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$15 to $1,500 cash game only challenge completed!

Hey guys wanted to share my little journey with you guys, leave this up as a milestone marker, and ask you guys for your opinions on what i should do next.
August 2020 i got an email from Americas card room trying to get me to come back and play on their site. They credited my account $10 and i had another $5 in unclaimed rakeback from many years ago
I was bored so i decided "I'm not going to deposit shit because last time i went on tilt and busted my account on roulette/ blackjack after a couple bad beats and i know thats what they want, but i will take this $15 and play 2nl seriously and try to run it up with strict bankroll management only moving up with 25+ buy ins and avoid roulette/BJ no matter what"
I started playing 2 tables (then 4 later on) of 2nl August 27th 2020 and played well/ ran really well (70bb/100 for 5,000+ hands was pretty swell)...
2nl Graph https://ibb.co/qFtMzn0
Once i quickly hit $125 for 25 buy ins i moved up to 5nl (and only played 2nl after that when i was bored/ tired at 4am to not screw my roll up too much)
5nl graph https://ibb.co/sgLwLxj
Once i had 30 buy ins i moved up to 10nl fast fold and regular tables where i have been since, surprisingly my fast fold win rate is even slightly higher than my 10nl reg tables (both 10-11bb/100). I'm now playing 12 regular tables at a time 8x 6 max + 4x 9max and still winning pretty solid.
10nl reg+blitz graph https://ibb.co/V9LMyqh
Total graph as of today $1,645 total https://ibb.co/z6YbH84
Best part is no matter how tilted i got i stayed off of roulette and blackjack for 5 months now and learned its ok to go to sleep down $ and not to chase losses.
Also like 80% of these hands were played at horrible hours like 12am-6am eastern so the games were way tougher, the few times i played at prime time hours on a friday i won like 10 buy ins in 3 hours 12 tabling ... https://ibb.co/Yt8bnb0
So the question is where do i go from here? Im having fun at 10nl and have easily made The Beast promo for free $50 every week for the past month. I'm rolled for 25nl, but i wonder if maybe i should do 1 month of a poker training site first...
For me which would u guys suggest (i only play cash games) 1 month of Upswing or 1 month of Johnathan Littles pokercoaching.com site? I think he has a 30 day cash game challenge course. Both are $99
Anyone know how much harder 25nl on ACR is than 10nl blitz?
Should i maybe withdraw some and go to Ignition instead for 25nl +sign up bonus?
submitted by VeritasXIV to poker [link] [comments]

Elements of Dust: Nature's Wrath, Mankind's Commodity

Okay, I talked about the properties shared by all kinds of Dust. Now we look at the individual kinds.

Old Questions Left Unanswered

It has been confirmed that the four basic types are the classical Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water.
We don't know what kinds of Dust (if any) can be used raw, and what kinds need to be "refined". Is refining more difficult for some kinds than others?
We don't know how Dust becomes "agitated" and how it might be "calmed".
Do certain types occur more often in certain environments than others? Is Water Dust found most often in the ocean floor, and Air Dust in mountain peaks? Does it appear almost at random, with one deposit potentially containing all naturally-occurring varieties?

Supply and Demand

"Dust A might be better at Dust B at a given job, but B gets more commonly used due to economic reasons. And not just because B is cheaper or more commonly available than A. There could be a high demand for A in a greater variety of applications than B, leading to a shortage of A and thus driving prices for A up. B which has far less demand is cheaper and more available, and thus gets plugged in as a cheap alternative to A despite B's inferior performance." - Spacebattles user "evilauthor"
That's not even counting how the relative availability of Dust types can change. If the market has been supplied by twenty Fire Dust mines for decades, but then half of those mines run dry over the course of a few years, the market must undergo some drastic changes it was not prepared for, not only resulting in some technologies falling out of favor, but legions of devices being abandoned.
By the same token, various mining companies discovering a new windfall of Dust B which was previously in short supply can leave the market with just as much of Dust A as before, but the technologies relying on Dust A become discarded because Dust B is considered either more efficient or just cheaper for the same task, and the sudden surplus of Dust A results in a boom in another area previously considered too low a priority for Dust A.

Some terms for clarity

A turbine is a machine that uses one source of mechanical (kinetic) energy to serve as another source of mechanical energy. For example, a river-powered waterwheel that turns another wheel which grinds wheat into powder.
An engine is a machine that turns internal explosions into mechanical energy.
A generator is a machine that turns mechanical energy into electrical energy. A device can be both a turbine and generator or an engine and generator, to convert mechanical energy or internal explosions more-or-less directly into electricity.
A motor is a machine that turns electrical energy into mechanical energy. A motor is fueled by a generator or a battery.
Regarding ammunition: The entire object one loads into a small-arms gun is called a round or a cartridge. The bullet is simply the head which serves as the projectile (when it is not instead made with shot, as for shotgun rounds), but a whole round also includes the propellant (gunpowder), the casing (or shell), and the primer. A "blank" is a cartridge without a bullet.
Bullets can be tipped or filled with Dust of almost any type for various purposes There is no particular reason for these tips to be be same kind of Dust as the cartridge's propellant, which is good, because some kinds of Dust cannot be used as cartridge propellant. However, most ammunition on Remnant probably uses simple, solid-lead bullets for their projectiles, because it’s not always advisable to pepper the woodlands with fire and lightning. Besides, it’s cheaper, and quantity can be its own quality.
Rockets are roughly like cartridges, except that the whole casing remains whole when it is launched. Their heads are always tipped or filled with Dust or some other kind of explosive material.
Grenades are extremely varied, but one of the simplest and the most iconic types also has primers, which (after a delay period in which you are advised to throw them far away) ignite the "explosive charge". The whole thing is contained in a shell which is designed to break apart into fragments that fly around and shred everything nearby. These are fragmentation ("frag") grenades.


Fire Dust is king. It may not be the best at everything it does, but it is very effective at everything it does, and it does a lot of very important things.
For Dust-mages, it’s a deadly weapon by itself, but anyone can trigger it as an explosive bomb. It can be used as gunpowder, explosive or incendiary tips for bullets, the explosive charge of a fragmentation grenade or incendiary grenade, and the warhead of a rocket or missile. Mixed with other, non-Dust chemicals, Fire Dust could be used to create even better forms of explosive materials or some truly unholy forms of napalm and white phosphorous.
Industrially, Fire Dust melts the hardest of metals for purification, alloying, and welding. In the modern day, Fire Dust serves as the fuel for combustion engines, but it also served as the fuel for earlier steam engines. If you could afford sufficient supplies of Fire Dust, you didn't need to carry a supply of wood or coal to heat the water supply of a portable or vehicular steam engine.
Even in an era where electric heaters might be possible, Fire Dust would be more efficient for the task. Even so, Fire Dust never replaced wood or coal fires for outdoors living for the simple fact that Fire Dust doesn't grow on trees, and using flint, tinder, or matches is cheaper.
Yang's short-range rounds might be Fire Dust blanks; cartridge casings full of propellant but without bullets, slugs, or even buckshot. The cartridge's propellant alone could produce a concussive plume of fire just long enough to blast and burn Yang's target after her fist impacts it.
Yang's long-range rounds use bullets filled with enough Fire Dust to explode on contact with a target's surface.
Nora's rocket-propelled grenades seem to use Fire Dust for both propellant and payload, though it seems her Aura colors the flames in her shade of pink.
Cordovin did not reveal if her Argus mecha had a Fire Cannon mode when that should have been one of the most efficiently lethal options at her disposal.


If the stone produced by Earth Dust is permanent, then it is the queen to Fire Dust's king.
In a world where vanishingly few people have stone-molding Semblances like Glynda Goodwitch, anyone can learn to use Earth Dust to conjure solid stone structures from nothing. It's so much better than concrete.
Concrete sucks. It's weak and lasts a few decades at best, whereas solid stone structures can last for centuries. The advantage of concrete is that it is cheap and can be poured into any form you need. Earth Dust may not be as cheap as concrete, but might be cost-equivalent to quarrying, moving, and mortaring solid blocks of stone, and it shares concrete's advantage of letting you make any form you need as a single, solid piece.
Earth Dust saves you the necessity of using heavy-construction vehicles like backhoes and cranes, and tools like concrete casts. It is queen among Dust for its value in quickly erecting defensive barriers and fortified shelters against the Grimm, or creating instant bridges across chasms that you can then collapse behind you to cut off their ability to follow. Dust-mages can also use Earth Dust to skewer Grimm upon sudden spikes of stone, or crush them with flying or falling boulders.
A Dust-mage who loads bracelets and anklets with Earth Dust could potentially fight very much like an Earthbender from Avatar: the Last Airbender. Though Toph's seismic sense would be an intelligence-type Semblance.
Earth Dust cannot be used for gunpowder, as the expanding mass of stone would destroy all but the most specialized of gun barrels. However, the same expansion could allow Earth Dust to be used as the explosive charge of fragmentation grenades.
Earth Dust would be tricky to use in bullet tips or warheads, as you would want the Dust to trigger just before impact so as to increase the mass of the projectile before it hits; once the energy of the initial impact is already spent, a sudden increase in mass will not increase the force of the blow... though it can certainly provide stopping power by creating a wall, or just a boulder, or perhaps even a spray of slippery gravel all over the ground.
Proximity triggers or remote detonators might work for warheads but be too expensive for mere bullets. Grenades can be used without a secondary trigger if the delay of their explosion is properly timed with the arc of the throw to cause a suddenly enormous rock to fall on your target's head.
Weiss prefers to carry Hard Light Dust in Myrtenaster, but in Mistral she settled for Earth Dust as a cheaper and acceptably effective substitute.
I suppose the mecha at Argus had an Earth Cannon mode to create emergency walls to protect allies and civilians, but cannot explain why Cordovin used it as a weapon against our heroes when other modes would have been more dangerous and not provided them with cover against later shots.


Continuing the similarities to Avatar: The Last Airbender, using raw Air Dust is very much like Airbending – relatively pathetic on the attack, but absolutely amazing for personal mobility.
Early Dust-mages of Remnant were probably using this stuff to mask the sounds and scents of their passage from the Grimm when possible, and to hasten their escapes when not. With some inventive tools and clothing, gliding through the air over short distances would be possible – but only short distances, since Dust runs out and climbing too high in the sky will attract the attention of all of the flying Grimm in the area.
Nowadays, Air Dust is probably used in airships for jet propulsion, and it might also be mixed with Earth Dust to create the Gravity Dust so vital for lifting Atlas's flying bricks into the sky.
Air Dust can also be used for gunpowder and rocket propellant. Indeed, whereas Fire Dust creates heat and expanding gas, Air Dust creates only expanding gas.
If Air Dust produces more gas than Fire Dust with virtually no waste heat, it might be not only the superior form of gunpowder, but also the superior form of "combustion" engine fuel (especially for machines meant to operate in hot environments).
Air Dust might be similarly effective as the explosive charge in bullet tips and fragmentation grenades.
Mercury Black's ammunition deserves special mention. It seems to me that his cartridges are all Dust and no bullet, and thus he is employing his own skill at Dust-casting to weaponize the forces he conjures. This makes perfect sense to me, since his father stole his Semblance and forced him to learn how to fight and kill with universal skills alone.
As far as I can tell, the purpose of Cordovin's mech's air cannon is knocking multiple, small, flying, fragile targets (such as the swarming Manticores) out of the air with quick and wide blasts, whereas its other projectiles require more charge-up time or more precision and so are better used against larger, tougher, slower targets (such as the Leviathan).


The Avatar party stops here; casting Water Dust around isn’t Waterbending, plain and simple. A true Waterbender could fight for hours with whatever water is at hand, but a Dust-mage can only hurl water as long as he has Water Dust to burn. When the Dust is gone, the conjured water is soaking uselessly into the ground, and the Grimm are still coming.
Waterbending was never one of the offensively stronger forms of Bending, either. Sure, a water-whip hurts, but scorching flames, paralyzing lightning, and flash-freezing ice are immediately deadly. Projectile rocks conjured with Earth Dust could hold sharp cutting edges so much more easily than water. Even concussive Wind Dust blasts would probably be faster and farther-reaching because of air’s lighter mass.
Waterbending could reward patience and defense in a way that Water Dust just can’t. Air Dust runs out just as quickly, but is very effective when used for a quick getaway rather than to stand and fight. Using Water Dust for the same thing requires a body of water to travel over or through.
Additionally, if the water produced by Water Dust is elementally pure water, it's not even safe to drink.
If Dust can be used to exert control upon the existing world rather than simply adding to it. If Water Dust could be spent to gain temporary hydrokinesis, then it could be used medicinally, particularly with first aid and major surgery.
Otherwise, the best value of Water Dust is mixing it with other types to create more useful hybrid forms. Such as:


Potentially a hybrid of Water and Air Dust, though being a combination of Water and Earth would also make sense.
Used directly as a weapon by Dust-mages, ice is superior to fire or lightning in many respects. The flash-freezing cold violently ruptures and destroys flesh, without any risk of starting uncontrollable fires. Heavy frost can be used to weigh down, lock, and capture targets, preventing them from chasing you or defending themselves far longer than the paralysis caused by short-lived currents of electricity. Ice formations can also be used to create temporary alterations to the battlefield in ways akin to Earth Dust.
Ice Dust was also the easiest way to preserve food before the invention of electric refrigeration, and in the modern day is an invaluable way of keeping hard-working machines at optimal temperatures.
Very much like Earth Dust, Ice Dust cannot be used for gunpowder, as the expanding mass of ice would destroy all but the most specialized of gun barrels, while the same expansion could allow Ice Dust to be used as the explosive charge of fragmentation grenades.
Indeed, Ice Dust could be used very much like Earth Dust in modern forms of ammunition, when it is used simply to produce hunks of ice. Otherwise, you would use Ice Dust in bullet tips, warheads, or grenades which are not designed to explode with concussive force but simply to release and trigger the Dust to freeze a target from the inside or outside.
For engineering irony, you might be propelling a Freezer-tip bullet or Freezer-warhead... with Fire Dust.


Another Water-hybrid type more valuable than pure Water Dust.
Steam Dust is obviously unparalleled for fueling steam engines. Whereas pure Fire Dust allows you to forego a supply of wood or coal for heating a water supply, Steam Dust allows you to also go without needing a water supply.
What's more, Steam Dust produces less waste heat than Fire Dust, while producing more expanding gasses, so on top of reducing the weight of your fuel, you're increasing the horsepower and reducing issues with overheating.
I'm told that while combustion engines are more efficient at providing a varying level power on demand (desirable fora motorcycle or automobile), steam engines are superior to combustion engines at providing a steady flow of constant power (desirable for large, long-distance vehicles like trains and ships). Then you consider how Steam Dust allows one to design a steam engine just as small and portable as a combustion engine, which is impossible for us on Earth.
Imagine if the most desirable form of vehicular Dust engine in Vacuo uses Steam Dust. Build the engine to collect the water vapor in a filtered tank, and you can create a supply of potable water as you travel across the desert. Efficient!
I have no idea how effective Steam Dust could be as gunpowder or an explosive charge.


If Lightning Dust is a hybrid of Fire and Air Dust, all of Lightning Dust's value only further cements Fire Dust's place as king.
Properly applied, electricity is just as effective a weapon against Huntsmen as Grimm. Aura reduces the damage taken from electrification but cannot protect human nerves from going haywire and seizing up muscles. It’s no accident that Raven used an electric shock to Cinder’s face to render her defenseless against a slower-acting freeze attack.
But proper application is the tricky part.
Lightning is one of only two elements we haven't seen Weiss shoot at someone (the other being Gravity). Apparently Schnees can use Lightning Dust to give her Glyphs the ability to bend time somehow, but Weiss has never thrown a lightning bolt at anyone. When Amber weaponized a storm against Emerald and Mercury, the bolts slammed down from the heavens like normal. When Raven used magically-conjured lightning against Cinder, it was with a physical palm strike.
It seems like Dust casting and even actual magic has a hard time overcoming the fact that air is a terrible conductor for electricity, which stubbornly refuses to flow anywhere but the path of least resistance.
One way to create such a path is plasma-projection technology, as seen in Neptune’s rifle or the cannon of Cordovin’s mecha. Since plasma is super-heated gas (air or otherwise), this technology might involve pure Fire Dust to provide the heat as well as the Lightning Dust necessary to charge the gas.
Much simpler technology allows anyone to pick up a Lightning Dust-fueled arc welder or cattle prod.
Lightning Dust absolutely cannot be used as a propellant in cartridges. Instead, it is used to fuel rail guns and coil guns, which convert the electricity into magnetic force for launching non-cartridge projectile. These projectiles might be the aforementioned pockets of gas super-heated into plasma and then charged with electricity... but they could also be simple slugs of solid metal. Or shells loaded with more Dust, of any variety.
Regardless of how they are propelled, armor-piercing projectiles tipped with Lightning Dust are a doubly-effective way to deal with particularly tough Grimm, but will be less effective against Huntsmen if it is not possible to injure a warrior with an attack without first breaking their Aura. Any armor-piercing round which fails to penetrate will deliver a much briefer shock, wasting most of its energy as the bullet falls to the ground. A round which over-penetrates (such as against weak Grimm or Aura-broken humans) is very inefficient unless you needed to hit a second target behind the first.
Most forms of Dust can be used to fuel electrical generators, but all of them are best used only as backups for when you run out of Lightning Dust, which skips the need for a generator entirely. Just hook it up to the wires and set it off.
Additionally, electric motors are more efficient at generating horsepower than combustion engines. In our world, we’re held back by the inferior potential energy of batteries compared to gasoline, but Lightning Dust should have comparable potential to Fire Dust.
Yet the internal combustion engine of Yang's bike, Bumblebee, suggests to me that Fire Dust is more plentiful and therefore cheaper than Lightning Dust. Which fits with the possibility that it is a hybrid of two basic types of Dust.
But I figure that for certain machines on which you want to spare no expense, the superior mechanical efficiency of Lightning Dust is the objectively correct solution. For instance, Penny’s body, which her father would want to run as long and silently as possible.
(Especially for any Dust contained in her head to serve as an emergency back-up battery to maintain the memory-life of the brain in the event of separation from the main energy supply in her torso. {crosses fingers})


Presumably a hybrid between Air and Earth Dust, and one that can be found raw in the wild. What’s more, this is the only form of Dust we’ve seen that effects its environment without any obvious triggering force. Is this "agitated" Dust? Is it normal for hybrid types to be agitated?
Regardless, the most obvious use of Gravity Dust is lifting large, heavy things and suspending them in mid-air. The most extreme example would be Atlas doing this with their entire capital city, in what appears to be a staggeringly arrogant defiance of good sense. Amity Coliseum at least needs to fly across continents and oceans to justify its levitation.
Gravity Dust can also be used to exert great force through some unknown mechanism; perhaps by changing an object's definition of "down" and increasing the pull of "down" upon it. A Dust-mage like Maria can use Gravity Dust to control her paired weapons, Life and Death, as though through telekinesis or magnetism.
Thus, Gravity Dust joins Fire and Air in the exclusive club of Dust types that can be ground into sand and used as gunpowder. Indeed, it might far more powerful in this purpose than either Fire or Air, though if Gravity Dust is normally "agitated", this propellant might be more rare because of higher processing costs.
Maria could use Gravity Dust alone to produce projectiles with little or no recoil; presumably by accelerating pockets of air.
Ruby’s Gravity Cartridges might be blanks; after she switches to them in the Red Trailer, she ceases to use Crescent Rose as a ranged weapon and no particular projectile is seen; just a short-range blast that she uses only once, to kill the final Beowolf, right in the face. In RWBY Chibi, attempting to use her Gravity Cartridges for a firing-range exercise becomes more understandable as a joke if they cannot actually hit targets downrange. Indeed, if her preferred Gravity Cartridges are blanks with no bullet to shoot, then they might be designed to focus most of their force backwards rather than forwards, which definitely seems to fit how Ruby used the rounds principally to throw herself around the battlefield.
Gravity Dust might be effective as an an explosive charge for bullet-tips or fragmentation grenades. A specialized grenade could create super-gravity zone to root its victims in place. A special "sticky mine" could be slapped on a normally ground-bound victim to subject them to the helplessness of zero-gravity.
Weiss carries up to six varieties of Dust at a time, most of which more easily produce projectiles. She has only ever been seen to use Gravity Dust to enhance the pushing or pulling effects of her basic Glyphs, or to channel the Dust into a nearby input Glyph to create an anti-gravity/super-gravity zone out of a paired output Glyph.

Hard Light

Invented in the Great Kingdom of Atlas, Hard Light Dust is the only type known to be exclusively artificial, and furthermore the rarest and most expensive kind. It’s also easily the newest form of Dust we know about, which means there’s less traditional wisdom about how to best use it or counter it.
Like Earth and WateIce Dust, it creates solid structures. But the constructs it forms last only for a short time (perhaps 30 seconds or less), unless sustained by expending more Dust. Obviously, this transience and rate of use only serves to make Hard Light Dust more rare and expensive.
Velvet Scarlatina doesn’t use Hard Light because she wants to; it’s the only Dust that provides the kind of flexibility her Semblance demands.
If I had to guess whether Hard Light is cooler or warmer to the touch, I would suppose it is burning hot. Velvet could mimic Weiss using a fiery parry with Myrtenaster and a devastating projected energy beam from Penny’s bits. The solidity of icy constructs might also be possible, though without the cold. I would further suppose that Velvet is not burned by her own projected weapons because the constructs are invested with her own Aura.
Velvet's weapons being burning hot would be in keeping with her inspiration. The Velveteen Rabbit and other toys were infected with the Scarlet Fever and so were burned to destroy the disease. So Velvet's toybox burns her photographs to make her toys, which are themselves burning hot before they vanish.
But I could be wrong. The constructs might be ice-cold, or simply lukewarm.
A Dust-mage could use Hard Light Dust to create temporary structures. Create a wall in the moment that he needs to block an enemy's movement or attack, which is gone by the time an ally needs to move or attack through that space. Create a bridge, ramp, slide, stair, ladder for his ally to use that disappears before an enemy can use it to follow her.
Velvet needs to use photographs and a projector because the weapons she needs to reproduce are often complicated machines, and even the simple ones vary wildly in shape, size, and mass.
The projector built into Cordovin's mecha is bigger than Velvet, let alone her box, and it only needs to project a protective barrier that constantly changes shape as the mecha moves. The other projectors we see across Remnant are larger still, but only need project one simple, unchanging shape: Walls.
Velvet's box surely uses a computer to scan her photographs and calculate what to project, and the Lightning Dust needed to fuel that component only further compounds her costs. It's worse if she also needs Ice Dust to keep the computer and projector cool. Cordovin's mecha might not need a computer if the central projector device in the back is networked with projectors across the machine's whole body. The wall projectors surely need no computers at all.

Plant (added 1/24/2020, before the post is archived)

There's no making cartridge propellant out of this.
You might use it to fill bullets. Hollow-point bullets could explode on the surface of hard targets to try trapping them inside explosively-growing vines, brambles, or a tree. Armor-piercing bullets could either explode with such things inside the target, or perhaps release a plant-derived poison.
Plant-mages could use this Dust directly for similar effects, and possibly Pokemon Grass-type attacks like Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, and Sleep Dust.
Commercially, Plant Dust might be used to outright create edible plants, or perhaps get ground up into fertilizer. Mistral might be using Plant Dust to conjure up wood as hard as steel for making their wooden airships.

Would Lava Dust be effective?

If Lava Dust actually exists, you would obviously need to combine Earth Dust and Fire Dust, but all of that heat must come from the Fire Dust alone.
The lower end of fresh lava’s average temperature is somewhere around 1292° Fahrenheit. That is so hot that the air around it will vaporize your lungs upon your first breath… at least, without the protection of Aura. Assuming that Fire Dust is capable of reliably producing that kind of heat, regardless of the power or skill of the person igniting it, the Fire Dust would seem to be enough to kill or destroy most anything a person would want, without needing the Earth Dust.
In fact, the thermal energy produced by the Fire Dust would actually be reduced by the work necessary to melt the conjured stone of Earth Dust, resulting in cooler temperatures than a conjuration of flames alone. But a blast of pure, untempered fire at those temperatures is more than capable of producing molten rock or metal from the materials in one’s immediate environment.
Therefore, it would actually seem more efficient to use Fire Dust to blast your target with pure heat, burning them alive and melting the ground underneath them, and then use Earth Dust by itself to throw that supply of molten rock at another target. (Which very well could have been what Cinder did against Glynda in the first episode.)
All of this assumes that your average Dust-caster is even capable of using your average supply of Fire Dust to produce temperatures hot enough to instantly melt stone. So far, such feats have only been achieved by someone with the magical power of the Fall Maiden. Even the molten earth that Cinder used against Amber was actually heated by Amber’s own magic-born fire.
Basically, if I had my way, the hybrid of Fire and Earth Dust should result in something other than Lava Dust. And why not? We suppose that Air and Fire produces Lightning, not "hot air Dust", and that Air and Earth Dust doesn't produce "sandstorm Dust" but instead Gravity Dust, which is only metaphorically related to either element.

Bonus: Dust and Automobiles

"I once asked back in Volume 2 what kind of Dust Remnant vehicles used as fuel, and I have since become convinced that the answer is, "What make and model is the vehicle?" is the real answer. Because given the wide variety of Dust types you can use as fuel, what a vehicle runs on is probably as customizeable as the vehicle's paint job, its upholstery, and just about anything else people like to change." - Spacebattle's user "evilauthor"
And then you have to consider Remnant's folding/collapsing/"mecha-shifting" technology. If Yang can design, build, and maintain something as ridiculous as Ember Celica, then manufacturers can build adaptable engines which civilians can afford to buy and pay mechanics to repair.
I imagine that automobiles on Remnant have multiple fuel tanks, each connected to a hybrid, transforming engine / motor / turbine that turns a wheel axle. A cross-country driver may have to carefully monitor multiple fuel gauges and make frequent decisions about which type of Dust to use for different legs of the journey, depending on how hot or cold the weather gets, how silent they need the machine to be, and what sort of Dust they can buy at their next stop.


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