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State of my Pocket - Merry December 2017

It's the time of the month again, and for the last time in 2017.
Usually, I start writing these posts on the same day I submit then. However, considering it's the end of the worldyear, I decided to start writting the article a day earlier. During this month, my mind has been more focused into wondering what is to come in January next year, so I've been paying less attention to what has coming out. Still, there's a noticeable Action RPG trend in this month's purchases.
This month in review: Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Nine Parchments, Yooka-Laylee, Unepic, Brawlout, Portal Knights, and Mighty Gunvolt Burst DLC character; Copen.
As always, remember personal score reflects my personal experience with these games.


Purchase date: December 1st.
Video: The first hour of playime. (It's actually more than one hour but shhh, dont' tell the Internet Police.)
Where do I begin talking about my second most played game of 2017? Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is best described as an onion with a myriad layers. The combat, the plot, as well as the content that is there for you to explore and beat keeps evolving more and more, and if you're the kind of person that gets lost in details, the game still does a magnific job of slowly teaching you its mechanics.
Now exploration is a true challenge. I expected massive landscapes, consdering Monolith Soft helped Nintendo design the geographics of Breath of the Wild, and while the maps aren't that massive, they're still pretty big. Usually, when people talk about exploration in videogames, they talk like if they were touring around, drop a "oh how beutiful", then move on. This is the way you get mauled by level 80 gorillas and t-rexes barely 2 hours in the game. The game's compass doesn't really help you get around either, as it only marks the point of destination and not the journey, and different blades may help you open different paths. None of these help you. If you want to find the path forward, you have to stick your eyes off the UI, and stick them to the game's world, your surroundings. Exploration in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 takes shape in the form of trailblazing - instead of following a pre-set path, you are meant to find a path yourself.
Combat is expansive. For a good chunk of time you'll be limited on what you can achieve (due to party size), and tutorials extend way, way through the game. Now, except for one or two mechanics that are tied to the story, the slow introduction of the combat mechancis don't stop you from using all the mechanics there are, as long as you know how to use them. This results in combat being slow at the start of the game, and slowly picking up as you gain access to more blades and more party members. In my oppinion, combat starts to go at full speed by the end of Chapter 3. Now, combat skills are determined by the type of weapon, and the blade unit itself; the type of weapon determines which arts you can use (X, Y, and B buttons during combat), while the blade's personality and element define which specials (A) and passives apply. There's variety even through the 'lowly' common blades.
The story gets massive. It's a JRPG alright. Tons of cutscenes, tons of talking, tons of enemeis in your path. I've never been able to deal with games in this genre that throw a seemingly unlimited, unavoidable ammount of combat while going from point A to point B, it spikes my anxiety levels to 420, and while Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has moments like that, its mostly minor as I could either completely ignore the encounter, find a different path, or just plow them with a well executed combo.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sets you in the world of Alrest. The world is covered by the cloud sea, and the Titans offer their own bodies as the habitat to humankind. But, the titans are beginning to die out, and the places to live are starting to run out (an absolute shout-out to the climatic debate in real life), and nations are fighting eachother for domain. Our main protagonist, Rex, is a very young, very cappable salvager chap. Salvagers in the world of Alrest submerge into the cloud sea, in hopes of finding valuable articles of the older world, and sell them for a profit (henceforth Rex wearing a submarinist suit).
Did I mention he's young? Because at the age of 15, he's doing this to send money home. But he's not completely alone, as gramps - a smaller, boat-sized titan - carries him over in his salvaging endeavors. It's not too long until Rex gets noticied, that he gets sent to a very special salvaging job, setting in motion the events of the game. Boy joins group of drivers, drivers stab Boy in the back, DriverNyancat is mad at drivers for that, a literal walking lighter says "nope" and resurrects Boy, hot animu action happens, gramps saves Boy, DriverNyancat and WalkingLighter, gets shot, DriverTotallyNotSephiroth stops caring, amd then the game finally starts. It's not like you don't control the main character until this point, but this marks the end of the introduction.
Now, in this world, Drivers and Blades exist. Blades are born from Core Crystals, that can resonate with people (but they will not always do), and those that succeed at resonating with a Core Crystal, become the newborn Blade's Driver. As a result, Blades can grant their power and protection to their driver. Blades do not have levels, but instead, in order to grow stronger, a series of tasks have to be completed in order to fill their affinity chart. These tasks are short and invidividually can be completed very quickly - it's when you want to complete several tasks that it starts taking some time.
All in all, I consider Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to be the go-to game for those that found themselves very uncomfortable with the openness of Breath of the Wild, or Skyrim, or really any other open world RPG. it's a very linear history, but you can just enjoy yourself completing sidequests and extra tasks to level your characters and completing your affinity charts, but it's still not anywhere near mindless.
Personal Score: 9/10 (There was a point where fighting the indivdiual mobs wasn't easier than fighting the bosses. Exploration is certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but it definitelly is mine.)
Recommended?: Yes.
Price: 60€? (I'm sure I must have missplaced the voucher for this one.)


Purchase date: December 13th.
Video: Full normal mode playthrough. (It's... a long game to one-seat.)
Hey! Remember that old game where you could be a warrior, a valkyrie, a wizard, or an archer? Gauntlet? Because Gauntlet (and by extension, Gauntlet Legends) are the two games that kept getting stuck in my head while playing this.
Nine Parchments is a cooperative action RPG, starring the students of a magic academy being sent off to recover the magical parchments for the school. Each character begins with three pre-set spells, and they can expand their spell choice as they progress through the story - each time they find a parchment. Left stick to move, right stick to aim, if you're looking for twin-stick action, this is a good place to look for it.
Characters can level up, and earn stat points that can be used to customize the characters by spending them on the different skill trees.
This game speaks in two languages: replayability and multiplayer. There are characters, hats, and weapons you can permanently unlock (and choose from, from the very star), enticing you to replay the game over and over, either to max their levels out, or to unlock everything. The game also supports online multiplayer, but right now you can only keep either a single player save, or a multiplayer save, and finding a lobby online is at times... impossible. There's nothing to fret however, character progress and unlocks are not tied to the story, so you do keep these, and a patch is already on the way to improve netconnectivity and add multiple save slots - a much needed feature because the game can take an obscene ammount of time to beat in a single seating.
But what the game does the best, in my oppinion, is friendly fire and elemental weaknesses. You see, every spell has an elemental attribute (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Death, Life, Steam, and apparently Melee is considered one too), and so do the enemies. Fire monsters will be invulnerable to fire spells, while in the other hand, Fire monsters will be extremally weak and easy to take out with an ice spell. Elemental weakness uses an opposing weakness model; ice and fire are weak between themselves, death and life are weak between themselves, but I still haven't figured out what weeds lightning out. In other words, they are always weak to their opposing, and inmune to themselves. And the layers don't just stop with the enemies' own element; monsters can also spawn with an elemental shield (that may or may not be the same element) that needs to be taken down before dealing damage to the creature, but it even goes deeper as sometimes monsters will have a small AoE that gives complete invulnerability to a specific element to everything in its reach, or instead, an elemental AoE that deals damage to, once again, everything in its reach. Yep, it's not you killing your friends, your foes can also kill their friends and help you a little. It's simply amazing.
Now, spells vary in qualities. You have throwable AoE's, you have cone of attack area effects, you have your classic projectiles, life drain, but the most interesting are the kamehame-like spells. When you use a beam spell, and it collides with a different beam, they mix, creating a new spell, and bouncing in a different direction. At this point, it's up to you to use simple geometry to backfire your opponent's (or your ally's) beams into their friends, or hold them until either if you runs out of magic. Good thing each spell has its own magic meter.
The game has four difficulties, and while in Easy and Normal, enemy placement is pre-set (meaning you can memorize them), on Hard mode enemy placement is randomnized, and in Hardcore mode, there are no continues. You do need to complete Hardcore mode to unlock the final form of each character.
Personal Score: 7/10
Recommended?: Yes. The game's a blast now, it can only be better once joining a multipalyer doesn't take a trillenia.
Price: 20€

Yooka. Yooka-Laylee.

Purchase date: December 14th
Video: 30 minutes of Yooka-Laylee.
It was finally out. I know a lot of people feel there's no need to play Yooka-Laylee now becuase Super Mario Odyssey is already out, but that's no real reason not to. I see both games offer a different game model, even if the same genre, and even then, Yooka-Laylee was never meant to rewrite the laws of physics, but just reinvigorate the genre, something thas been possible because of Yooka-Laylee, A hat in time, and Super Mario Odyssey launching close to eachother.
And I must say that I'm amazed with this game. Or rather, the beggining is amazing. This is Banjo-Forthy in essence, but only essence, for the good and bad. Once thing that is very common to see in videogames, is making the collision box of walls a straight, tall cube, preventing you from jumping on small slopes and salients the wall might, graphically, have and make sense jumping on. For the most part on Yooka-Laylee, model geometry meets collision geometry. This means you can jump on small salients, allowing you to go all around the place, and out of place too. However, this level of polish slowly fades away the further I headed into the game, which is a shame. It's the top thing I enjoyed the most.
The game plays like classic collecathon. You unlock abilities as you progress (and purchase them), these abilitlies help you reach out to places in previous worlds you couldn't reach, but you also need (at least one of) them to progress forward. I didn't particulatly have any issues with the camera, or the ice world for that extent. However, the game does conserve the unnecessary minigames, and while I could only play two of the retro minigames, handled by Rextro, it is the other minigame that makes me a sad, sad person. The cart challenge. You move forward in a cart, jumping, slowing your pace, speeding your pace, all to avoid obstacles and obtain gems, of which you need a set minimun to complete the minigame, and while it isn't impossible to beat, the level of precission you're meant to have handling the cart is nothing short of obscene in the later levels, as slowing down and speeding up have a reuse cooldown, and more often than not, you're greeted by an obstacle right after an orange gem. Hitting an obstacle takes gems from you.
Now, my favourite world in the game has to be the very first one, Tribalstack Tropics. It includes all of the good things in the game. With geometry properly meeting the visuals, you'll find yourself everywhere around the level with just a little of skill, and the challenges aren't too annoying yet. On the other hand, Capital Cashino has to be my least favourite. The world's layout is very geometrical and boring(I mean, it's a casino world, of course it's not going to have rough edges all over the place, that wouldn't make sense), but what makes it the most aggravating is the way you obtain the main collectible, pagies. Normally, in any part of the game, when you complete a challenge you gain a pagie. In capital cashino, you're meant to trade honeycomb casino tokens (10 of) for pagies, and while you can find these tokens flying around the place, the challenges will never or rarely never yield 10 tokens, meaning that you have to complete more challenges for a similar payout, which makes collecting pagies that more stressing (now, I didn't 100% the game, maybe there's an exception somewhere around).
Speaking of collectibles, outside the main pagie currency, there's also Play coins, Molleycools, energy expansions, heart expansions, ghost writters, and quills. There's one Play coin for every world except the hub world, which is necessary to unlock that world's retrogame. Molleycools are necessary to transform, on a one-per-world basis too. Energy and heart expansiosn increase your energy meter and maximun health, and unlike Play coins and Molleycools, they are in the Hub world too. Then you have quills, which is a game-wide currency used to purchase abilities. (Now, can anybody give me a rundown on how to pronounce "Quill"? I could never figure out during my playthrough. Maybe aah-aah-ooh-aaa-ohhh.)
Now, as much as I love the geometrically-sensical gameworld, what truly shines in this game, are the puns. True rareware humour runs happily campant, and I just couldn't see them coming. The puns. I couldn't help but idiotically laugh. I understand not everyone is a very punny person, but I am. I completely enjoyed the jokes. Also, Laylee is an adorable piece bat-wonder. Such a sharp tongue.
All in all, it's still a good 3d collecathon.
Personal Score: 7/10
Recommended?: Yes. A must play for everyone that claims to love 3d platformers.
Price: 40€


Purchase Date: November 23rd (Prepurchased)
Video: 30 minutes of Unepic gameplay.
By all means, if thou dost speak the serpentine tongue of castillian spanish, on thine variant of europe, thou must entertain the act in castillian spanish.
Because the spaniard humor is on point. Completely, absolutely on point. For once in my entire life, I actually preferred to play a game in spanish over english. And if this wasn't enough, this is also spaniard software. While I'm not exactly a happy camper when it comes to the works of MercurySteam, or specially thrilled about Rime, I actually love Unepic. Spaniard movies usually triple-down on the humour side of things, often times bordering on the cringe, and completely forgoing seriousness - but Unepic completely forgoes seriousness and it actually works. I'm amazed. Simply, amazed. But enough talk about the humour.
Unepic is a 2d action role playing game with platforming elements, that I would not exactly call a metroidvania. The game feels a little too lineal for that, and, to be honest, it feels more like the original Prince of Persia games, where any trap would instantly do you. It didn't help that I started playing in the highest difficulty off the bat, either. And in my oppinion, that helped. Unepic bets on the roleplaying elements the most; sneaking, elemental weaknesses, learning your surroundings, overpower your opponents through smart, not brawn. leveling is slow but not rewardless, and not exactly mandatory to progress either, you unlock more spell categorise as you complete sidequests, and where and how you spend your character's skillpoints on level up does make a difference on how you can tackle the game, in a very D&D fashion.
While you could technically attack everything with anything, you will be discouraged to. Snakes have a long reach and will poison (and thereof murder) you, so using a spear might be a better idea. Enemies not made of flesh, like skeletons, or heavy armor, will recieve more damage from the slow clubs and greataxes than the faster dagers and swords; you really want to pay attention to these things as exploiting an enemy's weakness can quickly eliminate it, allowing for better control of the room, as the game introduces more and more enmies per room as it progresses; 'instagibbing' becomes a necessity. In the end, you wont have enough points to master every possible element of the game to tackle on every weakness, forcing you to choose a weakness for yourself. Maybe a jack of all trades? Maybe forgo melee for ranged damage? How about magic and its long cast times?
Game start with our main character Daniel Perez-Riverte, playing a session of D&D with his friends, trying to shoot an arrow at an skeleton, made fun of for doign so, and needing to use the restroom quickly. All in typical spaniard manner. As he prepares to take the seat, he finds himself... somewhere else. A castle somewhere else. I wont spoil any of the points for you, it's just too fun. The english translation actually does a good job of accomodating the humour, and even bringing some of its own. You will find out as soon as you kill your first snake.
2d, action, rpg, bets hard on the rpg elements, affordable. A good break from the roguelike/roguelite plus powercreep loop.
Personal Score: 8/10
Recommended?: Yes. (I WANT MORE.)
Price: 8€ (It had a discount when it was on pre-purchase, so it should be around the 10 €/$ mark now.


Purchase date: December 19th
Welcome to brawlout, the one game set to take your switch by meteoric storm, at the very least, until an actual smash bros game hits the switch. But that doesn't mean Brawlout doens't have merits (or demerits) of its own.
I find it interesting, how Smash bros didn't just make a fighting game out of 2d platformer, but also how it spawned a whole new subgenre - brawlers. Super Smash Bros melee had such an impact on everyone that even Brawl could not live up to the title, and titles were developed in its spirit. What I find amazing, albeit sad, is that titles that are specifically aimed to "fill that smash bros gap" always try to mimic or clone Smash Bros Melee. Characters become a remix of the meta in Smash Bros Melee, features are first and foremost what matters in competitive Melee, and little or no thought is put outside that. Thankfully, brawlout does enough to be its own game, and something worth playing even after the next smash bros launches, but like every other brawler, it also does too much stuff like Melee.
The only mode worht playing, is online versus, and even not so much yet. The AI is very barebones, and difficulty does not really come from a near-perfect exceution of its movements, but from getting ganked by multiple of them at the same time. This so true than when facing the single player campaign, choosing an higher difficulty simple drops another AI in each stage. I get the point, but I don't really feel the challenge.
Online play is also taunted negatively by lag. It's a mix of netcode and matchmaking being too broad, as lag can hit anytime in any match, no matter how close or far. It also depends on who hosts, but while that's a controllable variable, it does not control the netcode. While the lag doesn't make online matches unplayable, it is something that can be adapted to (I, as a former runescape player, am the lag), but not something that should be accepted. While I could take advantage of the slower pacing of the game, it completely throws off everyone else. It's no fun.
There's also a problem with character balancing. While the core team (ie.: the brawlout exclusive cast of characters) ahve a nice set of shortages and reach, it feels like the guest characters (Hyper Light Drifter and the Guacamelee guy) do not really use the same edge when balancing. Hyper Light Drifter is the equivalent of a sword user in Smash Bros, with good reach and natural-feeling combos, but he also has access to the equivalent of Fox' pistol and shield. His reach isn't just good, he also has some abnormally fast recovery, leaving his only downside a somehow under-performing recovery.
Now, Brawlout does away with shields and grabs as mechanics, and instead introduces the rage meter. As you land hits or recieve hits, your meter fills. At 50% full, you can press L+R to free yourself of a combo and push the enemy back, allowing for a brief moment to counter-attack or return the game to neutral. If you use your mater at 100% instead however, you lose the sideffects of having a high damage%, as well as gain extra throw distance when landing attacks, which allows you to survive just a little longer to completely dominate your opponent. This puts the game on a more agressive pace, but also one that won't allow 0-to-KO combos.
Sadly, when it comes to unlocking items, like characters, skins, or other cosmetic stuff, it boils down to grinding. When you complete dialy missions, or reach a certain level with a character, you'll be giving a reward of either character shards, crystals, or gold. These shards will allow you to unlock a new character once you collec them all (in true F2P mobile game fashion), but the crystals and gold are used to purchase three different kinds of piñatas - the stand-in for lootboes in this game -, so what you unlock is completely random.
This is not the only brawler that does this. Brawlhalla also gates unlocks after a massive ammount of grinding - that should be met if you play the game regularly, it's a pvp game afterall -, and the do that after copying the coldest parts of the smash bros franchise (ie.: wavedashing), but they completely forgo gating unlocks behind actions, and simply drop a huge grind inside, instead. At least, in brawlout, everything is acquired via playtime, as in Brawlhalla there is a cash shop.
All in all (this seems to be today's motto, All in all), Brawlout will at least Brawlhold-you-out until the next smash game releases, but still has charms that make it fun. If you're experienced with the genre, it will quickly trigger your muscle memory.
Personal Score: 6/10
Price: 20€
A patch is in the works. Source

Portal Knights

Purchase date: December 25th
Video: 30 minutes of Minecraft meets Zelda.
Merry self-christmas gift. Now, Portal Knights, like Minecraft, is a builder game. You take blocks from around the place, and make your own home. Unlike Minecraft, Portal Knights also has a focus on its action rpg aspect, where you pick a character class, level up, spend stat points, gear up, and become more powerful. Portal Knights is also not compromised of one massive world, but instead, each biome is its own map. While I chose to play on large, the maps weren't really that, that big.
Now, to progress from one island the next, you have to find a portal, then place portal cubes inside it to reactivate it. What this achieves is that each biome is self-contained, and, as a true builder game, some items are exclusive to its biome, may they be decorations for your house, or tiered materials that you need to become stronger. In this sense, Portal Knights reminds me more of Terraria than it does remind me of Minecraft, as there's a sort of cycle going on about ugprading your character. You don't just ugprade your gear; you also upgrade your crafting stations.
So, with a smaller world, and a combat that feels erratic at times, why even bother picking up Portal Knights over Minecraft? I personally owned Minecraft on PC for a long time, and when I did purchase it up, it didn't have the hunger system yet. I detest hunger systems. No matter if it's Minecraft or ARK. These annoy me to no end. This is where the action RPG aspecst of Portal Knights shine over Minecraft. As I'm not limited to make sure I have enough resources to explore the exterior, and I don't really have to fear for my low-tier tools I spent five billion years gathering materiasl for, to break. That is how I feel about Minecraft. Now, tools do have a durability in Portal Knights, but durability can be repaired with a very easy to craft item, and it repairs all items in your hotbar, not just your active item, allowing you to slash and mine without as much worry.
Outside building, Portal Knights is a very Zelda-ish game when it comes to boss encounters. While combat against normal monsters feels rudimentary, and at times cheap, there is always a trick thatackle them safely, and bosses have mechanics - they aren't just big HP sponges, and can be taken down quickly even when undergeared, as long as you exploit their mechanics. Now, I'm talking here like this is an universal law, but the truth is that I only got as far as the first boss.
I was trying to finish off Unepic during the time I picked up the game, so I haven't been able to play much more of it yet.
Personal Score: 7/10
Recommended?: Yes (Hates hunger as much as me/looking for more than just building/wants something like minecraft, but not minecraft)
I forgot to mention the game has online multiplayer, but you can only play online with friends, There's also a holiday-themed event island active right now, which will last no more than a week from now. Access to the event island requires yellow warp cubes, which can only be created - sort of - after beating the first boss. Alternatively, ask a friend to join your world and use some cubes of his own.
Price: 30€
Mighty Gunvolt Burst: Copen DLC mini review
Purchase date: 28th
At this point, you might realise I'm infatuated with this game. While I did pick up only Copen's dlc, two other characters were released at the same time. I will focus this mini review on Copen's dlc, as that's the only one I could play through.
Copen plays like Copen. He's still the same Adpet-hater from Gunvolt's games, and his objective in the game is to make a more appropiate game for her sister. As a result, you will always fight Gunvolt when confronting another playable character, and you will be aided by Back, instead of Gunvolt.
Enemy placement and powerup placement have also been remixed, so you can't find them in the usual places. The shake up on enemy placement also makes the game harder, as they didn't trade them for weaker enemies.
Also, you will have Lola and the Ex weapons at your disposal. Lola can be customized too, and the element you costumize her with (which is not the same as the elemetn you customize your weapon with) affects the beheavior and type of weapon. You can have a gigantic drill!
Copen's aerial movement is an airdash hybrid - you can gain some altitude or descend if pressing up or down while airdashing, but air dash is not avaliable by default. He also gains ccess to three bullet types, each mimicing the archtype of other characters. Copen's default weapon is highly customizable, the second bullet type has a differnt array of customizations, and the third one can't be customized at all, but behaves iin a unique manner.
Recommended?: Yes.
Price: 2€
Month Cost
April 2017 125€
May 2017 101€
June 2017 130€
July 2017 64€
August 2017 45€
September 2017 202€
October 2017 201,5€
November 2017 85€
December 2017 180€
I need to put a firmer grasp on my wallet. Brawlotu was compulsively purchased. That said, I wish somebody announced their game is going to be on the eShop, they also announced the price so I could structure my purchase priority better. Specially if it's a title I'm going to pick up anyway. For example, this month released Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds, a game I already own on PC, but never had so much luck to play multiplayer. Since they're enabling the online multiplayer features only after nintendo activates the paid system, I chose to move the purchase to January. Which means it's going to happen anyway.
This cements October and November as the most costful months of the year. It's nice to have insight of my own expenses this way. I used to spend much more on trading cards.
Looking forward to 2018, I'm looking into finally branching out. While I still want to create tehse monthly articles, I would like to dedicate myself even more into writing articles. While video reviews might still be a away off, as I'm helplesssly shy in front of the mic, you can support me by checking out my youtube gameplay videos channel, where I upload the gameplay vidoes I use for the State of my pocket articles. I also upload my (successful) speedrun attempts, and soemtimes even lose a bolt and... upload something completely random.
I'm also looking into writing article reviews for games as soon as I finish them, instead of waiting for the end of the month.
That said, a video review channel is indeed in the works. I just need to... uh... do a video.
Youtube: SpanishVanguard's Salt Mine
Blog: SpanishVanguard's Media Cavern

A year in retrospect

I'm looking forward doing my own Game of the Year thingie by the end of February, as that marks a full year-round of Nintendo Switch goodness. Now, I would love to do that article in a more serious manner, and as you know, Personal Score does not quantify quality. Thereof, I would like to ask all of you to write your favourites in this form Link . My plan is to do a more traditional, 0-to-10, 0 worst, 10 Perfect analysis of the top 10 mentioned games, however, I would only do so if these games have already been reviewed in any previous State of my Pocket entries (as I can't really purchase 10 more games out of thin air). Yell loud enough however, and I'll consider breakin this rule. I'm looking forward your answers.
All games on this article have been purchased with my own money. I thought it should go without mention, but just in case, I'm stating this.
submitted by SoloWaltz to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

BIP39 Words list

Nothing special, just a copy of the current list (for the future) of what can be found at
submitted by lowcarbjc to btc [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Dec 16th - Tue, Dec 22nd)

Tulsa's event list. Combined from 12 sources


Wednesday, Dec 16th

Thursday, Dec 17th

  • Andy Woodhull (Loony Bin) Thru Sat, Dec 19th
  • Bringing Back Real R&b Live Review (The Shrine) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Donny and Marie (The Joint - Catoosa) Start Time: 8:00pm Share this on
    777 West Cherokee Street,…
  • Donny & Marie in Concert (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa) Start Time: 7:00pm …
  • Free Third Thursday: Print Action 2015 (Philbrook) Start Time: 5:30pm Thanks to the generosity of Jordan D.…
  • i'd die for lo-fi (The Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Illustrations in Oil by Mike Wimmer for Frank Keating’s children’s book “Will Rogers an American Legend (Will Rogers Memorial Museum - Claremore) 1 day left please include this in Exhibits? If you…
  • John Moreland (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm
    Thu Dec 17 10:00 PM
    John Moreland 
  • Living Nativity at Shepherd's Cross (Shepherd's Cross - Claremore) Thru Sat, Dec 19th Start Time: 10:00am Come to this Living Nativity event at…
  • Mt Eden et al. (Cain's Ballroom) Start Time: 8:00pm Doc Roc PresentsMt. EdenNoizmekka, NomadThu…
  • "The Nutcracker" (Tulsa Performing Arts Center) Thru Sun, Dec 20th Start Time: 7:00pm This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The…
  • Open Studio for Adult Artists @ Zarrow (University of Tulsa) Start Time: 4:00pm Join local artists who are learning to paint,…
  • Woolaroc Wonderland of Lights (Woolaroc Museum & Wildlife Preserve - Bartlesville) Thru Sun, Dec 20th Embark on a winter adventure to the Woolaroc…
  • Wreck Tha Hallz Start Time: 7:00pm

Friday, Dec 18th

Saturday, Dec 19th

Sunday, Dec 20th

Monday, Dec 21st

  • Illustrations in Oil by Mike Wimmer for Frank Keating’s children’s book “Will Rogers an American Legend (Will Rogers Memorial Museum - Claremore) please include this in Exhibits? If you…
  • Winterfest Winterfest Event Date/Time Nov 27, 2015 to…

Tuesday, Dec 22nd

See Also

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Twin Arrows Casino, Flagstaff: See 233 reviews, articles, and 44 photos of Twin Arrows Casino, ranked No.24 on Tripadvisor among 74 attractions in Flagstaff. Flagstaff Tourism Flagstaff Hotels Twin Arrows Casino Resort, Flagstaff Arizona. See 16 traveler reviews, 17 photos and 1 blog post Book Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort, Flagstaff on Tripadvisor: See 1,118 traveller reviews, 687 candid photos, and great deals for Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort, ranked #5 of 65 hotels in Flagstaff and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Twin Arrows Casino, Flagstaff: Address, Phone Number, Twin Arrows Casino Reviews: 4/5 247 reviews of Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort "I actually really liked this place. I don't usually "do" the casino scene but I was passing through and since it was a brand new hotel(/casino) I figured there's no way it could be too unpleasant, and I was right! Right from the time I drove up it was a good experience. I usually hate valets and think they're useless, but I had a lot of luggage Reviews of Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort This rating is a reflection of how the property compares to the industry standard when it comes to price, facilities and services available. It's based on a self-evaluation by the property. Use this rating to help choose your stay! 22181 Resort Boulevard, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, United States of America Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort: Twin Arrows Casino/Resort - See 1,118 traveller reviews, 477 candid photos, and great deals for Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort at Tripadvisor. Twin Arrows Casino, Flagstaff: See 233 reviews, articles, and 44 photos of Twin Arrows Casino, ranked No.24 on Tripadvisor among 74 attractions in Flagstaff. Flagstaff Tourism Flagstaff Accommodation Book Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort, Flagstaff on Tripadvisor: See 1,118 traveler reviews, 687 candid photos, and great deals for Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort, ranked #5 of 65 hotels in Flagstaff and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Book Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort, Flagstaff on Tripadvisor: See 1,118 traveller reviews, 687 candid photos, and great deals for Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort, ranked #6 of 65 hotels in Flagstaff and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

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Movie Scenes So Offensive They Had to Be Cut - YouTube

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