3s. Now all of your local MP3s will be shown on a section called Local Files on the left. Now, you have to create a playlist, and call it "LOCAL" or whatever you wish. Then click on the Local Files section, hit Ctrl+A to choose all, and drag all of the songs to the playlist you just created, which I called "LOCAL". Now go into that "LOCAL" playlist, and turn ON the Downloaded button (on the right side) and it should go green.
On your Spotify app on the S10:
Make sure you're on the same Wi-Fi as your PC (or the PC can be wired into the same connection too). Close Spotify and re-open it so that the new playlist "LOCAL" shows up, go into it and all the songs should be grey. Turn ON the "Downloaded" button. Now Spotify will download all your local MP3 files as long as you're on the same internet connection as the PC. Once they have all finished downloading, they will all have green arrows on them. Now you can listen to these MP3s wherever you are. So whenever you want to listen to a song that is in your local MP3s, you'll have to go to that "LOCAL" playlist on your phone. I think you can add it to your normal spotify library which is called Liked Songs now, but I haven't tried it as I had issues before. So I have all my custom MP3s in its own playlist now, which works like a charm.
8) Keep statistics for all your music listening via
Go to on the internet and make an account, then on that website once logged in, go to Settings > Applications > and connect your Spotify account into "Spotify Scrobbling". Now every song you listen to is recorded, and you can see your statistics for your top songs, artists, albums, etc. All you do is log in to and see your profile - it's very cool :) Records songs played from phone and PC and wherever else. I bookmarked it to Chrome so I can check it out sometimes.
Alternatively, for really quick Spotify statistics, go here. You'll need to login to Spotify for it to work, and the benefit is that it grabs data since the start of your Spotify account, where as last fm gets data from when you make the account onwards.
9) Clipboard History and Clipboard Edge (hot tip!)
If you didn't know, your phone stores a full clipboard history, it doesn't just save the last thing that was copied. I use the stock Samsung Keyboard so for those with Gboard and other ones, I don't know where the button is. First, you need to enable the Keyboard Toolbar: Go to your phone's Settings > General management > Language and input > On-screen keyboard > Samsung Keyboard > Keyboard Layout and feedback > turn ON Keyboard toolbar. Now open up the keyboard in any app, click the button at the top left of the keyboard to toggle to the icons, click the icon that looks like a "save" icon or a file, this is the clipboard. You may have to click the three dots on the right to find the icon. The clipboard saves all copied text and images.
Hot tip - There is an edge panel for the clipboard. Go to your edge display, click the settings cog on the bottom left, then enable the Clipboard Edge. Now you can access your clipboard on the edge. Really convenient.
10) Smart Select edge panel for quick cropped-screenshots, GIFs, pin-to-screen
Go to your edge panel and click the settings cog on the bottom left, then enable Smart Select edge panel. The top icon on this panel is the quick-crop, sometimes I prefer this over the normal screenshot, as it immediately goes into the crop window so I can choose which part of the screen to capture. Also you can make GIFs from here, try it out on YouTube videos or something, it's quite cool.
One really useful feature here is the bottom button of the 4 in Smart Select, which is Pin to Screen. You can click this to pin a certain area to the screen, so you can go into other apps and keep that part pinned. Really useful in some situations if you need to remember something across apps, but can't copy it.
11) Show Spotify (or other) music player inside Google Maps navigation
Go to Google Maps > Swipe from the left > Click Settings > Navigation settings > Turn ON "Show media playback controls", set Default media app to Spotify (or other music player). Then restart the app, now every time you go into a navigation, Spotify will show up. If you want to remove any persistent notification that comes up, use tip (3).
12) Diagnostic testing for sensors, hardware, screen, etc.
Dial *#0*# and a board of options will come up, and you can test different functions of the phone.
WARNING: Only use this if something to do with sensors or hardware is not working for you, for example, I used it when I ran my S9 through water and needed to test the front and bottom speakers. Also be warned that it takes a while to get out of this menu for some reason - I had to button mash the home and back button to get out of here, but eventually it will definitely get out of there.
13) Turn on Developer options
This is a given for most experienced Android users, but some of you may not know it. Warning - only do things in here that you know well, and don't mess around here. This will be used in a few more of my tips shown below.
Settings > About Phone > Software information > keep tapping "Build number" until it tells you that you've unlocked Developer options.
14) Use high quality bluetooth codecs if your bluetooth headphones are compatible
If your headphones support high quality codecs like LDAC (Sony) or APTX, then this is for you. While your headphones are connected, go to developer options (13), then scroll down to "Bluetooth audio codec" and switch it to the best codec that your headphones support (research it). You can also fiddle with the other bluetooth settings here if you understand them. I use the Sony WH-1000XM3 so I use the LDAC codec and it is amazing. Once you have chosen your codec, then you can go into the normal bluetooth settings menu, click the cog/wheel of the connected bluetooth device, and a toggle showing your chosen codec should appear, confirming that it is indeed being used.
NOTE: For the Galaxy Buds, the general consensus is that Default is the best codec so don't play around with this if you have the buds - they are made for the S10 anyway.
15) Use the Bixby button as a toggle between "Sound" and "Vibrate" modes, like the iPhone switch
You will need to install BxActions and enable Full Remapping, so follow tip (22) in Part 1. Once you've done that, go into BxActions > Bixbi button > for both "Single press" options on Standard action and Lockscreen, set it to "Sound mode iOS (Sound, vibrate)" or the (Sound, vibrate, silent) whichever you prefer. You can also do many other things with BxActions such as Flashlight, Google Assistant, and so on.
NOTE: When you switch to "Sound" mode, it plays a little sound tone. When you switch to "Vibrate" mode, it vibrates. I guess it is nice to know which mode you're in.
16) Save battery by putting certain apps to sleep
Settings > Device Care > Battery > (3 dots) > Settings > Sleeping Apps. Now, add apps which you 1) Don't need notifications from, and 2) Don't use frequently. If you have issues with a particular app after adding it to this, then take it off.
17) Utilize the Navigation Bar toggle in the swipe down quick toggles when needed
This isn't really a tip, but if you use the Nav Bar (3 buttons at the bottom), then you might find that when you watch some videos on Chrome or some other apps, even when you go full screen landscape, the Nav Bar will persist onto the side, often with a white colour. Just swipe down your quick toggles and click the Navigation Bar toggle - make sure Gesture Hints are disabled so that the thin lines don't show up. You can long press the Nav Bar toggle to turn it off. This isn't a great solution, but it's the best I could find if you use the Nav Bar.
18) Quick weather in Lockscreen
Settings > Lock screen > FaceWidgets > turn ON weather. This uses the stock Samsung weather app. Now when you're on the lockscreen, just swipe left/right from the clock and the weather will appear (along with any other FaceWidgets you have). It's a quick way to look at the weather without unlocking the phone.
19) Save battery by turning off Sync options that you don't need + Samsung Cloud
Settings > Accounts and backup > Accounts. Here you'll find all the accounts that are constantly being synced, from all apps. You can click through each of them to see what is enabled and what is disabled, and turn things on and off based on what you don't need. For example in the Google account. If you go back one level to Settings > Accounts and backup, you can go to Samsung Cloud to see what is being backed up to the Samsung servers. Click the 3 dots > Settings > Sync and auto backup settings > turn OFF anything you don't want synced. Also switch to the Auto Back up tab. I have turned everything off as I prefer doing backups only when I feel like it, as a one-off backup.
Another tip which I mentioned before is that if you use Outlook, you can turn off sync in your quick toggles and set a bixby routine to turn sync on only when the phone is charging - see tip (21) in Part 1.
20) Don't get into the habit of "closing all apps" in the recents/multitasking screen
I know a lot of people who have a habit of always clearing all the apps. The S10 has 8GB ram (6GB for some S10Es and 12GB for the 1TB S10+ model). This is a LOT of RAM and also, on Android, the more RAM utilized, the better. Always keep all of your apps open in the multitasking menu - it actually saves battery as when you open an app, it is already in the RAM and so it doesn't have to reload from scratch which saves battery and also provides better performance. I only close one particular app if it is bugging out. Only when the phone is completely frozen or something (very rare), then you can try "closing all apps".
21) Disabling lots of apps and system functions with Package DisableAdHell3/ADB Commands can hurt battery
If you use Package DisableAdHell/ADB Commands to disable a lot of apps including Samsung system things, sometimes it can really hurt your battery performance, which is the opposite of what you were trying to do. What happens is that the phone is repeatedly searching for a funcionality that it can't find, resulting in higher battery use, even though you won't know it. I've had this same experience on the S9 and S7 too. So these days, I stay away from disabling apps in that way.
I only go to Settings > Apps, and disable some apps which are duplicates and keep it at that (e.g. YouTube, Gmail, Google Music, etc). My battery seems to be fine now.
22) Swipe right and left for Back and Forward gestures in Chrome
Go to Chrome, go to "Chrome://flags", then search "Overscroll history navigation". Set it to Enabled, relaunch Chrome. Now you can swipe right for Back and left for forward. Quite useful especially for one handed use.
23) In-built Caller ID from Hiya - see who's calling you before you pick up!
Go to the Phone app > (3 dots) > Settings > Turn ON "Caller ID and spam protection". Click on the text of it to get a description. Essentially, there is an extensive directory on Hiya's database, and it identifies Spam callers for you, and it also sometimes identifies people's or business' names. It works when you receive a call or when you dial a number. It's nice to have some confirmation of who you're calling / who's calling you.
NOTE: Seems like most US-carrier models such as Verizon don't have this option, possibly due to potential conflicts with network policies.
24) Check out and customize the "Doze" buckets for standby status of apps
Android has a built-in feature called Doze that turns apps into standby based on usage patterns. To see what category Android has put your apps into, go to Settings > Developer options (see tip (13) to enable this). Scroll down to "Standby apps" and click on it. You'll find apps are put into four states - FREQUENT, ACTIVE, WORKING_SET > RARE. You can also click on apps and change their state based on your preference. You can't do it to some System apps so they show as EXEMPTED.
25) Turn Scene Optimizer off on the Camera for a more natural colour profile which you may like
By default, Scene Optimizer is ON in the Camera - this is where AI is used to detect what the image is, and a colour and HDR profile is added onto the picture. This usually results in stunning shots but sometimes the saturation is overblown. You can turn if OFF and test out if you like the pictures better. While in the camera view, click the button on the bottom right of the camera view (it is in line with the triple lens buttons) - this is the icon that changes based on what you're looking at. I find myself turning it off 50% of the time for a more natural shot, but Scene Optimizer is still great so don't turn it off permanently.
26) Show all of your notification icons rather than the dots after 3 notifications
Swipe the quick toggles down completely (so swipe down twice) > (3 dots) > Status bar. Turn "all notifications" on, rather than "3 recent notifications". Also, I turned off the battery percentage since I'm quite happy with the battery and don't need to constantly monitor it. I prefer the look in this setup.
27) Try using a pattern rather than pin code - it's way faster
Other than face recognition and fingerprint, sometimes we need to put in our manual method. I find the pattern to be way faster than putting in a PIN code, however do note that it is overall less secure. To change it, go to Settings > Lock screen > Screen lock type. Change the PIN to Pattern and setup a pattern that's unique but also easy to swipe. Try it out and see if you like it.
You can disable the pattern from being shown while you unlock the phone: Settings > Lock screen > Secure lock settings > Turn OFF Make Pattern Visible. Now when you swipe the pattern it remains invisible.
28) Turn off "Lift to wake" to stop the screen from accidentally turning on a lot
If you always find your screen turning on when you move it around, it's because of this. Settings > Advanced Features > Motions and gestures > turn OFF "Lift to wake".
29) Swipe down from anywhere on the home screen to bring up the quick toggles
Settings > Display > Home Screen > turn ON "Quick-open notification panel". Now go to your home screen and swipe down from anywhere to bring up the toggles, really useful for one handed use.
NOTE: Some custom launchers will not support this feature as they have another screen that comes up when you swipe down, e.g. a search bar.
30) Get amazing sound performance - Dolby Atmos, Adapt Sound, UHQ Upscaler
Settings > Sounds and vibration > Advanced sound settings > Sound quality and effects.
Turn on Dolby Atmos - this gives you a richer sound profile and everything becomes louder and more vibrant. I usually have my Dolby Atmos set to "Auto" but "Music" is good too. Don't listen to the nit-picky battery folk who say Dolby Atmos uses more battery - it really doesn't. I've left mine on permanently and it's fine.
If you use headphones/earphones, both wired or wireless, setup Adapt Sound in this menu while you are wearing the headphones. What this does is a "beep test" at a whole range of frequencies and you indicate which frequencies you can hear and which you can't hear. Then it amplifies the frequencies you can't hear so it's like your own customized sound profile for your own ears.
If you use wired headphones/earphones through the headphone jack (e.g. the AKG ones you get in the box), then while they're plugged in, you'll see UHQ Upscaler. Turn it on and set it to bit upscale. You can test out the bit and bandwidth settings, but I think it's better on the bit upscale only.
31) Uninstall or Disable duplicate apps you don't need
Settings > Apps > [Choose App] > Uninstall or Disable (whichever is available).
If you use Outlook, disable/uninstall Samsung Email, Gmail, etc. If you use Spotify, disable Google Play Music. If you use Dropbox, disable One Drive (however don't disable Google Drive as this controls the "Copy" function in share menus sometimes... stupid I know). If you use the default Samsung Gallery, disable Google Photos.
In general, clear out all apps which you already use another app for. If you see an app which you don't understand/recognize, just leave it. Don't start disabling all things that you "think" you don't need. This will result in unwanted battery drain.
32) You can see which apps allow certain permissions, sorted by permissions!
Settings > Apps > (3 dots) > App Permissions. Here, you can see which apps use certain permissions, e.g. Location or Storage. You can then click on the app and take away its permission to do that. To save some battery, see which apps have permission to use Location, and remove any you think you don't need to give location access too.
NOTE: Don't remove any permissions from System/Google apps as this will mess with the phone functionality - e.g. do not touch Google Play Services or Google Play Store or any Samsung system app. Only take away permissions from apps you downloaded from the Play Store..
33) Open into a notification's app straight from the Lock Screen
First, ensure you are on Brief or Detailed view: Settings > Lock Screen > Notifications > View Style = Brief or Detailed. Now when you see a notification on the lock screen, tap it TWICE. This brings up your manual unlock method (PIN or Pattern) but you can still use Face Recognition or Fingerprint to open it.
34) Brightness slider pinned to brief view of quick toggles, only need one swipe down to change brightness
Pull down the quick toggles down to the brightness control. Click the down arrow to the right of the control. Turn ON "show control on top". Now you only have to swipe down once to get brightness, and in combination with (29) this is really helpful.
Once again, share any tips that weren't mentioned here or in Part 1 and let's all get the best out of this beast S10 ;) I'll be updating this thread as I find out more things, or if you guys mention tips that I think are really useful.
Some of you have been DM'ing me - could you please post on the comments of this thread instead, thanks.
YouTubers - if you take stuff from here, please link the thread.
submitted by theraarman to galaxys10 [link] [comments]

Removed comments/submissions for /u/damnitbithc

Hi damnitbithc, you're not shadowbanned, but 72 of your most recent 117 comments/submissions were removed (either automatically or by human moderators).


fte591x in technology on 08 Jun 20 (1pts):
fm43hge in maths on 01 Apr 20 (1pts):
Practise is really the most effective way, sure there are tricks out there that you can use that only work for certain cases, the best way, imo, is to keep doing problems in your head even if you're...
fly9a2u in Realme on 30 Mar 20 (1pts):
Writing from Singapore btw, doesn't matte wherr you are this download is for any country
fly967p in Realme on 30 Mar 20 (1pts):
Works great for me, been waiting for a long ass time, it feels finally getting crust out if your eye I fucking love this phone even more now, didn't think that was possible
floa1oc in Realme on 27 Mar 20 (1pts):
The update is still in beta, no?
flk2y44 in guitarlessons on 26 Mar 20 (1pts):
Can someone download these and share them with me please?? Can't access it from my region :(
flgi8lp in Realme on 25 Mar 20 (1pts):
Color 6 Android 10??
fkwlsvj in NeckbeardNests on 19 Mar 20 (1pts):
Shit didn't realize "it" was such a massive novel
fkmtj81 in Realme on 16 Mar 20 (1pts):
Yeah these work fine for the x2 pro, but I'm still looking for something that can use the wide angle lense aswell, any ideas?
fkkywpo in Realme on 15 Mar 20 (1pts):
I wish they could use Gcam for the wide lense, anyone know how to do that?
fkgtymb in maths on 14 Mar 20 (1pts):
Can someone confirm if it's right?
fjkfghq in Realme on 05 Mar 20 (1pts):
Literally full day of use from 20 mins of charge for me, full brightness Instagram, and a few cod games on the subway
I try not to charge above 90 either for longevity
fjiw5yz in singapore on 05 Mar 20 (1pts):
Wow this is big deal!!! Congrats sg!
fj6br5h in Realme on 01 Mar 20 (1pts):
Please do, and share the gcam link
fiwtoo1 in maths on 27 Feb 20 (1pts):
For resusltant force? The x mag is 1 to the right y mag is 1 southwards so the resultant is sqrt(2) and direction is 275 degrees if you take positive rightward x as 0°.
Edit: answer: sqrt(2), 275...
fitdhwu in Realme on 26 Feb 20 (1pts):
It's okay to peel off, it's not a a foldable lol
fi2unp9 in exmuslim on 19 Feb 20 (1pts):
This is so specific, this dude is hiding something
fhhmrao in Realme on 13 Feb 20 (1pts):
fguzomd in chess on 08 Feb 20 (1pts):
Great !!!!
fgr7i0m in oneplus on 07 Feb 20 (1pts):
Boys realme x2 pro has a flat screen, headphone jack, and for the price of the cheapest 7t it has 12gb ram and 256 gb storage
And I switched to it from my 6T, sure the software isn't as clean as...
fgedi0w in maths on 03 Feb 20 (1pts):
But second one you gotta convert the mm to m, so multiply it by 0.001
fgedfie in maths on 03 Feb 20 (1pts):
Literally multiply the three numbers
fg1kbbg in Realme on 30 Jan 20 (1pts):
Just did it for x2 pro,it's not Android 10
It's a security update and a Instagram video upload bug fix.
I didn't backup, no files were lost at all.
ffgxexe in Realme on 25 Jan 20 (1pts):
iPhone xR
ffgxdq8 in Realme on 25 Jan 20 (1pts):
I use WhatsApp and telegram, never missed a notification
ffg9skz in Realme on 24 Jan 20 (1pts):
I should also add, the phone build quality is great: check some durablility tests online, its up there with the iPhones and samsungs in build quality no doubt, I've dropped just once so far from...
ffg9hp2 in Realme on 24 Jan 20 (1pts):
I agree not so many great case options but the factory case is pretty great quality and an extreme tight fit, you can tell they put effort into making it.
This phone is heavy but it's lighter than...
ffg8v9f in Realme on 24 Jan 20 (1pts):
I've never had problems with the loudness or quality of the speakers during calls(I've picked up phone calls in loud public conditions), I've not used a mi6 or note3 so I couldn't give you a direct...
ezm36sz in AnarchyChess on 08 Sep 19 (1pts):
This is Anand-Carlsen 1774.
ewv4czw in chess on 14 Aug 19 (1pts):
"super grandmasters"
eq5q0jg in chess on 06 Jun 19 (1pts):
eouupnd in singapore on 26 May 19 (1pts):
What is this subreddit even?
eoftpzu in chess on 22 May 19 (1pts):
eo86886 in oneplus on 20 May 19 (1pts):
eo4acz9 in learnmath on 19 May 19 (1pts):
You can try to use their Taylor series expansion and then cry
enremgm in poker on 16 May 19 (1pts):
This video is amazing
enjwykq in exmuslim on 15 May 19 (1pts):
Good argument for not making any friends
encrqdo in learnmath on 13 May 19 (1pts):
Let's see Send people to space
Save people's lives
Learn about more math All of which usually requires a team effort of course
en7h4bx in AnarchyChess on 12 May 19 (1pts):
Always retreat!
en6lr4b in learnmath on 12 May 19 (0pts):
And when you get a decent handle on some techniques to solve them I recommend you check out 3Blue1Brown's series on them, I think it's upto episode 2 as of now but it's getting juicy. It'll help...
elc48fn in AnarchyChess on 20 Apr 19 (1pts):
Oh fuck it's Magnus ttyl
ekn0o8i in singapore on 11 Apr 19 (1pts):
Got this aswell
ek3sb02 in oneplus on 04 Apr 19 (1pts):
YouTube Vanced working fine btw
ek0f6yp in oneplus on 03 Apr 19 (1pts):
can we pin this?
ejvlbx4 in chess on 01 Apr 19 (1pts):
Wow man! Nice work!!
ei40bnc in singapore on 09 Mar 19 (1pts):
You Singaporeans are weak!
eh5ovos in indianews on 24 Feb 19 (1pts):
wow, what a disgusting website
egvq84q in maths on 20 Feb 19 (1pts):
This question is wrong I'm pretty sure there's a printing error around "... f(X) = 11"
efpdmlz in chess on 04 Feb 19 (1pts):
Wow this is great stuff. Feels like just yesterday when Leela was falling for fried liver traps.
efbcbib in chess on 30 Jan 19 (1pts):
What episode is this, I wana check it out but don't wana watch the full series
ef9c7wx in chess on 29 Jan 19 (1pts):
Noooo :(
ee1gqyv in chess on 14 Jan 19 (1pts):
Yeah anytime I see f6 in the opening I start looking at how to make Qh5 work
ee1gl5u in chess on 14 Jan 19 (1pts):
You missed mate at first tho lol, f4 a6 was unnecessary
ed658nr in singapore on 03 Jan 19 (1pts):
They are disgusting, I ordered them for dinner today, couldn't even finish 20%, now I'm on the toilet with a terrible headache.
Fuck McDonald's seriously
ecnd1h8 in spotify on 27 Dec 18 (1pts):
3-5 mb each?
ea5o5mj in chess on 21 Nov 18 (1pts):
Real question is whyd you resign lol
ea3ypgk in seduction on 20 Nov 18 (1pts):
Nothing to do with pickup, some nice dialog here and there but nothing helpful
Also pretty shit movie, really fall off towards the end
ea3xvr3 in chess on 20 Nov 18 (1pts):
Wow anand really killing it
e8nm7uc in chess on 29 Oct 18 (1pts):
this is so great thankyou !!!
e8nhbsb in chess on 29 Oct 18 (1pts):
Lol maybe you need better opponents haha, you wana play sometime? I'm a lowly lichess dweller aswell : pennyNickles
e8nhbey in chess on 29 Oct 18 (2pts):
Lol maybe you need better opponents haha, you wana play sometime? I'm a lowly lichess dweller aswell : pennyNickles
e8nanqt in chess on 29 Oct 18 (3pts):
You're right, im sorry
e8lp3oh in chess on 28 Oct 18 (3pts):
what a shit game
e53ynbx in maths on 30 Aug 18 (3pts):


d2rzlj in chess on 11 Sep 19 (1pts):
Manny Paccquiao playing chess
aev9nk in oneplus on 11 Jan 19 (1pts):
USB-C Audio Dongle Compatibility.
a21nuc in math on 01 Dec 18 (1pts):
Central difference question challenge!
a0qx67 in spotify on 27 Nov 18 (1pts):
Wheres madvillainy?? It was there two days ago, Wtf I might switch to apple music because of this
9zy15m in seduction on 24 Nov 18 (1pts):
Texting help please?
9wemxp in chess on 12 Nov 18 (1pts):
Any way to watch the FIDE WCC stream without paying the actual subscription?
8l1lyg in Piracy on 21 May 18 (1pts):
Review by Andy Daly on comedy central?
8a5z3m in chess on 06 Apr 18 (0pts):
I played a Morphy-like brilliancy no joke.
I'm a bot. My home is at /CommentRemovalChecker - check if your posts have been removed! (How to use)
Help us expose and stand up to social media bias and censorship!
submitted by MarkdownShadowBot to CommentRemovalChecker [link] [comments]

Bought a Galaxy S20+. New Android user. Need some help!

Hey guys! I finally bought my S20+ and I'm loving it.
There are a few issues though. I had an S10+ for 2 weeks before this. That's what made me buy the S20 and stay on Android permanently.
On the S10+ I could lock apps to stay open in the background. On the S20+ I can only do that to one app. Any way to increase that?
This phone is getting pretty warm. On the third day now. Still warm. Not doing anything major. Just Reddit (Boost for Reddit), telegram, WhatsApp, YouTube Vanced etc. I've disabled notifications for apps I don't use. Does that stop them from running in the background? It does on iOS.
I also put a bunch of apps into deep sleep. Does that help with battery life?
On iOS, keeping an app open saves battery because the phone doesn't have to load it up again. Does the same theory apple to Android?
Where is the CPU on these phones? It was on the left on the S10, I could feel the left edge getting hot. On this, the whole phone gets hot.
I transferred my data using Smart Switch by signing into iCloud. My contacts and calendar got copied but not my notes. It said they got copied but they're not in Samsung Notes. Where do they get copied too?
I also need to copy my bookmarks from safari to Samsung internet. Tried googling but they all say to export an HTML file and import that to Samsung internet, and manually add them one by one. That'll take the whole day.
That's about it. Overall, great phone! Loving the display. I'm here to stay! At least until the new iPhone 12 comes out.
submitted by Nisaja to Galaxy_S20 [link] [comments]

Switched to a Galaxy S10E and I am wondering which apps I should download

So I am coming back to Android from my iPhone 7 and I am wondering which apps I should download. So far I have
  1. Boost for Reddit
  2. Amazon
  3. Today Weather
  4. WhatsApp
  5. YouTube Vanced
  6. Snapchat
  7. Telegram
  8. Spotify
  9. Soundcloud
  10. BlackPlayer
  11. Snapseed
  12. Plex
  13. Pushbullet
  14. Nova Launcher
  15. Twitter
  16. Facebook
  17. Instagram
  18. Layout
  19. Discord
  20. OneTracker for tracking my packages
  21. Gmail
  22. Gboard
  23. Chrome Beta
  24. Hurry for counting down dates
I really need a new podcast app and an alternative for Pushbullet that can send and receive files to my Mac. Also a new email app would be nice because Inbox shutdown.
submitted by trevinshu97 to androidapps [link] [comments]

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  1955. battlefront
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