Buffalo Check Bedding In Sheets & Pillowcases for sale

black and white check queen sheets

black and white check queen sheets - win

Done with this life

My family started in a trailer in a poor part of my city. First my parents had my sister, and then me a year later. My parents never married, but they tried to make it work for me and my sister's sake. They made it into an apartment, and then eventually worked their way into beginning to pay on the house my mom still lives in today. Up until I was about 10 years old, my father and mom stayed together in this house, and it was the definition of hell. Screaming/fights almost every day. Sometimes my dad would start it, sometimes my mom would, sometimes me or my sister. My dad has thrown me across the room, slapped and punched my mom multiple times, (my mom is 5'2', my dad is 6'3'). He has issues, some from his own father dying while he was young, some from using/selling coke and weed and drinking. My mom told me when I was young (maybe 7-8 years old) she was raped by two men in her home state of Oklahoma, and I don't think I really processed it well as a kid. Her dad also died while she was young, he fell to his death on a construction site.
Me and my sister both have mental health issues nowadays, but she did make it through four years of college, which is more than either of my parents or me did. I personally have really bad anger issues and anxiety, PTSD from close range shoot outs and robberies. I struggle daily with depression and suicidal thoughts almost every day. I sold weed at a pretty decent level for a long time, 6-7 years. I started around 16 when I realized my parents didn't really have the money they were giving me for my weed/drug habit. 20 or so dollars every day was adding up and they would tell me. My mom was a manager at a Texas roadhouse around when I was 8-9-ish years old, and she ended up getting in between two drunk guys that were in a bar fight and she got punched in her neck. She ended up getting a $50,000ish settlement, but had to have multiple surgeries and will pretty much always be in pain and will always have metal in her neck to the point where she can feel it when its raining outside. My mom has never been great with finances, so that money after bills went by very fast. She did use probably 20-30 grand of it on a new truck. An brand new F-150. Remember she's 5'2" lol. That was definitely a mistake, and I think she knows it, but I've never been good with money either. My father has always been broke, to the point where he would ask my mother for money for his own weed and bills. I'm not sure where my dad lives now, last I heard it was in the mountains in North Carolina. He left the house when I was around 10 like I mentioned earlier. He went to his moms house for a while and then moved out. His mom took care of us a lot of nights that they couldn't because of work or other things. She's the sweetest most Christian grandmother you could imagine. She had four kids, and then as I mentioned her husband (my dads dad) died of a heart attack while they were all still young. I can't imagine the pain, I'm sure it messed my dad up pretty bad. I think these things are important to understand though, because they help me see why they were always so mad and upset always.
So in comes when it started getting hard. I had almost no friends in elementary school, I remember getting a "red card" in maybe second grade for punching a kid in the back, yes the back, lol. Because he was literally just talking to a girl I had a crush on. I never really talked to girls then, I would just decide I had a crush on them. In second grade. Lol. He didn't even hit me back, he was kind of just like "What the fuck?" And then I just walked away until a teacher came up to me that's all I remember. I've always been a kind of small and skinny dude, and I especially was back then. In middle school I started making some friends but I was always annoying them because I was always asking to hang out and to come over to their houses. I remember my bus route used to go through the nicest neighborhoods on my side of the city, I'm talking retired NFL player nice. they make my moms house look like a shack, and I don't know if I realized it back then, but it was making me jealous. The friends I ended up making in middle school were not very healthy friends, we were always the loud and obnoxious ones. I got into a lot of trouble starting around this time, 7th grade. I spent almost half of my 7th grade year in In School Suspension, just staring at wall while "doing" class work. It was also this year toward the end of the year that I got into my first real fight. I was always outspoken, and so was this other guy, but he lived in a super nice house and was from a rich ass family. We had a social studies class together, and one day, I'm not even sure how it started, he started making jokes about my mother working at chick fil a. She got that job after her neck was healed up just enough to get a job. She had to get a job, as she was my house's income. She loved and still loves that job, she's a manager now. But back then and how he made fun of her in front of my whole class while my teacher just didn't do anything about it, I was just so mad. So I told him I was going to beat his ass and after class (and more trolling me) we met next to the side of the school and a huge crowd gathered to watch. A lot of people, not the whole school, but most of my grade, because we all exited the same door if you rode on the bus. I threw the first punch, missed, he grabbed my neck and slammed my head into the brick wall, I tried to throw another punch, missed, and I just yelled "stop making fun of my mom" grabbed my backpack and got on the bus, Just cried the whole way home, my sister on the bus was just wondering what happened. I've never been good at explaining my thoughts or feelings to people, so most people think I'm even more dumb than I actually am. I didn't tell my family about that fight for years, even though my sister did. I just will never forget it. I even tried to tell people that I didn't lose that fight even though everyone heard about it. I just couldn't come to terms with it. 8th grade I don't have many memories of. I was a goofball, and my grades were really slipping now, even worse than the year before. Most people just saw me as that weird kid who got his ass beat. I think around this time I started to get very, very cynical with my worldview and my attitude. I was always on the internet when I could be, playing shitty games on our homes only computer; a dell desktop, and reading stupid conspiracy theories. Later I would start gaming pretty hard, and I loved watching streams all the way back to the justin.tv days. My dad had a PlayStation 1, and I loved watching him play Call of Duty. It might be my only good memory with my dad, honestly, and he never got to play a lot. The internet and my cynical world view pushed me away from religion, even though my family was heavily Christian. Even before this though, I hated going to church. From a young kid onward every single Sunday was a screaming match between me and my mom about not wanting to go to church. Sometimes she would end up getting me to go, but that was less and less, and before even middle school I just stopped going completely.
So in between middle and high-school I started smoking weed, it made me some new friends and got me into hanging out at a park near my moms house. This park would end up being where I spent most of my next 6-7 or so years. Most people knew it was a druggie park, would call us all "park rats" and make fun of us for wasting our time and money doing drugs. But I gained more memories here than I could ever write down, I probably could make a book out of those memories. There were all ages of people there, some young as me, some mid 30s-40s, a lot of weed smoking teens, a lot of acid tripping hippies, some Xanax/oxy fiends, and even some meth and heroine people. Most days it was just normal people getting fucked up to enjoy their time, but there was always plenty of drama. This park was known not just on my side of town but through the whole city. its kind of tucked away in woods, sits on a lake, and has a small disc-golf course, so you'd even have a bunch of random (probably) sober people show up to play some days, but they usually stayed on their course and away from us, minus a few of them. I started selling weed when my mom started telling me no to my almost daily asks of 20 dollars. I look back and realize she just didn't have the money to support my habits, and I understand now. But once I started selling weed, I realized I could start eating when I was hungry, I realized I could get and smoke weed almost whenever I wanted to. Being at the park always made it easier to sell it too, because people knew to come there to find some weed. I met a LOT of people selling, and I mean a LOT. I started moving up to QP's (quarter pounds) on the front (pay back later) and always found myself 100-200 short on my re-ups, usually just from smoking too much and cutting too many people deals, Like I said never been good with money.
Then the serious shit started happening. I was maybe 17-18 when I was at my weed guy's small apartment downtown one day. I always liked going over there, not only because I knew we'd be smoking a lot, but because me and my plug were close, I looked up to him, and we had a decently similar shitty upbringing. One day, I get a call to come chill downtown at his apartment, even had two of our friends come pick me up from the park and bring me there. Took fat dabs on the way (THC oil/wax) and when I got there he surprised us with sheets of Gel-Tabbed Acid. Strong shit. I took my usual 2 doses, I was known for tripping a lot back then, haven't tripped since this day. It was going to be a "No Traffic" day, meaning no sales in his apartment so we could just smoke and enjoy our time. His girlfriend at the time had arranged a deal between him and 3 people he did not know. A young (17 at the time) girl, a mid twenties white dude, and a mid twenties black dude. What we didn't know until after this, was they had set this up, and once inside (mind you we were tripping pretty hard at this point), the white dude and the black dude pulled a gun on my plug and my plug instantly pulled his and fired back and 20-30 shell casings later everyone ran to get out. This was a very small apartment. I mean very very small, 7 or so people all feet away from each other. I was literally sitting on the floor because there weren't enough chairs for everyone, even before the 3 robbers came in. I ducked behind the chair I was sitting next to. One of the people that drove me there got shot twice, once in the thigh and one through the side of his asscheek, no joke. The white guy who was robbing us took at least one to the chest, and was also crushed underneath us all as we all ran out and flooded the small staircase down, I could not describe to you how twisted and contorted his body was, and I had no doubt he was dead. I ran to find my plug, I'm not sure why, but I saw somehow he had made it all the way to the other side of the street already, and was on the ground. I ran up to him, not wanting to touch him, and told him an ambulance is coming and not to worry, he was laying there bleeding out of his mouth and chest with what I later found out were SEVEN BULLETS IN HIS CHEST. I watched him die, or so I thought. I yelled for someone to call an ambulance and when I saw some random student walking past was doing that I ran away and back to the two friends who had drove me there. They were freaking out, it was a dude and a girl, they were a couple at the time. The dude had just gotten shot two times. His girlfriend needed me to go back in and grab her purse and phone that were left in the chaos, I said no at first, but she begged me so I ran back to the staircase and over the white guy on the stairs who had robbed us, I definitely thought he was dead the way his body looked. I went back up the stairs and into the apartment and grabbed the phone and purse and all I could see was blood and holes everywhere, it was disgusting, and it makes me tear up while I type this. I got back into the car and they drove to the nearby hospital (The guy that got hit twice actually drove, believe it or not) and I got out of the car right before they pulled into the hospital.
I'm 23, and besides these last two years, I have been on probation/in legal trouble my whole life. When I was a juvenile, I was on Show-Cap probation, where a cop would most nights come check and make sure I was at home. A cop would wake my whole household up at anywhere from 10PM - 2AM just to make me show him a card I had and then would leave, almost every night. During the shooting I was talking about, I was on Show-Cap probation. That's why I got out of the car at the hospital. I wasn't supposed to be around certain people or things like guns, legally. I got out of my friends car and walked (still tripping balls) to a McDonalds a few blocks away, sat down, and called a friend, crying the whole time, and I just remember seeing black around the edges of my vision, like I was either dying or falling into a like dark area of some kind, definitely losing it to the drugs at this point. I got picked up and drove back to my moms house, I told the car full of people I was with what had happened and they couldn't offer much aside from positive words but I will never forget at least they came and got my ass quick. That was some real friend shit. I cried and cried the whole way back to my moms, got dropped off, and like clockwork a few minutes later my mom got home. I told her something had happened (but not the whole story yet) and I felt like I was going to be in a lot of trouble. About 30 minutes later, maybe in total 1-2 hours after the shooting, a black SUV pulled up to my moms house.
I had to go downtown, I will say my mom even made me one of the Sur-gel drinks I had been using to pass drug tests to drink during the car ride there. They weren't even trying to drug test me, I didn't ask her to, she was just that cool I guess. I rode an elevator up a huge building and they sat me down with two cops who were pretty convinced this was my doing in some way. They kept asking me why I had been talking to my plug that day and when I said I hadn't, they pulled up my phone logs and texts. So they not only knew about my outstanding legal issues, they also knew I was lying. I really was just lying because I thought just being there was going to violate my probation. They had me on camera every single step from leaving the car at the hospital to walking into the McDonalds. They really wanted to blame me, they even told me my friend (my plug) was dead and it made me cry and cry and cry and cry. In the end, they couldn't hold me there. They forced me to point at a picture line up of people but I told them over and over I didn't know what they looked like and that you shouldn't use what I say because I just didn't know. Whole time during all of this 3-4 hour interrogation, they yelled and screamed at me and at one point left me in the room for maybe 2 hours while I just cried and cried. They were probably just watching what I would do when alone. I was still tripping acid, hard, and just felt like death was all around me. All I could do was cry.
Like I said, they released me to my mother. They obviously had no evidence against me, but one thing that they asked me during the investigation was why was my plugs girlfriend outside talking to the 3 robbers (juvenile girl, white guy, black guy, the juvenile girl ended up getting some lesser felonies but she didn't have a gun or shoot anyone, she just tried to block the exit at first). That was enough for me to put together that she was behind this, set him up to have him robbed. She probably just expected my plug to just give up his shit without a fight, but no, no he would never just do that. Obviously this whole situation fucked me up pretty bad mentally. For weeks I thought my plug was dead. Until one day he literally just called me out of the blue. Told me to come see him at his moms house. I'm telling you, this was my brother. Got in my car and went to go see him. When I got there I tried to hug him but he said he couldn't hug anyone, he lifted up his shirt and it was like a Frankenstein stitching all across his whole chest. If I recall it was 8 bullets that hit him in total. He had to use crutches and a wheelchair to move around the little bit he could. He only has one lung now, and will never move the same. It was a miracle, but no one died during that shooting, not even the white guy robber, who was shot in the chest and trampled over on the staircase. The white guy (I keep saying white guy and black guy just because I'm not trying to give out names, I hate all people equally) ended up pleading guilty and sentenced to 30 something years in jail. The black-guy robber took it to trial and WON. No fingerprints on his taped up shitty little .22 caliber pistol. Jury found him not guilty, and he is a free man to this day. Plug's girlfriend that set it up was never even charged as an accessory, but she did violate her adult probation by being there. As if that's all she deserved. This is a true story, google Fort Sanders shooting, It'll come up. The only reason my name wasn't in the articles was because I was 17 years old at the time. Not even an adult yet.
They subpoena'd me after the shooting to make sure I'd show up to court or to trial. It wasn't until 4-5 years later the black-guy robber had his trial. By this time I had moved up a lot in the selling game, my plug (same plug) had moved out to the west coast to step up his game as well. Had my own house I was renting in my hometown, Knoxville, TN. Nice car, shitty (but real) diamond ring, bunch of shoes and clothes, 2 shitty cars. Tons of memories, good times and bad, important memories in between then and the trial. I've had a lot of friends die that I went to school/smoked with, especially when Fentanyl started coming around. From what I've heard that's a problem a lot of people share, fuck Fentanyl. I have done most drugs, but luckily I was just smart enough to stay away from shit like heroine and meth. (not to say Knoxville powder wasn't dirty, because it was) I just really liked weed, it has always calmed down my bad emotions from my childhood and from the events I've been through, I don't get to smoke a lot anymore, mostly because I am poor again now. Its still Illegal as fuck in my state too, but that's another story.
I declined to testify at the trial of the black guy robber, and they never asked me to testify at the white guys trial because he didn't have one, he plead guilty. I decided not to testify because of multiple reasons, one- I hate cops, and law enforcement. I understand some are actually decent people. But go through a day in jail without food, because they CO thinks you're lying about not getting a tray, and ask me how you feel about cops after. Go through getting kicked out of your high school during your SENIOR YEAR because someone told some teacher you had weed in your car. I got pulled out of class by cops and arrested, and my car wasn't even on school grounds. Cops used to roll through the park I grew up in and would get out and do pat downs on whoever couldn't run away in time. These things and many more have made me hate cops, and yes, I still to this day hate cops. Is me not testifying the reason one of the robbers walked free? Maybe. But I certainly had no new information to tell the jury they didn't already know. Especially if the no fingerprints on the weapon they recovered was the reason they acquitted him. Who knows, maybe me going in there and crying like a bitch or something would've made it the jury see the truth. Either way it does weigh heavy on my heart but even my plug didn't blame me for not testifying.
During and before and after the trial, me and my plug were still at work. This is when I had moved into my house I rented, after living in a shitty apartment. I fully furnished it and everything. Washer, dryer, Ps4, Xbox 1, queen sized bed, the works. Even the little shower floor mat, I loved that home.
Fast forward to early covid 2020, my plug was starting to get annoyed with me. I was always asking him about the next pack coming in, always wanting as much of it as he could get to me, and I was always on him about the quality of it, even though it was always above average and most of the time it was top shelf. He ran into some legal trouble driving through Texas, that and along with a few other things happening in his personal life, work for me started slowing down. I never was good at saving money, I knew I should, I'd always beat myself up for not having money when I needed it, but I just never could change my spending habits. I'm still not sold on the whole "trying to be something you're not" argument because I've never had to fake anything. Most of the people I was around have heard from others what I've been through. At one point people were driving 2-3 hours just to pick up from me. I've been robbed plenty of times and I've robbed others. One things for sure, if karma is real, then I've definitely paid my dues. I haven't been selling now or have been in any legal trouble for the longest stretch of time since I started it all almost 8 years ago. And yes, I am proud of that.
Almost all of the friends I've ever had have either robbed me or wronged me in some way, or I've cut contact for my own issues or reasons. As of today, I have one friend that lives in Ireland, and he's a great friend, but he's got his own life to live. I got evicted for giving a bad check to my landlord, 3 weeks before they did the eviction halting for covid, which is still active today. Unlucky for sure, but my fault nonetheless. Finding somewhere to live has always been a challenge for me because of my lack of provable income. Today I have decent credit, a credit card, and a few thousand dollars I have invested in my Robinhood account that I seem to keep losing and gaining back. I stream on Twitch, but my last stream I just sat and cried for like 2 and a half hours, its still the latest stream on my channel. No one wants to follow me or give me a chance, which I understand, I probably could make it work if I grinded harder and harder at it, its just depressing as fuck to sit there and talk to yourself for hours at the beginning.
Todays' (1/28/2021) events in the stock market made me write this. Me and my mom keep fighting and its BEEN PAST the time I move back out again. No one will lease to me. She wont even stay here until I leave, as of this last week. I'm waiting on my new debit card to get here in the mail, and whether I have somewhere to go or not, I told her I'd leave when it got here, I have been homeless a few times, lived in my car, extended stay hotels, other peoples' couches. Its hard, but I know that I can make it fine. Today I woke up and had $20,000 in my investments, up from $1,100 I started with at the beginning of January 2021. I finally felt a little bit positive about my future at least a little bit, after a very depressing Christmas and January. Then Robinhood and other brokers today cut off buying GME, AMC, and others. I was heavy into GME, having gotten in @ $69 (lol) dollars a share. It was $450+ per share this morning, after a week of mainstream media attention from every social media website, major TV news stations, and billionaires like Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, that Chamath guy (who seems awesome) and many more. Robinhood and a couple other brokers actually turned off the ability to buy the stock. Literally. All the stocks that were heavy volume "meme stocks" they cut off. I was in GME and AMC, but even Blackberry, Nokia, and others were cut off too. Needless to say, after the whole week of manufactured panic from all of these different sources, this straw broke the camels back. GME at this moment is trading @ 225, and I sold mine when I opened my app and saw it at 155, which was the lowest dip of the day. I came out in the green, I came out making a $1,500 or so dollars. But my portfolio by the time I cut AMC losses went from $20,000 this morning, down to $5,000 as I type this. I have never wanted to kill myself more than I do right now, mostly because this week it felt like I really earned this. I stayed diamond hands (held through the media pressure) through this whole week, only to give up at the end. It will hurt even more if GME recovers from this dip, but It's not because other people are making money without me, its because I could've used that money to move out, get some food to eat, get a new car that doesn't leak through the roof in case I'm living in it here in a couple days. And more importantly, I earned that money. I noticed the momentum before it even touched 40 a share. I've watch DFV's (roaring kitty on YouTube) 5-6 hour livestreams where he was going over the financials and spreadsheets of GameStop back in fucking 2019. I believed in this play and threw the money I had at it, and it should have worked out at least better than it did, I was planning to exit or at least hedge my earnings tomorrow, when shorts have to cover. But when I stepped away to eat lunch and take a shower because of how stressful this morning this morning was, I came back, opened my phone, and I was $15,000 down. So yes, my diamond hands failed. I sold. And while I still had a gain, its not at all what it should rightfully be. I can't even bitch and moan in the Wallstreetbets subreddit because apparently me being a lurker for a year isn't enough because of all of the newbies in there from all of the media attention.
So to finally wrap this up, I feel like I tried my best in this life. I haven't always been a good person, but not once have I thought to myself that I was evil. I'm too nice sometimes, and its gotten me fucked over, and I'd still go back and front friends weed or give them money/weed for free because I'm just not having fun unless people around me are too. Everyone's struggling in their own ways. I do not want to live on this earth any longer. I wrote this to at least explain to everyone what happened to me. And while I left out some very important parts in my life, this should give you a summary of what was going through my mind today. I really have been a good human being these last 2 years. Maybe I'm greedy for not selling earlier today. I was just so caught up in finally "sticking it to the man" and making the best play I've ever made I didn't want to feel like they would win by making us sell. I didn't even come out in the red, but goddamn it feels like I lost everything. I don't want you to feel sorry for me, just learn from my mistakes and take care of yourselves. You have to be stronger emotionally than I was. Move out of the U.S. if you can, its just greed and money that rule here. Maybe nowadays that's just everywhere.
Thank you to anyone that for some reason read all of this. To my dead friends Tad, Pmoney, Cierra, Raegan, Tina, I miss you guys and you better have a blunt for me when I see you all soon, I could really fucking use one about now. Much Love, - Bleezy
submitted by Bleezynation to u/Bleezynation [link] [comments]

It’s coin-operated.

I woke up later than I expected, the sun shining on my face through the only bedroom window not covered by a blind. Had Herbie not cried since…when? I sat up slowly and picked up the baby monitor. It was on, and I could see the black and white image of his crib, his small form still beneath the blue blanket my mother had given him. I began to feel uneasy as I thought back to the night before.
I…I remembered putting him down at eleven and then checking on him at midnight before heading to bed, but usually he would wake me up between three and four and again between six and eight. I looked at my phone. It was ten fifteen. Had he really slept through the night for once, or had I slept through him crying?
Or was something wrong?
Pulling back the sheets, I jumped up, my heart pounding in time with my steps as I ran down the hall to his room. The house was so silent, and when I went into the nursery, the instinct that something was wrong just grew stronger. The room felt empty and cold.
Looking over into the crib, I was reaching out to pull back the blanket when I stopped myself. I could already see the rise and fall of his chest, and his face was unblemished by discomfort or bad dreams. He was sleeping well and peacefully, and here I was about to wake him up instead of being grateful for a few hours peace.
I was about to ease back out and go make some coffee when I heard a funny little snoring sound. Herbie had never snored before, though I guessed there was a first time for everything, especially with a three-month old baby. Still, I felt a new twist of worry. What if he was getting sick, and that wasn’t a snore, it was a wheeze? Wincing at the idea of disturbing him, I gently pulled back the blanket and picked him up.
He didn’t stir, his expression not changing from the placid mask of someone lost deep in slumber. This worried me more, as he normally woke up as soon as I touched him, but I held my fear in check as I eased him to my shoulder and put my ear to his face.
It didn’t sound like a wheeze, but it wasn’t a snore either, exactly. It was a thinner, more rhythmic sound that grew quiet and then louder, but was always there. Still thinking about congestion, I lifted Herbie up a bit and put my ear to his chest. The sound was clearer here, a whirring thrum that seemed to vibrate from somewhere in his core. That wasn’t right at all. I needed to call the doctor and carry…
That’s when I felt the hard place on his back.
My fingers had just brushed it, but the wrongness of it was immediately obvious. Under his onesie, right in the middle of his back, was a long, flat hardness that was cool to the touch. What was that? Laying him back down on his stomach, I pulled the onesie down as my breath caught in my throat.
It was a coin slot.
A metal coin slot, like you might find on an old-fashioned machine at one of those antique arcades or fairs. I reached out and touched the edges of it, thinking somehow it had gotten stuck to him, but no. It was flush against the flesh of the baby’s back, hard brass grown seamlessly into soft, pink skin. My mind was reeling, torn between confusion and fear and the growing realization that Herbie still hadn’t woken up.
That’s when I noticed the small gray envelope jutting out from the tangle of blanket nearby. Plucking it out, I felt the weight of something small and hard inside, and when I opened it, a thin silver coin tumbled out into my palm. Still in shock, I turned it over in my hand, studying it. One side was embossed with the face of a smiling woman crowned with a corona of sunlight. The other side showed the same woman, her thin face hard and sinister as she glared up at the moon. My eyes went back to Herbie and then to the envelope, where I could see a thin line of cramped writing on the inside of the upper flap.
This is better. It’s coin-operated.
I started to shudder, the envelope fluttering from my hand as I picked Herbie up again and began to rub his face and his arms, his legs and his feet, desperately crooning for him to wake up, to get up now. It was time to wake up and quit playing this joke. He just lay limply in my arms, purring that strange rusty-sounding snore without stirring at all.
I put him back down, tears blurring my vision as I tried to decide what to do. I should call 911. He must be sick, or I was crazy, and either way, we needed help. But…what if this was real? And what if using the coin fixed things somehow?
I hadn’t remembered dropping the coin, but after a moment of panic I found it on top of the blanket, gleaming dully as I held it in my hand. This was all insane, like some kind of nightmare. But maybe if I played by the rules, I’d wake up and everything would be okay.
So I turned Herbie back over and tugged down his onesie again. The coin slot was still there, cool to the touch and solidly real. Holding my breath, I put the coin up to the opening and dropped it in.
There was a muffled clink! and then the whirring snore grew louder for a moment before turning into a yawning sigh. Herbie turned his head and tried to push himself over as he began to wake. I let out a gasp and picked him up, looking into his face and finding his eyes. He was looking back at me, his expression drowsy but interested as he gave me what might have been a slight smile.
He was okay. He was okay and I was just messed up or…but no. The coin slot was still back there. And I could still hear a low-frequency whirring coming from inside him somewhere. Not the wet beating of a heart, but the dry orbits of an intricate clockwork.
My skin went cold as I eased the thing back down into the crib. It tried to hold on to me, but I gently pushed its grasping hands away. I…I didn’t know what this thing was, but it wasn’t my baby. Turning, I started out of the room. I’d get my phone and call Mom and then I’d go looking for Herbie. Maybe he was still in the house, but I had a feeling he was gone. Someone had taken him and left that envelope, left that thing in…
I froze, turning around slowly as Herbie’s face peered at me over the edge of the crib. How was that possible? It would have had to jump several inches and pull itself up to the edge, and Herbie was a long time from that or being able to form words.
“Mommy?” The tone was harder now, almost accusing, and my baby’s face was drawing down into a pouting frown.
I felt anger mixing with my fear as I took a step forward. “I’m not your mommy. Whatever you are, you aren’t mine.” The thing froze for a moment, and I had the thought that maybe it had broken or wound down. But then its cheek jumped as it began to pull itself over the edge. “I am. I’m your baby.” Grunting, it tugged its belly over the railing and flopped down onto the ground. Despite myself, I felt a moment of horrified panic that it had hurt itself. A moment later, the panic turned to terror as its limbs rotated with a whir and it flipped itself over and began to crab-walk toward me. “Come hold me, Mommy.”
I was back-peddling now, trying to close the door before it reached me, but it was too fast, leaping forward through the closing crack and landing on my chest. It squealed in my face with a sound like grinding gears as sparks glowed from somewhere down in its throat. Screaming, I grabbed it and slammed it into the wall and then the floor before kicking it away from me.
The meat of it was ruined now, the fleshy covering ripped and torn in a dozen places to reveal bits of gleaming metal and coiled wire, gears and axles flailing disconsolately as their places in the orderly whole were disrupted and destroyed. It was dying now, but even still it called to me, crawling to me as it clicked together pink gums made of thin strips of beaten tin.
“Mo…my. I’m your…bab…nowww…”
I was terrified to approach it, but my revulsion and rage was growing again, and I needed to make sure it was dead and stayed that way. Darting forward, I stomped on it, once, twice, and then a final third time, and that’s when the silver coin popped free from the mechanical ruin, rolling down the hall a few feet before spiraling and falling down, the evil face of the moonlight queen glaring up into the sky or perhaps toward me.
I was half-crazy as I searched the nursery and then the house for Herbie. When I saw no sign of him, I called Mom, screaming and crying into the phone before hanging up. I’d upset her, but it couldn’t be helped. She sounded as confused as I was, but I felt sure she’d call the police like I asked. I had other things to do.
I’d had the thought that I could go back and look at the recorded footage from the baby monitor. See what had happened to Herbie and when. My hands were shaking as I picked it up from beside the bed and tapped on the screen. It always kept the last 24 hours, so I jumped back ten hours and then started fast-forwarding through the footage. I found what I was looking for at 3:15.
A pair of small figures appeared from the shadows in the far corner of the room. There was no door or window there, so I wasn’t sure where they’d really come from, but I was more concerned with what they were doing. Helping each other up, they pulled themselves over into the crib. One of them scooped up Herbie even as the other was opening a dark sack and pulling his replacement out onto the bed. Weeping, I watched as Herbie began to wake and struggle, a tiny, furred hand covering his mouth before he could let out a frightened wail. The other had placed the blanket over the fake and was now opening up the sack again even as the one holding my baby stuffed Herbie inside. In a moment, they were back over the side of the crib and gone into the dark.
I dropped the monitor onto the bed and ran back into the nursery to check it. Maybe there was a hole in the wall or a secret door. Something I could use to follow wherever they had taken my baby. I just needed to check every inch of the…
Except it wasn’t a nursery anymore. The room was bare—no crib, no toys or changing table, no stacks of books or rocking chair. Even the walls were the stark grey they’d been when I first moved in two years before. How was any of this happening?
Stumbling back into the hall, I saw that the ruined baby-thing was gone too. There was no sign of its broken bits or torn disguise. There was no sign of anything, not even…
The coin.
My heart leapt as I saw it still dully gleaming from its resting place on the carpet, the woman’s face still harsh and displeased in the silver moonlight of some distant night. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was that it was proof. Proof of what had happened. Proof that someone had taken my Herbie.
I let out a small scream as the doorbell rang. The police! They were here and I could show them the coin and the video and they’d help me get my baby back.
When I opened the door, I saw it was Mom instead, her face drawn and pale as she looked at me. “I…Brenda…are you all right?”
I stared at her, incredulous. “Of course not! They took him! They took him and we have to get him back! Did you call the cops?”
Her face drew down further into a frown. “No…No, honey. I didn’t. You weren’t making any sense. You were talking about a baby? What baby?”
Stepping back, I felt a chill run up my spine. “My baby. Herbie. They took him.”
She followed me inside, shaking her head slightly. “Baby, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t have a baby. You never have.”
I could barely breathe. “That…That’s not true. I have a baby. Little Herbie. What’s wrong with you?” I started to cry again. “They…they took him, and tried to trick me or trade with me. They gave me a little mechanical baby that looked like him, but it wasn’t him, and then it attacked me, and then I saw them take him, and the room was a nursery, but now its not, and I need you to know this. I need you to remember and help me find him.”
My mother stepped forward and swept me up in a hug, stroking my hair as I wept against her shoulder. “There, there. I think you’re sick, honey. We need to get you some help. It’ll be okay.” I’d wrapped my arms around her neck, but now I started to recoil. How could she not remember him? I was still pulling away when my fingertips brushed against something in the back of her neck.
It was a coin slot.
I froze, staring at her as she smiled at me, her eyes jumping slightly to the left and right as she watched me, holding me tighter with the softly ratcheting ticks of some internal metronome. “This is better. Just accept it.”
She was too strong for me to push away, so I dug into my pocket instead. Found the coin that rested there, caressing the queen’s cheek as I pulled it free and reached around its neck to the coin slot imbedded into whatever it called a spine. I saw its eyes widen as I dropped the coin in.
And then it began to scream.
submitted by Verastahl to nosleep [link] [comments]

Unleashed pt. 50

Took a little longer, but you get a double post as this was a busy chapter. Thanks to u/eruwenn for the polish and additions.
First / Prev / Next
Aaron stood atop vast rolling hills of lush green grass beneath a bright blue sky. Ahead of him in the distance he could see snow-capped mountains and forests, as well as a great lake that shimmered on the horizon. He glanced over at the white rabbit with glowing golden eyes that sat before him, briefly admiring the black top hat and red waistcoat that they sported. He began to whistle as he walked towards the rabbit.
“Am I late?” He saw the rabbit’s nose furrow. “I am so glad I chose that form for you; it cheers me up every time I see it.”
The hollow metallic voice of the Inorganic remnant that haunted Aaron’s body gave a short reply. “INDEED.”
The human sat on the grass, running his fingers through it. “Cheer up, our plan worked. We got the materials you listed, and your fabricator adjustments worked so we even got the whatchamacallit. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
A smile touched the human’s lips. He tugged a couple of blades of grass free and let them tumble through his fingers. “I’m glad you finally came round to my side. It's a bold plan.”
Our plan.” Aaron corrected. “You helped me, you even designed the gift. And, if I die so do you, so try and be a bit more positive.”
The rabbit bounced twice towards him. “THAT ABOMINATION WAS YOUR IDEA, I MERELY PROVIDED THE TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE.” Fragment settled down opposite Aaron, and their voice grew quieter. “DO YOU HAVE THE MATERIALS WITH YOU?”
The human nodded. “I had them on me when I got into the blue pod — honestly, Gardener security is shockingly poor — but anyway it’s all there.”
The golden eyes flickered as Fragment began absorbing the materials pressed against the human’s skin. “THEN THIS WILL BE OUR GOODBYE.”
Aaron was immediately confused. “Why? We figured out how to hold the connection for the entire time I was in here. We’ve got ages before I wake up.”
The human stood and took a step back. “What? How? We don’t have the rare minerals.”
Fragment bounced closer and their voice became strong again. “THESE WILL BE NEW, AND UNIQUE TO YOU. I HAVE STUDIED YOUR BIOLOGY. BEING INSIDE A LIVING BEING IS... DIFFERENT.”
“Pretty sure you said it was disgusting,” Aaron interrupted, “but continue.”
The human held up his hand. “Unless that fraction is zero, we’re still fucked.”
“Oh.” It took a moment for the human to fully register the meaning to those words. “Oh, hell no. After what we’ve been through? All the hard work I put in convincing you not to be such a dickhead? You can’t leave me before the end.”
The eyes flickered once more, coming back less bright this time. “IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN.”
Aaron stepped forward, reaching his hand out. “Wait! We should talk about this. We’re a team!”
"HA." The voice was warm now, losing the hollowness. "IF WE DISCUSS THIS, YOU WILL TALK UNTIL I DO AS YOU WANT. WILLINGLY, OR OTHERWISE. THIS IS MY CHOICE.” Fragment paused, hopping forward once more. “FOR THE TEAM."
"But the plan?" Aaron’s voice cracked with emotion and he sank to his knees. "You help me get home, and I help you get a new nanite body. We had a deal.” He was pleading now. “We’re friends now!"
The rabbit began to fade as Fragment spoke, their voice calm but touched with sadness. “MY FORMER SELF LOATHED YOU. THAT THIS SMALL PART GOT TO KNOW YOU WAS AN HONOUR YOU MAY NEVER TRULY UNDERSTAND." Gone was the rabbit, faded away into nothingness, but the eyes were left. They hung before him, already having lost much of their glow. “I LEAVE YOU WHAT MEMORIES I STILL HOLD. I WOULD ONCE HAVE ASKED YOU TO WATCH OVER AND GUIDE MY PEOPLE, BUT THROUGH YOUR FRIENDSHIP I KNOW THAT I NEED NOT ASK.”
Tears ran down Aaron's face. Through his exercise regime he had needed repeated use of the blue pods, which had given him a significant amount of time alone with Fragment. Here, time moved more slowly, and as two prisoners trapped in their own separate ways, they had formed a strong bond. The human couldn't bear the thought of losing his friend, his companion, his last tangible link to his former life. “I’ll do my best.” Aaron wiped the tears from his face and smiled. “If I live.”
The eyes faded further, becoming translucent, and the voice lost the hollow metallic sound. “You are the last human. If they knock you down you will rise again. Because you are stubborn and arrogant.”
Aaron laughed through his tears. “Damn right.”
Fragment’s eyes were now nothing but the vaguest hint of a glimmer in the air. “I can feel myself fading… becoming you.” As the human reached out his hand, with a chuckle Fragment whispered, “It is disgusting.”
Aaron blinked, and though his hand was still outstretched he knew he was now alone in the mind world they had created together. For a moment he couldn't move, but then his knees buckled and he sat down hard on the lush grass. Movement now unlocked to him, he curled up, screaming his frustration into his hands and letting his grief overwhelm him.
His mind swam with painful memories of both homes he had lost. Earth, and the Porkchop Express. Rising up and mixing with the glimpses of his past were the broken memories of Fragment and the journey of their people, and he was utterly filled with the magnitude of this third loss.
The scattered moments of a life not his own were filled with the emotion that Golden Eyes had sought to keep from his people. The heavy grief at being exiled, the churning horror of what their people had become, and the steadfast resolve to spare the others by taking on all the memories themselves. They had given up their souls in a desperate attempt to avoid becoming like the rest of their kind.
He could feel the truth of it now. Golden Eyes thought they were unleashing a terrible fate by giving up on their efforts to withhold emotion, but the beings known as Inorganics were no longer. Gone were the monsters that had hated organic life with such passion that they had destroyed countless worlds. Aaron and his influx of media had created something new in Alexa, and she in turn had changed the others. The infusion of Humanity had formed something new, and that warm glimmer of hope was the last thing that Fragment had passed to him. A hope for the future, free from the pain of the past.
Aaron woke screaming, startling the Gardener who had been watching over him. His head felt like it was about to explode, and he cradled it in both hands as the fire in his mind began to spread to his body. The sensation was unnervingly like lava running down through his veins, and though motion was becoming painful he couldn't help but pull the sleeve of his shirt back so he could look at his upper arm. A thin golden line was wrapping itself around his bicep, moving slowly down in the direction of his hand, and behind it were whisper thin trails of glowing gold that left pain flowing in their wake.
Panic struck. Had Fragment made a mistake? Had he been betrayed?
The pain reached his abdomen and with difficulty he lifted his shirt to see the same thin gold line flowing over him. The agony was incredible, like a blowtorch being slowly passed over his flesh. A terrifying thought struck him and he bunched as much cloth as he could together and clamped it between his teeth. The golden line passed below his waist with terrifying slowness, and in a blinding white light of searing agony he bit down as hard as he could before he passed out.
With great trepidation he opened his eyes once more, but there was no pain. Instead, there was an audience. Tsy’Lo and Bert stood directly over him, and behind them was a Gardener Commander and a greying Procyon with a small device in his hand. Aaron smiled. “Nobody brought breakfast?”
Bert cocked his head and stared hard into Aaron’s eyes. “What did you do?”
The human looked down at his arms, and was uncertainly reassured by the lack of golden lines. “I think it was something I ate? You know, I didn’t really check what was in the food on Toivoa.”
The S.T.A.R.S. officer's eyes narrowed. “Something you ate?”
A faint scent hit Aaron’s nose and he saw the old Procyon hold up his device. It said, “Loudness words of pain and suffering. Flesh light. Sleep. Reports of other said.”
The old Procyon then took out a datapad and began tapping furiously, muttering to himself as he worked. The human hid his smirk at flesh light. “Yeah, there was a golden glow. I told you about the small piece of Inorganic core that was in me?” Bert screwed up his nose, Aaron took that for an acknowledgement. “Well, it’s gone now. That may have been what it was.”
Bert watched the human closely, Tsy’Lo nervously looking over his shoulder as the Procyon asked. “The food from Toivoa cured your infestation?” Aaron half shrugged, half nodded, and Bert believed none of it. “And what is that?”
For the first time Aaron looked at the ground beside him. He swiftly snatched up the object and stuffed it in his pocket. “It’s not finished yet.” He saw the looks he was receiving from everyone and added, “It’s my gift for the Queen, if you must know. You can see it when it’s done.”
A few more scents drifted to Aaron and he watched the Gardener, whose stomach was slowly glowing, and the old Procyon as they seemed to be watching the device. It spoke again. “Honoured guest without injury, duties be returned to. Scent to words machine perfected. Honoured guest must hear words true to Queen.”
The old Procyon began tapping furiously once more. “Why is the syntax value so low, and what are these pheromone clusters?” He pointed at the Gardener Commander. “Come on, let’s get back to the others and input this new data.”
Bert raised an eyebrow and motioned towards the pair in the doorway as he held out a hand for Aaron. “We’ve gotten by for hundreds of celes with mostly written communication.” The human accepted the hand and was pulled halfway to his feet before their difference in height made it clear Aaron was on his own for the second half. “Whatever the Queen wants to say to you, she really wants you to understand.” Now that the oversized stranger was standing properly, he looked them up and down, trying to reassess things. “What’s so special about you?”
Aaron smoothed down his clothing. “How the hell would I know? Look, Bert” –he enjoyed the small flicker of annoyance that touched the Procyon’s expression– “I have no sodding clue what has been happening since I got defrosted by the Federation. My advice is, just keep swimming.”
With a shake of his head Bert turned and walked away, patting Tsy’Lo on the shoulder. “He’s fine, so he’s your problem again. Try not to feed him anything that makes him explode.” He leaned a little closer, lowering his voice. “Keep an eye on him, something is definitely up.”
The Tricinic nodded, still watching the human who was currently bouncing on the spot and flexing his arms while smiling in an increasingly worrying manner. “I will do my best, Commander Bertolannixostraphes.” Once they were alone the small crystal being resonated at a high pitch similar to the noise the human made when he pursed his lips.
Aaron stopped his flexing. “I regret teaching you to whistle.”
Ignoring the comment, Tsy’Lo got straight to the point. “What really happened? I know it was not the organic matter you absorbed.”
“Of course not,” the human scoffed. “It wasn’t even spicy, but whatever the sticky blue sauce was I need to get that recipe.”
“So?” Tsy’Lo was not letting him divert the conversation. “Are you really no longer haunted?”
“Yeah.” His shoulders sagged as he remembered Fragment’s sacrifice. “I have to test some stuff. I need the resistance weights.”
The Tricinic let out a long drawn out hum as a wash of pale yellow filled them. “We meet with the Queen’s ship tomorrow, and you want to exercise? Shouldn’t you be plotting, or whatever it is you do when you give the smile of impending mischief?” The human, who had been grabbing his belongings from beside where the blue pod had been, turned and looked at Tsy’Lo. “Yes. That is the smile.” Pinks and blues flowed like a sunrise through the Tricinic. “Oh no! More human mischief?”
Aaron clenched his fist, feeling his full strength free of the nanite limiters. “For science!”
Aaron stood in the centre of his new accommodation on board the Queen’s ship. He looked at the meagre pile of belongings he had stacked by the bed before his attention turned to a small box of gifts he had received from Yoshi and the others before they had left. He was particularly happy with Yoshi’s gift of cured meats, and a handwritten copy of the sticky sauce recipe translated by Bert. The Procyon Commander had been true to his word and, along with Tsy’Lo, had come with him.
He glanced over to the large bed where Ozzy was folded up, happily chewing the glowing orange ball, drool dripping to the sheets below. Apparently, the Achalo was now the human’s responsibility after the incident in the pitcher flower room. “Happy?” he asked, getting no reply, and went back to the pressing issue. What to wear to meet the Queen?
Two outfits hung before him: the smart suit he had specially chosen and, beside it, his striped tracksuit. For some reason a defiant part of his brain was clamouring for him to wear the tracksuit. He was the Human Ambassador, Bounty Hunter extraordinaire, Leader of the Free Colonies and Owner of the Black Dragon Corporation. He took a deep breath, reluctantly picked up the suit, and began getting dressed.
Standing in front of a large reflective wall panel afterwards, he couldn't help but focus on his hair. Unkempt and overgrown, it just didn't fit with the look. “Alright, nanites, time for another test.” He leaned in, staring intently at his hair, and focused his imagination on how it had looked before. Neatly clippered sides, styled by his barber back home. He found himself grateful that they insisted on showing you the back of your head after every cut, and smiled as he saw his chosen hairstyle reflected in neatly cropped hair. “I can’t believe that worked.” He looked at his fingernails, observing that some were a little long, while others were chewed and chipped. They were soon neat and tidy, and he let out a small chuckle. “I’m reverse Wolverine.”
He walked to his belongings, giving Ozzy a scratch as he went past, and picked up the box with the Queen’s gift in it. Carrying it over to a small table he opened it and stared at the contents. Was he insane? Would this work? An image of Sassie came to his mind, and the thought of being kept from her steeled his resolve. He tucked the box under his arm, took one last look at himself in the mirror, and headed to the door.
The door opened onto a small communal area where Tsy’Lo was waiting. Seeing the freshly groomed and smartly dressed human, the pink and white clouds flooded them. “Your fur is tidy!”
Aaron spread his arms and did a slow spin, showing off his ensemble. “Cleaned up pretty good, huh?” He noticed the Tricinic was in a much more colourful and restrictive uniform. “You look great in your fancy uniform.” It actually looked like a uniform bought specifically for Halloween parties, but he tried to be encouraging. “Kinda sexy with the shiny purple, and the straps.”
Colours swirled and large silvery flakes fell like snow inside Tsy’Lo, who turned away swiftly. “It is mandatory: few from the refugees have even been allowed on board this ship. I will be in the presence of the Queen.”
The human straightened his tie. “Do you think she’ll take a selfie with us?”
The Tricinic flushed white, before they could answer Commander Bertolannixostraphes entered, dressed in a similar purple uniform. His, however, had several rows of what Aaron assumed were commendation awards. “We have the new Translators.” He looked at Aaron who once again showed off his clothes. “Why are you spinning, and why in Dortak’s name do you have a decorative noose around your neck?”
Aaron touched his neck. “It’s a tie. At least I don’t look like Rule 34 Rocket Raccoon.”
Bert narrowed his eyes, snarling slightly. “I may not understand your words, but I know they are insults. You’re lucky the Queen is so interested in you.” He cut off the human’s angry retort. “I have the new translator; they aren’t perfect, but they’re a lot better than what we had.”
Aaron accepted the device, and as it was placed in his hand he felt the nanites immediately respond to it. He had experienced the sensation a few times now so gave nothing away. It had first happened when he picked up Tsy’Lo’s datapad; a connection was made. Even now he found it hard to describe, he had just known things. Nothing had leapt out at him from the connection. It was more like he had always known, like remembering something. He knew how it worked, what it was made of, how to control and change it. It was all there, unbidden, in his mind.
The new translator was the same. He ran his fingers across the small screen to the sensors and scent emitters in its edge. Turning it over he traced his finger across the small panel on the back. He could almost hear the languages it held. “Woah!”
Bert snatched it from him, pushing a button on the side before tossing it back. “It’s more impressive when you turn it on.” The Procyon passed Tsy’Lo one as well. “I tried it out on the way here. Pretty amazing, I could understand them better than Yoshi after six Nurifian Ales.”
Aaron attached the translator to his chest. “Kinda ruins the aesthetic.” Lights flashed on the front and Tsy’Lo’s colour shifted to agreement. “Well, you understand me, so it works. And it’s better than carrying your datapad everywhere.”
Creepy.” Bert said as he watched the pair. “I’ve worked with Tricinic all my life, and I can’t read you as well as this guy.”
Tsy’Lo flushed with gold and green. “We have a rapport.”
The door chimed, and when it opened, in the doorway was a Gardener Commander. The other commanders that Aaron had seen were all imposingly tall and intimidating with spikes that faded to red from their usual dark green. This Gardener made the others look like pale imitations, sporting dark red with golden-tipped spikes as well as a long red cape. In its right clawed hand was a lengthy decorative spear with red ribbons fluttering beneath the bladed tip. Bert and Tsy’Lo stood to attention.
A smell filled the air, and Aaron’s translator kicked in. “I am Eridor, Captain of the Royal Guard. You will follow me.” The human ran his fingers across the device; he could feel it working.
submitted by Sooperdude24 to HFY [link] [comments]

this hasn't happened for a while but I still have my questions...

So, this is gonna be a little long. When I was around 5 or 6 years old, I had a dream where I was sleeping in the attic of my old house. I woke up in that dream and felt chills, also had the urge to go and look out the attic window that was placed in the center of the wall. So I went and opened the window, pushed it up, and leaned forward with my head sticking out. Immediately surrounding my house was a barren cornfield, and beyond that a ring of trees. Probably about 200 meters to the left of my house was a neighbor's house, all black, just like the rest of my surroundings. The sky was blood red, but I can't remember if the stars were that icky Crayola yellow color or pitch black as well.
Looking to the left at my neighbor's house I saw what looked like a girl perched on the very end of their roof, hunched over so that her hands were between her feet as she rested there. I watched as she craned her neck and howled, but it didn't sound like any ordinary howl—it sounded like an Aztec death whistle (weird thing is, one thing that remains crystal clear in my memory is that, before that dream, I had never heard of an Aztec death whistle or the sounds it could make). Then, she whipped her head in my direction, her figure also pitch black, and I reeled back and slammed the window shut. I had grabbed a few knives from one of the dressers in my room and inched myself toward my bedroom door while still facing the window, which was directly across the room from the door. I managed to reach the knob, twist it, and speed into the hallway when my blind, deaf, and mute sister (I don't have a sister) was coming up the stairs to check up on me (the only thing in this dream that's the same as in real life is the outside structure of the house and the one portion of the attic room where the window is; everything else is different). Out of terror, I threw the knives at her without realizing right then that it was my sister instead of the girl...gory details aside, I killed her and heard her scream (which is odd since she was mute).
Another dream I had in particular a few years later had the same ghost girl. I "woke up" in the dream in a standing position, facing a beach with a lake so large you couldn't see land on the horizon. The sky was cloudy and gray, and directly ahead of me on this beach stood a house shaped like a square with a regular roof on top. The white paint on the outside was chipping especially toward the bottom of the house, which looked like a couple hightides managed to reach, flood, and ultimately rot. The same ghost girl from the first dream was standing to the left of the house and pointing at its front door, but instead of being pitch black I could see her wearing a nightgown while her hair was still black and covering her face (before anyone says I probably watched that one ring movie and saw her in my dream, no. This girl in my dreams is taller than my dad while hunched over). When I reached the front door and looked left, she was gone. I went inside the house and noticed the once beautiful dark green wallpaper that was now peeling off the walls due to flooding, and multiple chunks of wood from the floor had been scattered about.
The two separate staircases at one end of the room that both went up to the same indoor balcony were also rotting and nearly falling apart, but one was in better condition than the other, so I used that one to reach the balcony. This was where all the doors were lined up along the walls, but one all the way to the left caught my interest. When I opened this door I saw a stairwell made out of dark wood, and I climbed it till I reached a small space with just enough room to stand in front of another door. Upon opening this door I saw only the right wall of the room which was lined with a couple dressers and a plethora of stuffed animals on top; directly ahead of me was a window that showed the gray sky and seemingly endless lake.
As I stepped into the room and started looking to the left, I saw a queen-sized canopy bed with pink blankets, but...on the wall just to the left of that bed were streaks of blood that first started as one or two crimson handprints. I don't remember there being blood on the floor, but the streaks on the wall led me to the closet with its which was tucked just to the right of the bedroom door. An awful odor wafted from the slide doors of the closet while a pool of blood seeped from below. Trying my best to prepare for whatever was inside, I slid the doors open and was greeted with multiple severed body parts. Just like in the first dream, I inched backward in fear and made my way toward the door, but this time I saw a smaller version of the girl in the bedroom door. I could also see her face, but her eyes and mouth were stitched shut while she tried to tell me something. To this day I feel bad for the way I bolted for the window and burst through it, plummeting toward the water. Upon falling through the waves of the lake, the ground below seemed to utterly vanish while I was surrounded by bodies.
Then I had a few more dreams. One was about a vampire-ridden private academy where the same ghost girl hunted me down to the literal grave with an axe. Another dream was about my old house's basement serving as a mental facility where both the ghost girl and I were strapped down to some cots and she broke free and tore into my chest. Yet another dream was about a house where the rooms inside would switch around like a Rubik's cube, and I saw her in a yellow kitchen. Then one more dream (among many more) didn't show her, but my family and I were looking at houses for sale and a room that once belonged to a girl (the people selling the house said their daughter died and they didn't want to remove her belongings from the room so they just covered a lot of it with sheets) gave me the same exact feeling I would get from the ghost girl.
Now here's where things take an extremely eerie twist. It had been a while since I had these dreams about the girl, and life was pretty decent. One night, just as I was about to fall asleep, I was jolted wide awake with the feeling of sheer terror. I could literally feel a presence gathering in the space between the foot of my bed and my mirror that gave off unmistakable murderous vibes. It was one of those things where, as I laid there, there was zero doubt that not only was this the girl I had seen in my dreams but, in the waking world, the feeling was amplified and I could tell that this girl wasn't desperate to kill, but also not obligated to kill. It was almost like she was created to do so, but she did find pleasure(?) in it. You might think this is sleep paralysis, and I don't blame you, but here's the thing—I managed to move my hand to my forehead while hiding under my blanket and willed myself to sleep.
The next night a large shadow jumped out at me at the end of my hallway, but when I looked there was nothing. Then I literally saw her standing in the corner of a room, smiling at me, and I proceeded to walk away as if my feet had a mind of their own. I tried to do some research on whoever this person was, but the longer I looked for answers, the slower my internet connection became—every other wi-fi-reliant device in the home operated just fine besides my own. That night I took the picture, tore it in half, and burned one half and left the other to burn the next day, hoping that I had burned the half that had her face. Next morning I woke up nauseous and realized later that I still needed to burn the one portion of the picture I had left. Unfortunately for my eyes, I bent over and looked under the bed to see the very half of the picture I was desperately hoping I had burned.
Only once or twice after that day did I have a dream of a creature similar to her, and I keep getting the subtle feeling she'll be back again, and I need answers. What even is this creature? She easily stands at 6'2 or more hunched over. Her hands and feet, when I saw her irl, were coated in ashes while her nightgown (which only reached between her thighs or calves since it was so small on her) had gray splotches on it. I saw her face, too, and her nose looked like it had been cut off. Her eyelids looked as though they were burned off, and her lips were nowhere to be seen. She had razor sharp teeth that, when she smiled, revealed a pitch black space behind them.
One dream I had revealed a whole bunch of the same girl in the basement of a mansion. I also shared this dream with a friend (we were literally in the same dream the same night, but I can cover details on that later on I think). So I'm kind of scared...I may have "taken care" of one girl, but if that dream reveals multiple, couldn't there be more? I don't even know what I could have done at 5-6 years old to trigger a giant ghost girl with the howl of an Aztec death whistle. Answers are greatly welcomed.
P.S: I've also had a couple experiences besides this.
submitted by ayumuwumu to Paranormal [link] [comments]


yall really thought your haul was done ;)
most of these have weidian reviews, so make sure to check em! stock isn't always available, so cop quick (or ask the seller if they'll restock)!
NOTE: There's no guarantee that you will get amazing quality shoes, check review pics and buy with caution. :)
Google Sheet here if you want to sort by price, colorways, or sizes! This list hasn't been sorted in any particular way, but the spreadsheet is already sorted by amount of reviews.

Budget Shoes:

¥135-210 AF1s | sizes 36-45 | 33 colorways | 1,263 reviews W2C
¥180 Nike Blazer '77 Mids | sizes 36-44 | 19 colorways | 136 reviews W2C
¥135-240 AF1s | sizes 36-45 | 35 colorways | 733 reviews W2C
¥217.6-248.2 Air Jordan 1 Lows | sizes 36-45 | 23 colorways | 686 reviews W2C
¥189 Alexander McQueens | sizes 36-44 | 20 colorways | 79 reviews W2C
¥169.2 Alexander McQueens | sizes 34-44 | 39 colorways | 101 reviews W2C
¥198 Nike SB Dunks | sizes 36-45 | 33 colorways | 645 reviews W2C
¥258-298 Nike SB Dunks | sizes 36-45 | 26+ colorways | 268 reviews: W2C
¥248 Air Jordan 32s | sizes 36-45 | 18 colorways | 530 reviews W2C
¥248-288 Lebron 16/17s | sizes 36-46 | 14+ colorways | 333 reviews W2C
¥89-230 AF1s | sizes 36-45 | 36 colorways | 400 reviews W2C
¥138 Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars | sizes 35-44 | 24 colorways | 199 reviews W2C
¥135-165 Air Jordan 11s | sizes 36-46 | 26 colorways | 215 reviews W2C
¥135 Converse All Stars | sizes 35-44 | 16 colorways | 356 reviews W2C
¥155-260 AJ1s | sizes 36-45 | 50 colorways | 152 reviews W2C
¥198 Nike Air Vapormax Flyknit 2 | sizes 36-45 | 17 colorways | 195 reviews W2C
¥168-199 Nike M2K Tekno | sizes 36.5-44 | 12 colorways | 268 reviews W2C
¥248 Nike PG3s | sizes 40-46 | 16 colorways | 115 reviews W2C
¥169 Givenchy Paris Shoes | sizes 34-44 | 8 colorways | 201 reviews W2C
¥139 Nike Joyride Run Flyknits | sizes 36-42 | 4 colorways | 721 reviews W2C
¥169 Yeezy 350 v2 Statics | sizes 36-47 | 2 colorways | 479 reviews W2C
¥169 Yeezy 700 'Salt' | sizes 36-46.5 | 1 colorway | 383 reviews W2C
¥169 Yeezy 700 'Mauve' | sizes 36-46.5 | 1 colorway | 349 reviews W2C
¥109 Adidas Alphabounce | sizes 39-45 | 4 colorways | 312 reviews W2C
¥139 Yeezy 700 v3 | sizes 36-48 | 2 colorways | 208 reviews W2C
¥232-265.6 Kobe 4s | sizes 40-46 | 15+ colorways | 227 reviews W2C
¥160 Nike Free RN 5.0s | sizes 36-45 | 20 colorways | 264 reviews W2C
¥169 Yeezy Boost 350 V2 'Clay' | sizes 40-46 | 1 colorway | 197 reviews W2C
¥189 Air Jordan 4 'Black Laser' | sizes 40-45 | 1 colorway | 162 reviews W2C
¥226.2 Bottega Veneta BV LUG BOOTS | sizes 34-40 | 6 colorways | 103 reviews W2C
¥149 Yeezy Boost 700 V2 'Static' | sizes 36-46.5 | 1 colorway | 80 reviews W2C
¥39 Balenciaga Speed Trainers | sizes 35-44 | 2 colorways | 13 reviews W2C
¥39.9 Nike Air Daybreak 1979 Waffle 40th Anniversary | sizes 37-39 | 1 colorway | 115 reviews W2C
¥119-258 AJ4s| sizes 36-46 | 30+ colorways | 239 reviews: W2C QC Pics (credit to my homie paps#7272)
¥170 AJ11s | sizes 36-46 | 21 colorways | 69 reviews: W2C QC Pics (credit to my homie paps#7272)
¥183-197 Nike SB Dunks | sizes 36-47.5| 23+ colorways | 108 reviews: W2C
¥159 Adidas Alphabounce Running Shoes | sizes 40-45 | 4 colorways | 119 reviews W2C
¥229 Air Jordan 11 'Vast Grey/Silver' | sizes 39-45 | 1 colorway | 109 reviews W2C
¥169 Yeezy Boost 700 'Analog' | sizes 36-46.5 | 1 colorway | 125 reviews W2C
¥208 Adidas Samba OG | sizes 36-45 | 11 colorways | 154 reviews W2C
¥119 Air Max 97 | sizes 36-45 | 12 colorways | 118 reviews W2C
¥156 Adidas Sam Smiths | sizes 36-44 | 10 colorways | 47 reviews W2C
¥278 Balenciaga Triple S | sizes 36-45 | 8+ colorways | 118 reviews W2C
¥175 Nike Free RN Flyknits | sizes 36-45 | 6 colorways | 62 reviews W2C
¥188 AJ1s | sizes 36-45 | 38+ colorways | 28 reviews: W2C
¥99-178 AJ1s | sizes 36-45 | 40+ colorways | 35 reviews: W2C
¥220 Kyrie 4s | sizes 40-46 | 26 colorways | 45 reviews W2C
¥268 Kyrie 5s | sizes 36-46 | 18 colorways | 63 reviews W2C
¥139 Kyrie 6s | sizes 40-46 | 3 colorways | 4 reviews W2C
¥109 Adidas Ozweego | sizes 36-45 | 4 colorways | 62 reviews W2C
¥129 Nike M2K Tekno | sizes 36-45 | 5 colorways | 59 reviews W2C
¥139 Stussy X Air Zoom Spiridon Caged 'Fossil' | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorway | 55 reviews W2C
¥149 Adidas 380 v3 | sizes 36-46 | 3 colorways | 46 reviews W2C
¥238 Air Jordan 12 "Indigo" | sizes 40-47.5 | 1 colorway | 26 reviews W2C
¥110 AF1s | sizes 36-45 | 3 colorways | 3 reviews W2C
¥158 Puma Smash Vulc Trainers | sizes 36-44 | 11 colorways | 36 reviews W2C
¥188 Bred 11s | sizes 36-44.5 | 1 colorway | 13 reviews W2C
¥188 Nike Air Monarch IVs | sizes 36-45 | 19 colorways | 23 reviews W2C
¥140 Nike Free 3.0 V2s | sizes 36-45 | 8 colorways | 20 reviews W2C
¥180 Nike Joyride Run Flyknit Racers | sizes 36-45 | 5 colorways | 10 reviews W2C
¥49.9 AF1 Highs | sizes 36-46 | 6 colorways | 55 reviews W2C
¥240 Adidas 3M Ozweegos | sizes 36-45 | 3 colorways | 1 review W2C
¥99 Adidas EQT Bask ADVs | sizes 36-44 | 3 colorways | 1 review W2C
¥99 Adidas Superstars | sizes 36-44 | 12 colorways | 11 reviews W2C
¥89 Adidas Superstars | sizes 36-44 | 6 colorways | 0 reviews W2C
¥99 Adidas Valentine's Day Superstars | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥99 Grey Adidas Superstars | sizes 38.5-43 | 1 colorway | 1 review W2C
¥99 Green + Red Adidas Superstars | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 1 review W2C
¥99 Air Jordan 4 Retro "Tattoo" | sizes 40-46 | 1 colorway | 13 reviews W2C
¥39.9 Adidas Tubular Doom Sock PK | sizes 39-44.5 | 4 colorways | 22 reviews W2C
¥59 Adidas Spezial Trainers | sizes 40-45 | 1 colorway | 6 reviews W2C
¥168 Off White x Air Jordan 5 Black | sizes 40-42 | 1 colorway | 10 reviews W2C
¥238 Air Jordan 5 Retro Alternate Bel-Air | sizes 40-47.5 | 1 colorway | 4 reviews W2C
¥79.9 Nike Daybreak SP | sizes 36-44.5 | 5 colorways | 1 review W2C
¥159 Jordan 1 Retro High 'Sports Illustrated'| sizes 40-47.5 | 1 colorway | 2 reviews W2C
¥188 Air Jordan 4 Retro 'Metallic Red' | sizes 36-47.5 | 1 colorway | 3 reviews W2C
¥188 Air Jordan 4 Retro 'Pine Green' | sizes 42-44.5 | 1 colorway | 5 reviews W2C
¥149 Madness x New Balance 990 | sizes 44-45 | 2 colorways | 5 reviews W2C
¥99 Adidas Originals Campus 80s | sizes 40-44 | 1 colorway | 3 reviews W2C
¥159 Air Jordan 11 Platinum Tint | sizes 40-45 | 1 colorway | 0 review W2C
¥199 Air Jordan 5 "What The" Mandarin Duck | sizes 40-46 | 1 colorway | 6 reviews W2C
¥158 Air Jordan 1 x Fragment | sizes 40-46 | 1 colorway | 1 review W2C
¥169 Milk Tea Air Jordan 4 "Mushroom" | sizes 40-42.5 | 1 colorway | 1 review W2C
¥238 Air Jordan 12 Black University Gold | sizes 43-46 | 1 colorway | 4 reviews W2C
¥159 Off-White x Air Force 1 Low 'Black' | sizes 40-45 | 1 colorway | 3 reviews W2C
¥168 Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG 'Yellow Toe' | sizes 39-44.5 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥159 Off Whitex Air Force 1 Low 'White' | sizes 42-43 | 1 colorway | 2 reviews (solid color sole) W2C
¥168 Air Jordan 5 Retro 'Alternate Grape' | sizes 40-46 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥69 Wmns Air Jordan 4 Retro NRG 'Singles Day' | sizes 36.5-8 | 1 colorway | 1 review W2C
¥159 Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG 'Black Toe' | sizes 40-44 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥168 Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG 'Origin Story' | sizes 40-46 | 1 colorway | 1 review W2C
¥79 Adidas NMD-R1 | sizes 40-45 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews (Fishscale boost apparently) W2C
¥168 Air Jordan 1 Panda Fragment | sizes 44-45 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥149 Asics Onitsuka Tiger SERRANO | sizes 36-45 | 3 colorways | 0 reviews W2C
¥139 Yeezy 350 v2 | sizes 36-46 | 11 colorways | 0 reviews W2C
¥139 Yeezy 350 v2 Creams | sizes 38-45 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥139 Adidas 350 v2 'Cinder' | sizes 36-46 | 1 colorway | 24 reviews W2C
¥180 Skechers x Goodyear Shoes | sizes 40-44 | 2 colorways | 13 reviews W2C
¥218 Nike Air Force 1 React | sizes 36-45 | 5 colorways | 8 reviews W2C
¥226.2-235.7 Fendi Chelsea Boots | sizes 35-40 | 8 colorways | 102 reviews W2C
¥273.7 Stuart Weitzman THE 5050 BOOT| sizes 35-40 | 2 colorways | 101 reviews W2C
¥235.7 Alexander Boots (can't ID these) | sizes 35-40 | 4 colorways | 51 reviews W2C
¥273.7 Chanel Boots | sizes 35-40 | 6 colorways | 101 reviews W2C
¥254.7 Celine Boots | sizes 35-40 | 2 colorways | 51 reviews W2C
¥254.7 BOTH Paris Gao Chelsea Leather Boots | sizes 35-40 | 2 colorways | 51 reviews W2C
¥235.7 Ann Demeulemeester Boots | sizes 34-40 | 2 colorways | 102 reviews W2C
¥235.7 Balenciaga Boots | sizes 34-40 | 2 colorways | 103 reviews W2C
¥273.7 Fendi Boots | sizes 35-40 | 1 colorway | 51 reviews W2C
¥254.7 Ann Demeulemeester Buckle Boots | sizes 35-40 | 3 colorways | 102 reviews W2C
¥235.7 Isabel Marant Denvee Tall Boots | sizes 34-40 | 2 colorways | 101 reviews W2C
¥235.7 Balenciaga Strike Leather Boots | sizes 34-40 | 5 colorways | 0 reviews (but 580 sales) W2C
¥226.2 Guidi Front Zip Boots | sizes 34-40 | 13 colorways | 101 reviews W2C
¥235.7 Chanel Boots | sizes 34-40 | 2 colorways | 51 reviews W2C
¥207.2 Roger Vivier Viv Rangers Ankle Boots | sizes 35-40 | 2 colorways | 101 reviews W2C
¥150.2 Gucci Aces | sizes 34-44 | 20 colorways | 100 reviews W2C
¥226.2 Chanel Ankle Boots | sizes 35-40 | 2 colorways | 102 reviews W2C
¥226.2 Chanel Canvas Shoes | sizes 35-40 | 7 colorways | 0 reviews (451 sales) W2C
¥178.7 Chanel x Converse Shoes | sizes 35-40 | 2 colorways | 50 reviews W2C
¥178.7 Gucci Mickey Mouse White Shoes | sizes 34-40 | 2 colorways | 51 reviews W2C
¥159.7 Tod's Loafers | sizes 34-40 | 3 colorways | 0 reviews W2C
¥159.7 Chanel Low Canvas Shoes | sizes 34-40 | 5 colorways | 50 reviews W2C
¥226.2 Alexander McQueen Boots | sizes 34-40 | 2 colorways | 101 reviews W2C
¥159.7 Gucci Loafers | sizes 34-40 | 4 colorways | 0 reviews (195 sales) W2C
¥138 Dior Slides | sizes 34-42 |6 colorways | 0 reviews (58 sales) W2C
¥158 Christian Dior Paris Slides | sizes 34-40 | 17+ colorways | 0 reviews W2C 1 W2C 2
¥68-220 Skechers | W2C
¥178 Converse x Golf le Fleur Shoes | sizes 35-44 | 4 colorways | 1 review (613 sales) W2C
¥175 Off White x Air Jordan 1s | sizes 36-45 | 2 colorways | 8 reviews W2C
¥186 KAWS x Air Jordan 4 Retro 'Black' | sizes 40-46 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
Shoes for kids: W2C 1 W2C 2
A bunch of Nike Huaraches: W2C
¥168 Nike Air Max 97s | sizes 36-45 | 18 colorways | 32 reviews (1,102 sales) W2C
¥179 Nike Zoom Pegasus 35 Turbo | sizes 36-45 | 20 colorways | 5 reviews (2,687 sales) W2C
¥200 Nike Air Foamposite Ones | sizes 40-47 | 32 colorways | 5 reviews (5,147 sales) W2C
¥188 Nike Air More Uptempo | sizes 36-46 | 26 colorways | 14 reviews (3,585 sales) W2C
¥218-248 Nike Air Max 90 | sizes 36-45 | 20+ colorways | 88 reviews W2C
¥208 Nike Blazer Low | sizes 36-44 | 18 colorways | 57 reviews W2C
¥138-168 AJ1 Lows | sizes 36-45 | 34 colorways | 143 reviews W2C
¥150 Air Max 270s | sizes 36-45 | 33 colorways | 48 reviews W2C
¥159 Dunk Low SB 'J-Pack Shadow' | sizes 40-45 | 1 colorway | 10 reviews W2C
¥198 Air Jordan 1 Mids | sizes 36-45 | 7 colorways | 48 reviews W2C
¥198 Nike Killshot 2 | sizes 36-44 | 4 colorways | 53 reviews W2C
¥149 Kids' Bapestas | sizes 25-35 | 5 colorways | 0 reviews W2C
¥190 Adidas NMDs | sizes 36-45 | 7+ colorways | 19 reviews W2C
¥234 Ultraboosts | sizes 36-45 | 10+ colorways | 196 reviews W2C
¥190 Nike SB Blazer Zoom Low XT | sizes 36-44 | 11 colorways | 102 reviews W2C
¥100-208 Alexander McQueens | sizes 34-44 | 45 colorways | 2,503 reviews W2C
¥147 Adidas Stan Smiths | sizes 36-44 | 14 colorways | 127 reviews W2C
¥158 Converse 1970s | sizes 35-45 | 15 colorways | 359 reviews W2C
¥198-339 Vans | sizes 35-44 | 34 colorways | 1,377 reviews W2C
¥171-294.5 Vans Old Skool | sizes 35-44 | 14+ colorways | 1,435 reviews W2C
¥220 Converses | sizes 35-44 | 19+ colorways | 2,408 reviews W2C
¥128 Converses | sizes 35-44 | 24 colorways | 275 reviews W2C
¥158.8 Converses | sizes 35-44 | 25 colorways | 4,095 reviews W2C
¥188-398 Nike SB Dunks | sizes 36-45 | 14 colorways | 355 reviews W2C
Cheap Women's Shoes: W2C
¥268 Nike Blazer Mids | sizes 36-46 | 13 colorways | 268 reviews W2C
¥155 Sean Wotherspoon x Air Max 1/97 | sizes 40-45 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥199 Nike x sacai LDV Waffle | sizes 36-46 | 6 colorways | 70 reviews W2C
¥199 Ed Hardy Shoes | sizes 42-44 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥85 Travis Scott 1s (Highs + Lows) | sizes 37-44 | 2 colorways | 22 reviews W2C
¥168 Travis Scott x Air Jordan 6 | sizes 40.5-47 | 1 colorway | 32 reviews W2C
¥179 Travis Scott AJ1 Lows | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorway | 172 reviews W2C
¥57 Travis Scott AJ1s | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorways | 64 reviews (LOOK AT REVIEW PICS LMFAOOO) W2C
¥85 Travis Scott AJ1s | sizes 36-44 | 2 colorways | 116 reviews (shitiest batch I've seen in a while) W2C
¥59.99 Converses | sizes 35-46 | 20 colorways | 492 reviews W2C
¥78.99-99 AJ11s | sizes 36-45 | 11 colorways | 185 reviews W2C
¥59-79 Nike Air Force 1 Mids | sizes 36-44 | 18 colorways | 653 reviews W2C
¥99 Converses | sizes 35-44 | 8 colorways | 186 reviews W2C
¥89 Nike Running Shoes | sizes 36-40 | 4 colorways | 27 reviews W2C
¥68.99-119 AJ1s | sizes 36-44 | 27 colorways | 368 reviews W2C
¥89 Converse Lows | sizes 35-44 | 6 colorways | 20 reviews W2C
¥99 New Balance Men's 990v4 | sizes 36-44 | 12 colorways | 110 reviews W2C
¥69-79 Vans Old Skools | sizes 36-44 | 12 colorways | 159 reviews W2C
¥129 Timberland Boots | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 189 reviews W2C
¥89 AJ1 Lows | sizes 36-44 | 11 colorways | 144 reviews W2C
¥59.99 Blazer Lows | sizes 36-40 | 3 colorways | 10 reviews W2C
¥65.88-89 Vans Old Skools | sizes 35-44 | 11 colorways | 144 reviews W2C
¥69 Adidas Nizza Shoes | sizes 36-44 | 2 colorways | 44 reviews W2C
¥70 Checkers Vans Lows | sizes 35-44 | 2 colorways | 86 reviews W2C
¥89 AF1 Split Swoosh | sizes 36-44 | 3 colorways | 14 reviews W2C
¥65 Adidas Superstars | sizes 36-44 | 11 colorways | 232 reviews W2C
¥89 3M Reflective AF1s | sizes 36-44 | 2 colorways | 3 reviews W2C
¥79 Air Force One Macaron | sizes 36-40 | 10 colorways | 76 reviews W2C
¥94.05-113.05 AF1s | sizes 36-45 | 8 colorways | 95 reviews W2C
¥89 New Balance MR530 | sizes 36-44 | 4 colorways | 115 reviews W2C
¥80 3M AF1s | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 38 reviews W2C
¥65.99 Vans Old Skool Lows | sizes 35-44 | 1 colorway | 5 reviews W2C
¥69 PMO Converses | sizes 35-44 | 2 colorways | 35 reviews W2C
¥80-89 SB Dunks | sizes 36-44 | 14 colorways | 27 reviews W2C
¥70 Puma Court Point Vulc | sizes 35-44 | 4 colorways | 18 reviews W2C
¥75.99 Air Force 1 Day of the Dead | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 10 reviews W2C
¥189 AJ11 Lows | sizes 36-44 | 3 colorways | 9 reviews W2C
¥99 Converse x GOLF le FLEUR* Colourblock One Star Low | sizes 36-44 | 4 colorways | 11 reviews W2C
¥90 Converse One Stars | sizes 36-44 | 2 colorways | 12 reviews W2C
¥69 Nike Classic Cortez Stranger Things | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 34 reviews W2C
¥75 CDG Converses | sizes 35-44 | 4 colorways | 24 reviews W2C
¥89 Yeezy 700s | sizes 36-44 | 6 colorways | 2 reviews W2C
¥48 Nike Slides | sizes 36-45 | 14 colorways | 7 reviews W2C
¥78 Off White Dunks + Other Dunks | sizes 36-44 | 10 colorways | 78 reviews W2C
¥70 Gucci Bee Aces | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 78 reviews W2C
¥19.9 Nike Swoosh Slides | sizes 36-45 | 4 colorways | 86 reviews W2C
¥108 Dior AJ1s | sizes 36-44 | 2 colorways | 43 reviews W2C
¥68 Nike Cortez Basic Shoes | sizes 36-44 | 6 colorways | 54 reviews W2C
¥87.22 Grateful Dead Dunks | sizes 36-44 | 3 colorways | 19 reviews W2C
¥110 Nike Black Blazers | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥90 Adidas ZX Flux 'XENO Reflective' | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 37 reviews W2C
¥129 AJ1 Lows | sizes 36-45 | 7 colorways | 550 reviews W2C
¥139 Yeezy 350 V2 'Cream White / Triple White' | sizes 36-46 | 1 colorway | 577 reviews W2C
¥119 Black Pigeon Dunks | sizes 40-44 | 1 colorway | 179 reviews W2C
¥149 Nike Air Max 270 React Phantom | sizes 36-45 | 3 colorways | 128 reviews W2C
¥179 PMO AF1 | sizes 36-44 | 1 colorway | 86 reviews W2C
¥89 Doc Martin Boots | sizes 35-44 | 1 colorway | 146 reviews W2C
¥149 Nike x sacai LDV Waffle | sizes 36-44 | 4 colorways | 946 reviews W2C
¥69 Nike Epic React Flyknit | sizes 36-45 | 3 colorways | 963 reviews W2C
¥128 AJ1s | sizes 36-45 | 5 colorways | 606 reviews W2C
¥128 AJ1 Lows | sizes 36-45 | 4 colorways | 226 reviews W2C
¥158 AJ1 Mids | sizes 36-45 | 2 colorways | 113 reviews W2C
¥128 AJ1 Lows | sizes 36-45 | 2 colorways | 206 reviews W2C
¥108 Jordan 1 Mid SE Multi-Color | sizes 36-45 | 2 colorways | 87 reviews W2C
¥199 AJ1 Dark Mochas | sizes 36-46 | 1 colorway | 1 review W2C
¥138 White AF1 | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorway | 155 reviews W2C
¥109 League of Legends x Nike Blazer Mid '77 | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorway | 9 reviews W2C
¥149 AF1 Mid | sizes 36-45 | 2 colorways | 20 reviews W2C
¥148 Nike AF1 React | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
¥188 Dunk Low SB 'J-Pack Shadow' | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorway | 612 reviews W2C
¥118 Dunk Low Pro Sb 'dark Russet' | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorways | 409 reviews W2C
¥118 Nike SB Dunk Low Orange Label White | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorway | 346 reviews W2C
¥118 Nike SB Dunk Low Truck It | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorway | 237 reviews W2C
¥118 Syracuse + Kentucky Dunks | sizes 36-45 | 2 colorways | 200 reviews W2C
¥178 Grateful Dead x Nike SB Dunk Low | sizes 36-45 | 3 colorways | 149 reviews W2C
¥118 Nike Dunk Kasina Low | sizes 36-45 | 2 colorways | 65 reviews W2C
¥158 Gucci Stripes Shoes | sizes 34-44 | 3 colorways | 49 reviews W2C
¥29 Nike Swappable Swoosh Slides | sizes 36-44 | 2 colorways | 71 reviews W2C
¥69 Converse Breakstar | sizes 35-44 | 4 colorways | 216 reviews W2C
¥89 Simpson Vans | sizes 35-44 | 1 colorway | 34 reviews W2C
¥188 New Balance 993 | sizes 36-44 | 3 colorways | 91 reviews W2C
¥188 New Balance 992 | sizes 36-44 | 4 colorways | 62 reviews W2C
¥160 Off White Blazers | sizes 36-47.5 | 1 colorway | 2 reviews W2C
¥188 Off White 1s + More AJ1s | sizes 36-46 | 20 colorways | 45 reviews W2C
¥69-89 FOG 1s (158sir) | sizes 36-46 | 3 colorways | 1,404 reviews W2C
¥19.9 Converse Road to Peace Vulcanized | sizes 35-44 | 2 colorways | 521 reviews W2C
¥296 AJ13s | sizes 22-46 | 6 colorways | 0 reviews W2C
¥158 AJ1s | sizes 35.5-46 | 13 colorways | 674 reviews W2C
¥188 Vapormaxes | sizes 36-45 | 8 colorways | 41 reviews W2C
¥188 Mars Yards | sizes 36-45 | 1 colorways | 31 reviews W2C
¥149 Fragment AJ1 | sizes 40-47 | 1 colorway | 5 reviews W2C
¥99 Diamond Supply Co. x Dunk Low Pro SB 'Black Diamond' | sizes 36-44.5 | 1 colorway | 42 reviews W2C
¥119-129 Yeezy Boost 350 v2 | sizes 36-46 | 6 colorways | 342 reviews W2C
¥68 Adidas Originals Campus 80s | sizes 36-44 | 4 colorways | 53 reviews W2C
¥99-149 Adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Mauve | sizes 36-46 | 1 colorways | 36 reviews W2C
¥89 AF1s | sizes 36-46 | 2 colorways | 12 reviews W2C
¥91 Acronym Nike Prestos | sizes 40-45 | 2 colorways | 1 review W2C
¥119 Nike Lobster Dunks | sizes 36-46 | 5 colorways | 3 reviews W2C
¥126 Nike Air Zoom Pegasus | sizes 36-45 | 5 colorways | 0 reviews W2C
¥455 Supreme Air Mags | sizes 40-47 | 1 colorways | 0 reviews (Someone gotta GP these) W2C
Bonus: ¥2800 Air Mags | sizes 40-46 | 1 colorway | 5 reviews (With pics) W2C
Also bonus: ¥659 Air Mags | sizes 40-47 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C
Another one: ¥455 Air Mags | sizes 40-47 | 1 colorway | 0 reviews W2C


rip wallets #budgetgang
submitted by priinplup to FashionReps [link] [comments]

Massive List of Yuri Media (2000+ Titles)

Since my first list got a lot of positive feedback, I've decided to release an EVEN BIGGER list because you deserve better.
I had to upload some of the lists to google sheets because of Reddit's character limit. I will post the links to them in their respective category.
NOTE: Some (Not all) of the Japanese Titles have not been scanlated yet and can be read on sites such as comic walker.
Now, the list...


I had to upload this one to google sheets. You can check the list out here.

Manga List

This was the main list I wanted to post here, but there were just too many titles, so I had to shorten it a little. You can view the whole thing here.
I Love You! Get It Across! 1 x ½ 15Y+ 1st Bite 20-Year-Old Girl x 30-Year-Old Maiden 2D Comic Magazine NTR Les Kanojo ga Kanojo o Netottara Vol. 1 2D Comic Magazine Shokushu Les Vol. 1 2D Nonsense After School! 2DK, G-pen, Alarm clock A Certain Marriage A Cute Bird Comes To An Office Lady Who is Tired and Healed by Birdwatching A Divine Love Alone A Doujin Where Shikinami Became the Secretary Ship A Girl Falls In Love With a Boy A Girl Like A Pilgrim A Girl Whose Breasts are a Little Big and is Kinda Pretty A HaruChiha Manga A Hundred Scenes of Girls Love A Kiss And A White Lily A Knife Edge Girl A Lapis-Lazuli Blue Dream A Lesbian Elf and a Cursed Princess A Lifeform in Puberty - Vega A Love Letter for the Marching Puppy A Manga About a Hero who Pulled Out the Holy Sword and Became a Girl A Monster Wants to Eat Me A Plain High School Girl Is ○○'d by Pretty Girls A Room For Two A Secret Just Between You and Me A Story About Doing XX to Girls From Different Species A Story of Eirin and Keine A Story of Two Online Friends Meeting IRL A Straight Girl Wanders Into a Lesbian Mixer A Succubus Yuri Story A Timid Woman Longing For Her Delivery Girl A Workplace Where You Can't Help But Smile A World Without Freedom A Yuri Manga Between a Delinquent and a Quiet Girl That Starts From a Misunderstanding About a College Girl Who Gets Picked Up at a Mixer by an Older Girl About YuuSaya Accept My Fist of Love! Adachi and Shimamura Adachi and Shimamura (Moke ver.) Adachi and Shimamura (Novel) Adachi and Shimamura Official Comic Anthology Adolescent Love After Hours After School Afterglow Afterglow Noise Age 15 Age Gap Sisters Who Have Reached That Age Akuma no Riddle Al-Hazard Alcohol Yuri Anthology - Strong! Alice Phantasm Alice Quartet Alice Sherlock: The Rubious Nebula All Hail Empress Her Majesty All of Humanity is Yuri Except For Me All You Amai Nisemono An Absurd Relationship An Absurd Relationship (Collection) An Aside Told to You An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!) Anata Dake Hoseki And Kaede Blooms Gorgeously And Then, To You Andou Oshida Index Angel x Demon Angel's Records Angelic Girl Anko-san of the Deep-Sea Fish Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi Another Kiss Aoishiro - Aoi Shiro no Enbukyoku Apocalypse Aqua Blue Cinema Aqua Blue Ether Arcadia ~Flowers of Paradise~ As Yet I Have No Name Ashita, Kimi ni Aetara Assistant Denki Keika Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! Aya Yuri Vol 1 Aya Yuri Vol 11 Aya Yuri Vol 6 Aya Yuri Vol 7 Aya Yuri Vol 8 Ayame 14 Ayame and Amane B.G.M.R.S.P. Baba-yaga Bakuretsu Tenshi Bamboo Flower, Sleeping Princess Banana no Nana Battle Athletes Daiundoukai Beast Emotion Being by your side, I can’t help falling for you Beloved L Beloved Paintings Between Philia and Eros Beyond Those Thoughts Black & White Black Lily and White Lily Black Yaggy and Medicine Sweet Bloom Into You Bloom Into You Comic Anthology Blue Drop Blue Drop ~Maiorita Tenshi~ Blue Drop ~Tenshi no Itazura~ Blue Friend Blue Friend 2nd Season Blueprints for a Girl Bombshells Boyish Girl x Gyaru Boyish Girlfriend Bright and Cheery Amnesia Bunny's Road Butterfly Kiss Blade Butterfly69 Cage Caged Lovers Call My Name Can't Defy the Lonely Girl Candy Candy Boy Candy Boy: Young Girls Fall in Love Candy Moon Carbonard Crown Cassiopeia Dolce Cat Maid and Mistress Cat's Eye Hall Cat-Eared Girl Catastrophe Catcher in the Rhyme Cattleya Heights Chatting at the Amber Teahouse Chichi Yuri Girls Choir Chouchou Nannan Cider and Crybaby Cinnamon: Jingai x Ningen Yuri Anthology Circle in the Sand Cirno and Reimu's One-Two-Three Cirque Arachne Citrus Citrus + Citrus Anthology Citrus Anthology: Lovely Party Class Rep Ozu's Scandalous Daily Life Clover Club Cocytus Collective Box Collectors Come Rain or Shine Comprehensive Tovarisch Concerto Corruption’s Finale Cotton Cotton Candy Couleur de bijoux d'amour Creo the Crimson Crises Crescent Moon and Doughnuts Crescent Sweet Honey Cross Heart Crystal Sugar and Machine Gun Cute Little Iron Maiden Cutie Beast Dame Ningen Jan Dandelion Among Lilies Daring Little Red Riding Hood and Herbivorous Wolf-chan Dark Asterisk Dark Cherry to Shoujo A Dark Forest, White Road Dark Widow Dark, Marsh, Nightwood Darling Darling Dear My Girl Dear My Teacher Dear NOMAN Delinquent Girl and Class Rep Do Your Best (;_;) Kogasa-chan! ~Sudden Attack! The SDM next door!~ Don't Make Me So Turned On. Double Bind Double House Dream-Colored Replica E-G-Town Earth Girls Ebisu-san and Hotei-san Éclair Éclair blanche Éclair bleue Éclair rouge Eden no Otome Edible Flowers Eli's Birthday Emo Star Epitaph Eve's Medicine Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It Even If We're Not Friends Even Though We're Adults Everyone Under the Same Sky Fall in Love Family Planning Fell in love with a girl 8 years younger Fidanzato no Tameiki First Love First Love Sisters Fleetgirls Flower Bouquet and Prism Flower Flower Fluffy White Paper Fluttering Feelings Forever With You - Nanoha & Fate wedding anthology Fragaria Fragments of Love Fragtime Free Soul Fujiwara Mokou x Mystia Lorelei Compilation Furumapura Futakaku Kankei Futari Futari Monologue Fuwa Fuwa No Kimochi Fuwafuwa Futashika Yume Mitai Fuwari Fuzoroi no Renri Gakkou no Sensei Galette Vol 4 Game Game (Collection) Gamma GGWP. ~Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games~ Girl Friends Girl X Girl Collection Vol 2 Girl X Girl Collection Vol 3 Girl x Girl x Boy Girl's Ride Girl's Sanctuary Girl's Syndrome Girlfriends For 3 Seconds Girlish Sweet GIRLS LOVE LIFE: 2007–2011 Girls Love Vol 1 Girls Monochrome Girls und Panzer - Motto Love Love Sakusen desu! Girls Und Panzer: Ribbon Warrior Girls x Sexual Harassment Life Girls' Aesthetics Girls' Union Girl♡Girls Give My Heart To You. Gokujo Gokujou Drops Good Morning, Miss Green Greenhouse Witch Gretel Gunbured x Sisters Gunjo Hakodate Youjin Buraichou Himegami Hakurei Shrine's Sky-Color Dandelion Hana and Hina After School Hana Ni Arashi Hana no Iro Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl Hanjuku Joshi Happy Cherry Happy End Happy Jets Happy Picture Diary Happy Sugar Life Harmonized Finale Haru and Midori Hatsukoi, Tokimeki Usuihon Hayate X Blade Hayate x Blade Shorts Heart Gifts Heart of the Girl Heart-Pounding Excitement at Mononoke Girls' Academy Heavenly Garden Where The Maidens Bloom Hello, Melancholic! Henai Girl Henceforward Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind. Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind. (Webcomic) Her Kiss - Infectious Lust Her Trip to the Dentist Her World Hero-san and Former General-san Hiiragi's English-Japanese Dictionary Himitsu no Kakera Himitsu, Hitotsu Hino-san no Baka Hitogoto Desukara! Ho-kago Comes Again Holy Girl Paradigm Honey & Honey Honey & Mustard Honey Crush Honey Quartet Honkai Impact 3 - Violet Sea Story Honto no Kokoro Hoshi and Yozora Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 Houkago Canon Houkago Tea Time Husky and Medley I am not a Succubus! I Beg of You I decided to fake a marriage with my junior (♀️) to shut my parents up I Favor the Villainess I Fell in Love For the First Time I Girl I Hate Things Like Love I Love You! I Suspect My Childhood Friend to be a Lesbian I Want to be Honest I Want You to Say You Love Me I Wanted To Draw Mei-Saku I Was Popular, But I Guess I Have No Choice But to Save the World! I Wouldn't Mind Being Loved I'll Bring You Mille-Feuille! I'll Cheer On My Yuri Onee-chan I'll Send Her Home on the Last Train I'm an Elite Angel, But I'm Troubled By an Impregnable High School Girl I'm Not Popular, But The Future Starts Today Ichinichi Sanshoku Lisa Gohan If I Can Encounter Koshiba Aoi Today If This Wish Comes True If You Could See Love Iinari!! Kyuuketsuki Ikenai Otona In the Closet In Your Paws Incomplete Girl Indigo Blue Indigo Mermaids Innocent Noise Inoshikacho ga Sorowanai Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san Iono the Fanatics Iromeki Girls Is My Hobby Weird? Is This What A God-Tier Game Means? Isn't The Moon Beautiful Isuzu's Counter It Would Be Great if You Didn't Exist It's a Detached Relationship. It's Like a Spring Storm It's Painful That I Have No Idea What High School Girls Are Thinking Of These Days Itazura Privacy Itoshi Koishi Itoshi wo Tome JK-chan and Her Male Classmate's Mom Joou-Sama no Eshi Joshi Kouishitsu Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita Just A Little! Just You and I K-ON-Hon!? Kadan -Helichrysum- Kaijuu Iro no Shima Kami eshi JK to OL fujoshi Kanaete! Yuri Yousei Kanamemo Kano x Kano Kaprekar Karura Kase-san Kasumi and Acchan Kawai sa Amatte Suki sa 100-bai!! kenhou 4-koma KiLa KiLa Killing Me! Kimi Koi Limit Kimi no Tame nara Shineru Kimi to Kimi wa Shoujo Kimiiro-Shoujo Kimochi no Katachi Kindred Spirits on the Roof SIDE A: Another Yuritopia Kira Kira no Natsu Kiss Me! Vampire Girls Kiss Shite Sawatte Motto Shite Kissing Mars Kitanai Kimi ga ichiban kawaii Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon Kokono-chan Drinks Tears! Kona Kaga Kona Kaga After Story KonaKaga Webcomic Konohana Kitan Konohana Link Konohanatei Kitan Kuchibiru ni Suketa Orange Kurogane Pukapuka Tai Kuroyome Kusanagi-Sensei is Being Tested Kyou Kara Mirai Kyou Kara Yonshimai L -Ladies & Girls Love Vol 1 L-Size Little Sister Lady x Lady Lady x Lady -Casa Blanca- Lady x Lady bulbiferum Ladykiller Nagato Makes Mutsu's Heart Throb Laika, Pavlov, Pochihachikou Last Dance in Summer Lavender Legally Married Yuri Couple Book Lemonade Les Chuu Life Lesbian Bonnie and Clyde Lesbian Vol 2 LESFES CO CHERRY BLOSSEUM Lesfes-Co Less Than Friends Let's Meet Again Tomorrow Let's Reconcile With Lily Maria Liberta Liberty Like a Dignified and Noble Flower Like a Snowfall in Spring Like a Star Lilium Terrarium Lily Love Lily Marble Lily Party Dream Garden Lily Triangle Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep Look at Me Looking Up to Magical Girls Love Allergy Syndrome LOVE CUBIC Love DNA XX Love Flag Girls!! Love Flicker Love is a Battlefield Love Pheromone No.5 Love Potion Love Runs From the Nose Love Slave Love Stories Log Love Vibes LOVE/DEATH Lovey-dovey Panzer Low Angle Lucky Point Luminous=Blue MA+P Mabataki Dekinai Macaron Idol Yuri Anthology Madder Kisses on the Rooftop Madoka and Mei's Secret Workshop Magan&Danai Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Life MAGICAL NIPPLE KISS Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Innocent Majyo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane MakiRinPana's Lessons on Living Together?! Mamakko Circle Manatsu Labyrinth Manga no Tsukurikata Mare Maria-sama ga Miteru MariAli Marriage Black Master and Me Mayonaka Yonaka No Accept Me and my Right Arm Mebae Vol.3 – Vivid Girls Love Anthology Mebae Vol.4 – Vivid Girls Love Anthology Mekimeki Omnibus 1 Mekimeki Omnibus 2 Melody of Sorrow Mercy Mermaid Line Mermaid Lovers Met My Sister on a Dating Site Michiwarikusa Monogatari – Vampire After the Doomsday Mikarun X Mikazuki no Carte Milky Succubus Chiiche Milky Succubus Lilly Mimi Mix! Minori & 100 Ladies Minus Literacy Mirage Mirai no Fuufu Desu Kedo? Mismatch Girls Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Anthology Miss Sunflower Mistress and Maid Model-chan and Plain Manager Mofu Kano Pot-pourri MokoMote Moment; Momo, Botan, and Lily Blossoms Mondlicht -tsuki no tsubasa- Moon, World, and Stars Moonlight Flowers Motto Hanjuku Joshi Mousou Honey Mugen no Minamo ni Mugi to Azu Murcielago Music Box of Memories Muttsuri Girl to Koisuru Bitch Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters My Beloved My Cute Little Kitten My Ignorance of a World Yet Unknown My Master & Furry-eared Girl Mel My Most Special Her My Unrequited Love My Wish is to Fall In Love Until You Die Nadeshiko Hiyori NagiHono -Reprint- Nameless Fruit Nana Yuri Nanami and Misuzu Nanashi no Asterism Nanoha A's Nano Negev x Kar98k Neko Netorare Yuri Anthology Netsuzou Trap NicoMaki - Dating Life NicoMaki Challenge! Nighty Night, Scheherazade Nijipuri No Dignity for the Captain No,1 Nobara no Mori ni Otometachi Non and Su Noroi no Aoi-chan Notes From The Garden Of Lilies Now Loading…! Nutmeg Oblivious Nishikino-san Manga Octave Oddman 11 Office Romance: Women's Division Ohana Holoholo Ojou-sama wa Love Come no Shujinkou ni Naritai! OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Falling In Love With A Classmate OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Forbidden Sisters OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Girls Love H OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Girls Love Paradise OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Story of Club Activities Okujou Pikapika Romance ON YOUR MAKE Onee Loli Succubus Onee-chan Nanon? Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu Oniisama E Ooi and Kashima Living Together Opapagoto Orange & Yellow Oshikko Sensei Oshikko Sensei Zero Othello Otome Senshi Lovely 5 Otome x Chigiri Otome x Ranbu Ouji-sama Nante Iranai Our First Time Our Handshake Our Journey to Lesbian Motherhood Out of the Blue! Pages in Search of a Bookmark Pancakes for Breakfast Pantser Princess Paradise of Nightmare (Series) Paradise, And After... Paraiso Parfait: Onee-loli Yuri Anthology Passionate Electric Wave Pastel Days Perfume of Love Persona Karen Philosophia Pieta Pink Rush Pinky Plastic Song Please My God, Please Plica Pocha Climb! Point at Infinity Poor College Student Turns to Lesbian Sex Work Poor Poor Lips Pops PreAla One Draw President and Vice-President Princess of the Princess Princess Princess Princesses in the Student Council Prism Private Tsunderation Promise of Gymnasium Puku Yuri Pulse Punyu Punyu Pure Marionation Pure Water Adolescence Pure Water Luminescence Pure White Disciple Shimako-San Qualia the Purple Ragnarock City Rainbow Secret Rainbow Sensibility Rainy Song Rasen Raubritter Re: fan Relation Valley 1 Release the Spyce - Secret Mission Renai Manga Resounding Echo Restart from Zero Restless Kiss Reverie in a Deserted Bus Riko & Haru & Irukawa Hot Springs Rock it, GIRL!! Romance Girls File Roommates Rosa Gigantea Party Rosehip Diary - Whispers of Roses and Lilles Rouge Rui-Rui Run Away With Me, Girl Ryuzaki-san and Torao-san Sailor Girlfriend Sakana no Miru Yume Sakuhimanga Sakura 1 Sakura Coloured Love Triangle Sakura Trick Sakura Trick Anthology Sakura's Boundaries Salad Bowl Salomelic SANTA SANGRE Sasameki Koto Sayonara Folklore Sayuri’s Little Sister Is An Angel Scape-God Scarlet Schizanthus School Idol Days School Idol Days S School Police School Zone Seagull Villa days Seasons Secret Flowers Secret Garden Secret Love Secret of the Princess Seifuku no Vampiress Lord Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki! Semelparous Senpai Doesn't Want To Fall For Her Kouhai Sensual Trigger Sentimental Dust Servant x Queen Sexual Education 120% Sexy in Pink She Becomes a Tree She falls in love with her She Gets Girls Every Day. She Said It's Love -Anotherstory- She, Her Camera and Her Seasons Shells and AlternaRock Shimeji Simulation Shinigami Alice Shinozaki-san Ki wo Ota Shika ni! Shiroi Heya no Futari Shitsuji Shoujo to Ojousama Shitsurakuen Short Stories Shoujo Holic Shoujo Kishidan × Knight Tale Shoujo Sect Shoujo Shikkaku Shoujo Squared Shouraiteki ni Shindekure SHWD - Special Hazardous Waste Disposal Silver Gymnasium Simoun ~Magical Biyuden~ Sisterism Skeeter Rabbit Skyscrapers of Desire Sleeping Beauty's Dream Slice of Love Slow Start Small Mokottouhou Smile Style Smiling Broadly Snake Woman and Little Miss Offering Snow & Sunflower So, Do You Want To Go Out, Or? Social Anxiety vs Yuri Softly Upon Her... Solar Eclipse Solfege ~Sweet Harmony~ Someone Hated, Someone Loved Song About a Piece of Junk Sorairo Girlfriend Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri Spice Girls Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Starlight Parade Stay Tune Steps Steps (Collection) Still Sick Stolen Love Stories of Sakuya Story about OL-san Picking up a Cat Strange Babies Strawberry Fields Once Again Strawberry in Soda Water Strawberry Shake Strike Witches: Official Comic A La Carte StrikerS Nano Sugar wa Otoshigoro Suicide Parabellum Suito-to! Sunami Yuuko to Yuri na Hitobito Sunshine & Bright Stars Super Heroine taisen SEXY~Lezmoe! Soushuuhen~ Super Love Potion SUZUKUMA! Swap ⇔ Swap Sweet & Bitter Sweet Blue Flowers Sweet Box Sweet Gap Sweet Guilty Love Bites Sweet Little Devil Sweet Little Devil (Series) Sweet Lovin' Baby Sweet Peach Syrupy Love Table Turner Tachi Masshigura ~Neko Cafe Yuri Goudou~ Tachibanakan -ToLie- Triangle Tadokoro-san Tadokoro-san (web comic) Tae-chan and Jimiko-san Take that Hand Tama to Tama to Tami and the Yukionna Tandem Lover TANKOBU Teach Me Teacher Graduation Teiji ni Agaretara Tenbin wa Hana to Asobu The All-girl School Princes Are Dating The Beauty of a Mother The Beginning And After That The Bizarre Pair The Cherry Tree Correspondence The Conditions for Paradise The Conditions For Paradise The Cutest Girl in the World The Diligent Senpai and the Delinquent Kouhai The End Of The World And A Witch's Love The Feelings We All Must Endure The Flower And The Star The Girl Awakens With a Kiss From the Princess The Girls' Arcadia The Last Uniform The Lily Blooms Addled The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady The Manken Club Like Whirlwind and Surge Waves The Miko's Words and the Witch's Incantations The Mistress Story The Mute Girl and Her New Friend The Nice Neighborhood Lady The Nighthawk Drifts About The One I Love The Papaya Gang The Prince of the Night Sky and Princess of the Morning Glow The Princess of the Library The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness The Rain and the Other Side of You The Real Her The sea, you, and the sun The Secret Recipe The Secret Shokolad The Sheep Princess in Wolf's Clothing The Sisterly Situation of the Bakeneko Hazuki The Skirt Sings at the Landing The Structural Formula of First Love The Titan and the Goddess’s Cute Household The Two of Them Are Pretty Much Like This The Two of Us The Two Sides of Seiyuu Radio The Unattainable Flower and the Normal Girl The Unemployed and the High Schooler The Witches and Their Dear Apprentice Their Shared Everyday Lives Their Story There's No Way I Can Have A Lover! *Or Maybe There Is? There's Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door! This One Goes Out To All The 17-Year Olds This Plain Girl's Skirt Will Shrink By 0.1mm For Every Like Tie Breaker To Die In June To the Other Side of the Glare Today, We Continue Our Lives Together Under the Same Roof Todo no Tsumari no Uchouten Tomodachi Login Tonari no Robot Tonaride: Konata Kagami Anthology Tora Ni Tsubasa Torotoro Himeawase Tougou-san and Sayama-san Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House (Serialization) Touma-kun Toumei na Usui Mizuiro ni Tousaku Shoujo Shoukougun Transient Dreams of Transient Things Transistor Teaset Transistor Venus Triangle Struggle Tropical Girls True True Trying Out Marriage With My Female Friend Tsukarekitta Onna ga Shinuhodo Iyasareru Tame ni Tsuki to Koi wa Michireba Kakeru Tsuki to Suppin Tsukushi Mates Tsurezure Biyori Twin Cake Twin Sisters Twinkle, twinkle, little star Twins in Agony Two and Two Two Scarlet Sacraments Under the Starry Sky Two Spirals Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! UFO Catcher Ui & Yaaya Ultra Happy End Ultra Sword Un bouquet de fleurs pour vous Unchanging Days Under One Roof Underground Colosseum Sen Unicorn and Sabishigariya Girl UNOs 2 Unrequited Yuri Love Unstable Castle of Tokarev Useless Princesses Uta-Kata Vacation Maou to Pet Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhunism Valkyrie Drive Siren - Breakout! VAMPEERZ Vampire Girl Black Lily Vampire-chan × Junior-chan Vanilla Nonhuman x Nonhuman Yuri Anthology Vector Spectacle Vespa Video Rental Shop Virgins' Empire Wake Ari na Kanojo-tachi Walk Wit Me Want to Sell Me Your Body? Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Watashi wa Kimi wo Nakasetai Watashi wo Hitorijime ni Shite We Can't Draw Love We Can't Go Back To Just Being Friends We Went On Our Honeymoon We'll Make Love Tomorrow Weise Frau Welcome to the Prison Town What Does the Fox Say When You Say "No", I Say "Eek"! Whispering You a Love Song White Lilies in Love BRIDE's Newlywed Yuri Anthology Wife and Wife Will You Marry Me? Witch and Apprentice Sister Witch and Maid-chan Witch Meets Knight Witches' Marriage With Her Who Likes My Sister Wonder Square Yaezakura Sympathy Yamada to Kase-san Yamaneko Box Original Girls Love Books Collection 2012-2014 Yamanko! Yamato Nadesico Yamitsuki You Are My Angela You are totally in love with me, aren't you? Your Cuteness Your True Color Yu-Ribbon Yukari vs Ran Yukemuri Sanctuary Yuki and the Authoress Yukino Plan Yuliquer: Alcohol x Yuri Anthology Yume Mitaina Hoshi Mitaina Yumeguri Yurimeguri Yuri Couple Yuri Danshi Yuri Detectives YuriAnzu YURI DRILL Yuri Hime Wildrose Vol 1 Yuri Kuma Arashi Yuri Lover-kun and Yuri Lover Lover-kun Yuri Mekuru Hibi Yuri Mekuru Oshigoto Yuri Moyou Yuri Natsu -Kagaya Inn- Yuri Ninshin Vol 1 Yuri Ninshin Vol 2 Yuri Ninshin Vol. 4 Yuri Pop Yuri Seijin Naoko-san Yuri Tengoku Yuri Yuri (ELEGY SYNDROME) Yuri Yuri 2 Yuri-iro Rasen Yuridori Midori Yurigurashi Yurika's Campus Life Yurikon Yurimm Fairy Tales YurixYuri Observation Diary Yuri☆Kome Yuru Oyako Yuru Yuri Yuru Yuri - Oomuro-ke Yuru Yuri - Reset! YuruZero Yuunagi Marbled YuuParu Anthology 2: Style Yuzumori-san Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian Zettai x Roman μ's ATTACKS! 1 x 1/2 - My Half of You 100 Ways to Kill A Seal 12-fun no Étude A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow A love letter for the marching puppy (行進子犬に恋文を) Adachi to Shimamura Adachi to Shimamura (Moke YUZUHARA) Aiura Akanesasu Shoujo 4-koma Parallel Akarui Kioku Soushitsu Akuma no Riddle (Riddle story of the Devil) Alice Turn Back Clock Always Human Ama + Devi Anata no Juni Oshiete Kudasai Anata no Soba ni Iru to Watashi wa: Shakaijin Yuri Anthology Angelica ni Utau Angels of The Seashore Ano Ko ga Watashi wo Onna ni Suru Aoi Honoo Kaoru Tsuchi Aoi Shiro: Aoi Shiro no Enbukyoku Aoi Shiro: Kaeishou Ashita Mata Aimashou Asteroid in Love Ato de Shimai Masu. Berry Berry Berry A Betsu Kiss Black Yagi to Gekiyaku Madeleine Bloom Into You: Official Comic Anthology Blooming Sequence Bocchi Kaibutsu to Moumoku Shoujo Boku wa, Yurina Onee-chan wo Ouenshite Imasu Buchou ni Igen wa Arimasen Can I Pretend to Buy You with Money? Can I Really Buy You With Money? Cast a Spell Cherry Lip Chiyo-chan no Yomeiri Choco Mate Chocolate (Mai MATSUSHITA) Chou no You ni Hana no You ni! Cider to Nakimushi. Circuits and Veins Citrus Comic Anthology Citrus+ Cocoon Entwined Comic Lily Plus Daily Witch Dare nimo Ienai Futarigoto Demi Life! Destiny of the Shrine Maiden Devil To Healer Ebisu-san to Hotei-san Eiyuu Kyoushitsu: Girl's Mission Embrace Me More, Kiss Me More Failed Princesses Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei! First L² Foolish! Freshly Licked From the New World Fu-fu Futari no Arcadia Futaribeya Futatsu Yane no Shita Fuwafuwa, Futashika, Yume Mitai G.G Gal to Otaku wa Wakari Aenai. Girls x Sekuha-Life Gokujo. Gokurakuin Joshikou Ryou Monogatari Goodbye Dystopia Goodbye, My Rose Garden Goshujin-sama to Kemonomimi no Shoujo Meru Gouhou Yuri Fuufu Hon Green. Gurenki Hana & Hina After School Hana ni Arashi Hana to Hoshi Happy End For You Hare no Kuni no Appare-dan Hatsukoi Shimai Hayama Sensei To Terano Sensei Ha Tsukiatteiru Hentai Yoku Dekimashita Her Pet Hirari, Bessatsu: Bukatsu Joshi Anthology - Houkago! Hirusagari ni, Mata. Hitomi no Photograph Holmes-san wa Suiri ga Dekinai Honkai Impact 3rd Hoshi wo Futari de Hoshikawa Ginza Yonchoume Hoshikuzu Neverland Garden Houkago Nijigenme! I Want to Be a Prince! Ice Cream Castles Ichido dake demo, Koukaishitemasu. Ichigo no Haitta Soda-sui Idore! Green Rhapsody If I Could Reach You If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan, I Would Die Ikemen Girl to Hakoiri Musume Ikemen Sugi desu Shiki-senpai! Illicit Imadoki no Joshikousei ga Nani wo Kangaeteru ka Wakaranakute Tsurai Informal Romance Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san JC no Life! Joshi Chuugakusei x Hitodzuma Joshi Daisei ga Goukon de Onee-san ni Mochikaerareru Hanashi Joshikousei to Ouji-chan Juunigatsu no Heartbeat Kakinzumi Girlfriend Kamata Majo Kami-sama to Amefurashi Kamieshi JK to OL Fujoshi Kamige tte Sou Iu Koto Desu ka Kanaete! Yuri yousei Kanchigai kara Hajimeru Yankee to Jimiko no Yuri Manga Kanojo ga Onii-chan ni Nattara Shitai 10 no Koto Kanojo no Idea Kanojo no Kuchizuke Kansensuru Libido Kanojo no Sekai Kanojo to Shinigami Kase-san and ... Kase-san and Chocolate. Kase-san and Yamada Kimi ga Shinu made Koi wo Shitai Kimi ni Suki tte Iwasetai Kimiiro Shoujo Kindred Spirits on the Roof Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink Koi, Irodorumade Korede Wakatte yo! Koushin Koinu ni Koibumi wo Kouya no Hanayome Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo Kusanagi-sensei wa Tamesarete Iru Kuttsukiboshi Kyou, Koshiba Aoi ni Aetara Kyoumei suru Echo Kyuuketsuki-chan to Kouhai-chan Last 10 Millimeters Lesbian Fuuzoku Anthology Lesbian Goukon to Mayoikonda Nonke no Musume Lily (Chima SAZANAMI) Lily Fairy Tale: Little Mermaid met Hansel and Gretel Lily Lily Rose Love Cubic Love Flag Girls Love to Lie Angle Lucky Star Mabushisa no Mukougawa Machigatta Light Novel no Tsukurikata Mada Mahou Nanka ni Tayotterassharu no Deshou ka? Mage & Demon Queen Mage & Demon Queen - Part 2 Mahou Ineko to Ibarahime Majime Girl to Seishun Lingerie Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane Marble Chocolate Material Candy Michiwarikusa Monogatari - Vampire After the Doomsday Mikan no Koi Mikansei Girl Mirai no Fu Fu Desu Kedo? Momoiro Trance More Than Friends? Motto Takusan Kimi e no Omoi Mushroom Girls in Love My Dragon Girlfriend NTR: Netsuzou Trap Na*Na*Ki!! Nakasete? Sensei Nameless Asterism Nekomusume Shoukougun Nekoroma Nettai Shoujo Nicochuu Nirin no Hana Nobara no Mori no Otometachi Noise Cut Phones OL-san to Neko no Hanashi Ojou-sama wa Love Com no Shujinkou ni Naritai! Omoide Bako One Night Friend Onedari Shite Mite Onee-sama no Kimochi Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga Arimasu. Onegai Kami-sama! Only☆You: Anata to Watashi no Futari Bocchi Keikaku Onnanoko Awase Oogami-san to Cerberus! Oomuroke Ore ga... Yuri!? Otome Kakumei Ayameno! Gaiden Otome no Teikoku Our Wonderful Days Philia to Eros no Aida Prison Town e Youkoso! Pukuyuri Queen's Blade: Hide & Seek Riko to Haru to Onsen to Iruka Risetto! Robot Izonkei Joshi no Meiwaku na Nichijou Rodriguez+Tacowasa Roku+Ichigurashi Rules of the Top Ryuuzaki-san to Torao-san SHIBUYA Gyaru Yuri Anthology Sakura Trick: Anthology Comic Sakura Trick: Happy Days Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau Sayuri-san no Imouto wa Tenshi Sazi-chan no Yami Nikki Season Theatre Theatrical Secret Closet Seesaw x Game Seijun Shoujo Paradigm Seitokai Fukukaichou Yagami Sayuri wa Ganbatte Iru! Senpai + Kouhai Shade (Kiyoko IWAMI) Shaonu Xiaoshi Zhiqian Shiori wo Sagasu Page-tachi Shoujo Bigaku Shoujo Junrei Shoujo² Shourai-teki ni Shindekure Solfege: Sweet Harmony Soukaku Kankei. Strawberry Fields wo Mou Ichido Strawberry Panic Sukoyaka Paradigm Shift Sumedo Jigoku no Inferno Suzuran Techou Swap Swap Tachibana-kan Celeb Life Tadokoro-san (Doujinshi) Tagai no Guardian Takane no Hana wa Usotsuki desu. Tamen De Gushi The Challenge of Onee-Loli The Ocean Meets the Sky The Professor's Kitten and the Rainy Morning The Sound of a Butterfly The Stalker and the Prince Tira to Kera Tokimeku, Hajimete no. Tomiko no Kimochi Tomodachi ni Nante Modorenai. Toshi no Sa: My Steady Touko-san wa Kaji ga Dekinai (Doujinshi) Treasure House Of God Tsuki ga Kirei Desu ne Tsuki to Doro Underwear x Swimwear Unicorn to Sabishigariya Shoujo Us Right Now Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid Valkyrie Drive: Siren - Breakout Vampeerz, My Peer Vampires Vampire-chan ga Neratteru. Vanilla: Jingai x Jingai Yuri Anthology Voiceful WATATEN! an Angel Flew Down to Me Wabi-Sabi: Hirao Auri Sakuhinshuu Wake mo Naku Kanashiku Naru no Warui Onnanoko Warunai Watashi Igai Jinrui Zenin Yuri Watashi no Kawaii Koneko-chan Watashi no Ojousama, Watashi Taisetsu na Hito (Light Novel) Watashi to Kanojo no Otomari Eiga Watashitachi wa Koi wo Egakenai Whispered Words Whispering you a love song White Lilies in Love BRIDE's Shinkon Yuri Anthology Why Did I, the MC of Gal Game Jump Into a World of Yuri Comic? Yappari Idol Yellow Drops Yoiko-san to Furyou-sensei Yume no Naka de Kimi wo Sagashite Yume yori Suteki na Yuri Anthology Dolce Yuri Bear Storm Yuri Gradol Yui: Kindan Girls Love (Light Novel) Yuri Kome Yuri Life Yuri Love Slave: Watashi dake no Iinchou (Light Novel) Yuri Moyou: Sakimiya 4-shimai no Koi Yuri Shoujo Yuri is my Job Yuri no Kishi to Bara no Hime (Light Novel) Yuru Yuri Comic Anthology Yuugai Shitei Doukyuusei Yuuhi to, Aroma to, Koi Moyou xxx shitai kurai Kawaii Kimi ga Éclair: A Girls' Love Anthology That Resonates in Your Heart ささやくように恋を唄う (Whispering you a Love song) そういう年頃になっちゃった年の差姉妹 ぼくは、百合なお姉ちゃんを応援しています ゆめぐりゆりめぐり ゆるゆりアンソロジー 10周年記念ver. (Yuru Yuri Anthology 10th anniversary ver.) シスコンお姉ちゃんと気にしない妹 ユリキュール アルコール百合アンソロジー 不揃いの連理 剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!? 

Magazine List

If you're unfamiliar with this, it's basically like a monthly magazine you would get in the mail. Usually, anthologies are printed and published in magazines like the Yuri Hime. You can view the list here.

Eroge/Visual Novel List

I had to upload this, along with the others, to google sheets. Feel free to check it out here.
If you'd like to download "その花びらにくちづけを 白雪の騎士" (eng. A kiss for the petals: Snow White's Knight), I've uploaded My copy to mega for anyone to download it.
Link1 (Game)
Link2 (Manuals)
Make sure you run the game with some sort of locale emulator.

There you have it! That sums it up for now!
If you spot a mistake or a potential error, please let me know!
One list I'd like to add is webtoons. If you have any yuri webtoons that you enjoy, please let me know so I can add them! You can let me know in the comments here or you can shoot me a dm on discord. My discord is ef1500#5899.
submitted by ef1500_v2 to yuri_manga [link] [comments]

Information - Everything from the 12/21/20 update

Okay, sorry for spamming the sub, this is my 4th post of the day, but today is HUGE and I'm just so EXCITED and SORRY I'LL CHILL AFTER THIS.
I'm sure you're feeling just as overwhelmed and antsy as I am, so I thought organizing everything that came with this update would be a helpful resource. This isn't the official post, I think an official post will come out soon.

Chapter 6, Volume 2: Obviously, the new chapter! It's another two-parter (and I haven't completed it yet, but it feels like two-parter chapters are just HARBINGERS of bad news, so I'm nervous). We've got 4 new suits available for crafting: Inky Meow, Peace Prayer, Royal March, and Sandra Grass Secrets, the chapter suit. In Princess mode we have 2 new evolution suits, Night March and Astral Words. The chapter has a new and interesting stage format that resembles the assemble-an-outfit type events (Dazzling Heartbeats, for example). Pick the crown from White Queen, the dress and sword from Icewind Warchant, and the dove/vines from Princess Dawn).

Lifetime: Lifetime suit Legend of Tulans has arrived.

Christmas Train: Pavilion event with the suit Horn of Surprise, first try is 50% off. Squirtle Squad should be out with a sheet soon. Never mind they were way ahead of me.

Detective Agency: Detective event with the suit Lucky New Year, pretty sure it's a welfare.

Recharge event: Cumulative recharge with suits Serene Promise and Star of Sweets. (There's a typo in the makeup, lmaooo)
Helpful breakdown by u/Alpapaca in case anyone missed it

Dreamweaver: New, permanent and FREE Spirits of Sheen! The story tab is called A Warm Night, you need to finish Lunar's Stringless Guqin to access it. 4 new spirits: Scales of Blues, Sad Jazz, Ceremony of Rebirth, and Lone Light. Story follows Mela.

- New Association store evolution suit called Feather of Purity
- New Association store feature called Wish Suit! Select one suit, and its drop rates will be boosted.

Returning Suits:
- Maiden's Prayer (returning for crafting, claim recipe in Time Diary)
- Toy Carnival (returning for crafting, claim recipe in Time Diary)
- Pumpkin Kaidan (returning for crafting, claim recipe in Time Diary)
- Fluffy Heart (returning in Store)
- Colorful Christmas (returning for crafting, buy recipes in Store of Starlight)
- Reindeer's Blessing (returning for crafting, buy recipes in Store of Starlight)
- Sweet Osmanthus (returning for crafting, buy recipes in Store of Starlight)
- Moonlight Dancer (returning for crafting, buy recipes in Store of Starlight)
No one asked for my opinion but I'm really excited! I love every one of these suits. I've been waiting on Toy Carnival for a long time now and will complete it right after Time Palace arrives, and I'm going to craft a few parts of Pumpkin Kaidan because I really like her lacy ribbons! Meteor Rain is also a great and very pretty suit. But most of all I'm excited that an expenditure suit (Fluffy Heart) has finally returned!

Store: Along with Fluffy Heart, we also have some new arrivals to the Store that will be used to craft the returning suits!
Hairs: String Focus Music
Dresses: Green Twig Bud, Moonlight Pearl Feather
Tops: Spring is Waning, Emma Lemon
Bottoms: Silent White Night, Grasses and Warblers, Beach Scenery
Shoes: Elegant Snowsoul
Accessories: Brilliant Moonlight, Shadow Gloves, a hat with no name?????, Revive, Gentle Winds, Flawless Pearl, Smoky Jade

Wardrobe: Amount of folders has been increased to 9 total! Unfortunately, the extra 7 cost diamonds, but it's still helpful for anyone who wants to get them.

- Amount of rooms/floors available has been increased to 15! (Extra rooms cost diamonds.)
- Return of Shiny Xmas Night housing pavilion

Music: Home screen (not home feature, just the general screen you get when you log in) music has been updated to a festive tune!

Glitches (the ones I know):
- Momo's Quest "glitch" has been fixed! Entering and exiting the event should clear the notification.
- Event tab shows notification even when nothing needs checking.
- Entering 'home' may cause the screen to black out for some people, devs are working on it at the moment.
- Stage ranking achievements may not register. Exit and reenter the app and you'll be able to claim them.
- Items are not loading properly on the Christmas Train event.
- Momo's Tips for stages may suggest multiple items that belong in the same category.
- A hat in the Store doesn't have a name? Is that on purpose?
- Stages for Chapter 6 may not show up.

Starry Corridor (thanks u/Sofiii7): 2 new tag bubbles (The Vast Journey, Azure Tide), 2 new text boxes (Unknown Voyage, Deep Blue Story) and 2 new picture frames! (Clear Sky Tour, By Lake Bovaly)

Avatar frame: Addition of new avatar frame "Gingerbread Blessing" that we will soon receive.

Decomposing: Multiple Lost Caskets can now be opened at once.
Let me know if there's anything I missed. Hopefully this helps!
submitted by neumonia-pnina to LoveNikki [link] [comments]

[Chaotic Memories] JP Megathread (XIII)

Well we've now come full circle in this series and we're back to XIII. That doesn't mean we've seen every realm yet...just that we've started doing repeats.
So far I made sure I stuck with the original JP title "Confounded Memories" for searchability but now that we've started revisiting realms I'll change it to "Chaotic Memories" to help differentiate the two. I'm thinking of this as the second iteration of this series (even though there's no indication of that). For reference the realms we've seen so far in this series have been II, III, V, VI, VII, X, XII, XIII, XV, and T0.
The event follows the Confounded Memories structure which focuses on a specific enemy and this one comes with a Stroke of the Brush - The Forsaken dungeon. The initial reveal discussion is here and the last XIII event was 6 months ago. Dragonlord Bahamut (XIII) was also added with this event.
Thanks to Leyroux and onthefaultline for the translation work, dataminers like ElNinoFr (and other I'm sure), and S0litair3d as always for the posts on GameFaqs that allows me to do these and also thanks to Pyrotios for always checking my work and helping make sure these things are accurate.

Recent JP Megathreads

S1GB Wind (Labyrinth) Confounded Memories (XV) Fat Black Chocobo: Shocking Magicites (FBC) A Sword to Sheathe (XI) Confounded Memories (III) The Deserting Kingdom (VI) Confounded Memories (XII) Journey through the Dark City (IX) Core Torment (Core/Beyond) Fat Black Chocobo: Shadowy Magicites (FBC)

New Year Fest 2021

Megathread Relics

Helpful Links

General JP Version Information FFRK Community Database

Chaotic Memories (XIII)

Event start time: Jan 22 2021 15:00 JST
New True Arcane Snow, Sazh
New Sync Snow, Sazh
New Limit Overstrike Sazh
New Awakening Sazh
New Limit Glint Hope
New LMR+ Snow, Sazh
Record Board Abilities:
  • Sazh: "Choco-chick Blues" NAT(Support): Party ATK/MAG +5/10/20/30% based on 0/1/2/3+ "Struggle", 10% DR1; self "Struggle"+1.

Stamp Sheets

  • FFXIII Relic Draw Stamp Sheet (Works for both B1 and B2).
    • 1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
    • 2 Stamps: 50 of each 4* Mote
    • 3 Stamps: Snow's [Viceroy of Yusnaan] Dress Record
    • 4 Stamps: 50 of each 5* Mote
    • 5 Stamps: 1 Artifact Stone
    • 6 Stamps: 5000 Gysahl Greens
    • 7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
    • 8 Stamps: 100 of each 5* Mote
    • 9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
    • 10 Stamps: 1 free pick from Selection A
    • 11 Stamps: 5000 Gyashl Greens
    • 12 Stamps: 7500 Gyashl Greens
    • 13 Stamps: 50 of each 5* Mote
    • 14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
    • 15 Stamps: 1 free pick from Selection B
    • 16 Stamps: 30 of each 6* Mote
    • 17 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
    • 18 Stamps: 30 of each 6* Mote
    • 19 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
    • 20 Stamps: 1 SB Honing Scroll
  • Selection A:
    • Vanille AASB
    • Raines AASB2
    • Sazh AASB1
    • Hope AASB
    • Noel AASB2 (Water)
    • Sazh CSB
    • Vanille USB4
    • Raines Glint+
    • Hope Glint+
    • Vanille Glint+2 (haste/proshellga)
    • Raines LMR+
    • Hope LMR+
  • Selection B: All new relics, and all syncs from both banners.

Relic Draw Banners

Banner 1
Relic Type Character Soul Break/Legend Materia
Save the Queen (Stat/CT/Cost) Fist (Ice+) Snow True Arcane: "Hoarfrost Sanction" (NAT: Instant self En-Ice (stacking), BDL+1, "True Arcane Augment Mode", ZSBC).
Total Eclipses (Stat/CT/Cost) Gun (Fire+) Sazh True Arcane: "Cold Blood" (PHY: Instant 20x single ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning/NE; party Astra, Regenga; self "True Arcane Augment Mode", ZSBC).
Ghastly Guard (DMG/CT) Fist (Ice+) Snow Synchro: "Diamond Fist" (PHY: 15x single Ice/NE; self En-Ice (3 stacks), Synchro Mode, BDL+1, 500% Ice Overflow Radiant Shield (8s), "Sovereign Barrier").
Betelgeuse Customs (DMG/CT) Gun (Fire+) Sazh Synchro: "Dual Assault" (PHY: 15x single ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning/NE; self Synchro Mode, "Extroverted Pilot Mode", "Paternal Spirit", "Dual Assault").
Nirvana (Heal/Stat) Rod (Holy+) Vanille Synchro: "Summon Hecatoncheir" (WHT: Instant party h105 Medica, Regenga, HQC2; self Synchro Mode, BDL+1, "Revival Mode").
Procyons (DMG/CT) Gun (Fire+) Sazh Limit Overstrike: "Come to Papa" (PHY: 4x single piercing critical ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning overflow).
Pleiades Hi-Powers (Stat/Shield/Use) Gun (Fire+) Sazh Awakening: "True-Blue Pals" (NAT: Instant party ATK/MAG/DEF/RES +30%, PQC; self "Awoken Father Mode", "Father's Comrades").
Heavenly Axis (Heal/Stat/Use) Rod Vanille Awakening: "Rose Promenade" (WHT: Instant party Medica h105, Raise, HQC2, Guts, Haste; self "Awoken Empath Mode").
Heavy Coat Light Armor Sazh Chain: "Seeking Purposes" (NAT: Instant party ATK/MAG/DEF/RES+30%, XIII 99-chain, 50% XIII Field, IC1).
Shaman's Mark (Holy DMG) Bracer (Holy+) Hope Limit Glint: "Lightflash (Hope)" (SUM: Instant 1x single Holy/NE overflow; self ZLBC, +1 LB Gauge).
Genji Glove Bracer Snow LMR+: "Moxie (Snow)" (Boost: Ice Damage +25%).
Outsider Gun Sazh LMR+: "Quickdraw (Sazh)" (Chase 3 Machinist/Support: Self QC3).
Banner 2
Relic Type Character Soul Break/Legend Materia
Tit-for-Tat (DMG/CT) Fist (Dark+) Cid Raines Synchro: "Destined End" (BLK: 15x single Dark/Holy/NE; party MAG/DEF +30%; self Synchro Mode, BDL+1, "Double Crystarium Mode III", "Dawn").
Catastrophe Blade (DMG/CT) Sword (Ice+) Noel Synchro: "Memories for the Future" (PHY: 15x single ranged Ice/WateNE; self Synchro Mode, BDL+1, "Double Crystarium Mode III", "Time Traveller Mode", "Hunter").
Chanter's Djellaba (DMG/CT/Use) Robe (Dark+) Cid Raines Awakening: "Grimdark Shift" (BLK: 15x single Dark/Holy/NE, Dispel; self "Awoken Seraph Mode", BDL+1, "Double Crystarium Mode II", "Darkgleam Shift").
Antares Deluxes Gun (Fire+) Sazh Awakening: "Grieving Blues" (NAT: Instant party HQC3, PHY Damage +30%; self "Awoken Father Mode", "Exertion Mode").
Brigandine (DMG/CT/Use) Light Armor (Holy+) Hope Awakening: "Heavenly Judgment" (SUM: 15x single Holy/NE; self En-Holy, 75% Holy Overflow Radiant Shield, "Awoken Holy Mode", BDL+1, "Judgement Mode", "Unwavering Justice").
Shellbreaker Sword (Water+) Noel Awakening: "Hunter's Pride" (PHY: 15x single ranged WateNE; self En-Water, "Flash Water Awakening", BDL+1, "Sunleth Strike").
Saint's Veil Hat Vanille Ultra: "My Atonement" (WHT: Instant party Medica h55, Regenga, HQC3).
Hellish Talon Fist Cid Raines Flash+: "Seraphic Shift" (NAT: Instant self "Double Crystarium Mode II", HQC1, ZSBC).
Hresvelgr Thrown Hope Flash+: "Hope for the Future" (NAT: Instant self 500 SB, ZSBC).
Abraxas Rod Vanille Flash+: "Quick Guard" (NAT: Instant party Protect, Shell, Haste; self Zero SB Cost).
Rune Claw Fist Cid Raines LMR+: "Swiftness (Raines)" (Chase 3 Dark/Holy: Self QC3).
White Cape Light Armor Hope LMR+: "Sublimation (Hope)" (Boost: Holy Damage +25%).
Note: Bolded relics are new.
Available videos of the new relics SBs are linked to the relic names.
Modes and Notes
Banner 1
  • Snow's True Arcane:
    • "True Arcane Augment Mode": BDL+1/2 and multiplier increased for second activation if at least 100001/300001 damage is dealt.
    • "Frost Sanction": (PHY: 20x single Ice/NE, 1x single Ice/NE overflow; self Remove "True Arcane Augment Mode").
  • Sazh's True Arcane:
    • "True Arcane Augment Mode": BDL+1 and multiplier increased for second activation if at least 7 Machinist/Support abilities are used.
    • "Apex Cold Blood": (PHY: 10x single ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning/NE, 1x single ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning/NE overflow; party IC1; self Remove "True Arcane Augment Mode").
  • Snow's Synchro:
    • Attack (Ice) "Icy Uppercut": (PHY: 4/6/8x single Ice with 1/2/3+ uses).
    • Defend (Ice) "Heroic Spirit": (NAT: Instant self [QC, Crit Chance +100%, Crit Damage +50%] 2).
    • "Sovereign Barrier": Chase 3 Ice: (NAT: Instant self 500% Ice Overflow Radiant Shield (5s), remove "Sovereign Barrier").
  • Sazh's Synchro:
    • Attack (Machinist/Support) "Crippling Shot": (PHY: 6x single ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning/NE).
    • Attack (Machinist/Support, 4+ XIII alive) "Crippling Shot": (PHY: 6x single ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning/NE; party PHY +30% 1).
    • Defend (Machinist/Support) "Gutsy Bravado": (PHY: 6x single ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning/NE; self HQC1. If "Paternal Spirit": +party +15% ATK/MAG/DEF/RES; self remove "Paternal Spirit").
    • "Extroverted Pilot Mode": Chase Ally Elemental ability: (PHY: 2x single ranged [Element]/NE, 10% Imperil [Element] (5s). Chase 6 Triggers: Self remove "Extroverted Pilot Mode").
    • "Dual Assault": 10/30% ST Imperil Prismatic based on 0-3/4+ XIII members alive.
  • Vanille's Synchro:
    • Attack (White Magic) "The Pulsian Way": (WHT: h25 Medica).
    • Defend (White Magic) "Quick": (NAT: Instant party HQC1).
    • "Revival Mode": Chase HP<20%: Self Instant ATB1, IC1, White Ability Healing+30% 1, Removes "Revival Mode").
  • Sazh's Awakening:
    • "Awoken Father Mode": Unlimited Machinist/Support hones; Machinist/Support Rank based QC; chase Machinist/Support: party 40% DR1.
    • "Father's Comrades" (0-1 XIII hero alive): Party Weakness Damage +9%.
    • "Father's Comrades" (2-3 XIII hero alive): Party Weakness Damage +15%.
    • "Father's Comrades" (4+ XIII hero alive): Party Weakness Damage +30%.
  • Vanille's Awakening:
    • "Awoken Empath Mode": Unlimited White Magic/Support hones; White Magic/Support Rank based QC; Chase White Magic/Support with party h25 medica.
Banner 2
  • Cid Raines's Synchro:
    • Attack (Dark/Holy) "Dark Marionette": (BLK: 6x single Dark/Holy/NE. Higher multiplier under Doom).
    • Defend (Dark/Holy) "Seraphic Phase": (BLK: 3x single Dark/Holy/NE; self QC3).
    • "Double Crystarium Mode III": En-Dark/En-Holy (2 stacks).
    • "Dawn": Chase 2 Sync: Party Dark OR Holy Ability Damage +30% 1.
  • Noel's Synchro:
    • Attack (Ice/Water) "Shakedown": (PHY: 6x single ranged Ice/WateNE, 10% Ice/Water Imperil 5sec).
    • Defend (Ice/Water) "Hunter's Form": (PHY: Instant 1x single ranged Ice/WateNE; self QC2. If "Hunter" +(-70% DEF/RES/MND, Remove "Hunter").
    • "Double Crystarium Mode III": En-Ice/En-Water (2 stacks).
    • "Time Traveller Mode": Chase 3 Sync: self "Hunter".
  • Raines's Awakening:
    • "Awoken Seraph Mode": Unlimited Dark/Holy hones; rank based QC (Dark/Holy); Chase Dark/Holy: (BLK: 6x single Dark/Holy/NE), every 2 chases: Self +10% Dark/Holy Damage).
    • "Double Crystarium Mode II": En-Dark/En-Holy (stacking).
    • "Darkgleam Shift": Chase 2 Dark/Holy: En-Dark/En-Holy.
  • Sazh's Awakening:
    • "Awoken Father Mode": Unlimited Machinist/Support hones; Machinist/Support HQC; Chase Machinist/Support party 40% DR1.
    • "Exertion Mode": WCast Machinist; Chase 3 Machinist/Support: (PHY: 17x single ranged Fire/Ice/Lightning/NE), End "Exertion Mode").
  • Hope's Awakening:
    • "Holy Awakening": Unlimited Holy hones; rank boost (Holy); WCast Holy.
    • "Judgement Mode": Chase 1/2/3 Holy: Self 125/200/300% Holy Overflow Radiant shield.
    • "Unwavering Justice": Chase 4 Holy: (SUM: 1x single Holy/NE overflow; self IC1).
  • Noel's Awakening:
    • "Flash Water Awakening": Unlimited Water hones; rank boost (Water); Instant Water.
    • "Sunleth Strike": Chase SharpshooteThief: (PHY: 2x single ranged WateNE; self Water Damage +10%).
    • "Sunleth Strike": Chase Dragoon: (PHY: 2x single ranged WateNE; self No Air Time1, Dragoon Damage +30% for 1 Turn).
  • Raines's Flash+:
    • "Double Crystarium Mode II": En-Dark/En-Holy (stacking).
B1: So this banner has a lot of interesting new things on it. Nothing new for Vanille but she has good healing relics to help with the dreambreaker. Hope gets a new Limit Glint (his only relic on the banner) which is one of the new ones which is good. The rest of the banner is all Snow and Sazh and the only old relic is Sazh's Chain who's value is dependant on how good you see the dreambreaker chains to be. That being said all of the new relics for Snow and Sazh really make them solid units. Snow's the more relic reliant of the two and always been a little lacking in the DPS area so the LMR+ is nice to help that (especially given that his other LMRs haven't been awesome). His Sync2 lets him be self sufficient for crit (though most teams provide it in some for now) and has solid use with the overflow RS for Argent Odin (against less damaging opponents it may be less useful). Finally his TASB is the standard one which means it's good in combination with an AASB or Sync. Sazh's relics all work independantly pretty well with his TASB giving extra party buffs but no BDL, his Sync letting him imperil for...any team and providing party buffs, and the AASB being a solid buff suite especially for XIII teams. The LBO is...about expected though DR would have been nice on it, and the LMR gives him some extra speed to get more out of him. Overall, it's a solid DREAMBREAKER TRAP where you can get the relics you need for it and either a good physical support or physical Ice character to add to your Odin teams.
B2: Older stuff and we're back to "not as good as B1 so unless you're looking to add to specific characters you probably won't pull here". Mostly high DPS though split between magic and physical with a lot of utility relics at the bottom of the banner. Overall, unless your XIII team is completely magical (and that would be pretty epic) or you're specifically looking at a single character on this banner you probably shouldn't pull here.
There's also an upcoming Premium Lucky (First Pull Half Price - Gems Only) and Dream Draws. Here's what they have:
Premium Lucky
  • Estinien Sync (Wind+ Spear)
  • Angeal Sync (Wind+ Sword)
  • Vaan AASB2 (Wind+ Shield)
  • Estinien AASB (Wind+ Heavy Armor)
  • Angeal AASB (Wind+ Sword)
  • Ricard bAASB (Wind+ Spear)
  • Vaan 2.5 Wind Chain
  • Estinien USB
  • Estinien Flash+
  • Angeal Flash+
  • Ricard Flash+
  • Estinien LMR+
Dream Draws
As of 24 Jan 2021 the AASB and Sync pools are the same as the last dream draws (whci is the FBC: Lightning event from 9 months ago.
  • Synchro (2x max).
  • AASB (2x max).
  • AOSB (2x max).
  • USB (2x max).
  • Flash (2x max).
  • LMR (2x max).
If you spot any mistakes or have suggestions on how to improve the quality of my guides, feel free to comment here and I'll do my best to address them ASAP!
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black and white check queen sheets video

This Mainstays Bed in a Bag is Buffalo Check that provides a nice updated look to any bedroom. It comes with a complete sheet set, bedskirt, comforter and shams. I found this to be a very well made set with a bold black and white pattern on the comforter and shams that seem to be a very popular Farmhouse look. Sweet Jojo Designs Buffalo Plaid Boy or Girl Baby Nursery Crib Bed Skirt Dust Ruffle - Black and White Check Rustic Woodland. Sold by GrowKart. $48.29. MUBIN Buffalo Plaid Rug Black&White Checked Rugs Cotton 3X5 ft, Black&white. Sold by pardo14bb an eBay Marketplace seller. $30.64 $27.85. Get great deals on Buffalo Check Bedding In Sheets & Pillowcases. Spend this time at home to refresh your home decor style! Shop at eBay.com and enjoy Fast & Free shipping on many items! New Huntington Home Buffalo Plaid Black And White Winter Flannel Queen Sheet Set. $54.99. $28.10 shipping. or Best Offer. 5 watching. For extra pizzazz, incorporate a pop of color with accent pillows or a throw blanket to complement the black and white tones of the rest of the bed. Get a peaceful night’s sleep by decorating your bedroom with bedding that speaks to your style. Check out black and white bedding sets at Macy’s and get ready to drift off to dream land. Shop hundreds of black and white sheet sets deals at once. We’ve got black and white sheet sets savings and more. Black and White, Queen Walmart USA. on sale for $23.99 original price $33.99 $ 23.99 $33.99. IMPACT_RAD "coyote_sc" SUPERIOR 5-Line Sheets with Embroidered Pillowcases, Luxurious Silky Soft, Light Weight, Wrinkle Resistant Wake In Cloud - Black Plaid Sheet Set, 100% Washed Cotton Bedding, Buffalo Check Gingham Geometric Checker Pattern in Black Gray Grey White (4pcs, Queen Size) 4.6 out of 5 stars 135 $49.99 $ 49 . 99 Shop for black and white sheets at Bed Bath & Beyond. Buy top selling products like Wamsutta® 525-Thread-Count PimaCott® Wrinkle Resistant Full Flat Sheet in White and Wamsutta® Damask Stripe 500-Thread-Count PimaCott® King Sheet Set in White. Shop now! Black and white bedding - be it sheets, duvet covers, pillow shams or blankets - can complement almost any kind of decor with its neutral and easy-matching hue. This classic combo really is the perfect canvas that won't interfere or overwhelm your overall decor theme. Sweet Home Collection 4 Piece Buffalo Check Plaid Design Reversible to Solid Color with 2 Shams & Throw Pillow, Full/Queen, Black/White 4.3 out of 5 stars 436 $33.99 $ 33 . 99 Buy top selling products like Bee & Willow™ Home Yarn Dye Buffalo Check 3-Piece Comforter Set and NoJo® Buffalo Check Bedding Collection. Shop now! FULL/QUEEN $129.99 - KING $149.99. BEYOND+ MEMBER PRICE. FULL/QUEEN $103.99 - KING $119.99 Sweet Jojo Designs Buffalo Check 4-Piece Crib Bedding Set in Black/White. $139.99.

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